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What Are You Even Doing? - A BISBI! (3.4 is UP!!!)


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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    OH! @Cyazurai For one, you've inspired my hubby to try the ISBI challenge, and for second, what mod do you have that allows you to have a sim to have more than one supernatural at a time (like vamp/witch witch/werewolf)?
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    @AmberKotori - Oh, wow, that's awesome! I like inspiring people to try the ISBI challenge, it's a really fun one. :smiley: Also, the mod that allows to have a sim with more than one occult type is NRaas' Hybrid. :)
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Well, that is an easier list to remember. :D I finally got the last of the worlds a month ago (Midnight Hollow, still haven't played it yet) and think some of them are pretty okay. I felt a little cheated when it turned out you get to place the Fountain of Life yourself in Hidden Springs, rather than having to find it on a lot. It would have been really cool if they could have had it show up on a random lot each time you load it, but that probably would have been too difficult to code. Do any of the you-need-to-pay-for-them ones look good to you? I can't remember what any of them cost since it just tells me "download now", blargh.
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Thanks @Cyazurai ! I have a few of NRaas mods so one more wont hurt :) I'll be trying ISBI after my legacy, because I'm weird and can only do one challenge at a time lol. It looks like it really would be a challenge :)
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Amber -- you should sign up for the challenge, too! If no one's won it yet. I've been reading all of them and still haven't gotten beyond creating the world and the sim I want to use, but someone's already up to.... I think the teen generation has already been born?
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    edited June 2015
    @AEventyr - I know, it's a very easy list to remember. XD Wow, you have to place the Fountain of Youth? I didn't know that.. that is disappointing. :/ It WOULD have been cool if it popped up randomly like that, just like the weather stone. Oh, hm.. yeah, several of them look cool. I don't even know which one I like the look of the most, haha. They each have something that interests me.. I like Midnight Hollow 'cause it's so much different than any of the others, but I like Lunar Lakes for the same reason.. and I like island worlds, so I like that about Sunlit Tides.. I think the one I'm the most interested in right now is Midnight Hollow, though, because I've read several blogs recently where the legacy family lives there and it looks fun, haha. :)

    @AmberKotori - Yeah, and Hybrid really makes the supernatural states fun. A while back I was trying a 100 baby challenge where the Mom was a fairy, and when she had a baby with a ghost, it came out a ghost fairy. She was one of my favorite sims ever, but I don't think I ever saved her, sadly. Also! I can understand only being able to do one challenge at a time. I can only do my WYDC and Going Solo when I get REALLY bored of/tired of my BISBI. And ISBIs are really fun, so if you do that and blog it, be sure to let me know!

    Speaking of my BISBI~ I have a new chapter up. Chapter 2.4!
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    Yea... thank you for that... My daughter is OBSESSED with Frozen. Now I have that bloody snow man song in my head! Do you wanna build a snowman? Or ride our bikes around the halls I think some company is overdue I've started talking to the pictures on the walls >.> I hate you right now....

    dang you're far into the red XD C'mon ppl pull together and start making points! ^.^
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    That's the thing with woohoo. Even just a 1% chance means there's a chance. Nice to see Vera instilling some real-world lessons into the story!
    Or maybe I'm just teasing you. Either way, yay chapter! I'm sad to think Ezra or Layla might die soon. Poor Amal doesn't look happy to be an elder.
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    NyosimNyosim Posts: 816 Member
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award if you're interested :)
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    @AmberKotori - Heeheeeee, soooorry. XD And I know! I think I'm going to be down to -1000 by the time I get to the last generation.

    @AEventyr - Haha, yeah, if I didn't know there was a chance of it I wouldn't let risky be autonomous. ;) I make a big deal about being upset about the babies being ineligible, buuuuut I still like when my sims decide they want a baby without my input, haha. I'm sad to think about it, too. :( When I'm playing I'm constantly getting nervous when the camera swings around for some reason or another (like when the mascot shows up).

    @Nyosim - Oh my goodness, thank you so much! :) I will be doing my response post soon (tomorrow or Sunday).

    And now, the main reason I stopped by: I have a new chapter! Whee! Here it is: Chapter 2.5!
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I do too XD I wish you could have met Rosemary from my 100 baby challenge attempt! She killed people in collage, she turned herself into a vampire (she was the youngest of quads) she killed off most of her older siblings, married her IF, turned him into a vampire, killed some more of her siblings than made it look like the Goodman killer was coming after Peter and he was on his way to move into a new town with Rosemary, where more murders where going to happen. I LOVED that sim.

    O.O -155! well you could always aim for the lowest score XD
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    I do too XD I wish you could have met Rosemary from my 100 baby challenge attempt! She killed people in collage, she turned herself into a vampire (she was the youngest of quads) she killed off most of her older siblings, married her IF, turned him into a vampire, killed some more of her siblings than made it look like the Goodman killer was coming after Peter and he was on his way to move into a new town with Rosemary, where more murders where going to happen. I LOVED that sim.

    O.O -155! well you could always aim for the lowest score XD

    Good lord God, what on Earth happened to that sim to make her so psychotic? Did she have the evil, insane, hot-headed, mean-spirited and some other evil killer trait?!?! Such mayhem from just one sim!!
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    LOL @Makayla_MakaPaka I believe she did have evil, hot-headed and mean spirited traits XD I'm not sure if I've saved her, I THINK I did.. I should go check and see what traits she has XD Doesn't look like I kept her, but she rolled evil and something else, and they were perfect for a psychopath sim, so I ran with it XD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I am officially rooting for Clover, and Nightshade is adorable!
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    @AmberKotori - Wow, that IS an impressively evil sim. XD And I think I am going to aim for the lowest score.. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get back up to the positive points after this last chapter.

    And I have a new chapter! It'll probably be July before I get another chapter out, judging by the way the rest of my June is scheduled to go. Chapter 2.6!
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I know! She was wonderfuly evil! My fav sim from Peter's lot. I still need to see if I have her in my sim bin since she isn't on my launcher.
    :( the death of a sim I've played for a long time always makes me sad too :(
    Wow yea, you're getting a nice deep hole there XD
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    Resisting.....reading....until July..... or at least until later this week since work is blah lately and I'll need a pick-me-up. Hope your June isn't all too bad.
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    I know! She was wonderfuly evil! My fav sim from Peter's lot. I still need to see if I have her in my sim bin since she isn't on my launcher.
    :( the death of a sim I've played for a long time always makes me sad too :(
    Wow yea, you're getting a nice deep hole there XD

    If she is there, could you upload her to mediafire? She sounds perfectly, terribly psychotic!
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    Makayla_MakaPakaMakayla_MakaPaka Posts: 771 Member
    Cyazurai wrote: »
    @AmberKotori - Wow, that IS an impressively evil sim. XD And I think I am going to aim for the lowest score.. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get back up to the positive points after this last chapter.

    And I have a new chapter! It'll probably be July before I get another chapter out, judging by the way the rest of my June is scheduled to go. Chapter 2.6!

    You could always go all-out and try break the record for lowest ISBI score. You've got a big hole to dig yourself out of... however, you do still have 8 generations. Anything is possible :P motive mobiles will help, and the food synthesiser, and the all in one bathroom, and the sleeping bags...
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    I'm still here! I still exist! And I have been playing a little bit, but haven't been able to a lot recently. Though now I'm getting more opportunity, I still don't have a new update. HOWEVER, I did write a post asking for advice and explaining where I've been for the past almost-a-month. Here it is: Explanation/Advice Post.

    Also, I'm beginning to think about going for the lowest ISBI score.. it could be pretty fun to do. XD
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    AEventyrAEventyr Posts: 702 Member
    I voted for keeping a schedule, but wanted to clarify that.... writing should be fun! If you make it so we'd at least get one of each each month then I'd be satisfied! Also, why do you think I haven't managed to get one game of my own started? Too many plot bunnies hopping around my head.
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    @AEventyr - Oh man, I completely understand. I have so, so, so many plot bunnies in my own head at any given time! It's especially bad now that the Sims modelling competition I was in ended, because it was a story-based competition so I got to write a story for that every week; now that I don't have to worry about the story-writing.. I miss story-writing, hahaha.
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    AmberKotoriAmberKotori Posts: 3,440 Member
    I posted this on the blog too :)
    I wanna be a writer too! I have one short story done (well its longer then a short story but shorter than a novel) I'm just at the editing stages that's where I get stuck, but sims stories are GREAT for trying new things and learning new writing skills :)
    If you don't want to add another story onto your plate right now, you could always write out the intro, the plots and everything so it's done, it's written and waiting for you to come back to it :)
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    I HAVE AN UPDATE! It's not for the BISBI, but it is for Amal's challenge, since it's been a while since I updated/played that one. Here it is: Chapter 3.
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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    CyazuraiCyazurai Posts: 1,284 Member
    Okay, now I have a new chapter for the BISBI! Woo! It's a chapter where I try to help the readers get to know the kids, but I don't know how well I did on that, lol. Chapter 2.7.
    I believe something's can't be explained
    They are hidden in the mist and in the silver rain...
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