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Life by You vs. Sims 5 (Rene)? Rod Humble and Paradox's Life Simulation Game


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    Ninja-Dan22Ninja-Dan22 Posts: 117 Member
    ChadSims2 wrote: »
    I'm liking the store displays and all the items you can buy but I'm not liking there being no checkout or cash register it does not feel like a grocery store without. There should be some type of interactive game play with employees on every lot such as when your person first goes to the gym they should have to purchase a monthly membership to be able to use the equipment. Same for the car dealership maybe if your character has charisma they can get the cars salesman to drop the price a bit need something beyond purchase item at an object and leave.

    I think they said they were planning on adding npcs in stores. (can't remember where they said that though, sorry, might have been in youtube comments?)
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    ChadSims2 wrote: »
    I'm liking the store displays and all the items you can buy but I'm not liking there being no checkout or cash register it does not feel like a grocery store without. There should be some type of interactive game play with employees on every lot such as when your person first goes to the gym they should have to purchase a monthly membership to be able to use the equipment. Same for the car dealership maybe if your character has charisma they can get the cars salesman to drop the price a bit need something beyond purchase item at an object and leave.

    To be fair, I think the controllable character in the video is the one who was working in the shop. He just switched to controlling him because he was too impatient to wait for his other character to get there. So the guy was basically buying from his employer, I guess LBY doesn't have employee discount. Or maybe it does, we can't compare it to anything yet. I agree, a cash register interaction would be nice, but I don't really feel its necessary here. I would be happy with just what we've been shown so far, however unpopular that opinion may be. It might be nice if there was an interaction on the employees to "ask where something is?" So you won't need to click every display to find that one food item you're looking for.

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    CharlieBleuCharlieBleu Posts: 177 Member
    I like the complexity and the customization it says it will have. I worry about the custom lines of dialog though. I enjoy how sims has the simlish, which I know can't be duplicated but it does make it so that the words are what you imagine them to be at that moment.
    Feel free to add me to your Sims 3 friend list! I'm DMCharlie2017
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    I like the complexity and the customization it says it will have. I worry about the custom lines of dialog though. I enjoy how sims has the simlish, which I know can't be duplicated but it does make it so that the words are what you imagine them to be at that moment.

    I can't tell yet how the words will be until I play with it. Either it will be cool and we'll look back on days playing the Sims like I look back on Sims 1 and its children who never grow up. Or, we'll mostly ignore the feature and click through based on the predicted outcomes, without really reading most of it.

    I'm still slightly worried that it'll make you read it at an "average reading speed" or it'll go away, and those who don't read that quick will miss it entirely. I hope that if they don't put in a voice, they'll at least give us a way to slow it down, or make sure its easy to pause the time clock to read things. Though the technology does exist for text-to-speech conversions. It's not perfect, if a word is not in its dictionary, I think it spells the word out, and there's no emotion behind the voice. But I think at least as an option, many of us would prefer to have it, so we won't have to be reading everything.

    I say this slightly biased, of course. My brother is disabled, and he used to watch us play computer games. He could not play them himself, you see. And he cannot read, so we'd have to read every dialog box that's on a game. Naturally, that makes you prefer some games, ones with video cut scenes with spoken dialog, over others without. It can get tiring to read it all out loud. I no longer do this, because he doesn't really enjoy the sims, but I am still biased towards this.
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    Aeroprincess87Aeroprincess87 Posts: 6,422 Member

    They finally fixed the shoulders on men! Also unrequited love, and hand tattoos?!?! This is gonna be a very long six months...
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    ChadSims2ChadSims2 Posts: 5,094 Member
    The customization is insane really liking the trait options got hot headed and flirtatious it will be nice to just make a character angry or flirtatious without having too actively do it myself assuming the traits work similar to Sims 2. I wonder how the city upbringing trait will affect the personality and behaviors.

    Not to mention the relationship bar now this is game changing not every character feels the same way about each other the possibilities. >:)
    Sims 4 went from "You Rule" to "One of the stories we want you to tell"
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    It's still looking a little rough. They did reply to a few comments on the scales of certain furniture items, as well as tips about painting a whole room with one click. I do love the fences. They've separated the fence posts and the fence pieces, so you can have as many fence posts as you want, you can fully customize a fence piece. I saw some nice iron ones on there that I would love in the Sims. This game is going to be cool once it is fully customized. And I really love how trim works in the game. I'm going to love building with these tools. In sims 3 I used to color-match every wood in a room with the # thingie, and nothing was more annoying than wanting to use a wall with no trim in a room or house where you need a trim, or vice versa. Some styles trims are very necessary for.
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    SimmingBee90SimmingBee90 Posts: 24 Member
    It's sims 5 for me, if it's alright by everybody else (j/k lol) I just prefer The Sims. And I am very happy with everything revealed about Sims 5 so far.
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    JPatch_3280JPatch_3280 Posts: 1 New Member
    I am not sure about any of the upcoming life sims. Paralives seems like a good possibility, but the big question is will it ever get released. Vivaland looks more like a joke. LBU looks very promising, in fact, a lot like what I expected Sims 4 to look like after Sims 3. Project Rene I am starting to have reservations about, I am starting to wonder if it is going to be more limited than the sims 4 for game play, but hey, if it is free, I'll give it a whirl.
    What I wish is that I could be a fly on the wall in the EA/Maxis board rooms as the meetings, I am sure, has discussions about these new games. I sometimes wonder if there may be pressure to release Rene sooner so as to not loose ground, or hold off and hope the usurpers fall flat on their face.
    That said, I have risked the $40 for the LBU Early Access. Keeping my fingers crossed.
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    edited September 2023
    This is very intricate, so I wanted to recap:


    1. Personality: These are generally what most people think of when they hear “traits” - permanent aspects of the character that influence their behavior.
    • Lifestyles: These determine what actions the character’s AI is likely to perform. They use the Trait Appeal settings in an interaction’s properties, so you can set how likely a certain interaction is for that lifestyle. For example, exercise interactions have high Trait Appeal for the Active trait, meaning they’re prioritized over non-exercise interactions when an Active character’s AI chooses its next action. Technically any trait can be referenced in Trait Appeal, we simply chose to focus Lifestyle traits in that area.
    • Talents: These determine what skills the character is good at, which we wanted to separate out from the likelihood of doing that same activity. This is how we allow for things like lazy athletes, mediocre mischief-makers, and business gurus who are bad with money. Each skill has a corresponding Talent trait, which grants bonus XP and increases success rates for that skill. Some talents you’ll be able to learn include: Athletic: Boosts Fitness, Genius: Boosts Academics, Green Thumb: Boosts Gardening, Wily: Boosts Mischief
    • Attitudes: These determine how the character responds to emotional changes. For example, Cheerful boosts increases to Happiness, Hot-Headed boosts increases to Angry, and Dramatic boosts increases to everything.
    • Quirks: These unlock unique interactions, make slight changes to behavior, and/or modify conditional checks. For example, a Messy character will ignore reaction triggers to messes they encounter.
    • Likes/Dislikes: These determine what the character enjoys doing. Interactions tagged with their likes result in an increase to Happiness, whereas disliked interactions will make them Sad or Very Sad.
    • Backgrounds: These are currently a work in progress - originally these were planned as narrative flavor text, we are currently exploring possibilities around adding gameplay effects. Stay tuned for more!

    2. Conditions: These are temporary character states such as “Sore” (from working out), “Sunburnt” (from sunbathing too long), and “Stung By Bees” (from getting stung by bees). They last for a limited time or until removed by an interaction.
    • Emotions: Emotional states are determined by either changes to the character’s emotion stats, or the interaction performed. Technically, Emotions function as a subset of Conditions. [Changes the character’s portrait expression and idle animation.]

    3. Needs States: These traits reflect the character’s current needs status, signaling when they’re in a critical state. [Changes the character’s portrait expression, idle animation, and determines whether the character passes out or not.]

    4. Relationship: These traits function more like state markers, tracking the relationship status between two characters (e.g. “in love”, “dating”, “despises”). Any trait that begins with r_ is a Relationship trait. [Used primarily for conditional checks for conversations and human-to-human interactions.]

    5. Object States: These function like Conditions, but for objects instead of humans. For example, when the Food_Hot trait gets assigned to a plate of food, it turns on a steam particle effect. [Visual changes to the object.]

    6. Timers: When you need a script or conditional check to run at a set time interval, a timed trait is currently your best option. These are often hidden from the UI and treated more like an extension of a script instead of a traditional trait. [These don’t directly impact gameplay, but are used to trigger scripts that will.]


    The former is within gameplay and the latter is within Character Creation.

    Suppressed Traits: This one’s really easy to get mixed up, so I recommend having these rules on a sticky note somewhere for easy reference if you’re doing a lot with trait suppression. Let’s say you’ve got Trait A that suppresses Trait B…
    • Trait B cannot be assigned to a character with Trait A
    • Trait A can be assigned to a character that already has Trait B
    • If a character has both Trait A and Trait B, Trait A will prevent any effects by Trait B
    • Trait B’s OnRemove script will still activate if removed while Trait A is active

    Supporting/Opposing Traits: The primary purpose of these is to prevent or allow certain trait combinations during Character Creation, especially in regards to relationship traits. For example, we use opposing traits to prevent your character’s sister from also being their grandmother. Or your Lazy character from also being Active.

    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    An interesting blog post. Very interesting... Most notably they said "Human" was one of the tags. What I take this to mean is that later on (In another expansion pack) they could add another subgroup, say Aliens, Vampire, or Werewolves, and these would have some of the same traits tagged in, and also some different ones. This is good news for those fans of supernatural or science fiction themed packs, and the occult states they include.

    This also sounds very user friendly. I have never modded in my life, and I may be able to do it with these tools. Plus we were asking about the traits, mainly if they would actually effect the characters in notable ways, and it looks like they will. Plus if they don't we could always modify them to improve them. :)
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    Sarah26Cat wrote: »
    An interesting blog post. Very interesting... Most notably they said "Human" was one of the tags. What I take this to mean is that later on (In another expansion pack) they could add another subgroup, say Aliens, Vampire, or Werewolves, and these would have some of the same traits tagged in, and also some different ones. This is good news for those fans of supernatural or science fiction themed packs, and the occult states they include.

    This also sounds very user friendly. I have never modded in my life, and I may be able to do it with these tools. Plus we were asking about the traits, mainly if they would actually effect the characters in notable ways, and it looks like they will. Plus if they don't we could always modify them to improve them. :)

    Same! I can see myself playing around with the modding tool. It's definitely very interesting and makes LBY stand out compared to Rene and PL.
    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    I am really looking forward to testing Life By You. :)
    I will be taking my TS4 sims, that I have been playing since the first year of the game, and bringing them over to LIfe By You.
    Since I know them so well, I want to see if LBY adds more depth to their personalities and interactions with each other.
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    simmeroriginsimmerorigin Posts: 1,477 Member
    Unexpected. This is definitely different from PL and PR!

    He/him | Simmer since Sims 1 | Sims 2 wants-based rotational player, Sims 3 legacy player | My gameplay rules via PleasantSims | Bring back challenge and depth to the Sims:
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    Aeroprincess87Aeroprincess87 Posts: 6,422 Member
    Unexpected. This is definitely different from PL and PR!


    Makes of sense when you realize the game will be generating actions for everyone in real time. That would put a ton of stress on a PC.
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    Sarah26CatSarah26Cat Posts: 171 Member
    That fact is a bit troubling, and I was one of the many who left comments saying as much. It will be impossible to know until we get to play the actual game, but when controlling a family of many Sims, filling up one sims queue and moving on to the next is vital. At least they are willing to revisit it during Early Access, after we get to play the game and can report our frustrations.

    I did notice during the latest video by Rod, when he wanted to have the male open up the trove and pick up the collectables, he had the character go here first, clicking on an area near it. Then when the guy got to there, he clicked on the trove. It might be to avoid a temporary glitch that he did it this way, but it would get annoying in game. Of course it all depends on the AI and if the characters will actually do their work tasks when you're not controlling them. I think he expected the female character to do this. He blamed it on the male co-worker that she hadn't. He seemed to not want to show us her actually be doing anything for her job, probably because it was on the computers and they've said they're reworking that aspect. It could have been another minor glitch they'll fix soon, but I look forward to when we'll get to see more about the work day.
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,295 Member
    I think the issue is everyone wants these to be sims killers or replacement of the sims.Some users think it's easy or we can get everything ee wish for.In reality it takes resources and draw back.
    This new info is not surprising to me at alll.Its not a deal breaker for me at all.The game is already taxing for computers standares.Rob should focus what's best for the game and not just what the player base wants.
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    luvdasims55luvdasims55 Posts: 14,653 Member
    edited October 2023
    I think the issue is everyone wants these to be sims killers or replacement of the sims.Some users think it's easy or we can get everything ee wish for.In reality it takes resources and draw back.
    This new info is not surprising to me at alll.Its not a deal breaker for me at all.The game is already taxing for computers standares.Rob should focus what's best for the game and not just what the player base wants.

    I hear and agree somewhat with what you are saying. My desire is that Rob and his team give us as much as is realistically possible while obviously taking into consideration the limits in what can be reasonably expected for the average gaming computer to perform.

    For me personally, I'm more than willing to accept that some things can't realistically be done in an open world due to the demands being placed on the average gaming computer. I'll gladly accept that sacrifice if I can have an open world with most of what I'd like to see in it while being customizable and without the need to wait constantly on loading screens every time I travel.

    My impression is that Rod would love to give us EVERYTHING EVERYBODY wants, but I know that's just not a realistic expectation. It's good enough for me to know that Rod and his team are going to do everything possible to give us the best life simulation game possible. For me, it's really awesome to see a team that is totally up front with what they are doing without keeping a lot of things secret from us. I get the feeling that the LBY team's heart is in the right place. Really refreshing to see a life simulation team who is getting the backing of a company to produce what we want instead of sacrificing quality and quantity to make a fast buck.
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    Horrorgirl6Horrorgirl6 Posts: 3,295 Member
    I think the issue is everyone wants these to be sims killers or replacement of the sims.Some users think it's easy or we can get everything ee wish for.In reality it takes resources and draw back.
    This new info is not surprising to me at alll.Its not a deal breaker for me at all.The game is already taxing for computers standares.Rob should focus what's best for the game and not just what the player base wants.

    I hear and agree somewhat with what you are saying. My desire is that Rob and his team give us as much as is realistically possible while obviously taking into consideration the limits in what can be reasonably expected for the average gaming computer to perform.

    My impression is that Rod would love to give us EVERYTHING EVERYBODY wants, but I know that's just not a realistic expectation. It's good enough for me to know that Rod and his team are going to do everything possible to give us the best life simulation game possible. For me, it's really awesome to see a team that is totally up front with what they are doing without keeping a lot of things secret from us. I get the feeling that the LBY team's heart is in the right place. Really refreshing to see a life simulation team who is getting the backing of a company to produce what we want instead of sacrificing quality and quantity to make a fast buck.

    I think the heart is in the right place,but I wonder Rob does knows when to say no not right now.
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    luvdasims55luvdasims55 Posts: 14,653 Member
    I think the issue is everyone wants these to be sims killers or replacement of the sims.Some users think it's easy or we can get everything ee wish for.In reality it takes resources and draw back.
    This new info is not surprising to me at alll.Its not a deal breaker for me at all.The game is already taxing for computers standares.Rob should focus what's best for the game and not just what the player base wants.

    I hear and agree somewhat with what you are saying. My desire is that Rob and his team give us as much as is realistically possible while obviously taking into consideration the limits in what can be reasonably expected for the average gaming computer to perform.

    My impression is that Rod would love to give us EVERYTHING EVERYBODY wants, but I know that's just not a realistic expectation. It's good enough for me to know that Rod and his team are going to do everything possible to give us the best life simulation game possible. For me, it's really awesome to see a team that is totally up front with what they are doing without keeping a lot of things secret from us. I get the feeling that the LBY team's heart is in the right place. Really refreshing to see a life simulation team who is getting the backing of a company to produce what we want instead of sacrificing quality and quantity to make a fast buck.

    I think the heart is in the right place,but I wonder Rob does knows when to say no not right now.

    Good question! I don't think Rob does know, but relies on his team (who are up to speed on the latest and greatest tech) to keep him within realistic expectations with the caveat of doing their utmost to give us as much as we want that is reasonably achievable. Just my impression. I could certainly be wrong.

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