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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cassandra is bae. That is all c:
    I fell in love with her from the moment she wanted to kill me @-@ xD
    (Also cole, joesphine, and sera are cute ^w^ if only I could win Varric's attention ;-; )

    Also i always knew you were a boy joe c:
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    I didn't read everything...but I'm obsessed with seriously. But I can't get myself to romance anyone other than Cullen! I did a Blackwall romance and he's all passionate and all, but I didn't feel the "awwww <3" with him. Bull was okay...but I couldn't really get a connection there and I felt it was superficial. I can't make myself love Sera...she's a pain in the behind. I wanted to do an Elf Mage romance with Solas, but I already know how that ends so I'm a bit like..mmm nope! lol But Cullen has me in the feels <3<3

    That is all...
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    Haha if you love Cullen Beech you'll love Allistair from Dragon Age origins
    Seriously though, origins is ammaaazinggggg
    2 was arlight and inquistion of course is the best !
    I have so many videogames I need to play but so little time ._. (*has yet to play mass effect 3 , finish inqusition, fallout new vegs , etc etc etc dies* )
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    Oh I did love Allistair. Again...couldn't romance anyone but him >.<
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited October 2015
    @mizzie Try maybe another race and see how it goes? *elf supremacy* Yeah ik, I dont care about clipping as long as the long hair option was ther xD But bioware have always left me wanting with hairstyles. Thank the heavens for the dragon age nexus. Sate your curiousity and get on it as soon as your school stuff eases up ;3 I'm a big baby too, no shame!

    @elia omf yes. Cassie and Dorian are bae, two totally opposite characters but they're so relatable at the same time. ;_; Dorian especially, he's an absolute diamond in the rough, and they painted him as so real. Finish inky! :o

    @beech Cullen is the most adorable thing ever, I even had a mod in my DA:O game where if you played a mage you had an option to kiss him in a kind of goodbye way if you played through as a mage. I might romance him next time, he reminds me of Alistair minus the quirk. Blackwall was kinda.. hard for me to like romantically, he reminds me too much of my dad. Minus his little lying side. I couldn't do it. xD

    edit: oh the Alistair comparison has been made :sweat_smile: I'm an idiot! No Zevran fans tho?! o.o!
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    The acceeeennnttt
    I looove Dorian's moustacje.
    Honestly my inquistor is a little hooo at the moment xDD ^^ ; But I have plans to complete Cass romance
    I romanced Sebastian in Da 2 but I made a save before isabela's romance dialouge in act 2 and saw it and kinda wish I romanxed her ;-;
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited October 2015
    YESSSSSSSSS! :bawling: Forever fawning over the Antivans! She a lil ho? Oh dear oh dear. So was my first one then you get locked into weird romances and everyone is confused. xD
    You didn't romance her? Oh she was so 🐸🐸🐸🐸! You have to go back :tired_face: !
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    Yesss @_@ And haha, just flirty! She hasn't kissed yet c:
    And I knoooow, I'm planning on doing a full DA:O, Da2, and DA:I run again once i finish DA:I, but I'm going to do different choices (and races)
    I love mah elves though <3
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    edited October 2015
    I wanted to romance Alistair right from the start in DA:O. I tried Lelianna, but wasn't feeling it. Zev was a good one, but I accidentally screwed that one up when I clicked an option and locked into a romance with Alli lol oops. In DA:2 I was all for Anders or Isabela, but ultimately went for Anders. I wish I could romance Dorian in DA:I. If he were available I'd have a blast. He's perfect in almost every way... Lol

    @Chan: Blackwall has that older dude daddy thing lol I like the idea of him having secrets and being all passionate and mysterious, but he does come off as a dad. I think him being slightly younger could've helped maybe?

    I seriously swoon when I see all the cut scenes with Cullen. He's so dang adorable. Love the awkward questions you can ask too (like him being celibate)
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    Oh yeah Leilana and Alistair are really easy to get into romance with! I remember I unintentionally attracted leilana and had to turn her down. .
    Then Wynne, gave me a lecture on both leilana and alistair >_>;
    Anders was soo much awesomer in Awakening :c I feel bad for what Justice did to himm >< I felt so sad at what he did end of 2 v.v
    Oh . . you cant romance Dorian?
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited October 2015
    @Beech Yeaah he's very father like, even in his advice about other people. What his romance like? I know Solas was a serious tough cookie to crack. >.< But its why I liked it, it felt so real considering what he had hidden away. You're making me wanna romance Cullen so much, have you played Trespasser? I hear his ending is like the sweetest thing.

    @Eliavah You can romance Dorian, but us ladies can't if you get what I'm saying (if you haven't seen his personal questline prepare to board the feels train). It broke my heart when I first tried with my girl inky, and I tried to get all up in Cass' lovespace just after that heartbreak and got seriously knocked back so I'm gonna make a guy and try them both one day.

    edit: I haven't played Mass Effect, I'm so weird when it comes to my fantasy genre. I prefer past rather than future?
    Post edited by spackichan on
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    edited October 2015
    wait . . WAIT
    Wooooooow, that just blew mine ;_;
    ugh. I looked it up, cant even romance cole either. .
    I guess I can go with josephinee v.v or sera >.< thanks for letting me know :X
    And aww I understand, I loveeee sci fi, and it reminds me of star wars KOTOR which was my first choice based game. So naturally im obessed ;;
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    D: IM SORRY FOR BREAKING IT TO YOU. I tried because who doesn't love her Nevarran accent and those cheeeekbones ;_; No, Inquisition characters are really set in their sexuality unlike DA:2 where everyone was fair game. Sera's cute as long as you don't get "too elfy" :P
    I've heard such good things about Mass Effect so I may just try it out one day. ;_; I hear the companion system is just as good
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    EliavahEliavah Posts: 2,270 Member
    Its all good bby :* I fell in love with her when I found out she had a secret affection for Varric's tales. T_T.maybe ill glitch the game and keep trying ;u;
    I reallly like josephine's accent but i.hope she isnt another boring romance like Sebastian.
    And it is great!! Kaiden's voice actor is the dreammmmmy Carth Onasi from star wars kotor. That game (Star Wars kotor) is literally my second favorite videogame of all yime. I don know why when I play it I get so happy and nostalgic =D I like 1 better than 2 but 2 is awesome too! So mass effect remjnds me of it. Me1 is alright but 2 is awesomeeee
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    @spackichan :: Blackwall's romance is very intense and passionate. He's got that wounded, "poor me" thing going on and he pushes you away every time you flirt. Then eventually he shows up in your room, grabs you, says "You have to stop this, cuz I can't" and then you can say okay, buh-bye, or kiss him and then it gets real...all up against a banister lol Then after that you have to console him, he drops hints about his secret past, and then you can choose to continue on loving the big lug or use him as your man slave lol but it's pretty intense...I just couldn't connect as much as I did with Cullen.

    @Elia: Yeah...ladies can romance Cullen, Blackwall, Sera, Josephine, Bull, and Solas (only fem elves though). The guys get Bull, Cass, Josephine, Sera, and Dorian. I wanted to romance Dorian soooooooo badly, but I'm not into playing guy inquisitors lol I play me as a lady!!
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    It sounds pretty interesting actually, I'd expect him to be a total bore. Intense is good! Might make an.. older quizzy one day and give him a shot, praying I don't cringe when it gets nasty cause he's literally a father figure haha! Here I go, romancing Cullen rn Beech! So cute :love:
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    I think that the story for Blackwall was written pretty well, but if you're the kind of girl who doesn't want to chase a man, then his story will get annoying...quick. lol He seriously plays the pity party quite often and you have to talk him out of it...OMG I love me some Cullen. I'm definitely romancing him right now as well with my human mage :)<3
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    Sorry @Eliavah I didn't see you'd posted >.< I couldn't do Josephine, I've got this really bad Disney princess feel for her romance and I like it a lil more spicy. I haven't played any of the star wars games cause I'm so biased against future fantasy but I might have to give ME a go... ;3

    @Beech Haha! Easy romances are a thing of legends if you love Solas more than anything but from where I am with Cullen right now I'm kinda liking them. He's got his bad points but oh god he is so sweet ;-; <3 you've converted me a lil
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    BeechNutBabyBeechNutBaby Posts: 14,439 Member
    lol I am a sucker for the sappy romances...especially since I wish Cullen were a real person so I could snatch him up right now...I could use a real gentleman in my life. I think that he's one of the most genuine - Solas' romance really is amazing too, but I almost stay away because I'm like "NO! You break heartbreaker!!" lol
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    We all need a little Cullen in our lives. <3 yes please beech just don't go near that lil egg he's a traitor. ;-; I wept haha.

    I'm thinking Maggie is super busy so I'll post mine and joes scores tomorrow :)
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    ladybug65ladybug65 Posts: 696 Member
    Boopity :p
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited October 2015
    Scores posted! I'm sorry to have to cut that to the finale, but as you know a tons happened! Thankyou all for competing and thanks to joe and maggie for judging oh, and being so patient with me (slowest host in the world? MAYBE!) <3
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    JoeJoe11JoeJoe11 Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited October 2015
    Sad this is over but it's been an amazing competition! Well done everyone involved. I think in my short time in the S&M community this has been the competition where I've seen the biggest progress. You're all such talented editors and there was a really great 'striving' element to this competition.

    Well done again! :) It's been a pleasure. Sorry I ducked out of no comments - didn't realise it would be finale.

    All the shots were pretty flawless in my eyes anyhow, as reflected in my scores.

    Thanks for having me as a judge, Chan. It's been fun :)
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    spackichanspackichan Posts: 1,183 Member
    edited October 2015
    JoeJoe11 wrote: »
    Well done again! :) It's been a pleasure. Sorry I ducked out of no comments - didn't realise it would be finale.

    Sorry 'bout that Joe, :( I just felt it was best, I'm not here enough to be a good host/judge and I didn't want people waiting on me! Don't worry about the comments, you've gave some really sound advice/comments over the comp. ^.^ I was glad to have you!

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