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Simsweetie's Ultimate Gold Digger Challenge - Do you have what it takes?

Gold Digger Challenge

Your challenge begins the with the adventures of a rather hopeless sort of man; the kind who would normally be found living in his parents' basement while he plays video games all day. However, due to the death of his parents, the hapless fellow has found himself in possession of an actually decent home.

1.) Start with a single, young adult male. Two of his three traits must be lazy/geek, but you can pick whatever you want for his third trait and his lifetime aspiration. He must be at best, average looking, preferably pasty and either very skinny or very fat. Using the free real estate cheat, move him into a mid-range home worth approximately $30,000. He should move in with around $20,000 cash, use most of this to furnish and decorate his home to your desires and leave him with $5,000 in cash or less.

+ 1 Point

2.) Get him a job, any job you like. Play him for one sim week during which he should gain several skill points, make one or more friends and acquire a girlfriend but his cash money should never exceed $5,000. Anytime he acquires more than this, you should use it to buy more objects to furnish the house.

+ 1 Point per Day (Max. 7 Points)

3.) Create your gold digger. She must be an attractive, young adult female. One of her traits must be materialistic, her other two traits are up to you but her lifetime aspiration must be the fabulously wealthy aspiration. Once she has completed this aspiration, you may switch it to mansion baron. Note: If you later choose to make her a black widow, one of her traits must be evil.

+ 1 Point

4.) You must make the gold digger very poor. Move her into an empty lot, reduce her funds to $5,000 which you may use to create and furnish her simple home. When you are done, she should have virtually no money. Get her a job (any you desire) and play her for one sim week during which she should acquire several skill points, make one or more female friends and go on at least two dates with two different male sims (neither of which can be your original male), bonus points if they are married. She can woohoo with them, but she cannot get pregnant. Her cash balance should remain virtually empty. Any money she makes should be spent on more things for her house and she can never pay bills. Bonus points if her utilities get turned off.

+ 1 Point per Day (Max 7 Points)
+ 1 Bonus Point per Date with Married Men (Max. 3 Points)
+ 1 Bonus Point for Utility Shutoff due to Failure to Pay Bills

5.) Have your gold digger seduce your original male. She must try for baby. Once she is pregnant, you must try and get the male sim to marry her controlling ONLY her. Once they are married, you can move the gold digger in with him and have him break up with his girlfriend (or not, up to you). If she does not marry the original male sim before she gives birth, the challenge is over and you have failed.

+ 2 Points for Pregnancy
+ 1 Point per Child (She may have only one pregnancy, but if she gives birth to twins or triplets you are entitled to additional points.)
+ 1 Point for Marriage

6.) Now you must decide if your gold digger is a black widow. If she is, she must kill her spouse within the next sim week after they are married. (Obviously you will have to orchestrate this through starvation, fire, etc.) If she is not a black widow, you must have the two fight constantly and ultimately have her divorce him and kick him out by the end of the first sim week after they are married. If they are still married, and the original male is still alive at the end of the first week following their marriage, you have failed the challenge. Bonus points if the murder/divorce is sparked by her having an affair with a more appealing mate. However it ends, you must keep custody of the child.

+ 5 Points for Murder/Divorce
+ 1 Bonus Point for Affair

The gold digger now desires to move on to bigger and better things. She is hungry for a more luxurious lifestyle, and the man who can provide it.
Husband number two should be a professional, high up in the business world, a doctor or someone of equal importance. He is the type of guy lots of girls want to land.

7.) Create a single, adult male. He should be at least moderately attractive with the non-committal and hates children traits. You may choose his third trait but his lifetime ambition should NOT be related to family or marriage. Using whatever cheats are necessary, move him into a nice home with a net worth of about $100,000 and a cash reserve of at least $20,000.

+ 1 Point

8.) You may cheat to elevate him to a career and skills befitting his stature. You are not required to play him for any extended amount of time but you'll get bonus points for each of his love interests. A love interest only counts if they have had woohoo together. He is not permitted to have a girlfriend.

+ 1 Bonus Point per Love Interest (Max. 3 Points)

9.) Have your gold digger seduce the new male and try for baby. After she announces that she is pregnant, the two have to have an argument that significantly reduces their relationship. Controlling only her, you must get the new male to propose. Once they are married, she can move in with him. If they are not married by the time the child is born, you have failed the challenge.

+ 3 Points for Pregnancy
+ 2 Points per Child (She may have only one pregnancy, but if she gives birth to twins or triplets you are entitled to additional points.)
+ 2 Points for Marriage

10.) If your gold digger is also a black widow, she must now begin devising her evil plan. She has one sim week to kill off her new mate. If she is not a black widow, she must divorce him and kick him out by the end of the first sim week after they are married. BUT! There's a twist this time, before he dies, or before she divorces him, she must become pregnant once more. If the new mate is not dead, or if they are not divorced, or if she is not pregnant in either scenario by the end of the first sim week after their marriage, you have failed the challenge. Bonus points if the pregnancy could be the result of an affair.

+ 10 Points for Murder/Divorce
+ 3 Points for Pregnancy

Your gold digger is now a mother of at least three children and is quite tired of the small time. She's ready to be set for life!

11.) Play your gold digger as a single mother until she reaches full maturity (adult life stage). During this time, she may not work and has to live off of what she has gotten from her two ex-husbands; however, she is encouraged to date. Bonus points if she has another child.

+3 Points
+ 5 Bonus Points for Pregnancy

The new man your gold digger sets her sights on is truly in a league of his own. Refined, elderly, dapper and with a nose for girls like your gold digger, now the real challenge begins...

12.) Start with a married, elder male. He must have the lifetime aspiration of successful lineage, have at least two children (one young adult, one teenager) and at least one of his traits must be snob. You must also create his wife who is also an elder and the mother of his children. They should be best friends and soul mates and he must have a good relationship with both children. Using whatever cheats are necessary, move them into a home worth at least $500,000 with at least $50,000 in reserve.

+5 Points

13.) Your gold digger has one sim week to seduce the gentleman and become pregnant. If she fails to do so, you have failed the challenge. Once she is pregnant, you now have an out. The gentleman will offer her $50,000 to go away and have a good life. You can either accept the reward and the challenge will end once you complete the mansion baron aspiration, or you can continue the challenge and risk failure.

+ 10 Points for Pregnancy
+ 50 Points for Challenge Completion (Only applicable if you take the $50,000 bribe and only once you complete both the fabulously wealthy and mansion baron aspiration.)

14.) If you choose to continue the challenge, you forfeit the $50,000. If your gold digger is a black widow, she must kill the wife of the gentleman and get him to marry her before the birth of the baby. If she is not a black widow, you have until the baby is born to have the wife of the gentleman catch you in the act (when you may then switch to that family and her divorce and leave him) and get married. If your gold digger is not married to the gentleman before the birth of the baby, you fail the challenge.

+ 20 Points for Murder/Homewrecking
+ 5 Points per Child (She may have only one pregnancy, but if she gives birth to twins or triplets you are entitled to additional points.)

15.) Now that your gold digger is married to the ultimate mate, she faces and additional obstacle to his fortune... his children. She has just one sim week from the day of their marriage to either kill both children (if she is a black widow), or cause them to leave home (you may have them leave home once her relationship with them is completely bottomed out). If both children are not dead, or have not left home within the first week of her marriage, you fail the challenge.

+ 10 Points for Murder/Homewrecking per Child (Max. 20 Points)
+ 5 Bonus Points if Both Children Die/Leave at Once

16.) The gold digger must complete her mansion baron aspiration before the gentleman dies of old age. She may not kill him, and she may not divorce him (iron clad prenup doh!). If she does not complete both the fabulously wealthy and mansion baron aspirations before he dies, you fail the challenge. If you complete both challenges before he dies, congratulations! You've successfully completed the Gold Digger Challenge!!! Enjoy your hard won riches.

+ 50 Points for Completion of Fabulously Wealthy Challenge
+50 Points for Completion of Mansion Baron Challenge
+100 Points for Challenge Completion

You may not use any rewards, cheats (other than those outlined above) or custom content that gives you an unfair advantage. You may not extend life spans and must play on a normal life span. You fail the challenge if any of your gold digger's biological children die, leave the home or are taken by social services. You fail the challenge if your gold digger dies and must start over. You may not refuse to save if something bad happens, you must accept the consequences and start over.


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    SimsweetieSimsweetie Posts: 562 Member
    edited June 2015
    This unfortunate soul is Irving Poindextor, doomed to begin my Gold Digger Challenge by becoming husband number 1... assuming I don't horribly fail on my first try anyway.

    Iriving wants be a computer whiz, his traits are lazy/geek/squeamish.


    His house isn't fabulous, but it's worth just about 50k leaving him with about 4.5k banked and will be a huge step up for the starving little gold digger whenever she finally gets her hooks into him.




    You can find both on my gallery under angsea if you want a quick start to the challenge.

    Irving's first day, I sat him down to work on his programming and gaming skills; but then the welcome wagon showed up bearing fruitcake, and more importantly - a potential girlfriend, the lovely Zoe Patel who is just enough of an adorable little dork to find Irving charming, really charming. I was amazed and how quickly their romance took off. By the end of day one, the two were already going steady and had shared their first kiss.

    Day two was devoted to working on skills - and then at the end of the day I figured he deserved a break and he and Zoe sealed the deal with some steamy woohoo. Those little nerds are so compatible and cute together I honestly feel kind of bad about what lay ahead for poor, hapless Irving!

    I forgot how quickly a sim week goes by when you're playing a sim alone. On super speed while he's at work and sleeping, the days just went by in a crazy blur. It was only on Friday with two days left in the week I realized he hadn't made any friends yet so I quickly got over a couple of guys from the welcome wagon to have dinner and chat. He and J Huntington were incredibly not compatible, they mostly just sat there and made awkward conversation, but luckily he hit it off with another guy and made a buddy.

    On Saturday, Zoe called him up to invite him to her birthday party. I had him wish the birthday girl a lot of happiness between the sheets since I knew what was coming. By Sunday morning, Irving had racked up quite a lot of skills in comedy, charisma, gaming, programming and cooking. I've actually grown kind of fond of him, too bad he's cannon fodder for the upcoming gold digger!


    Post edited by Simsweetie on
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    SimsweetieSimsweetie Posts: 562 Member
    My gold digger is named Veronica Breaux. She's materialistic, hot headed and self assured with of course, the fabulously wealthy aspiration. I lowered her funds to $5,000 which I quickly discovered means she can have only the most basic and rudimentary of trailer homes. I guess that's a fitting start eh?

    I quickly noticed the differences between playing a sim with nothing versus a sim who started off comfortably. It was hard to play Veronica who was constantly unhappy, mostly because she was bored. I had her befriend Liberty Lee right off the bat and then got her a job as a criminal. Veronica spent most of the first couple of days playing on her phone and stalking every single male sim who wandered by her house, trying to figure out if they were a good mark.

    Luckily for me, bills came quickly at the beginning of the week and Veronica was quickly living without power, and then without water. That was a challenge in and of itself but also sort of amusing watching her eat cereal on her inflatable bed in the dark. I know what she has in her evil plans so watching her suffer a little is a good thing.

    Toward mid-week, I realized that she STILL hadn't gone on a date yet and I quickly hopped to trying to get her to land a married man. Mortimer Goth was happy to flirt with her a little, but anytime she tried too hard to kiss him or ask him on a date he got offended. With the clock ticking I gave up and sent her on her first day with Malcolm Landgraab. I tried again for Mortimer but he was deeply offended by her repeated efforts so then I set my sights on Geoffrey Landgraab. I know I know, kind of weird dating both father and son right? But desperate times call for desperate measures.


    Thankfully, Geoffrey was more responsive to Veronica than old Mortie and the two quickly had her second required date and some ahem, fun between the sheets. With her two date minimum requirement fulfilled by the skin of her teeth, I realized she didn't really have any skills to speak of, namely because she had nothing to skill WITH. No computer, no mirror, nothing.

    I threw my all into getting her /some/ skill points and managed to get a couple of charisma in (ha!) before the deadline. I think she also has one in comedy and one or two in cooking. All in all, it was a challenging week for Veronica who spent the latter part of her time showering at the gym, but at least now I can focus on getting her to meet poor, poor Irving. By now she's pretty desperate to get out of her trailer.


    So far my points are as follows:

    + 8/8 Points for Week One
    + 10/12 Points for Week Two
    Total: 18/20 Points

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    SimsweetieSimsweetie Posts: 562 Member
    Are you participating? I'd love to hear some feedback from anyone trying out the challenge. :smiley:

    Regardless, I'm still carrying on! Desperate to get out of her cruddy trailer, I sent Veronica over to Irving's house to meet him, but he wasn't home so she spent the next several hours eating mushrooms and wild onions and digging up rocks and finding frogs until he came home. They hit if off, mildly. Irving seemed a little confused by Veronica's enthusiasm for him and they had a few awkward moments; actually I'm glad because otherwise it totally would have ruined his cute romance with Zoe if he just hopped right into bed with her. As it was, it took about a day and a 'good friends' meter for Irving to agree to go on a date with her. The date went well although toward the the end of it Irving kept rebuffing her advances so I ended it early and had her call him over the next day to try again.

    Success! Veronica seduced Irving. I've never seen a father sim unhappy to be told about the pregnancy until Irving. Just look at his face! It totally cracked me up.

    In spite of his misgivings, Irving did agree to marry Veronica. He's a somewhat upstanding sim after all and wanted to do the right thing! The two got married in her yard and I have to say... I'm rather disappointed by what Irving chose to wear for the wedding but I guess his heart just wasn't in it?


    Veronica wasted little time spending Irving's money after she moved into his house. She got a whole new wardrobe and installed a hot tub! Sadly, she was pregnant so she had to stay out of the hot tub at first but she soon gave birth to a little girl named Vivienne Poindexter. Irving took point on caring for the baby unsurprisingly while Veronica got busy romancing J Huntington.

    Sadly for Veronica her hot tub woohoo was witnessed by Irving and the two began fighting. It wasn't long at all until they literally despised each other and Iriving actually refused to sleep in the same bed with her which also made me laugh. I've never seen that before. It didn't take long for Veronica to end things which infuriated Irving so badly that I thought he might actually die of anger. I quickly had him take an angry poop, a cold shower and use the mirror to calm himself down before Veronica kicked him out. Don't worry though! I moved him in with Zoe.


    Now on her own with baby Vivienne, Veronica is turning her sights toward husband number two...

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    ross1223ross1223 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited June 2015
    This is an awesome challenge, I think I might try it out :)
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