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What happened in your sims 3 game today?


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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    Morning/Evening Everyone! :smiley:

    Wow lots of posts and comments I need to reply to since last night. I love it! :smiley:

    Doing my best to stay positive right now, as there's still so much uncertainty in the world right now.

    @GraceyManor Uber bummer girl! From the symptoms you told me you were having I was wondering... I guess it took a while for the test results to come back? I can't believe how long it takes, but it's understandable.
    Glad to hear the symptoms are mild and you being young is definitely a plus in getting better. ;) Hang in there. <3

    @Silverofdreams30 Aww, thanks. You're too sweet also. :kissing_heart:
    I can't for the love of sims build at all.
    ^LOL! :joy: Love that expression!
    Yeah I'm not sure what is up with SimFileShare, but it's bugging me. :grimace:
    Your lady sims are pretty and of course your guy sims look handsome. :love: I like Alexis and Glen. I wonder if I should have them hook up in a save. :blush:

    @Nikkei_Simmer Man buddy...if I had all the money in the world I would buy you a righteous new computer and send it all the way to Canada to you to alleviate your Sim withdrawals. <3 Hang in there.

    @bekkasan I know... :lol: I meant to watch reruns, but hubby didn't feel like watching it and then life would get in the way. I think it was on Netflix for a while, but then they removed it like they always do with the good shows. :unamused:
    Ha ha! King Aagda be like, "Yes, keep that kissing going and have it lead to the bedroom so that you can give me more grandbabies!" :lol::smirk:

    @Turjan Yes, I about lost a VERY important character of mine because of a meteor, one that is near and dear to my heart. (I say 'about,' because thank goodness he was carrying a death flower! :star: ) It was so devastating that I couldn't play for a couple of days afterward. :cry:
    That totally makes a lot of sense about coffee, and stuff with caffeine in it in general. I've actually found out over the years, mostly with trying weight loss pills which su'ck :confounded: and are seriously not good for you, that I have a caffeine allergy. (Or more like an intolerance) Large amounts of it can make me VERY agitated and cause other negative side effects. It was kinda scary the way I acted... :flushed:
    Yeah, in regards to Shane, in my mind, he has the genes that facilitate alcoholic addiction. :pensive: So it's gonna be rough for him.
    I don't really build after floorplans, I just prefer to change existing buildings. I don't know, but if I look at an empty lot, I usually see - nothing :smiley: .
    ^LOL! :joy: I'm very much the same! That's why I need floor plans because I don't know where to begin!
    That's mentioned being one who fully reads the thread :) and I'm glad because many people don't get my tags for some odd reason. It's annoying. :(
    I hope it works and results in no more crashes in your game. :star:
    Thanks for the reply comments. :blush:
    I like the name Alrik. :)
    Okay...Marcus on the bed here...Woo! :love: (Forgive me! :p )
    Calvin's room looks great!
    Sims have to announce the pregnancy before another sim can feel their belly? Hmm, I didn't realize that. :confused:
    Okay, I take the other picture back. This one takes the cake! :love: (BEEFcake! :joy: )
    Which custom skin do you use? It looks good on him. :)
    The robot panicking too over the labor. :lol:
    They had twins!? No wait, quads!? Did I read that right? :open_mouth: Oh boy...isn't that how it always is when an unplanned pregnancy happens in this game? :smirk: They're gonna be busy busy bees!
    "If only I could take that machine and get back when they reach childhood..."
    ^LOL! :joy: You're cracking me up this morning!

    @king_of_simcity7 No sign of the lockdown ending over in the states either. :( They just announced yesterday (here in Utah) that schools will be closed for the rest of the year. I wasn't surprised at all, but I feel sad for the graduating Seniors. :cry:
    To be honest I fear we're all going to be sitting here still until the end of Summer. :worried: My constant prayer is that the virus will be controlled by then.

    @Brandontaylor Yeah the pose for Jack was completely inappropriate. (Should've been rated R for that...) And I don't think a woman of her class would ask that of a man...but I guess they were trying to show her being rebellious. Even then, I don't think rebellious rich women in those days would've done that, especially while still living with their rich parents. Anyway! :lol:
    Oh a related note: My dad was SO excited to see the Pearl Harbor movie back then because his dad was on a mission in Hawaii when the attack happened and so the story has always fascinated him. The sexual stuff in it totally turned him off and he was disappointed. :( I don't blame him. (But teenage me was over on the sidelines like: Josh Hartnett! :love::lol: )
    I'll send you a reply PM once I get a chance. :blush:
    It seemed to plum out the name of that ship. :lol: Silly forum!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    @Turjan Is that a hint that they want another child?
    Yep, I guess it was. :D
    Congrats on the graduation!
    Whoops, I knew babies did weird things to a woman’s body but didn’t know that was one of them.
    Great update!
    I just love how Sims react to a Sim in labor.
    Congrats on the new additions!

    @GraceyManor Glad it’s not severe. Hope you get better soon, it can’t be fun.
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    CursedDiceCursedDice Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 2020
    Update. Ethan and Emily continue to fight

    49777916826_5072bfa26f_o.jpgScreenshot-839 by epic FUZZ, on Flickr

    But despite what he may think, Ethan will never win
    49777912911_09d261d655_o.jpgScreenshot-840 by epic FUZZ, on Flickr

    Tia and Ginette continued the tradition of trick or treating
    49777908461_ced45a7b0a_o.jpgScreenshot-841 by epic FUZZ, on Flickr

    Ginette mastered the guitar skill in front of an audience
    49778232752_4427757c8a_o.jpgScreenshot-842 by epic FUZZ, on Flickr

    49777899851_839a68eaec_o.jpgScreenshot-843 by epic FUZZ, on Flickr

    Francesca quit her job in sports and found a job in what she really wanted (culinary career), having already mastered cooking. She also got back into science, following up on her medicine degree by researching some samples
    49777897061_c67096fc82_o.jpgScreenshot-844 by epic FUZZ, on Flickr

    Melody made it to being a top level celebrity

    EDIT: I also have one Sim who is always terrified of thunder. Everyone else doesn't react
    Post edited by CursedDice on
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Ray: Morning Kimberly.How are you?
    Kimberly: Just fine and good morning to you to.Sis
    will be here soon, she's just dropping my parents off at work.
    Ray: Totally okay.

    While watching tv, a weather alert came over the weather station.
    "The National weather service in Fairview, has issued a Tornado
    watch for sumter county, until 5:45 EST.At : 3:30, doppler radar
    indicated a severe thunderstorm capable of producing a tornado.
    Those in the immediate area are urged to take adequate and immediate
    shelter.Move to the lower floor of your home, keep away from windows.
    Use blankets or pillows to cover your body.If in a mobile home or vehicle,
    evacuate to a sturdy shelter.If no shelter is available, lay flat in the nearest
    ditch or other low spot and cover your head with your hands."

    Kimberly: I wanna see!
    She ran outside to take a peak and was disappointed to see only rain.
    Ray: Please come back inside, common sense should tell you not
    to go out.
    Kimberly: Haven't you learned? I have no common sense. :D
    Ray: Please, just do this one favor for me?
    Kimberly: Oh fine.

    A half hr later her sister came running into the door.

    Piper: I saw it! You wouldn't believe the size of it.Its coming.
    Kimberly: Finally, I'm gonna go take a peak.
    Piper: No, you're not.You stay right here.
    Ray: She's righ,Kimberly.We should move downstairs.
    Kimberly: I just want a quick look.

    Kimberly: Its coming!
    Kimberly had never seen a tornado in person and was excited to see it, not fully
    understanding the danger that they truly are.Without a chance to respond, a huge
    tree trunk came flying, smacking into Kimberly, knocking her out instantly.


    Part 2 coming soon.

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,931 Member
    @Turjan thank you. I'm glad you're getting to watch the videos. I try to encourage people to like and comment on the videos themselves if possible because that way YouTube gets to recognise some people do actually watch them and that will hopefully get them recommended to more people. Since I got to 100 subscribers they seem to be putting the videos out there more because I've noticed a surge in new subscribers over the past week or so. I think I've got 9 in a couple of weeks when it would have previously taken at least 6 months to get that many new subscribers previously. That might be YouTube pushing it out to more people, or it might just be people are looking for things to watch now they can't go out so much as they did.

    As for the Group Science Project. When I built that external tower for it I thought I might fire it up, I usually don't. So I added all of those windows. Then I realised I had only 1 sim in the household and that thing needs 4, I think. But, if you watch the next two episodes you'll discover the making Imaginary Friends real issue has hit that household quite hard and we now have more than enough sims in the household to get it going. I usually place it deep in the basement and have occasionally got it fired up while down there but never noticed any issues with the locals. But in this game the locals keep interfering so it is highly likely they will continue to do so. I have a GSP in most of my saves. Some households end up with several of them. I generally just leave it up to the sims to use it or not, it gets them to the top of the science skill fairly fast once one of them has managed to do that to get the thing in the first place.
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    emorrillemorrill Posts: 8,135 Member
    edited April 2020
    HA HA! Look what I stumbled upon and I LOVE it! :joy::mrgreen:

    The caption from Reddit reads:
    Nice to see my boy Harvey in the new Mary Poppins Returns trailer


    Article here. Read the comments! :lol:

    Anyway, sim on my friends. :blush:
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited April 2020
    @king_of_simcity7 Oh, officially, things are still the same here, too, although a few smaller stores re-opened, and the big federal parks, which people complained about most. Some areas are still under strict quarantine though. What I referred to was that people seem to follow the rules less and less. Many are fed up at this point.

    @Evalen Ah, thanks for the explanation. I use mods, which means I would have less issues than a vanilla game, but deleting lots of rabbitholes can have negative consequences, and you deleted the town hall, if I see that right. I read that, sometimes, it's better to place the replacement first and delete the original afterwards.

    @Brandontaylor Thank you for the comments. Yes, I play on epic lifespan, mostly defaults, but shorter baby and toddler stages. Until day 915 (day 182 of the elder stage), sims are relatively safe. I should look how old Christopher Steel is now in my game.

    @emorrill Good your sim had a death flower. I guess events like that can make you become really cautious for a while.
    I didn't get the tag for your last post, either. I think, in my case, it happens more often when I write a post in WordPad and copy it over, but it's not a sure thing. Stuff happens. I think Gracey didn't get any notice from my last tag, either.
    Heh, yes, Marcus looks quite okay at the moment. I guess he has to hit the gym soon again, as he lost some definition. I use kurasoberina's Primer HD skin on all sims. Given I pretty much never use any make-up (what you see is Dresser's doing), skins where you have to "paint" much aren't really for me.
    I looked into a crystal ball and see a playpen in those sims' future, no, wait, make that two. I guess without abuse of that feature, I won't be able to cope with this. I'll see whether I have to move or split the household, as I don't expect the game to run very well at this point. Maybe, I move part of the family to Wolff Manor, which is quite isolated and on the edge. I have to remodel that one first though.

    @Karritz Glad you are happy with the development of your channel.
    Regarding the Group Science Project, I usually activate the green beam to make use of the doubled skill gain speed, which is quite powerful. For the white beam you technically need three "scientists", but you can actually also do it with one. Just observe the lights on the center part when they activate. I usually do a 3-2-3 sequence, which means switch the first time after the first three lights activate, then do the next two, then the last three. The sequence of which color station you use doesn't matter in my experience, you just have to use all three to roughly equal parts.
    I noticed the neighbor issue by "routing failure" messages when I had the GSP on Summer Hill Springs (the big lot at the end), which caused issues with the Landgraabs and the Altos, or in Twinbrook in DeAndre's house, where also the neighbors got issues. Both times, this happened because the GSP was within a fenced and locked area. On Summer Hill Springs I just moved it to the park.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    @Turjan, thanks, I hope you have better luck then I did. Let me know if you go forward with your project, would love to see what you do. Have fun.
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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    edited April 2020
    Ugh! I'm sick of this game. Why can't I just travel to Union Cove and drop off my 🐸🐸🐸🐸 sister? In the game, of course....
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    edited April 2020
    Well, think my computer is done for. It starts up and then says No Bootable Device. As I don’t have the disks for it, I don’t really know how to fix that. I’m going to be active on the forums but no more playing the game for now. I’ll keep you all updated if I get it working again.

    EDIT: Did some researching online and got things figured out. Hopefully the issue is fixed but at least I know what works to fix it now.
    Post edited by Brandontaylor on
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Ugh! I'm sick of this game. Why can't I just travel to Union Cove and drop off my 🌺🌺🌺🌺 sister? In the game, of course....

    I saw your post last night.You said you did something to files with a program.Perhaps
    that messed up the world.Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it?
  • Options
    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    Ugh! I'm sick of this game. Why can't I just travel to Union Cove and drop off my 🌺🌺🌺🌺 sister? In the game, of course....

    I saw your post last night.You said you did something to files with a program.Perhaps
    that messed up the world.Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it?

    Uninstall the world?
  • Options
    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Ugh! I'm sick of this game. Why can't I just travel to Union Cove and drop off my 🌺🌺🌺🌺 sister? In the game, of course....

    I saw your post last night.You said you did something to files with a program.Perhaps
    that messed up the world.Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it?

    Uninstall the world?
    yeah union cove

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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    @Gracey Manor: I uninstalled and I'm reinstalling now.
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    @ilikethesims30 let me know how it goes.I will try and install it and see what’s going on
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    @emorrill Yeah, it probably should have been R. I didn’t watch it in the theater, but saw it maybe when I was 10 or so. Of course, I didn’t know about Rose doing that scene so that was a bit of a shock for a young boy lol.
    I don’t think so either, I know some about that time period and it doesn’t seem likely.
    Ah, Pearl Harbor. Haven’t seen the full thing, just the first half or so. It does seem like movies want to focus on sex a bit too much. It’s not really necessary to the plot to show nudity. That’s cool about your grandpa being there. My great grandpa fought at the Battle of the Bulge during the war.
    Ugh, I know. It’s not a bad word, I swear.
    Lol, that’s funny. That guy could play Harvey in a movie.

    @CursedDice Emily is a tough woman, isn’t she?
    Great update!

    @GraceyManor Oh man, tornado watches and warnings are never fun. Had one of those already this spring and it spawned a weak one that did a little damage but not much.
    Rays right, they aren’t anything to just stand out and look at. Unfortunately, some people don’t heed warnings very well.
    Oh no, hope she is okay! That was a great update!

    @Turjan You’re welcome.
    I thought you did. I haven’t really played on a longer lifespan but sometimes I shut aging off.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    edited April 2020
    The same day as the drama with Melanie, Emily’s time was up. It was hard on the family but it was her time.

    Death didn't bother her, she was ready to go. She was younger than Christopher but he’s still alive.

    These are actual from almost a week ago but just now getting to them.

    Oh, forgot this. Some of you may remember when I shared that video from the Titanic: Honor and Glory game. Well, the group is still working on it but now they have it updated and are closer to releasing it. Since today (April 15) is the anniversary of the sinking, I thought I’d share this.;
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    Silverofdreams30Silverofdreams30 Posts: 7,217 Member


    Hehe Thank you, I hope you enjoy them and add any cc
    whatsoever to them.
    That guy really looks similar to Harvey without the glasses lol :D:p.


    Marcus is very handsome in those screenshots, I have tried that skin
    it's a good one.


    Have a good weekend coming.

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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    Do I have to do a total town reset? I had to do that last time.
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    CursedDiceCursedDice Posts: 978 Member
    @emorrill Yeah, it probably should have been R. I didn’t watch it in the theater, but saw it maybe when I was 10 or so. Of course, I didn’t know about Rose doing that scene so that was a bit of a shock for a young boy lol.
    I don’t think so either, I know some about that time period and it doesn’t seem likely.
    Ah, Pearl Harbor. Haven’t seen the full thing, just the first half or so. It does seem like movies want to focus on sex a bit too much. It’s not really necessary to the plot to show nudity. That’s cool about your grandpa being there. My great grandpa fought at the Battle of the Bulge during the war.
    Ugh, I know. It’s not a bad word, I swear.
    Lol, that’s funny. That guy could play Harvey in a movie.

    @CursedDice Emily is a tough woman, isn’t she?
    Great update!

    @GraceyManor Oh man, tornado watches and warnings are never fun. Had one of those already this spring and it spawned a weak one that did a little damage but not much.
    Rays right, they aren’t anything to just stand out and look at. Unfortunately, some people don’t heed warnings very well.
    Oh no, hope she is okay! That was a great update!

    @Turjan You’re welcome.
    I thought you did. I haven’t really played on a longer lifespan but sometimes I shut aging off.

    I think Emily has level 10 fitness so there's no way she's losing a fight
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    @CursedDice Lol, nope. It’s a good thing too because you never know when a burglar may show up. She should be able to take care of it.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,799 Member
    Even though the family just lost their matriarch, they still gotta eat. It was supposed to be a great end to a bad night for Melanie but of course that didn’t happen.

    Melanie was still stuck in her werewolf form. She didn’t have very good table manners either.

    Even though he was upset, Eric had some fireworks from a recent vacation so he set them off.

    Neither Melanie nor Christian got their homework done so I made sure to have them do so. I can’t remember if this was the same evening or early the next day.

    Eric has to get up earlier than everyone else because his carpool comes early.

    Fawn has been taking care of the garden since Emily died. For now, I put her grave in the garden as it only has one money tree. It’s going to be an all money tree garden with maybe a random plant or two every once in awhile.

    Christopher had an opportunity to finish so I let him. Before he could head home, he met up with his daughter Jessica.

    Since he was hungry, I had him use the picnic basket to eat. One of the local cops joined him and they had a nice chat. He is a descendant of town is but I’ll have to use NRAAS to find out who he belongs to.

    ***End of updates from me this week. I’ll have to wait until I can upload more pics and if my computer keeps working.
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    TurjanTurjan Posts: 1,717 Member
    edited April 2020
    @Brandontaylor That reminds me that I didn't have a death in the current virtual family in a long time. Do you use a family graveyard?
    Edit: Oh, more nice pics. :lol: at the werewolf. Plus, I have to make a note and use fireworks one day. No idea why I've never used any so far :blush: .

    @Silverofdreams30 Thank you. I'm very happy with that skin myself.

    @ilikethesims30 Weren't you trying to travel from one heavy hitter (SimMeapolis) to another (Union Cove)? You could probably have a look at your RAM usage, as that may be a bit too much to achieve. I found Union Cove to already be a slog on its own. A beautiful work of love, but the game is loading textures non-stop :smiley: .

    In my game, those babies were already taxing my patience for the one night they were existing as such. Fortunately, Alrik somehow found a liking to looking after them. He did the brunt of all the work over night. As a result, he was the one who had to help all babies with aging up :smile: .
    Alvina could get the kids out of the way while Alrik was dealing with one after the other.
    They went into the playpen.
    I know it's cheaty, but well, four is just a bit too much for my liking. I'll see that I can do some of the training with the parents to build a relationship. With the age span I use, it's a non-issue though. I've got 45 days for the toddlers.
    It's a breather for everyone. Kisha can now fully enjoy her mood swing :lol: .
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    GraceyManorGraceyManor Posts: 20,091 Member
    Not sure if you realized it or not, but when you qoute a post, it tags everyone
    in the post.If you're responding to a certain person you can use the @ with their username to tag
    just them.Otherwise everyone gets tagged and we think we all have a comment.
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    ilikethesims30ilikethesims30 Posts: 556 Member
    @Turjan : Yep. I am. So is kid sister stuck in SimMeapolis or can something else be done?

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