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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited April 2019

    Oh yes! I COMPLETELY get you on how the game works right along with you (and against you xD) and your story! I love it! I use the game to write for me about 90% of the time! :smile: I am hoping so much for the bet for Lawrence and Ian! <3 I can’t wait till you post more as well!

    Yes Mckenna, shakes head, she is a feisty go-getter who I starting to discover unhealthy tendencies to help her relax since she thinks she does not have the ability herself. And I wish Max would being her twin and all, but that be out of character sadly. He…. Is not afraid of Mckenna just knows what buttons not to press and telling Mckenna what to do? Not a button best pressed. Ah! That be PERFECT for Max! LOL but I can’t Get, Get Famous (lol had to xD). But I settled for him being a social media star and Stylist Influencer and yeah Max is the most well-rounded of the bunch :smile:

    Ohhh yes, she did! Again the game working with/against me, she was a happy toddler and it all changed as a kid, kept throwing fits her emotional control and empathy went down, during scouts she started having chance cards were it seem she’d the less scout like option, then she got to a teen, figured out Abby was not her real mom, distrust increased as she found out who her real mom was from her half-brother (Javesh) The real mom (Yuki) poisoned Gemma’s mind to go against her other mom (Jade) Gemma started lashing out at Jade with mood swings it just got worse and worse, till one day in a cabin on Winterfest morn’ Gemma snapped and her family was dead ( she covered it up as the crazy killer in the woods) then she grew up with horrible character traits in Responsibility, Empathy and Emotional Control as well as becoming Insane/Erratic. When she got birth to the twins she would not touch them or got to them, literally! (never had that in my game ever!) I had to hire a nanny to save them. Then when the twins were toddler’s Gemma would nag and yell at them all on her own, it was misery then Lilith was born, and she entered the misery but was black sheep to all. (Until Max became friends with her that is). *Nods* VERY crazy twist! Originally this family was to do a challenge I wanted to play but the natural drama was just too good.

    I think this tragic death is maybe something that as crazy as it sounds like you said, will keep Mckenna focused and centered. Maybe she will let go of her irrational hate of Lilith and realize she is just as much of a victim as thy all are and they need each other, Mckenna is so strong and independent but caring and dedicated, I (hope) good things will come to her, she is a go-getter that one!

    Edit: Ooooh looks like you did!
    Omigosh! I LOVED that~~~ Ian was so supportive and encouraging aaah!~
    Aww Jack is a snack! So romantic and gentleman like as well! I just love him and Rose! <3
    Aww and Lawrence is the definition of darling, they are both lucky to have each other! <3

    Edit Again: I found my little story I wrote on my Stone’s if you like to read, it shows the beginning and end of Jade’s journey (Gemma’s mom) and How Gemma went off the deep end.


    I agree, Mckenna is the backbone of the sibling group even with her flaws and tendencies to be like her mom, this girl has a serious drive and knows what hard work and effort is, she won’t let her family suffer. I only wish she’d be open to more help and advice, poor girl. Lilith is a cinnamon roll, I love her to teeny bits <3.

    Awww, I love this family!!! I love the tension of denial, stuck in your own head, rushing out, unsure, not sure, hehe~ I hope the two do end up talking even if online first or over the phone! I love both families kids Terrence daughters seem to be sweethearts and Richards boys are great kids being concerned for their dad and their banter is typical but funny! *rolls around waiting to see if there is more * LOL fingers crossed~. :smile:
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    Demery27Demery27 Posts: 222 Member
    @Tixyen Ok, I’m shook (as my teenage daughter would say – lol) Gemma’s past was before my entrance to the show here, I had no idea that she did those things! And wow, the kids saw this happen?! Your explanations of their reactions in the pictures is great!
    The second spoiler is great. They are coping, and I think perhaps this might keep McKenna away from trouble, she seems more focused now.

    And yay!!! for spoiler 3, it’s all so sweet, from McKenna being nicer to Lilith than normal, to realizing that Gianna and Javesh had stayed friends, on their own, from toddlerhood.

    Nanny is a good way to wrap up, finally, some stability in an insane world.

    @Beardedgeek All seems good in your growing household! And isn’t that funny? “- Lena "Saw a strange light". Thru two feet of concrete? -“ Well of course! That’s not strange at all, lol. And how delightful, checking twitter while your wife gives birth. I suppose it’s good she’s not live streaming it! And Rey and Leia are precious

    @Gordy All too true, sadly

    @Rouenpucelle lol, the same thing happened to one of my Sims, at that same time, by that same door (at least I’m pretty sure it was that door :wink: )

    @RedDestiny92 I didn’t know that about how the premades acted differently from save to save! That’s pretty wild. I never used to play the premades in The Original Sims or Sims 2, (except the scientist family. I liked playing as Nervous Subject, lol, he was so funny) I always deleted them. I’ve played a few now, just to try them out, but mostly prefer my own.

    That’s a funny line – the one that ends with “hold on tight” That’s pretty true of some real life relationships too though.

    And, you’re not going to believe this, but I didn’t know the dogs could go in the pools! So thanks for the picture of Lucy! You learn something new every day!

    It’s so wonderful that Lara is enjoying the camera (another name we have in common, I named one of Cenna’s friends Lara lol) and I can definitely see little Kelly’s smile all framed up there! So darling!!

    I like how Terrance’s story flowed naturally into Richard’s. Though I do feel sorry for Terrance, and it seems like Richard did too. Your line “that is also one of my sims and I know about her what Terrance doesn't” made me lol. You are the "All Knowing" in this world

    Richard’s conversation with his boys is fabulous! “Just don’t get back too late” I was rotflmao, and Danny’s intuitive “..A guy?” with Richard’s “Good Night son” was just the best! Their whole conversation was amazing! I’m going to love this new save!

    @Demery27 Goodness! That's a houseful of kids! And Johnny still hasn't figured out that they aren't all his kids? lol

    @Mindofy Is Erwin still wearing his awesome hat and running his little store? :smiley:

    @Beardedgeek So, the toddlers that you'd already had are gone now? You have little clones instead ? :smile:

    So … continuing [a brief recap - Ian and Lawrence are a married couple, Lawrence's sister Rose had recently had a baby, and it made Lawrence realize that he wanted a baby of his own. However, Ian already had a 17 year old daughter from his previous marriage, and in the past he'd said that he didn't want to start all over again with another baby. He and Lawrence had not discussed it since the baby's birth, because neither one knew what to do. But, earlier this evening Ian had gone to his friend Kary's house to talk about having babies for the sake of their loved ones, despite the fact that Ian and Kary are both much older than their spouses. Kary had been able to make Ian rethink his decision]

    When Ian got home from Kary’s house he looked for Lawrence. He found him in their room, just sitting on the bed. He sat down, pulled Lawrence to him and held him close. Then he kissed him softly and asked, “Are you ok Sweetheart? Why are you sitting in here without a book, or your tablet?”


    Lawrence murmured something about not being able to get himself to do anything, and then Ian said, “We need to talk about that Lawrence. Why are you so sad? I really need to know, I don’t want to guess. I think I know why you’re sad, but I’d like you to tell me yourself, ok?”


    Lawrence looked him in the eyes, and said, “You don’t want to hear this Ian, I know you don’t, so I’m not going to say it to you. I’ll stop being sad someday, I’m sure.”


    “I’m not sure if you’ll ever stop being sad,” Ian said. “I need you to tell me. Please tell me. I don’t want to guess wrong. You’re so smart, and you’re so sweet, that I know I can’t read your mind. And you’re so conciliatory that I’m afraid you don’t always get what you want. I need to know why you’re sad Sweetheart. You have to tell me.”


    “I don’t want to lose you Ian, so I don’t want to talk about this,” Lawrence said.

    “You will never lose me Lawrence – never,” Ian said, “but you have to tell me, I don’t want to guess, and be wrong.”

    Lawrence was so afraid to say it that he couldn’t look at Ian. He was terrified, and he knew that this would forever damage their relationship, but Ian kept insisting, and Lawrence would never lie to him, so he couldn’t just make something up. He made sure that Ian was holding him close, and then softly he said, “I want a baby Ian, I want us to have a baby.”


    And then he started crying. He couldn’t take it back now, it was out there, and he knew that Ian didn’t want to have another baby, and nothing would ever be the same again, because there were no winners in this situation, just martyrs.

    Ian kissed him, on the forehead.


    He tried to get Lawrence to look at him, but Lawrence wouldn’t. Lawrence’s world was crashing around him, he was going to lose Ian; he knew it.

    But Ian spoke, and he said, “I want to have a baby with you too Sweetheart. Don’t cry, I want a baby too.”


    Lawrence looked up in disbelief, and he said, “Ian, I know you don’t want another baby. I can tell. I know you. I know your feelings better than you do, because you don’t know the right words half the time. And I know for a fact that you don’t want to have another baby.”


    Ian said, “Didn’t, I didn’t want to have another baby. Now I do. Honestly, I do. I love you Lawrence, and we will be the best parents ever, and our baby will be perfect, because you are perfect, and the baby will be a part of you.”

    Lawrence stopped crying. He looked at Ian, and he could tell Ian wasn’t lying, because Lawrence did know Ian better than Ian knew himself. Lawrence could see the sincerity in Ian's face, and he started to smile.


    Ian wanted a baby too!


    That weekend, Rose and Jack decided to finally go to a Romance Festival that didn’t involve making a baby, or having a baby. And with Lawrence willing to watch Willis at the drop of a hat, they asked him to come over, and they headed to the festival.


    They had a wonderful time! As per tradition, they had to start with a cup of tea. “Wow, do you remember it being this strong the last time we were here?”


    Tea drinking inevitably turns to petal throwing, which absolutely delighted Rose. Who doesn’t want to be showered with flowers?


    Jack was prepared with the real thing too. He wanted Rose to feel wonderful tonight, so, a rose for his Rose! The most amazing woman ever.


    As gifts of flowers often do, some kissing followed.


    And Jack is an expert.


    Certainly Rose thinks he is, and I have no reason to doubt her.


    They did a little bit of slow dancing.


    Which somehow prompted Jack to do his best impersonation of a teenager trying to seduce someone.


    Rose said, “Step aside and I’ll show you how that’s really done.” And Jack had to admit she was good …


    They enjoyed their time together.


    Knowing that Lawrence was watching Willis made it a completely carefree night for them


    And it was beautiful.


    Back at their house, Lawrence was having the best time he’d had since Willis had been born.


    There was no dark shadow looming over him, no sadness on the horizon. Just him, with his beautiful nephew, and his knowledge that Ian wanted a baby!


    His mind was whirling in a million different directions, thinking about baby names, and baby furniture, and baby strollers, and baby car seats.


    He was planning for his time off of work, to be with his baby, and thinking that maybe he didn’t need to work anymore, at least not until the baby was old enough to go to school.


    They hadn’t told anyone else about their decision yet, so he was thinking about Rose and Cenna, and how they would take the news, and remembering the baby shower they’d had for Rose, and looking forward to a shower for their baby.


    And then he heard a voice behind him, and it was Ian! “Will the baby’s parents be mad if you let your boyfriend babysit with you?” he joked.

    Lawrence laughed, and said, “I don’t know … I didn’t ask for permission for you to be here…”


    Ian laughed, and as he went into the kitchen to wash his hands he said, “Well, we won’t tell them then, because I’m staying.”

    Lawrence was incredibly happy.


    Ian was so thrilled to have his darling Lawrence back, that he couldn’t help smiling, ear to ear. Lawrence hadn’t smiled or joked in weeks and weeks, but now he could again!


    Ian knew he’d made the right decision. Anything that made Lawrence this joyful was the right thing to do. And the two of them spent the rest of the evening delighted to have each other.


    Lol Hopefully he will before he dies he takes care of his Step kids though
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    @AlwaysAsking Well, that is Evie, but she's had some work done. She aged up with eyes and nose too big for her face, so I changed them. I like the way she turned out. I will have to do some tweaking on Lucas also. That frozen smile thing makes a good joke about being nervous about girls, but in reality it's just his resting face now and it's creepy. Pierce and Billie turned out pretty good without any effort on my part though. I'm enjoying aging up the premades and seeing how they turn out. Alexander Goth will be next.
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    breckenridgebreckenridge Posts: 44 Member
    I downloaded an Avril Lavigne sim from the gallery and turned her into a semi-competent doctor.

    She still got divorced like 12 times though, because you can't change everything.
    My newest chapter-based simlit: Cutback.”
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    ccarrig_95ccarrig_95 Posts: 525 Member
    Not really an update since I wasn't feeling too good yesterday, but I have Sean and Snow's wedding and honeymoon figured out. It is Monday in the sim world and I plan to have them marry at 10 am on Tuesday. Sean will go to work afterwards and they will go to Granite Falls the day after for a couple days. Snow is so excited to show Sean everything she loves about the outdoors. Bonfires, smores, fishing, tent woohooing. Im still debating whether their children will be with them or not. Probably not since I want them to enjoy a couple days off being parents. Snow got pregnant pretty soon after they met so it's difficult for them to spend time together. Hopefully there is an update tonight!
    (Top left to bottom right)Edur Zahrah, Cinderella, Tiana, Pocahantas, Ariel, Aurora, Belle, Emerson, Nicole, Traci, Addisyn
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    SharoniaSharonia Posts: 4,853 Member
    edited April 2019
    Vanessa Jeong hit it off with this guy at the nightclub and invited him to her home.
    They hung out for a bit and had their first kiss.
    His first name is Pranav which is an odd name in my opinion and his last name is something I can't even remember or spell. All these foreign sounding townie names are such an issue for me. I can't remember any of them. :D
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @AlwaysAsking sometimes not always or it's very light but when you sim a lot you pick it up, yeah they aren't for everyone but I find it's fun to keep them around when you aren't sure what your main household should do. Though that's just ts2 ts4 I use them a lot more.

    Yeah it really is, what you said about relationships I mean.

    Ha, yeah that's something I notice too doggos don't always care about the pool but it's cute when they do I had this one family..couldn't figure it out that was a rotation save and they were the only one having issues as if corrupted but while playing as I could I noticed I would lose their dog a lot. Eventually I got use to checking the pool because she used it more than anyone else in the house. Oh you can also click on the pool and I saw that you can swim with your dog, as in they appear in the option to select I feel like it didn't use to be like that.

    Of course, Lara is a little sweet pea I just pictured her as one of those kids that doesn't just gain a hobby but is over the moon when encouraged as they know how important it really is to themselves. It's sweet, the girls love their daddy I get a kick out of the sweet smiles. Which is good cause I'm picturing some damaged pride and Richard is kind of hopeless he's really the type to fret and worry over things first before he can focus and decide on something useful. Though it's endearing, I tossed her in as a background sim but what I know is that Richard was flirty, like it shows when you talk to a sim, but he wasn't flirting with her, and she's married to a very pretty young lady Rich isn't her type she just likes attention. Though of course Terrance doesn't know her he wouldn't know that and loneliest makes us sillier than love does sometimes mmmhmm. Though before that that is why even though I'm going to need to figure out a better rotation Richard and Terrance had to be in the same group. Everyone's on message boards and what not I mean look at our real life community it was almost too easy to connect them.

    :smiley: ha it's the 'one of those things' sort of things, yes Richard can be stern he can be caring and Danny knows he can't exploit him but he's older has helped with Tyler I could only imagine how he'd notice things and what Tyler might miss even though they were on the same page. I mean he doesn't even know how to approach Terrance so he had to at least pretend he didn't need to talk about it.

    Now for today's post..

    I just love their conversation, they have something worth fighting for but they are just so stubborn, I know you don't want this so I won't talk about it..I don't want to guess though it's so obvious what you want you have to say it. I mean it's not the end of course but it does add it's own block as you put up just right I might add and sometimes you're not lucky enough to have friends and family speaking some sense to you they were lucky, and it worked out I can't wait to see them raise their baby together.

    'Ian wanted a baby too!' it's just cute.

    Jack and Rose are still so sweet together I feel like I miss the festivals a lot depending on the story so it's like well they are doing this and that while struggling with this so they can't drop it to go to those but I still like them all the same.

    Ha that babysitting line amuses me so much waiting on the next post ha.
    @Tixyen It's always good to have someone like that in the family, I hope that she learns to relax in the way she can ask for help so she knows that while she's respected she doesn't have to be alone and there is support for her too. That term is super cute I freakin' love cinnamon rolls, and she's gonna have a good least it seems that way.

    I'm starting to develop a love for them too even though I am now remembering there is a patch and I can get to the harps again, lol I was so excited then forgot. Still I"m not going to cut them out maybe I'll do a smaller post for them or something since they are so new and keep the harps up, peeps won't be minding right? Ha I'm glad I love their kids. Ha I'm always happy to hear that you guys dig my sims because as much as I love sharing them I like them getting attention too mmhmm.

    Kk awesomes out, I will of course hold on the Harps a little longer and see if any issues pop up in my new save but they are coming back for sure. So when I get in game I'll mess with my rotation before getting back to these loveable silly men hehe.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    KristinaKristina Posts: 582 Member
    edited April 2019
    @AlwaysAsking Ian & Lawrence are so cute. :heart:
    I downloaded an Avril Lavigne sim from the gallery and turned her into a semi-competent doctor.

    She still got divorced like 12 times though, because you can't change everything.

    I LOL'd at this. :joy:

    @Sharonia oh good it's not just me. I always feel like a bad person when I can't remember complex/unusual Sim names. :sweat:

    Gerard and Geralt Vatore are finally getting the chance to live a real normal life now that their floozy 5-star celebrity mother Fia has retired from the spotlight and settled down with their birth father, Don Lothario. Or, as normal a life as you can get when your parents are both known players and live with their heads in clouds.


    It's 7am. He's making cocktails and she's packing what should have been breakfast into sack lunches in front of her teenage son in sexy lingerie. A normal sight in this household.

    Since moving to Oasis Springs the twins practically live in the gym. Working on their guns, hitting on girls, and posing for the paparazzi can all be done on a single lot. What is not to love?


    One day, after the gym, they head to the park with Don for a barbecue. Geralt, after meeting a beautiful girl named Masume, invites her to join them for dinner.


    Don: (whispering) Pssst, doesn't Geralt already have a girl?
    Gerard: Yep.
    Don: That's my boy!

    But it's underdog Gerard that wins the crown.


    However, that's not enough to stop horn dog Geralt from snatching a kiss for himself. Which, as far as his Serial Romantic dreams are concerned, is all he needed from her.


    So it was with his blessing that Gerard and Masume spent Love Day together. In fact, he performed for them on their date! He even managed to bite his tongue when Gerard gave her a promise ring.


    And, as a thank you, Masume hooked him up with her friend Mizuki. ;)



    Meanwhile Gerard, committed and the perfect gentleman, channeled his sexual frustration into the arts.


    Gerard: My first masterpiece!
    Don: You need to get some, son.

    The Love Festival came to town!

    Geralt had begun to really fall for Mizuki. She was cute, she might even be the one. So on a whim he got down on one knee and in the heat of the moment popped the question:


    She said no. Oh well, she was a glutton and she hated children. This family has enough unhealthy personalities without adding another to the household.
    Besides, I never actually wanted him to propose... I clicked "Heat of the Moment Proposal" thinking it was "Declare Heat of the Moment Passion" and even though I cancelled the action he did it anyway! It's a good thing she said no lol.

    Gerard, inspired by his brother, followed suit - with a little more luck.


    Don and Fia, not to be outshined, stole the night by renewing their vows.


    When they arrived home, Don was immediately abducted by aliens. Guess that's what he gets for marrying one. This is the first time it's happened to me completely randomly though! Fia's birth was the product of a science career-influenced abduction. This one had no influencing factors as far as I'm aware. Unless Fia being an alien influenced the stats?



    Come sunrise, Fia passed away from old age.


    She didn't live to see Gerard and Masume's wedding.


    Nor did she have the misfortunate of bearing witness to Geralt sleeping with three girls in one day - including the maid. Hey, the guy was mourning a rejection from his lover and his mother's death! His ego needed a little comforting and if cute ladies are going to indulge him it would be rude to say no. Don approved of his son's infidelity.


    Gerard and Masume began married life blissfully. He is self-employed as a painter and she has just made her start in the Tech Guru career. They spend every waking moment they can together.


    Don's little space adventure resulted in the birth of Gabriella Lothario. Unfortunately, he's right at the end of his lifespan (I expected him to die before Fia), so he won't live to see her grow up. A shame, given he didn't even move in with his sons until they were teenagers.


    Gerard and Masume will raise little Gabriella on Don's behalf. She will grow-up alongside their own little bundle of joy. :blush:

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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member
    edited April 2019
    Don't you hate it when god (aka me) makes you pregnant for the second time in 24 hours? With twins this time? (The original Leia and Rey are deleted, btw. As I said I changed my mind and restructured their reality thanks to cheats).

    Well technically Lucy and Lena wanted babies but couldn't the regular way because two CIS women, duh, so the Science Center (tm) merged their DNA and made two fertilized cloned eggs from the merged genetic material. That's my official explanation and I am sticking to it! It's called "storytelling" ;)


    I must say the interactions between toddlers are adorable. First time they saw each other they just hugged and started babbling away!


    Learning to talk!


    And mommy and mommy just read them to sleep... And Lucy just choose, by her own, to go fetch her dinner and then eat it in the kid's room!

    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    edited April 2019
    Today I change to one of my other rotational households: Zen gimi. Little sister of another household I have and she was perfect to GET FAMOUS! Always a true artist.

    She spend her last day in her old apartment after her brother married and moved out. She would move the next day to her new home. I threw a big party!


    At the doorstep when everyone left, her brother did not seem to comfortable with her kissing one of his colleges. Her looooong time hook up :p Hey! it was his fault in the first place for bringing him over that one day.


    And the next day after packing up, she moved in with her new roommate. I only control her, so it feels like true roommates. She brought her cat as well.. of course. But Geez.. what a poor house that girl lives in. I expected a bit more.. Well, let's work on that. Now get ready for new celebs in town.. at least thats what they are trying right?


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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member

    @Tixyen I had to Lol at your “I can’t Get, Get Famous.” I don’t have Seasons or Get Famous yet, so I totally understand, and I think that he’ll be plenty famous enough with the career choices you chose. And … since you know him best, I’ll take your word for it that he shouldn’t press any buttons! Yikes! Those kids come from some volatile stock! I read your blog about Jade! So darn tragic! Please please tell me that someone offs Yuki at some point! What an absolute B---h! Absolutely Great story telling btw. And are you saying that you didn’t actually finish the challenge you’d started, because Gemma went off the deep end? Or was that all part of it?

    And now I know how Lilith was also Gianni’s daughter, but not why she couldn’t tell Lilith that. And I don’t know who the twin’s other parent is. It was right about there that I came onto this thread, so you’ll have to catch me up.

    Anyway, Max is certainly right, they will be far better off without her. And I hope that McKenna will bond with her sister, and keep up her woodworking etc. No more bubbles or juice for her! LOL. And with Lilith being such a young teen, she needs some good role modeling, for sure.

    I’m interested to see where this little family group goes next.

    Thanks for your comments on my little story. Ian has always thought of Lawrence as “darling” since he first met him, because he has always acted that way in the game. And Rose and Jack are great together, the trouble with them is that … there’s no trouble with them, you know? They have their perfect lives, and I don’t see anything tragic coming their way. I mean, I suppose Jack could get abducted, he is a scientist, but even that wouldn’t be tragic.

    Ian and Lawrence though? They have issues, and Cenna and Dillon? Oh my, lol – their back story is a complicated one.

    @Demery27 I’m just curious, how do all of the kids look on the family tree? It must be beyond complicated!

    @Daephene Oh cool! I’ve been wanting to see Alexander age up. I assume you’ll be sharing with us? Hoping … And yeah, sometimes it’s hard not to adjust sims when they grow up, they can be adorable kids, but …yikes. I agree, if that’s Lucas’s resting face, you should probably do something about that! Lol

    @breckenridge Lol, that’s quite a career change for Avril Lavigne! :smiley:

    @ccarrig_95 I hope you’re feeling better and that you can update. Ps, if it was up to me I’d leave the kids home, lol

    @Sharonia Well, he might have an odd name, but he’s quite good looking! I usually go into the manage families area and try to find the townies that I interact with, and change their names. Doug Wilson is a lot easier than Pranav Whatchamacallit –lol

    @RedDestiny92 Oh! It was one of those flirty things! I hate those! They get so out of control, and now Terrence is embarrassed and hurt, and Richard is dazed and confused, and little Miss “Already Married” was the one who messed it all up. Ugh, attention seekers, so annoying.

    As for the festivals. I rarely go to any of them but the Romance Festival. And I’m not great at keeping track of when they are going to come up, however, when that 5 pm Saturday notice comes up about the Romance Fest starting, I instantly pause the game, and try to remember what sims are in what stages, and if any of them need a bit of Romance in their lives, lol. So I usually exit the family I’m playing, do a romance fest with whoever needs one, take a lot of pictures, and then go back to the family I’d been playing before. Ian and Lawrence actually met at a Romance Festival. I’d taken Lawrence there, just to see what it was like (It was my first time there as a player), and when Ian (spontaneously) showed up, in his fancy suit, well… that was that, lol.

    But yeah, thanks for the feedback on the story. It was nice to be able to let Lawrence be happy again, and that whole scene with Ian walking up, and the look on Lawrence’s face, just made me think of a million stories and movies about boyfriends sneaking over to hang out with their girlfriends after the kids fall asleep.

    @Kristina Thank you! I love Ian and Lawrence too.
    Your update is marvelous! Your observations are so funny, Cocktails and lingerie at 7am, totally normal, lmao
    I’m glad Mizuki said no … lol, she wasn’t much to lose
    No one seemed too broken up about Fia’s passing
    And I can’t say I was surprised that Don got pregnant, I think he kind of deserved that :wink:

    @Beardedgeek The new tots are adorable! Are they identical twins? It certainly looks like they are, but I’m just checking.

    @FurSimsOfficial Zen gimi is very pretty! And wow! You sure got a houseful at your party! Nice. Her brother’s look is amazing, lol, well, he’s the one who introduced them, what can you do?


    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    @Kristina You definitely have a bigger chance of abductions when you have a playable alien in one of your households. My game totally went nuts with that. Anyway I love your commentary on what Don was thinking at various points, and pictures of parents cheering for their children's romantic successes always make me lol.

    @AlwaysAsking Recent history suggests that what goes on in my game just might get posted here. :) But I probably won't age Alexander up until right before I play the sims I want him to befriend and/or date as a teen, so it may be a few weeks.

    Anyway in my game this week I built a retirement community, and aged up the Jangs and the four of Athena's exes who don't have children and moved them all into it. I'm adding that household to this rotation, which puts me at 7.

    Also, Derrick and Evie got engaged:

    So almost every time one of my households other than the Batemans goes out to a public lot, Walker shows up. On the rare occasion he's not there, Finnian is instead. But when Walker and Bruce go out in public, it's usually just townies that join them. Anyway, at restaurants Walker usually brings some of the family along. He and Bruce were on a date when Erick and Billie went out for the first time, and when Derrick took Evie out for breakfast:

    So Derrick got to introduce her to his nephew.

    Now I've started a new rotation. Bruce and Walker are up first because I wanted them to celebrate the Summer's End holiday (which is like Labor Day, but on a Friday and with more swimming). They took cute selfies by the pool:


    Also I made them a cat named Silver and took a picture of their dog Rufus.

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    BeardedgeekBeardedgeek Posts: 5,520 Member

    @Beardedgeek The new tots are adorable! Are they identical twins? It certainly looks like they are, but I’m just checking.

    Though I have a feeling that their traits will be quite different. And I foresee new hair colors and stuff when they become teens.
    Origin ID: A_Bearded_Geek
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    AlwaysAskingAlwaysAsking Posts: 1,403 Member
    edited April 2019
    @Daephene Lol! Good to know! It'll probably end up posted here :blush:

    Tee hee, I love your line, "but on a Friday, and with more swimming." The guys do look like they've been having fun! No chance for sunburns in the Sims world? Idk, I don't have Seasons, but I've never heard it mentioned. The pets are cuties too :smile:

    That's pretty cute about your retirement community. I'm looking forward to seeing the Jangs for sure. And I'm interested in all of the Ex's as well. And congratulations on Derrick and Evie's engagement.

    Your observations on how you always see a certain person/couple whenever you go out, reminds me of my game too. I wonder if it has to do with how often you play the sim that you keep seeing? Because for me, it's always Ian or Ian with Lawrence. It's fun though. Seeing them interact as a couple when you aren't controlling them, right?

    @Beardedgeek Oh, that will be fun! I can certainly see that happening in real life. Btw, I keep forgetting to tell you I love their names! Would it surprise you if I told you that my oldest's son's name is Luke? Lol

    So ..... continuing the baby saga ..... (nothing has happened yet with them and an actual pregnancy... this is just two days after Ian told Lawrence he wants a baby too. They still haven't told anyone else their plans)

    Lawrence and Ian had a beautiful day together on Sunday. They went to Lawrence’s family’s beach house that morning, and Ian got to do some fishing. One of his favorite things in the world.


    Lawrence brought his sandwich down to the pier just so he could be with Ian, and look at the lighthouse, and feel the breeze. It was wonderful.


    The thing is, as much as Ian loves fishing, he loves Lawrence more, so the fishing pole was summarily dismissed, because Ian had something else in his hands now. His Sweetheart, his darling Lawrence.


    Lawrence felt bad, “You don’t have to stop fishing just because I came down here,” he said.


    “Maybe I didn’t have too,” Ian said, “but I wanted too.”


    As the day warmed up the two of them decided to go swimming, Lawrence had shown Ian this particular pool long ago, when they first started dating. It was very secluded, and quite romantic.


    They grilled some dinner and enjoyed it together.


    And Lawrence was able to convince Ian to stay until dark.


    Lawrence doesn’t have much trouble convincing Ian of anything.


    Lawrence wanted a bonfire, so Lawrence got a bonfire.


    The next morning, Lawrence got up early, so he could visit Willis on his way to work.


    Maybe he was overtired, but for some reason, his mind was going to dark places.


    He was remembering what life was like before he’d met Ian.


    Because it hadn’t been a very happy time for him.


    He remembered talking to Rose about all of his sorrow, and heartbreak, and loneliness.


    But he didn’t know why he was thinking these thoughts.


    He remembered that even when he and Ian started dating, he’d still been in that dark place for a long time.


    Basically, he hadn’t believed that Ian would stay with him, because no one else ever had.


    He remembered how hard Ian had tried to convince him that he’d never leave him.


    And he remembered that he hadn’t believed him.


    Lawrence cried so many tears back then, it was very surprising that Ian had stuck it out.


    But he had.


    Lawrence remembered what it was like when he finally started believing Ian loved him, and wouldn’t leave him.


    He remembered thinking, as long as I have Ian, I’ll be fine.


    So the question that was nagging him now was … if he didn’t have Ian, would he be ok?

    Post edited by AlwaysAsking on

    Gallery ID is ARIANNANEAL
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    HillyBethHillyBeth Posts: 3,505 Member
    Moved my sims 3 save to sims 4 and guess who is almost a a level-2 celebrity because he was able to create websites? Dominic Parish! I kept hearing that the new careers weren't tied into the celebrity system, but they ARE if you have Get Famous!
    Origin ID
    P.A.C.E- Positive Attitude Changes Everything
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    SharoniaSharonia Posts: 4,853 Member
    @Sharonia Well, he might have an odd name, but he’s quite good looking! I usually go into the manage families area and try to find the townies that I interact with, and change their names. Doug Wilson is a lot easier than Pranav Whatchamacallit –lol

    @AlwaysAsking Oh my gosh I can't believe I didn't think to rename him. I will definitely be doing this next time I play. :)
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    KristinaKristina Posts: 582 Member
    @FurSimsOfficial clearly 100% her brothers fault she had to hook up with him! :wink:

    @Daephene Rufus is a cutie and love the Bruce & Walker selfie.! I've noticed some repetitive patterns with which Sims are on public lots too. Wonder if theres's a reason behind it.

    @AlwaysAsking your couple is so sweet. :heart: love how he couldn't resist even when fishing.

    Gerard and Masami (not Masume, oops) welcomed their little boy, Hamish Vatore, into the world.


    Gerard: "Teach me everything you know about raising kids."
    Don: "Your mum did everything. This is a learning experience for me too."
    Gerard: "Well crap."

    Meanwhile Geralt is living Don's dream out in the world.


    Geralt: "Hey, hey, you with the pigtails - wait! You're totally my type. I'm on a date right now but if you could hang out for like 20 minutes I'll be right with you."
    Kayla: "This is the second time you've done to this to me now! This was meant to be your apology for blowing me off at the Spice Festival last night!"
    Geralt: "I know, I suck, I don't know why you keep agreeing to go out with me. It's your own fault, really."

    And Ruth actually waited...


    And, for the first time, Geralt realised he didn't want to let a girl go. But with 8/10 kisses down on his Serial Romantic aspiration he couldn't just stop now. Just think how Don would react! No, he couldn't let his father down. So he rang up the only female contact on his phone who wasn't a) underage, b) elderly, or c) married to his brother. The result was a trainer from his gym, Aubree. She had terrible taste in clothing but alas she was still a woman.


    For #10 he threw the "needs to be a woman" criteria out the window and hooked up with his good friend Orange Bailey-Moon.



    After a long life, Don Lothario eventually passed away. He died admiring the buttocks of one of his sons many conquests.

    "Nice.. one... my boy."

    With his father gone, Geralt finally had the courage to do something that would have Don turning in his grave. It was time to break-up with his harem.


    It was a terrible time for all involved... except Gerard, who was loving the opportunity to rub his successful marriage to his high school sweetheart in his brother's face. +1 point for monogamy!


    With his devious past behind him, Geralt was now able to focus on the one woman who really mattered: Ruth Ball. And, for the second time in his life, took a knee.



    She said yes! :heart:


    They decided to break the news to Gerard and Masami over Harvest Festival dinner:


    Gerard: "You. You're getting married?"
    Geralt: "Yes."
    Gerard: "To this... this..."
    Geralt: "Careful, that's my fiancée and I can bench three of you."
    Gerard: "Is she pregnant? Surely she's pregnant. Oh god you've knocked her up."
    Geralt: "How dare you!"
    Masami: "She showed up here with her bra on show and he eats every meal half-naked. They're meant for each other."
    Gerard: "It's mum and dad all over again."
    Geralt: "If we're criticising fashion here, then I'd just like to remind you that you showed up to the dinner table wearing those God awful flip-flops."

    While Geralt might have said goodbye to his ex-girlfriends, he technically didn't leave all of his lovers. it would have been a waste to not make use of that 'Player' trait he got for achieving his aspiration.


    Orange: "Are you sure your fiancée doesn't mind us doing it while she's in the room?"
    Geralt: "She's cool. If anyone is gonna be upset about this it'll be Gerard."
    Orange: "Is he still harping on about monogamy?"
    Geralt: "Yes... but I was referring to the fact this is his bed."

    The Romance Festival is back in town!

    Gerard, Geralt, and their respective lovers headed out to celebrate... including Geralt's side piece.


    However, it might be time Geralt had a little talk with Orange about boundaries...


    The following day, Geralt and Ruth tied the knot. I was nervous she'd leave him at the alter because she had the non-committal trait, but all went according to plan!


    Note: Gabriella is now a child!

    Geralt: "Hey, Gerard, don't think I haven't noticed that Masami's pregnant. And you accused me of knocking up Ruth!"

    Gerard said nothing. He didn't need to. He'd already left the perfect wedding gift in Geralt and Ruth's room. That's what he gets for sleeping with Orange in his bed.


    Apparently Geralt's mother, Fia, and his great-aunt, Lilith Vatore, also had their doubts about Ruth. Because their first night living together Lilith tried to drink her blood and Fia came back from the dead to scare the living crap out of her!


    Hamish aged up to a child, and here he is with his new little brother Henry.


    Geralt and Ruth are also expecting their own little bundle of joy. :heart:


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    JaseJase Posts: 2,147 Member
    @RedDestiny92 Thanks! I can’t wait to see the baby too. I’m also pretty excited to see if it’s a boy or a girl. Their home has the On Ley Line lot trait. So, I’m kinda hoping for twins. :)

    he engagements and marriages are so sweet. <3 And that’s a cute idea about the names.I haven’t played a legacy game yet. If Tomato is the 4th generation heir, does that mean that the 3rd generation heir is kinda obsolete now

    @AlwaysAsking Thanks! I’ve been having fun with the fruit and veggie names. I’m not really playing the legacy 100% according to the rules (I think). Instead of moving the non-heir siblings out of the legacy house, I’ve been marrying them off as well. Which has lead to a pretty full house, but it’s also allowed a small family cemetery being built on the lot too.

    Oh, I’m also enjoying Lawrence and Ian’s story too! :)
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    PlumbobCrossingPlumbobCrossing Posts: 8,455 Member
    edited April 2019
    I have been busy just playing not uploading but here is a big update.
    Chris and Jess had a late afternoon snuggle.
    It was a beautiful autumn afternoon. :p
    Jess gave Beatrice a new laptop, just because. #spoiled
    It was Spookyfest and Beatrice threw a party with her friends.
    One of her friends is super cute, I might play with her some when they age up.
    It was a really fun successful night.
    The house looked good with their carved pumpkins.
    Beatrice went bowling with Alexandrea, Bea won and is becoming quite the bowling master.
    Bea broke curfew and Jess was not happy about that. Chris just stayed out of it and kept on walking.
    It was Harvestfest, it seems to come around so quickly but they had a huge family get together and it was a very fun, special day.
    Grandma, Jess got some lovins from Lucy!
    The boys sat around the table and talked just about the whole time. What a lovely sight, Jess was so proud.
    Beatrice landed herself her first boyfriend.
    They had their first date, it went pretty good. Bea was just happy to have a boyfriend.
    There was a REAL death on set but that didn't stop Chris front practicing his lines.
    Bea was getting really serious with her boyfriend, they spent every moment together.
    Chris finally met Bea's boyfriend and he liked him. Beatrice was so embarrassed, "Dad, stop interrogating him!"
    They snuck out to the hot tub and things got hot... too hot.
    Things started to get tense between them, Beatrice was suspecting he was seeing someone else and one thing led to another and they broke up. Beatrice never saw a future with him anyway, she secretly had her eye on someone else.

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    LyrieLyrie Posts: 881 Member
    edited April 2019
    I am very lucky to have seasons~ It came out a bit before my birthday and my friend gifted it to me without saying and I login into origin and was shook to see it preparing to download! Needless to say she got a screamy squealing thankyou times a million-phone call!~ xD

    Aaaaagh for Yuki in that save, I hate that woman, but so far, she is still running free. I have a small storyline for her, but unsure when to execute it. We’ll have to see~

    As for Gianna, she is actually innocent in not knowing. Gemma had woohoo with lots of people during the time of Lilith’s conception. I think 3 guys another girl and Gianna. So the actual parent to Gianna was unknown (kinda wish that was a feature, and the partner could only be known if you shared big news, but that is just a little want~). And Gemma is to blame because she did not care enough to go find out and when Gianna asked, she just said no. BUT I also have a small plot brewing for Gianna to get a DNA test, but I have to plan some more and see if Lilith and Gianna share features. :smile:

    As for the twins father, he was the guy in the other apartment building, he was erratic/insane as well, so he and Gemma got along. One night they woohooed. The guy lived with his mom since he was unstable and Gemma spent a lot of time over there. But when she found out she was pregnant the guy got up and left his own apartment even though it was raining out. Gemma ran after him and being argumentative lashed out. She yelled at him, insulted his mom, criticized his woohooing. So yep that was over.

    After pretending she was not pregnant till she could not anymore, she gave birth to Max and Mckenna and only contacted their father for child support (MCCC option). And yeah that is the story of the dad. It’s strange because both Max and Mckenna have met their dad but don’t know he is (or so I pretend xD ). Idk if that is gonna go anywhere as both twins never considered finding or knowing their father.

    I made Jade to start the Runaway Teen and once that was complete then I was going to start the Difference in The Family Tree sims 4 version challenge. Buuuuut the drama was so good I… could not just follow the rules for the second challenge, so I drop the idea and went with this crazy plot xD I have no regrets though and thank you for the compliment! I really enjoy storytelling :smile: Let me know if you want to know anything else~ I don’t mind sharing!~

    *Nods* I get what you mean! I had a couple that was perfect and nothing kind of happened, so I made them argue a little about parenting or careers every once in a while, just to shake it up a little. I can’t wait to see more of your story~ Oooooh and aliens I can’t wait to play with them myself!

    EDIT: Eeee~ you updated and mawww~ I just love seeing Ian and Lawrence existing~ what a lovely day!
    D: omigosh! Poor Lawrey~ his past seems so dark, alone and harsh poor dear it breaks my heart to see someone so sweet have such a hard time! Aaaaagh~ it makes it even more precious their relationship and Lawrence is doing so much needed soul-searching, I hope it does not had him to leaving Ian to find the answer out but instead finding a self-confidence or assurance in himself without having to leave!

    Yay~ I will be happy to see any mini updates from the awesome families you shared!!!~ :smile:
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    SereneMossSereneMoss Posts: 128 Member
    in my game, I FINALLY decided to upload something I've created, normally I'm not too confident in my work. I'm surprised that it seems others enjoy it. I'm doing my best anyhow. So currently I'm working on a home and uploading each room and once my home is done I'll upload it so others can enjoy. =)
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    GroovyTurtlezGroovyTurtlez Posts: 36 Member
    Gremlins came and broke everything so my sim called the repair services, and then the repair service sims died while repairing the dryer :S
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    freindlylolfreindlylol Posts: 359 Member
    had to take out mods for new career to work
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    DaepheneDaephene Posts: 1,771 Member
    @Kristina That picture of Don's death and especially the attached commentary gave me the biggest laugh I've ever gotten from these forums. Thanks!
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    @Kristina 'That's my Don' best father ever lol, at least for this run huh :) but I love Don he's usually a good father just have to decide if he changes or not and I've used him a ton. Geralt is super cute though sims that just need a kiss usually are for some reason, gotta love how supportive Don is.

    On to the rest, as I read and commented out of order I guess, love that first line it's sad she died but at least Don has time to learn a few things in the end. Such a fitting end for Don, I really love this family cause drama and all :smiley:
    @AlwaysAsking Oh no I had them in view she really wanted his attention no matter where they went and I thought since he was flirty he might take some interest but Richard wasn't interested while Terrance can be a little more over sensitive. I'll have to watch those random flirts since I don't have mods in right now. Ha she's not so bad I mean she could be worse at least.

    Aw that's sweet you know what's funny I set up a sim's relationship based on that before some random guy he looked good so I had to use him a little change of clothes and he was dropped into her life. :smiley: Oh sure thing I love to see what's going on until I get behind and miss all the good stuff but I go back and read and all is well again. The looks sims have that stand out have a way with that so I don't mind if I don't pause fast enough and they make a new face give them the character they should have in each role heh.

    Okay onto the next I really love their relationship it takes some time to climb out of dark pits you find yourself in and when you see the now with thoughts of the past it makes you appreciate it more. As in you appreciated it that's how you recover but when you're doing better you have to look back and remember why if you can get through that, you can get through anything. You showed his mood so well too of course I'm all about drama but don't turn down the happiness a bit.

    @Daephene I like the guys Bruce and Walker they are adorable, their pets too.
    @Jase oh sure thing, I love twins till I can't wait for them to age up lol.

    Also not sure, the heir is only obsolete if the all-seeing eye (you in this case) says so, if you meant to ask me.
    @OhMyHemsworth loved the update and just because laptops are the best, I mean if they have the right specs and come in the right color and everything like that or something ha. I really like that pic of Chris practicing his lines, death happens but he can only have one take with the next scene huh.
    @Tixyen looking forward to sharing, I will have to redownload cc got rid of it all so I can do fresh downloads I was having one of those 'I like all this but don't use all this and can't get rid of it' moments mmhmm.

    Now I do actually have an update but I'll post it later this is getting long.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day

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