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So... How was your day?

SamlishSamlish Posts: 232 Member
So um, I've been playing for 5 hours. I've seen a toddler age up to a teen in one playthrough today. He was on the honor roll as a child. (Proud simmer moment.) Uhm, I got a dog for the family and thought that I saved my game before she was taken away. So I thought "well I don't want to readopt the dog since her birthday is coming up" (she would've aged up without me seeing it :( ) and I went to the main menu. I didn't save except for 3 hours ago. I've lost 3 hours of gameplay, and my teen was a child and there was no dog anywhere to be seen in that save file. So I deleted the save file. Anyway how was your day? :D

Edit: All of that happened while it was her (the dog) birthday :disappointed:
Post edited by Samlish on


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    CravenLestatCravenLestat Posts: 13,735 Member
    Well since your game asploded :#

    Will not be submitting anything at this time,that would be like salting the wounds


    I Play Sims 3 On A Potato

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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Samlish - I don't want to make you feel worse after that ordeal (my day was horrible, in case that helps), but you can't re-adopt a dog if it has been taken away by the pet care social worker. Or do you have a mod in play that actually does make that possible? Generally the town feels that if a sim is not capable of keeping the pet healthy and happy, it does not wish to see them reunited.

    Or perhaps I'm reading too much into this and you were playing TS4, but posted on the wrong forum board? :/
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    blazerntqblazerntq Posts: 2,409 Member
    @Samlish Sorry that you lost all that time. Hope your next play session goes better.

    @igazor Sorry that you had a horrible day. Hope your next day is better.

    I am currently trying to decide if I want to play. Slept for most of the day so I will be awake all night.
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    SamlishSamlish Posts: 232 Member
    @igazor Really? I've heard that you can readopt a pet taken away, and I believe (it's been awhile) I've done it before? Also I'm sorry you've had a bad day and I hope the next day is better! I was on TS3 when this happened :P
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited August 2020
    @Samlish - Hmm. You know what, now that I think about it I've never let a pet get taken away so I can't really speak from first-hand experience. If I find it too difficult to maintain their social needs, which can be the tricky one, the obvious (to me) solution is to get them another pet so they can socialize with each other. Keeping them fed, safe, and happy doesn't usually seem like that much of a burden.

    So anyway, perhaps I was going on a false assumption that re-adoption would not be possible unless one is using mods and moves in very quickly with MasterController to make that happen, before the pet gets removed from the scene and possibly the world roster.

    And yes thanks, the next day (today) has been much better. The stress was mostly work-related, with a temporary not feeling well moodlet thrown in for extra fun. :)
    NRaas has moved!
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    blazerntqblazerntq Posts: 2,409 Member
    @igazor Happy to hear that today is going better. :)
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    SamlishSamlish Posts: 232 Member
    I really agree @igazor, their social needs are the hardest to maintain! Everything else seems pretty okay to handle.

    And this is late but I'm happy your day was better! :smile:
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I moved the rest of my save files back onto the computer (I'd put them on a USB stick before buying a new VR capable tower). Loaded one up that I hadn't played in years, the continuing story of the Livewell family. It started with a sociopath woman named Lisa Livewell who had the lifetime wish to marry into money, then outlive her spouse. Her first husband turned out to not be rich enough for her,and he had pre-teen daughter (also named Lisa). They took the Livewell name, and Lisa (Sr) killed her husband after they moved to Isle Paradisio and bought a houseboat. Turns out, he wasn't rich enough to proc the Lifetime Wish, probably due to moving, buying a large houseboat, and building it up. The 2nd husband was a young engineer and pioneer in the field of robotics. Lisa (jr) was around 15 when he died of starvation. His wife had convinced him to move the houseboat to a Dive Point, took down the ladder, and locked the access hatch from the bottom. She didn't restore access to the helm until a week after his death. Husband 3 she tricked into going diving with her into shark infested waters. She then cut his air hose, causing husband 3 to drown. Only for the Black Widow of Paradise to get eaten by a shark moments later.

    Anyway, Lisa Livewell Jr is an international supercop who now lives in Midnight Hollow, doing everything she can to distance herself from her step-mom's legacy. Other then the 3 plumbots her first stepdad made, she lives alone. Mind you, this is all setup. Today I loaded up the family, and was happily simming away. Lisa Jr is career focused to a fault, always willing to go in for some extra time. Start of the session she went to bed at 11pm (after getting home from work, showering, eating supper, and going strait to bed). Then at 3am she got called in for an emergency. That took until six am. She got home, had barely managed to eat a bowl of cereal, and got called in again due to another crisis. This time she got home at eleven am. She climbed into the bathtub for a nice long soak. After that she started to make an autumn salad, too tired to even consider using a stove or microwave. Only just as she was about to sit down and eat, her ride to work showed up. Despite going in twice already that day, she was still expected to go in for her scheduled 1-11 shift.

    By the time she got off work, Lisa was spitting nails. In fact, one of them almost hit the Chief of Police. They gave her the weekend off, and promised not to call her in unless it's a End of the World threat. Since Monday was Leisure Day, the one day of the year even notorious super criminals take off, Lisa was looking forward to sleeping for fifteen hours strait, as well as binge watching Willigan's Island. Saturday she did just that. Eating ice cream, watching mindless sitcoms of yesteryear, and just letting all her stress melt away. Sunday her arch rival/best friend called up and invited Lisa to a pool party. Her friend's a Super Villain in the criminal career. When on the clock, they are the deadliest of enemies. But when off the clock they like to kick back, shoot some pool, and drink a few beers together down at the local werewolf ran pub. It's a weird friendship. Sometimes they even talk shop, giving each other tips on how to improve.

    An hour into the pool party my game froze, and I hadn't saved yet since starting the session.
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    rubyskywalkerrubyskywalker Posts: 1,174 Member
    @Faerie197 Ummm in sims language it's juice or nectar :wink:
    Origin ID and TS3 Username: DollyGizzy
    Hoping to complete the Brunch at the Old Mill set for CYS. 16 items left.
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Maybe, but we know what it really is :) The annoying thing was losing several hours of playtime like that. Especially since I replayed that month week of in-game time. the Just Us police station had even more of a melt down. Called her in 3 times in two days of work for a shift in the middle of the night or after work already ended for the day, then had to work an extra 8 hours while already stressed out from overwork as part of the 2nd day's scheduled shift, then got called in 2 to 3 times a day all weekend long. Yes, even on Leisure Day. It's like once you get promoted to Tier 7 the department can't even tie their shoes without it becoming a crisis if you aren't there.
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    SamlishSamlish Posts: 232 Member
    I was so annoyed when I lost my hours of playtime the other day! I was (and still am) so bummed out :(
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Samlish wrote: »
    I was so annoyed when I lost my hours of playtime the other day! I was (and still am) so bummed out :(

    We've all been there. And it does suck. Especially since even if you jump right back in, things never go exactly the same way.
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    IreneSwiftIreneSwift Posts: 6,247 Member
    I've been working on my CAW project. I've got it installed in the game, and am going through all the lots one by one, looking for lot tears, terrain offsets, terrain paint that shifted from where it belongs, houses that need some plants in the front yard, etc. As I finish each one, I save it. I'll use these new saved lots for placing the houses in CAW, in Edit In Game. My town is going to be full of store items, and Edit In Game doesn't like store items. So I have to make the world in parts, then copy the lots to the base version. Once I do that, I can never take my world into EIG again, so I have to make sure everything is right before I put it all together. I feel like I'm getting close to being done, and I'm feeling good about it. But I also have to build two ports and a dive lot, and I'm not the least bit excited about those.
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    alwaysraeealwaysraee Posts: 36 Member
    You guys ever get a few new packs but cant play them because you have to take care of stuff in real life? I'm house shopping with my family so I won't really have time to play today. I just cant wait to get back home later on tonight lol *sigh*
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    Faerie197Faerie197 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Know that feeling too. When I bought Seasons, Uni, Pets, and Showtime I got quite annoyed cause the power went out JUST as the last of them finished installing. Power didn't come back on till noon the next day, which annoyed me even further since it meant everything in my fridge and freezer had to be tossed since I'd had no electricity for 35 hours. So I had to make an emergency grocery run as well, delaying getting to fart around with my new EP even further.
    Fear not the fae, for they are harmless. Anger not the fae, beware their wraith. Harm not the fae, fear the Faerie Knight.
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    alwaysraeealwaysraee Posts: 36 Member
    @Faerie197 the power going out in the middle of playing is the worst. I’ve been there smh
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited August 2020
    Fighting yet another stupid throat infection. 2x250mg of Clarythromycin twice a day for ten days. ~sigh~. And trying to play 11 Sims at the same time in one least one thing is enjoyable and it's not the throat infection.

    Update: 8hrs later... second dose at 0816 this morning. This coughing though is driving me nucking futs.
    Post edited by Nikkei_Simmer on
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    SamlishSamlish Posts: 232 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer I hope you feel better soon <3
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited August 2020
    Just installed Monte Vista - two years after I got it for Christmas 2018. Now to have some fun with that stone oven.
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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