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Thread for new members to post their Sims 3 game issues


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    mysticwitchmysticwitch Posts: 8 New Member
    > @igazor said:
    > @mysticwitch - Hmm. If you cleared out the contents of your DCCache folder entirely, which is what you have just described, then you no longer have any sims3pack store or custom content in play. Those were not cache files (Missingdeps kind of is, I mean the others). Since Riverview is installed this way as a store world, I would say that you have partially removed content that the world requires to play.
    > Not sure where you got this advice from, but when we tell players to clear cache files, we don't (usually) mean their installed content. At least not as a first thing to try. The ebc file was your installed sims3pack content from the TS3 Store.
    > You might try removing Riverview from your InstalledWorlds folder and then reinstalling it to see if that fixes things.

    Horay! That fixed it. Thanks :)
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    Para4434Para4434 Posts: 9 New Member
    I don't have any installed packs lol I just got a new computer and it won't let me click any icons to enter the game. It said it didn't reconize my graphic card.
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    @Para4434 Please run and post a dxdiag so that we know what kind of computer you're working with. Otherwise, there are too many possible causes of your issue to account for, and we'll be left throwing random guesses and suggestions at you until one happens to work.
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    Para4434Para4434 Posts: 9 New Member
    I'm working with this computer. I fixed the grapic card issue.Lenovo 130-15AST 81H5 15.6″ Notebook - A6 -9225 2.6 GHz - 4 GB RAM - 500 GB HDD - Black. I can click past the start game screen at all nothing works.
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited January 2019
    @Para4434 I'm not surprised at all that this computer is having trouble running TS3. Its processor is above the 2.4 GHz speed normally recommended for the game, but it's only a dual core, which isn't really enough power to play on a laptop. It has only 4 GB RAM, much of which will be taken up by Windows 10 and associated basic processes running in the background. It also lacks a dedicated graphics card, so the video memory will be shared with main memory (your 4 GB), making things even tighter.

    Lenovo Ideapads weren't designed at all to handle the stress of even a moderately demanding game like TS3. Aside from the weaker hardware, your laptop doesn't have adequate cooling to protect itself from overheating. You could easily end up damaging it by forcing it to run the game.

    I'm sorry I don't have a better answer, but I doubt there's a way to get a good play experience on this computer, even if you only have the base game installed.
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    Para4434Para4434 Posts: 9 New Member
    ah oh it's basically an Ipad well that you anyway, I knew this were too good to be true
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    cupcake0021cupcake0021 Posts: 14 New Member
    Hi guys,

    The gaming laptop I was looking to purchase is unavailable on Best Buy, so I decided to go with my second option:

    h ttps://

    Previously, I mentioned my last laptop was broken due to a battery issue, and I never had the chance to back up my old save files. I attempted to restore my save files through a USB, a couple years ago on a different system, but I'm not sure if I did it, correctly. I am solely concerned with one saved household as all seventeen of my children and three grandchildren are located in this world. Is there a way to transport this saved household to a safe location without my previous laptop since it is unusable--like, could I possibly connect the old laptop to a new device and transport files between the two? I still have my old laptop, but the system only powers on for a couple of seconds before it shuts down. If there is no solution for this, I could try to get my old laptop to power on for long enough to transport the save files to someplace accessible, but I would need some assistance with that. Also, I use CC for that saved household, so would I need to transport my downloads folder, as well?

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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    @cupcake0021 It might be easiest to just copy over your entire TS3 game folder from Documents and dissect it later. But the only files you really need are the ones in the folder for your particular save, inside the Saves folder. If the game finds missing custom content, it's supposed to replace the items, although that doesn't always work well. (For example, a sim with a missing custom skin will often turn completely black until you reassign a skin.)

    Once installed, cc is bundled into .dbc files in DCCache, so you could transfer those files, or just grab Downloads from inside your game folder and reinstall your sims3packs, provided you didn't delete the downloads after you installed the first time. Saved households and builds, whether you installed them or made them in-game, land in Library. Sims saved in CAS land in SavedSims. For the rest, here's a thorough explanation of the files found in the game folder:

    As far as actually getting the data off your old computer, you might be able to boot the hard drive as an external. I don't know how to do this in Windows (there's no equivalent to the incredibly convenient Target Disk Mode of mac OS), or, for that matter, if your battery would hold up long enough for it to work. Your best bet might be to take it to a repair shop and ask that your data be transferred. Or maybe Best Buy will do it for you if you ask nicely—after all, it's the store's fault that you're in this position.
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    cupcake0021cupcake0021 Posts: 14 New Member
    @puzzlezaddict thank you for the quick reply, but I am having some comprehension issues. I understand I need to copy the entire game folder and dismember it, later on, but I'm kind of lost at the part where you mention the files found in the game folder. Sorry, I might need additional clarification on the second paragraph of your reply--my brain went blank at the first sentence. Also, when you mention booting the hard drive as an external, could you elaborate on that? When you refer to an external, do you mean something like an external hard drive? I really apologize, I don't have any background history with tech, so I don't know all the terms. And after numerous google searches, I'm vaguely aware of what booting a hard drive means--is it basically transferring files from within the system's hard drive to elsewhere? Also, correct me if I am totally wrong, but couldn't I just copy the game folder to an external hard drive and download the folder to the new laptop, install the game with all its packs, and transfer the data within the old game folder to the new one?
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    @cupcake0021 The easy part is dissecting the components of your game folder. Inside this folder, you'll find subfolders like Saves (which contains your saved games), Library (any household you've created that lands the in-game bin and is available for you to place while in Edit Town), SavedSims (sims that you've saved while working on them in Create a Sim), etc. When you download sims3packs, these packs land in Downloads so that the launcher can read and install them, and then the custom content is installed into .dbc files inside DCCache. Installing a household or lot will also produce a corresponding file in Library, so you can place the content in-game.

    But Crinrict has done a better job than I could of summarizing and explaining the various files you'll find in your game folder. That's why I linked her post. You can read it and figure out which files you'd want to keep and which you can reproduce or do without. If you have any questions about those files, I can try to clarify.

    As for the hard drive in the broken computer, I was a bit vague because I'm not entirely sure what your options are. The mac-specific process with which I'm familiar doesn't, of course, apply to you. If you can turn the computer on long enough to copy your files to an external hard drive or a thumb drive, then of course you could easily transfer those files to your new computer. The question is what to do if your old computer won't power on for long enough to allow you to copy the files. In that case, someone with more skills than I possess might be able to open up the laptop and either connect a battery, so you can grab your files, or extract the hard drive and put it in a casing that will allow you to use it as an external drive, the same as one you'd buy off the shelf. In that case, not only could you transfer your game files directly from your old hard drive to your new one, you could keep the old one as an external drive for backups and extra storage space.

    That process, however, is dependent on you finding someone with the skills to help you. What I do know is that this isn't common practice because it would likely break the old laptop, although it sounds like you don't care at this point. It's the kind of thing that people who build their own computers can probably do in their sleep, but I'm certainly not one of them.
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    cupcake0021cupcake0021 Posts: 14 New Member
    @puzzlezaddict thanks for clarifying. I have one more question--when you mention the files found in the game folder, am I supposed to dissect the ones you mentioned--Saves, Library, and Savedsims--from the old game folder to the newer one created when I install the game on the new laptop? From what I understand, I don't need the entire game folder--just some of the files within the folder. If that's the case, I'll read further into the post you linked to spare you the time of explaining. The state of my old laptop is unusual--sometimes, the system turns on if the charger is inserted in a certain manner, and it rarely works, but I'll try with that first because Best Buy, in my case, isn't known to be of much use. Sorry if I came off as uncaring, this situation is pretty frustrating--I don't think the time or funds are there to hire additional assistance, so I appreciate all your help!
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    cupcake0021cupcake0021 Posts: 14 New Member
    @puzzlezaddict I forgot to mention; is there a method to connect my old laptop to another device, such as a desktop, to transfer the files over? Like, is there a cable of some sorts I can use for this? I'm not sure if my old laptop would have to be powered on in order for this to work. And I know you're not familiar with my situation, so it's totally fine if you have no information about this.
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    edited January 2019
    @cupcake0021 You didn’t come off as uncaring at all, and I totally understand why this situation would be aggravating. The reason I referred you back to Crinrict’s post is that absent a game folder of your own to poke around in, I thought it might help get you oriented if you saw the whole list of files laid out. At least, that’s the kind of thing that helped me when I was starting to figure stuff out.

    The best practice for transferring TS3 files to a new computer is to launch the game first, which will generate a clean folder. You load a save and look around a bit, testing CAS and Build/Buy to make sure everything works, then quit. Then you can add your old files to your new game folder. Some subfolders will only be created when needed, so don’t worry if you’re missing Saves or Library; just copy those folders in, and the game will read them.

    For transferring files, there are a few ways to go. The easiest—provided you can get your old laptop to turn on—is to enable sharing between the computers and just drag and drop the files.

    If your old laptop can’t use nearby sharing (it looks like a recent addition to Windows 10), but can still power on, you could of course transfer files to an external hard drive or USB drive. You could also upload the files to a cloud storage service like Mediafire. I personally would avoid OneDrive unless you want it enabled for other reasons. It loves to automatically upload the contents of Documents to cloud storage, which becomes a problem when TS3 can’t find its game folder.

    And if you’d prefer, you can buy a cable to connect your computers to each other directly. Be sure to get one that fits both laptops; their specs should list what kind of USB connections they have.

    Here’s a summary of your options, in case it helps:

    If you can’t get your old laptop to turn on for any of this, I think your only other option is to use its hard drive as an external. It can be put in a drive enclosure that turns it into an external drive, or you may be able to hook up a cable to it directly. Again, check your laptops’ specs to see what kind of hardware you’d need.

    And, of course, the usual disclaimer is that I’ve never done this myself (I’m a mac person, in case you didn’t pick up on that; I only started learning about Windows so I could troubleshoot TS3), so you may want to ask for a second opinion.
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    cupcake0021cupcake0021 Posts: 14 New Member
    @puzzlezaddict thank you so, so much! I think you covered everything; I'll follow your advice and see what transpires.
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    halbromantischhalbromantisch Posts: 5 New Member
    > @igazor said:
    > @halbromantisch - Hi there. An outdated or poorly functioning mod that removes the censor blur can indeed cause all kinds of on-screen visual issues. The one we offer at NRaas should never do this on current patch levels. Will also add that the cache files listed out above must be cleared (deleted) whenever the contents of Mods\Packages changes in any way -- additions, deletions, updated versions, otherwise the caches can hold onto stale information after such content is changed or removed.
    > One other thing to check, there will be a file called DeviceConfig.log in your TS3 user game folder in Documents where all this content is. If your system is set to hide extensions, it will show up as just DeviceConfig. Do a right-click on that file and then Properties (Windows) or Get Info (Mac). Does the file's modification date/time match the last time you launched the game? If you aren't sure, back out, launch the game, and check it again. If the file is not updating automatically, then you likely have a different unwanted TS3 user game folder on your system someplace that the game is using rather than the one you are trying to work with.
    > NRaas Overwatch and ErrorTrap are not complicated to use. Overwatch runs fine on all default settings and ErrorTrap has no options, we just put the mods in place and let them do their thing. MasterController is a very complex mod that adds a lot of menu commands to sims, lots, and objects but it's all player directed. After loadup, the mod just sits back doing nothing and waits for the player to perhaps select a MC command to run. More assistance with these mods can be had at NRaas if you would like to try using them and have questions or need support. :)

    Hi @igazor! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I checked on my TS3 folder and found the DeviceConfig file. And you are right, the date doesn't match at all the last time I launched the game (like, last weekend). It says:
    created thursday ‎23 june ‎2011, ‏‎16:04:09
    modified on saturday 16 january 2016 16:14:13
    last access ‎thursday ‎23 ‎june ‎2011, ‏‎16:04:09

    However, I'm not sure I understand what I should do next then. What would you suggest?
    Thank you and have a good day!
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi @igazor! Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I checked on my TS3 folder and found the DeviceConfig file. And you are right, the date doesn't match at all the last time I launched the game (like, last weekend). It says:
    created thursday ‎23 june ‎2011, ‏‎16:04:09
    modified on saturday 16 january 2016 16:14:13
    last access ‎thursday ‎23 ‎june ‎2011, ‏‎16:04:09

    However, I'm not sure I understand what I should do next then. What would you suggest?
    Thank you and have a good day!
    That means the game folder you are looking at, the one you expect to be the "live" one that the game is using, is being ignored and hasn't been read from since Jan 2016. You can add and remove content and mods from that one all day, but the game isn't even seeing that game folder. There must be another one on your system instead that is being used.

    If you are on Win 10, a common place for a surprise user game folder to show up would be the Documents folder under OneDrive. It's best to rescue your game folder from there (perhaps drag it to the Desktop for a start), deactivate OneDrive if this is the case unless you have some other use for it, and hopefully that will force the game to see and use the one in the regular Documents folder instead. If you want the rescued game folder, not the three year old one, to be used then you can always swap them out with each other.
    Post edited by igazor on
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    halbromantischhalbromantisch Posts: 5 New Member
    @igazor I found it!! It was in my documents. I think me or my sister may have copied and pasted it in our "games" folder when we were organizing the things on our computer, instead of just dragging it there. Maybe that's what created two versions.
    It all makes sense now! I will do a little clean up on what I want to keep and delete from my two versions but omg i'm so happy!
    Thank you so much for your help!! :)
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    NyxAxelNyxAxel Posts: 6 New Member
    Trying to get back into Sims 3, just attempting to make it playable. My specs are:

    Intel i5-5200U
    Intel HD graphics 5500
    8gb RAM
    930GB of storage (so basically a TB) with 592gb free space currently

    I first tried with all EPs and SPs, which of course didn't work, but I wanted to at least rule that out. Now I have:

    Fast Lane Stuff
    High End Loft Stuff
    Town Life Stuff

    Haven't started it up yet, wanted to know from people who are smarter than me if my specs look alright enough to handle at least these EPs.
    I do keep most settings on low in game, if that helps. The only things I amp up; I like mirrors and water to reflect, and Sims themselves are on High (although I might put them to Medium if I really have to)

    Am in the process of looking for a desktop around 600$ soon, within around 2 months I believe, so as long as I can make this game playable enough on my laptop with (hopefully) the EPs I have currently I'm happy. If I have to cut back on one or two, I'd appreciate someone to tell me which ones I probably should cut out.
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    NyxAxelNyxAxel Posts: 6 New Member
    Oh also, forgot to mention that I have Master Controller, Overwatch, and Error Trap. As well as Story Progression, but I'm not sure if that'd really change anything about the lag..? (unless it might make it worse?)
    So, I'm already well aware that mods are needed to fix this game lol If there are any others anyone could suggest, I would be thankful~

    Also, there's currently only a slight amount of CC. CAS background color change, a default skin for Sims, and that's it. Was wanting to add a bit more clothing since I don't have Late Night in, but if it might be too much then I probably won't
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    puzzlezaddictpuzzlezaddict Posts: 1,877 Member
    @NyxAxel Your processor and graphics card would struggle mightily with Seasons, which is the second-most-demanding pack. Stuff packs don't add much at all to overhead, and Ambitions is pretty mild. Generations isn't very demanding either, but the more expansions you add, even at the lower end, the more you're stressing your hardware.

    As far as graphics settings are concerned, the most demanding categories by far are water and high-detail lots. I keep those at "mirrors only" and 2, respectively, even though my computer's hardware can handle high settings.

    It's hard to say for sure how your computer would handle the other packs you listed (besides Seasons) for a couple of reasons. One is that this is a gray area—some players have better results than others, due at least in part to different playstyles. Another is that your computer is a few years old now, and it can't be expected to perform at the same level it did when it was new. But how much it's declined will depend on how you've used it so far, and there's some element of randomness too.

    Of the mods you mentioned, only StoryProgression adds any notable overhead to your game. The others probably decrease demands overall by fixing issues that the game engine would otherwise tax itself trying to resolve. I'm not sure what you saw in terms of lag, and weaker hardware would certainly cause delays in rendering and significant fps drops, among other things. But lag can also be caused by stuck sims and other routing issues that ErrorTrap and Overwatch should step in to correct.

    How well your computer handles custom content depends not only on the amount, but on the resolution of the items as well. High poly count hairs, in particular, can be hard on an integrated card like yours. You should always make sure the items you want to download come in low poly count varieties, or you might see weird graphics glitches or excessive loading times in CAS. (I'm not sure what you mean by "background color change," but if you're referring to a lighting mod, I have no idea how taxing that would be on your system.)

    In the end, though, you should be very careful trying to play TS3 on this laptop. It could easily overheat, or the demands of running the game alone could damage its hardware. It might be best to wait until you have that new computer set up. If you want help finding one to play on, you can always ask here. If you can pay a bit more—something in the $700 range—you could get a desktop that could run TS3 and all packs on high settings. But the next category down will struggle to handle the most demanding packs (aside from Seasons, those are Pets, then Into the Future and Island Paradise).
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    tblu2326tblu2326 Posts: 14 New Member
    Hi, am back with the same problem: My Game keeps crashing, or closing to desktop without any warning. It was fine, for a while, before it did it again. Though I think it was because I was playing the Sims 3 longer than normal, either way, I have no clue what is causing it and could really use some help to stop it. My Config is below. I also do get script Errors from my laptop in my Sims 3 folder. Let me know if that is needed.

    Name: Sims3
    Build: Release
    === Rating info ===
    GPU: 5 GPU Memory: 1 CPU: 2 RAM: 4 CPU Speed: 2304 Threading: 3
    Adjusted CPU: 2672 RAM: 8034 Adjusted RAM: 7522 Cores: 4
    === Machine info ===
    OS version: Windows 8 6.2.9200
    OS prod type: 0
    OS major ver: 6
    OS minor ver: 2
    OS SP major ver: 0
    OS SP minor ver: 0
    OS is 64Bit: 1
    CPU: GenuineIntel
    Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8300H CPU @ 2.30GHz
    Family: 6
    Model: 14
    Cores: 4
    HT: 1
    x64: 0
    Memory: 8034MB
    Free memory: 4466MB
    User: tblui
    Computer: LAPTOP-HLH64KQ1
    === Graphics device info ===
    Number: 0
    Name (driver): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
    Name (database): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 [Found: 0, Matched: 0]
    Vendor: NVIDIA
    Chipset: Vendor: 10de, Device: 1c8d, Board: 12651025, Chipset: 00a1
    Driver: nvldumd.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B71E3E-5FCD-11CF-5275-6B321BC2D435
    Driver version: 1735
    Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
    Texture memory: 32MB <>
    Vertex program: 3.0
    Pixel program: 3.0
    Hardware TnL: 1
    === Options ===
    AnimationSmoothing 0
    LightingQuality 3
    GeneralReflections 1
    TextureQuality 3
    VisualEffects 3
    TerrainQuality 1
    EdgeSmoothing 0
    ObjectHiding 1
    AspectRatio 0
    ForceSquarePixels 1
    SimQuality 3
    TreeQuality 2
    DrawDistance 3
    MaxActiveLots 2
    NumMaxActiveLotOptions 6
    AdvancedRendering 1
    AudioQuality 2
    AudioOutputMode 1
    VoiceLevel 255
    SoundFXLevel 255
    MusicLevel 255
    AmbientLevel 255
    FocusMute 1
    VoiceMute 0
    SoundFXMute 0
    MusicMute 0
    AmbientMute 0
    EdgeScrolling 1
    EdgeScrollingWarning 0
    SupressOpportunityDialogs 0
    SuppressOpportunityDialogsWarningProducts 164009
    SimWhileMinimized 0
    TwelveHourClock 1
    ShowPlacementGrid 0
    AutonomyLevel 0
    DisableAutonomyForSelectedSim 1
    PetAutonomyLevel 2
    AgingInterval 2
    EnableAging 1
    EnableTutorial 0
    EnableIntroTutorial 0
    EnableTombResets 1
    EnableInGameStore 0
    EnableTelemetry 0
    EnableMemories 3
    AgingStageLengthBaby 3
    AgingStageLengthToddler 7
    AgingStageLengthChild 9
    AgingStageLengthTeen 28
    AgingStageLengthYoungAdult 29
    AgingStageLengthAdult 42
    AgingStageLengthElder 20
    EnableInteractiveLoading 0
    AgingStageLengthPuppy 0
    AgingStageLengthDogAdult 0
    AgingStageLengthDogElder 0
    AgingStageLengthKitten 0
    AgingStageLengthCatAdult 0
    AgingStageLengthCatElder 0
    AgingStageLengthFoal 0
    AgingStageLengthHorseAdult 0
    AgingStageLengthHorseElder 0
    LunarCycleLength 3
    LunarPhaseLength 0
    EnableLunarCycle 1
    EnableLunarPhase 0
    EnableStoryProgression 1
    EnableVampires 1
    EnableWerewolves 1
    EnablePets 1
    EnableCelebrities 1
    EnableFairies 1
    EnableWitches 1
    EnableHorses 1
    EnableOptOutCeleb 0
    ReceiveConnectTNS 1
    ReceivedDevGift 0
    PostFilterFlags 0
    RequireLoginBeforeLoad 1
    SummerLength 7
    FallLength 7
    WinterLength 7
    SpringLength 7
    SummerEnabled 1
    FallEnabled 1
    WinterEnabled 1
    SpringEnabled 1
    IsCelcius 0
    FogEnabled 1
    RainEnabled 1
    SnowEnabled 1
    HailEnabled 1
    InvertHorizontalRotation 0
    InvertVerticalRotation 0
    VideoCaptureSize 1
    VideoCaptureQuality 2
    VideoCaptureSound 0
    VideoCaptureTime 60
    VideoCaptureHideUI 1
    === Default Options ===
    AnimationSmoothing 0
    LightingQuality 1
    GeneralReflections 1
    TextureQuality 1
    VisualEffects 3
    TerrainQuality 1
    EdgeSmoothing 0
    ObjectHiding 1
    AspectRatio 0
    ForceSquarePixels 1
    SimQuality 1
    TreeQuality 2
    DrawDistance 3
    MaxActiveLots 1
    NumMaxActiveLotOptions 6
    AdvancedRendering 1
    AudioQuality 2
    AudioOutputMode 1
    VoiceLevel 255
    SoundFXLevel 255
    MusicLevel 255
    AmbientLevel 255
    FocusMute 1
    VoiceMute 0
    SoundFXMute 0
    MusicMute 0
    AmbientMute 0
    EdgeScrolling 0
    EdgeScrollingWarning 1
    SupressOpportunityDialogs 0
    SuppressOpportunityDialogsWarningProducts 0
    SimWhileMinimized 0
    TwelveHourClock 1
    ShowPlacementGrid 0
    AutonomyLevel 2
    DisableAutonomyForSelectedSim 0
    PetAutonomyLevel 2
    AgingInterval 2
    EnableAging 1
    EnableTutorial 1
    EnableIntroTutorial 1
    EnableTombResets 1
    EnableInGameStore 1
    EnableTelemetry 1
    EnableMemories 1
    AgingStageLengthBaby 3
    AgingStageLengthToddler 7
    AgingStageLengthChild 7
    AgingStageLengthTeen 14
    AgingStageLengthYoungAdult 21
    AgingStageLengthAdult 21
    AgingStageLengthElder 17
    EnableInteractiveLoading 1
    AgingStageLengthPuppy 0
    AgingStageLengthDogAdult 0
    AgingStageLengthDogElder 0
    AgingStageLengthKitten 0
    AgingStageLengthCatAdult 0
    AgingStageLengthCatElder 0
    AgingStageLengthFoal 0
    AgingStageLengthHorseAdult 0
    AgingStageLengthHorseElder 0
    LunarCycleLength 3
    LunarPhaseLength 0
    EnableLunarCycle 1
    EnableLunarPhase 0
    EnableStoryProgression 1
    EnableVampires 1
    EnableWerewolves 1
    EnablePets 1
    EnableCelebrities 1
    EnableFairies 1
    EnableWitches 1
    EnableHorses 1
    EnableOptOutCeleb 0
    ReceiveConnectTNS 1
    ReceivedDevGift 0
    PostFilterFlags 0
    RequireLoginBeforeLoad 0
    SummerLength 7
    FallLength 7
    WinterLength 7
    SpringLength 7
    SummerEnabled 1
    FallEnabled 1
    WinterEnabled 1
    SpringEnabled 1
    IsCelcius 0
    FogEnabled 1
    RainEnabled 1
    SnowEnabled 1
    HailEnabled 1
    InvertHorizontalRotation 0
    InvertVerticalRotation 0
    VideoCaptureSize 1
    VideoCaptureQuality 2
    VideoCaptureSound 0
    VideoCaptureTime 60
    VideoCaptureHideUI 1
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    @tblu2326 - After how much (how many hours) are we talking about without saving, exiting out completely, and reloading? Besides that, afraid we're going to have to start with the same question as before -- what kind of fps are you actually getting in-game, are things still staying locked under 60 for you?

    On the script logs, if those are being thrown by NRaas mods I would have to ask you to bring them to us at NRaas for help in understanding what they are saying.
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    BeachBum5790BeachBum5790 Posts: 9 New Member
    Is there a way to launch the game without using Origin? Whenever I try to launch from Origin and click "play", nothing happens. The game does not start, but the "play" button is grayed out and cannot be clicked again. I have tried going offline and reinstalling Origin. It's still happening.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    edited January 2019
    Is there a way to launch the game without using Origin? Whenever I try to launch from Origin and click "play", nothing happens. The game does not start, but the "play" button is grayed out and cannot be clicked again. I have tried going offline and reinstalling Origin. It's still happening.
    If you are on Patch 1.69 on Windows (not Mac), then I'm afraid not. The Origin and Launcher tie-ins are required to start up the game, there are no bypasses anymore.

    I take it you have tried rebooting already.

    I guess the first question to ask beyond that is, from where did you originally obtain the base game? Was this an Origin purchase, a retail disc install, a code redeemed from some other source? It is possible that you are locked out from EA's end, sometimes this happens for a good reason and sometimes for no reason at all, but it would take a real time chat with customer service to determine that and to see if things can be unlocked from their end.
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    tblu2326tblu2326 Posts: 14 New Member
    > @igazor said:
    > @tblu2326 - After how much (how many hours) are we talking about without saving, exiting out completely, and reloading? Besides that, afraid we're going to have to start with the same question as before -- what kind of fps are you actually getting in-game, are things still staying locked under 60 for you?
    > On the script logs, if those are being thrown by NRaas mods I would have to ask you to bring them to us at NRaas for help in understanding what they are saying.

    Three to Four hours of gameplay, and it is still locked at 60. I have learned to save often because of Sims 3 closing out at random, so I didn't lose much when it happened again.

    The script logs aren't from Nraas. It says ScriptError_Laptop.
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