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I Just Want Burglar, Fireman, and Police NPCs.


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    floridameerkatfloridameerkat Posts: 1,190 Member
    Forgeron wrote: »
    I don't understand how someone can have pleasure playing a game that's so easy. No fires, no burglar. I understand how Vlad showing up in every first gameplay night can bem annoying, vampires are supposed to be hard to find/become one, but realistic things?! I want my Sims to HAVE to wash their dishes, otherwise they would attract bugs and cockroaches. I want my sim tô be more careful/afraid to cook by themselves for the first time, otherwise they'll set the house on fire. I want the Unsavory Charlatan + Burglar tô make my gameplay harder. I want to have to wash their clothes, pra make their beds. Clean puddles. Etc. Etc. Sims 4 life IS to perfect, everything makes my sim happy, there is no reward in trying to make them feel pleasure, but its also Impossible for them to feel bad even If i wanted too. Like... This is why I mainly build/design Sims... I wanted to bad to play A GAME, but there is no playability if you don't even need to cheat to have a rich sim/happy sim/a good relationships/attraction/etc

    I guarantee that if any of these things were mandatory, there would be tons of people complaining that they should have made them optional. I would probably be one of them, as I don't want to have to focus on mundane things like cleaning and laundry unless I choose to. And if players are forced to cheat to achieve anything in a game, it's not a good game. Why would you want that? Or am I misunderstanding your last sentence?
    Gallery ID: floridameerkat
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    ScobreScobre Posts: 20,665 Member
    Drakos wrote: »
    Scobre wrote: »
    Drakos wrote: »
    Meh. I hated wasting a trait just to fight burglars. And we have klepto sims if you need someone stealing from you. We have detectives, secret agents, space cops, and sims in black we are good on law enforcement IMO. Firefighters I’m fine with being replaced with a sprinkler. Hated that stupid active career in 3. Just my opinion but hard pass on these.
    I don't know, in Sims 2, if their fitness skill was high enough, they could beat them down really well, so doesn't have to be trait specific. Plus with the yoga skill, Sims are more than fit enough to take them down easily now.

    I skipped 2 so that is good to know, the only thing I liked about burglars in 3 was how dogs could "guard the house" and catch them. They didnt scare me, just bored me with their far too frequent failed burglery attempts and the useless cops that rarely managed to actually arrest them.
    Yeah they were smarter NPC in the Sims 2. The car alarms would scare them away.
    “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.” –Helen Keller
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    DrewRowlandDrewRowland Posts: 2,057 Member
    I definitely miss them. They could add an option for frequency of burglaries (including none). I know that I've had homes and apartments broken into a lot in the first two games, but it probably only happened three times in ts3. I miss ts2/ts1 frequency of burglaries.

    And it does seem ridiculous to have fire alarms but not firefighters.

    Just in general I miss service NPC's like that and NPC's like Bonehilda, the Social Bunny, Clair the Bear, the cake dancers, etc.
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    ChazzzyChazzzy Posts: 7,166 Member
    It seems that when game changers open their mouth, suddenly the tinyst problems become important to the developers.. ahum ahum.
    So that is what we seem to have to do now. Tragic.

    I guess the moral is we should hound the bigger Game Changers to death with our desires and hope they agree and talk about them on their channels.
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    amber_ilumireamber_ilumire Posts: 1,714 Member
    Forgeron wrote: »
    I don't understand how someone can have pleasure playing a game that's so easy. No fires, no burglar. I understand how Vlad showing up in every first gameplay night can bem annoying, vampires are supposed to be hard to find/become one, but realistic things?! I want my Sims to HAVE to wash their dishes, otherwise they would attract bugs and cockroaches. I want my sim tô be more careful/afraid to cook by themselves for the first time, otherwise they'll set the house on fire. I want the Unsavory Charlatan + Burglar tô make my gameplay harder. I want to have to wash their clothes, pra make their beds. Clean puddles. Etc. Etc. Sims 4 life IS to perfect, everything makes my sim happy, there is no reward in trying to make them feel pleasure, but its also Impossible for them to feel bad even If i wanted too. Like... This is why I mainly build/design Sims... I wanted to bad to play A GAME, but there is no playability if you don't even need to cheat to have a rich sim/happy sim/a good relationships/attraction/etc

    I totally agree - burglars, firemen, repo man etc. were all adding unpredictability and variety to the game in other versions. Without them there really aren't any meaningful failures or consequences in the game, like not paying your bills for example.

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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,916 Member
    Forgeron wrote: »
    I don't understand how someone can have pleasure playing a game that's so easy. No fires, no burglar. I understand how Vlad showing up in every first gameplay night can bem annoying, vampires are supposed to be hard to find/become one, but realistic things?! I want my Sims to HAVE to wash their dishes, otherwise they would attract bugs and cockroaches. I want my sim tô be more careful/afraid to cook by themselves for the first time, otherwise they'll set the house on fire. I want the Unsavory Charlatan + Burglar tô make my gameplay harder. I want to have to wash their clothes, pra make their beds. Clean puddles. Etc. Etc. Sims 4 life IS to perfect, everything makes my sim happy, there is no reward in trying to make them feel pleasure, but its also Impossible for them to feel bad even If i wanted too. Like... This is why I mainly build/design Sims... I wanted to bad to play A GAME, but there is no playability if you don't even need to cheat to have a rich sim/happy sim/a good relationships/attraction/etc

    I totally agree - burglars, firemen, repo man etc. were all adding unpredictability and variety to the game in other versions. Without them there really aren't any meaningful failures or consequences in the game, like not paying your bills for example.

    Yes. Real Life is not easy and I don't admire a game where teenagers, who the game is aimed at, don't get any consequences for stupid actions, like not having a fire or burglar alarm and be able to magically make things better. I was always annoyed with myself when I got burgled in Sims 2 but it educated me to play better and avoid burglars in the future. Fires in this game can also be annoying and difficult to avoid. They last too long and everything else stops. The last barbecue fire I had set fire to the fence and slowly went all the way round with neighbour Sims walking past and taking no notice at all. We must get the fire brigade back.

    The whole emphasis in the game was 'This is life. Deal with it' with all it's problems and there are consequences to what we do and we need to get back to that. Those 13 year olds in 2014 are 5 years older now Maxis.
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,714 Member
    I kinda miss them but at the same, I don't see the point of them in my game, personally. Cuz whenever there's a burglary, I just buy back the item or beat the poop of the burglar. At the end of day, nothing much changes. 🤷‍♀️
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    BabykittyjadeBabykittyjade Posts: 4,975 Member
    I want them back!! Free the babies and let us get robbed! It's just another detail that brings the game to life. Like I always say, it's the little details that are precious and memorable not the big flashy stuff.
    Zombies, oh please oh please give us zombies!! :'(
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    IcewolfIcewolf Posts: 709 Member
    I need them! I miss them so much. I miss having more negative events in The Sims 4. The game feels too safe at the moment, like to not trigger any people
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    SilentKittySilentKitty Posts: 4,665 Member

    I have got zero interest in Bonehilda, Claire the Bear or any other set npc. I have already got Father Winter and that is enough. I just want to make my own sims and have them in my world.

    At least I can use MCCC so that Grim does not start walking around the neighborhood.

    Hard pass on set npc’s but firefighters could be fun.
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    DrakosDrakos Posts: 451 Member
    I don't personally see these things as adding to difficulty, but rather tedium. I would be fine with say fires speading faster and things burning up quicker, but I dont need a NPC to come put the fire out for me. Klepto sims have stolen more from me in 4 than burglars ever did in 3 as well.
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    toxxictoxxic Posts: 11 New Member
    They should at least have firemen. It's really annoying when your sims start a fire and then you have to try to get them to put it out while they're freaking out and taking their route to safety. I think there's a sprinkler system but I never remember it. It's pointless to have them run out only to go back in to put out the fire.
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    KaronKaron Posts: 2,332 Member
    edited September 2019
    Forgeron wrote: »
    I don't understand how someone can have pleasure playing a game that's so easy. No fires, no burglar. I understand how Vlad showing up in every first gameplay night can bem annoying, vampires are supposed to be hard to find/become one, but realistic things?! I want my Sims to HAVE to wash their dishes, otherwise they would attract bugs and cockroaches. I want my sim tô be more careful/afraid to cook by themselves for the first time, otherwise they'll set the house on fire. I want the Unsavory Charlatan + Burglar tô make my gameplay harder. I want to have to wash their clothes, pra make their beds. Clean puddles. Etc. Etc. Sims 4 life IS to perfect, everything makes my sim happy, there is no reward in trying to make them feel pleasure, but its also Impossible for them to feel bad even If i wanted too. Like... This is why I mainly build/design Sims... I wanted to bad to play A GAME, but there is no playability if you don't even need to cheat to have a rich sim/happy sim/a good relationships/attraction/etc

    I guarantee that if any of these things were mandatory, there would be tons of people complaining that they should have made them optional. I would probably be one of them, as I don't want to have to focus on mundane things like cleaning and laundry unless I choose to. And if players are forced to cheat to achieve anything in a game, it's not a good game. Why would you want that? Or am I misunderstanding your last sentence?

    I wasn't saying i literally want to cheat everytime, but a hard game is the one that makes you think that cheating is a possibility. Otherwise, its an easy game.
    They could bascially add a toggle:
    - Easy
    - Normal
    - Hard
    Easy, would be the one you like to play. Your sim goes high on their career quickly, there is no problems, they are always happy, no burglars, no fires, nobody refusing to date your sim because they aren't compatible.
    Normal would be the realistic one.
    Hard would be like Sims 1 used to be haha.

    Anyway, this game is a life simulator, not an utopia simulator.
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    WaytoomanyUIDsWaytoomanyUIDs Posts: 845 Member
    edited September 2019
    I understand why people dont like burglars, but then they could have a game setting to disable them. This is a game where you can become a criminal. Also trying to catch and beat up the burglar or beat up the repo man is part of the fun. And in 2 and 3 they weren't a problem if you had an alarm outside the house (2 if your plot had a wall separating the front and back garden). And it amused me that they would sometimes steal the alarm.

    And fires can be such a pain in the neck without firemen. Sometimes all the sims on the rush over and put it out. Sometimes they rush over and stand around and die in the flames. Other times they hide in the corner of the lot and it takes ages for the fire to burn out and they wet themselfs and pass out. It doesn't seem consistent. And sprinklers just a bandaid.
    Origin/Gallery ID: WaytoomanyUIDs
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,912 Member
    edited September 2019
    Nikoa wrote: »
    They're really not necessary. I always hated the burglar. It made me so anxious to hear the music, especially since if I didn't already have something in place to deal with it, there was nothing I could do. I'm glad they left them out this time. Since we don't have burglars, we don't really need police, and sims can put fires out themselves and we have the sprinkler system now, so we don't really need firefighters this time around.

    I mean, that's great, but I want them. Some of my best memories from the game involve funny things the burglar took or getting jump scared by the music in TS1. I miss the random events from the game. The only similar thing we have is Vlad
    breaking in and feeding on sims and they've seemed to tone that down because it doesn't happen often anymore (at least not in my game). They also added a police/detective career with no real reason to protect sims because there's no crime.

    I'd personally prefer seeing a fireman NPC come into my sim's home an put out the fire rather than an automated sprinkler. I don't think I've ever met anyone who has an automatic sprinkler system in their home.

    I recall back in Sims2, that my Vulcan (Spock) totally broke down and wept like a human when his car was stolen. Ah, now there's a memory. If memory serves, our Sims could fight off the burglar. It was only in Sims3 they didn't have that capacity. I'm not a fighter, myself. Older, frail and not as strong as I once was since my catastrophic illness hit, but I'd take my guitar and whack an intruder with it, just the same.

    Yes, I too, miss the police and firefighters. I even miss the Repo man, truth be told, even though I never managed to be visited by such. Once the maid came before my Sim got back from work, so the account was a bit lean. She took the toilet in payment. That was a hoot.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    LoveMcQueen5683LoveMcQueen5683 Posts: 3,689 Member
    Just because some of you dont want something isnt a reason for it to be present in the game. The ability for options in the game exist for a reason.

    There really is no excuse for firemen to not be here.

    And getting robbed by burglars was always a fun experience for me. I understand it can be triggering for some but again, they should include the ability to turn that particular NPC off.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited September 2019
    Nikoa wrote: »
    They're really not necessary. I always hated the burglar. It made me so anxious to hear the music, especially since if I didn't already have something in place to deal with it, there was nothing I could do. I'm glad they left them out this time. Since we don't have burglars, we don't really need police, and sims can put fires out themselves and we have the sprinkler system now, so we don't really need firefighters this time around.

    I mean, that's great, but I want them. Some of my best memories from the game involve funny things the burglar took or getting jump scared by the music in TS1. I miss the random events from the game. The only similar thing we have is Vlad
    breaking in and feeding on sims and they've seemed to tone that down because it doesn't happen often anymore (at least not in my game). They also added a police/detective career with no real reason to protect sims because there's no crime.

    I'd personally prefer seeing a fireman NPC come into my sim's home an put out the fire rather than an automated sprinkler. I don't think I've ever met anyone who has an automatic sprinkler system in their home.

    Sprinkler systems are required in the USA in apartments just about everywhere nowadays.

    Do skyscrapers/high rise apartments in the USA have sprinkler systems?

    Bruce Feldman, Managing Agent for NYC properties.
    Answered Jun 16, 2017

    I can’t speak for the whole country but in NYC yes, they do. Fire sprinklers are a code requirement for all newly-constructed residential towers.

    I live in a 35-story residential building. Not only are there fire sprinklers in every room, but each apartment has central-station smoke and fire alarms. Once activated, they send a signal directly to the local fire department, which arrives in minutes. These alarms can only be shut-off by the fire department, not by building staff.

    Interestingly, you will not find a single real estate listing for luxury condo apartments that highlights —or even mentions— these critical life-saving safety features. They are among the most valuable features and benefits of buying a modern luxury condo in NYC … and brokers don’t even mention them in their sales listings!

    Go figure.

    David S. Rose
    David S. Rose
    Jun 16, 2017

    Interesting. When did sprinklers become code for new fireproof structures? I assume it was within the past 20 years, no?

    Bruce Feldman
    Original Author · Jun 16, 2017

    •1999 Local Law 10 passed

    •Automatic sprinklers required for all new and substantially renovated dwellings housing four / more families

    •Periodic inspections of the sprinkler systems reported to and filed with FDNY...
    David S. Rose: Fascinating. Thanks!
    John Caythorpe

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    PositivibeePositivibee Posts: 52 Member
    Just because some of you dont want something isnt a reason for it to be present in the game. The ability for options in the game exist for a reason.

    There really is no excuse for firemen to not be here.

    And getting robbed by burglars was always a fun experience for me. I understand it can be triggering for some but again, they should include the ability to turn that particular NPC off.

    The first/bolded paragraph is true for so muvh of this game.
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    Kevin_McBrosnanKevin_McBrosnan Posts: 5 New Member
    I dont know about the burglars but the rest seems pretty need to have indeeed.
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    Nikoa wrote: »
    I know this topic has been beat to death on here, but seriously. The game came out in 2014. It's been 5 years.

    I don't understand why these basic NPCs aren't part of the game.

    They aren't considered priorities.
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    Sigzy05Sigzy05 Posts: 19,406 Member
    edited September 2019
    They’re so iconic to The Sims. I miss them too, they have been there since the beginning. They just added something extra to the game and let’s face it this game can use a little more extra. Haha

    I wouldn't call them iconic. They're not special characters unique to the franchise. Characters like Bonehilda and Mrs. Crumplebottom are iconic.

    They sort of are though. They and their scary music have been in simmers minds for a long time. Burglars and firemen have been special NPC's since TS1, much like the repo-man. And you can't have burglars without cops.
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    kora2daykora2day Posts: 20 Member
    Firefighter/EMT is the number one career I wish they had. They could set it up like the chef/bartender career where they can choose what they do. Right now I use a career mod that includes it for story purposes but I wish it was actually in game.
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    ParaleeParalee Posts: 1,166 Member
    edited November 2019
    What really annoys me is how we got police and burglars in Get to Work as active careers but not as NPCs lmao Like if we are going on the narrative we dont need them anymore then fine we dont need them anymore. If our sims dont need to be robbed then we dont need to rob sims. Get rid of them across the board at least be consistent. Tell us the Sims world is just that magical there is no crime. Instead no we have this weirdly compartmentalized world where things only exist in certain areas and police and criminals *do* exist but only if you're the one doing it.
    My speculations on hints for future content:
    -Cars Update
    -Spiral/Diagonal Stairs Update
    -Hotel Pack
    -Romance Pack (possibly combined with Hotel Pack)
    -Bands Pack
    -Royalty Pack
    -Fashion Design Pack
    -Fairies Pack
    -Werewolf Pack
    -France-inspired World
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    NoTalentNoTalent Posts: 384 Member
    I want them back!! Free the babies and let us get robbed! It's just another detail that brings the game to life. Like I always say, it's the little details that are precious and memorable not the big flashy stuff.

    No idea of how getting robbed brings the game to life or makes it realistic. I have never been robbed. Seems like a pointless addition that serves no purpose and will just infuriate me like Kleptomaniac Sims jacking my decor.
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    LishacakeLishacake Posts: 296 Member
    What's the point in amassing wealth if there's no risk to it?

    I liked burglars, they made you value your possessions more - especially if you didn't have enough money to purchase a burglar alarm. TS3 even let you release them once they'd been caught, which would then build friendship with them. It added more to story-telling.

    I really thought it was an odd omission, especially once GTW was released with the police career. I mean, you literally go into houses and investigate crimes (mostly vandalism) before arresting a perp. Burglars would've been a perfect addition.
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