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"The save game you are attempting to load was saved with a newer version of The Sims 4.."

Whenever I make a save and then restart the game, I get this:
""The save game you are attempting to load was saved with a newer version of The Sims 4 than is currently installed. Please update in order to safely load this save game."

The game already updated after I installed it.. VERY ANNOYING! Plus, when I get into the game, I can't even build in build mode. Nothing shows up when I try to build walls, I get charged simoleons, and I exit and re-enter only Build Mode and the walls magically show up but I can't delete them..


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    vgchatvgchat Posts: 101 Member
    Welcome to hell... *ahem*... Sims 4.
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    catloverplayercatloverplayer Posts: 93,534 Member
    I'd report it in Crin's bug thread in the sims 4 forum.
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    jirlucfanjirlucfan Posts: 447 Member
    I did, he told me to make a thread here, so bumping this one.
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    jirlucfanjirlucfan Posts: 447 Member
    Please help me.. This happens every time I make a new save and exit the game..
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    Steve8888SimSteve8888Sim Posts: 109 Member
    Try deleting the game and reinstalling. Sounds like maybe you got a bad download. It happens because the internet has never - and probably never will be - with out glitches and hic ups. :D
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    jirlucfanjirlucfan Posts: 447 Member
    Try deleting the game and reinstalling. Sounds like maybe you got a bad download. It happens because the internet has never - and probably never will be - with out glitches and hic ups. :D

    Trying that right now.. Only thing I can think of. Hope this works.. I just want to enjoy the game already!
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    jirlucfanjirlucfan Posts: 447 Member
    Still happening. Getting on my nerves.
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    ohsnapsaraohsnapsara Posts: 2 New Member
    The same thing is happening to me! Any luck? I was trying to go into Manage Worlds so I clicked the option to automatically save while going into Manage Worlds. During the save, my computer crashed. Now I keep getting this message :( I was really enjoying the game!
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    ohsnapsaraohsnapsara Posts: 2 New Member
    I seem to have fixed the problem in my game. I uninstalled & reinstalled, but that didn't do anything. I went into the game files Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/ and then went into the "cache" folder and deleted all the cache files. That in itself didn't do anything. Then I went into the "saves" file and deleted all of the saves. I went into the "scratch" folder within the "saves" folder and deleted all the files which had the words "savegame" in it. When I went into my game I no longer had the notification, so I created a new game and saved it, exited the game, and went back in... and so far, things are looking good! I'm not sure which of these steps fixed it... but I'm happy just to be back into the game!
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    PeschkeGirlPeschkeGirl Posts: 88 Member
    edited September 2014
    I am having this same issue, but it only started up after uninstalling My CAS Demo. I re-installed it and it did not fix it. I am going to have a look in the scratch folder, as that makes the most sense to me. Thank you for sharing what you tried @ohsnapsara ! It should help a lot of other people. This really should not be happening in the first place though...

    1st Edit: So that was not it, I am off to try deleting the cache files.

    2nd Edit: Well this sucks.. deleting the cache files did not work either... deleting the save files of course would work, because the notification is telling you that it can not load them. I had at least 10 hours into one of my save files.. I do not want to have to start over again.. I am going to try finding out which save is which...

    3rd Edit: I have not gotten to it yet, but I do remember why it started happening now. I was in one of my save files and then I exited to main the menu, I loaded that save again to rename the save that changed itself to savegame(bunch of numbers) saved the game and exited to the main menu again and tried to load my 10hr+ save when it loaded, the played household was the same as the one that had the weird save name glitch, though I did not notice until I tried to click on it. It was then that my game crashed and the notification began popping up after every time started up the game.
    Post edited by PeschkeGirl on
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    TheEpostleTheEpostle Posts: 17 New Member
    So yeah, with 2 forums about this and over 40 posts combined, no one has given us and answer or even told us they're looking into it. I'm not playing the game until it is fixed.
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    PeschkeGirlPeschkeGirl Posts: 88 Member
    edited September 2014
    Looking at the files I saw something odd. I was checking the groupings as each were changed at the same date and time in their own groupings and saw that I had 2! files and their groupings. Which from my understanding of how save files work, should not happen. My best guess here is that the issue will go away if I delete one of them. I'm going to try that and if it doesn't work I'll try the other. I will be trying removing both, at separate times, anyway.

    Edit: I am tired and looked at it wrong... Now I am not seeing the second file any longer. however I will still try removing each save individually to see if that does anything.
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    TheEpostleTheEpostle Posts: 17 New Member
    edited September 2014
    Also, I noticed the versions... I wonder if the versions would have something to do with it...

    Also, notice the different sizes of the save files. For some reason, the data doesn't seem to be stored in the true save file.
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    PeschkeGirlPeschkeGirl Posts: 88 Member
    edited September 2014
    TheEpostle wrote: »
    Also, I noticed the versions... I wonder if the versions would have something to do with it...<br />
    <br />
    Also, notice the different sizes of the save files. For some reason, the data doesn't seem to be stored in the true save file.

    That is a possibility. Ah, I hadn't noticed the different sizes of the save versions.
    TheEpostle wrote: »
    So yeah, with 2 forums about this and over 40 posts combined, no one has given us and answer or even told us they're looking into it. I'm not playing the game until it is fixed.

    I did not see this other thread, could you post a link to it? If there is any other information I would like to read up on that as well.
    As for no responses from the Dev team, there are a lot of threads on the forum already. I would like a response as well, but it is not likely we will get one that quickly with only 40 posts and at least some of those being posted by the same people. What I mean by that is: There are not enough people experiencing this issue for it to become well known, as compared to the demon baby glitch, so it is likely that this issue has just not been noticed yet.
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    TheEpostleTheEpostle Posts: 17 New Member
    The other thread is newer than this one.

    And though it isn' as prevalent as a problem yet, it would still be cool if someone would at least try to find out why.

    Also, I just did 3 saves after I cleared both my save and cache files. Everything seems to work better now, but I have 2 different slot saves, and the information is being added to the 2 slot save. So far, I have found no problems. All that I have done prior to saving includes leveling up a cooking skill, and talking to another sim. So far, things seem ok, but it was a quick make file and not something I spent 45+ minutes on.

    Also, it wont let me post links cause I apparently haven't been around long enough. But it's the topic, Saved Files Gone :(
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    PeschkeGirlPeschkeGirl Posts: 88 Member
    edited September 2014
    TheEpostle wrote: »
    Also, it wont let me post links cause I apparently haven't been around long enough. But it's the topic, Saved Files Gone :(

    Thank you for this. So far I am thinking this issue is caused by a corrupt save. I do not know why that would make the game tell us our game is not up-to-date, but removing only one of the save groupings fixed the issue for me. I am still unsure what the .save.ver# files are, however I do not want to try to figure this out at the moment.
    My cache files are intact (When I was testing earlier I backed-up the cache and scratch folder items so when I was done I put them back) and so is the file I found in my scratch folder. I wish I knew why the game makes all the save files disappear with only one being corrupt, but I do not have that kind of know-how.
    I usually keep 2 of every save file: "savegamename"1 and "savegamename"2 so thankfully I did not lose anything. I would recommend that you at least have a back-up of your save games so that you do not lose anything in the future.
    Post edited by PeschkeGirl on
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    mommysimmermommysimmer Posts: 188 Member
    I've been playing since Tuesday and now I am having this same problem. Had anyone heard of a fix? I really don't want to lose all my hours of play.
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    mommysimmermommysimmer Posts: 188 Member
    Seriously, this is horrible. And if you try to start a new game, build mode doesn't work properly.
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    ShuEnlilShuEnlil Posts: 1 New Member
    Got the sam issue just now.
    If you go to myDocument/ElectronicArts and delete or move the The Sims 4 Folder and restart the game ist does work just fine for me.
    I'm trying to figure out which file is corrupted now.
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    DanaKScullyFBlDanaKScullyFBl Posts: 355 Member
    don't feel bad I just lost 32 hrs of my game yesterday and now I'm trying to re-install my game this better work on fixing my game I couldn't even get my house that I had updated from the gallery to get into my game without it freezing up on me and I have to reboot my whole pc!!! Could this have to do with the so called "patch" they did a few days ago and it messed up our games? This new re-install better work for my game or into Lake Michigan it goes!!! :#
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    atvracer111atvracer111 Posts: 1 New Member
    Ok, so my wife got this problem yesterday and then I got an ear full about how she lost all of her stuff.....So I first tried to install the game on my computer and load her saved files and it still crashed so the reload does not work for me either......after working with this for awhile I was able to fix it by first backing up the \documents\electronicarts\sims4 folder, renaming the folder to sims4_old (make sure to backup the folder before you rename it), now start sims 4 and create a new person and select a house to move into ( make sure the house is not one you have sims already living in), by doing that it puts your sims 4 back to stock config and recreates the sims 4 folder under the \documents\electronicarts folder. Now close the game out and go to the backup copy you made of the sims4 folder and take the last ( x is your highest one 0-10) out of the saved folder and make a copy of it (do not use the original) and rename it to (keep the format the same just remove the .ver and change the number to 3 instead of 2), the computer will ask if your sure you want to save it, so just agree and save it. Now take the freshly named file and move it back into the \documents\electronicarts\sims4\saved folder, now start the game, it will bring you to the main screen (DO NOT PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON) in the top right corner you should see the ... Icon, a couple other icons, and a load game icon that looks like a square disk, click on the square disk and select the save0003 file and let it load, this will start your old game up, now check and make sure your character is there and if everything is there then do a save-as and re-save your game to a new name and it will now be in the correct format again. That took me about 2 hours to figure out and a lot of internet searches but my wife got all of her stuff back minus some screen shots she took but her house and Sims where all there. Hopefully this will help someone else.
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    Stormtrooper2012Stormtrooper2012 Posts: 1 New Member
    > @atvracer111 said:
    > Ok, so my wife got this problem yesterday and then I got an ear full about how she lost all of her stuff.....So I first tried to install the game on my computer and load her saved files and it still crashed so the reload does not work for me either......after working with this for awhile I was able to fix it by first backing up the \documents\electronicarts\sims4 folder, renaming the folder to sims4_old (make sure to backup the folder before you rename it), now start sims 4 and create a new person and select a house to move into ( make sure the house is not one you have sims already living in), by doing that it puts your sims 4 back to stock config and recreates the sims 4 folder under the \documents\electronicarts folder. Now close the game out and go to the backup copy you made of the sims4 folder and take the last ( x is your highest one 0-10) out of the saved folder and make a copy of it (do not use the original) and rename it to (keep the format the same just remove the .ver and change the number to 3 instead of 2), the computer will ask if your sure you want to save it, so just agree and save it. Now take the freshly named file and move it back into the \documents\electronicarts\sims4\saved folder, now start the game, it will bring you to the main screen (DO NOT PRESS THE PLAY BUTTON) in the top right corner you should see the ... Icon, a couple other icons, and a load game icon that looks like a square disk, click on the square disk and select the save0003 file and let it load, this will start your old game up, now check and make sure your character is there and if everything is there then do a save-as and re-save your game to a new name and it will now be in the correct format again. That took me about 2 hours to figure out and a lot of internet searches but my wife got all of her stuff back minus some screen shots she took but her house and Sims where all there. Hopefully this will help someone else.

    You shouldn't have to do all this to play the game. I'm not super technically minded and would get confused doing the above.

    EA needs to fix this soon.
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    djthedinosaurdjthedinosaur Posts: 1 New Member
    I am getting the same error... I tried your fix, I can customise my sims but when I click the tick to save, it just hangs. I also tried copying my previous save files to the new save game directory, but there is an error when copying.
    I spent about an hour last night on EA's live chat, troubleshooting the problem, to no avail...

    EA seriously needs to fix this.
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    RavensHrtRavensHrt Posts: 155 Member
    That's the same error message I got and how I lost 106hrs of game play yesterday... had to completely reinstall game, lost all my houses and sims. After reinstalling the game it still automatically closes when I open The Gallery. Game play has been ok so far as long as I stay out of the gallery and I'm saving my game every hour or so. I'm thinking of waiting a month or so to play again and hope all the glitches are fixed.
    RavensHrt Gallery Link

    My Sims 4 Games Owned
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    bacake12bacake12 Posts: 10 New Member
    atvracer111, thanks so much for taking the time to give that informative information. It worked for me and I am playing it again! :)
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