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Am I the only one annoyed by the bugs in this game ?

I have been playing this game since day one. It is fun and with more packs and updates it gets better. But the bugs ! They annoyed me so much I took a two year break. Just got back to sims 4 since the lock down and things seem to have improved even more. I enjoyed playing it for weeks. But as I explore more aspects of the games the freaking more bugs I notice. Some bugs are so major and game breaking and apparently bugs which have been around for years. Still not fixed !! I am now getting really annoyed again. I really like this game but the bugs are so arrrghhg !!!! Those who are still playing and enjoying the games , how do you ignore the bugs ??


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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    And not to mention many of us spend hundreds of £ € $ on this game with the many of the packs. How can EA deliver something so broken with so high costs!? Arggghhh
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    SharoniaSharonia Posts: 4,853 Member
    edited May 2020
    Some bugs are annoying. I was getting very annoyed with whims not working for months on end. They've been fixed now though finally and I am so grateful for that. For me it really depends on how much a bug impacts my game play. Minor bugs I can live with. Some bugs I have temporary fixes for made by the awesome modding community so they don't really bother me that much. I personally find the horrendous clipping issues in TS4 more annoying than the bugs. Sims clipping into each other and other objects in the game, sims swimming through the floor. It bothers me so much when I see it, I hate it.
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    Sk8rblazeSk8rblaze Posts: 7,570 Member
    I don't mind bugs that much, but the ones in The Sims 4 are just so frustrating to deal with. I can't play it with simulation lag running rampantly. I never dealt with anything like that in TS2, and not even TS3.
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    NindigoNindigo Posts: 2,764 Member
    There will always be bugs, 'cause where humans are involved, errors occur. I think very few games are bug free, and TS4 has its fair share.

    Origin ID: Nindigo79

    A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear
    Time enjoyed is never time wasted

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    NorthDakotaGamerNorthDakotaGamer Posts: 2,559 Member
    This is the first video game ever that I have REQUIRED mods just to fix the bugs. So I am very annoyed by them.
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    logionlogion Posts: 4,753 Member
    I use mods, or I avoid doing things that has annoying bugs.

    Some things annoy me more than others, the horrible outfits that townies wear and the situational outfits that are forced on my sims annoy me a lot. It feels like Maxis have given up trying to fix them so they just pretend that it is not a problem.

    I understand that a lot goes into making a game and making sure that it runs correctly but I have to be brutally honest and say that Maxis have a serious problem when it comes to quality assurance. How can it take four months to release a fix for the get famous bug (that they themselves caused) only to fail to fix it and make it worse?

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    OldeseadoggeOldeseadogge Posts: 5,043 Member
    The bugs are a major reason my TS4 simming is short and sporadic. I spend more time here in the forums than in the game and much more than either with my other interests and hobbies. Clipping is another issue that is hugely annoying. It would take, in TS2, giving my sims ghost abilities via Simpe to produce the amount of clipping/going through objects/walls/doors that is routine in 4.
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    Paigeisin5Paigeisin5 Posts: 2,140 Member
    No, you are not alone. A year ago I was so tired of the bugs and irritations, I nearly ditched the game entirely in favor of returning to Sims2 and 3. Then I made the regrettable mistake of preordering Island Living at full price. The pre-EP patch destroyed two thirds of my mods and the EP was a huge disappointment. I was so angry I almost uninstalled Sims4. It took months of my time before my game came even close to what it had been before that update. Like so many other players, I was unable to enjoy a game I had paid hundreds of dollars for, but I was determined to find ways to tweak it with the addition of many types of mods until it resembled the kind of game I wanted it to become.

    The bugs and irritations have been nuked with mods, and game play mods have helped to fill in the gaps, so my game now feels like a true Sims game. But it was a long process that required a lot of trial and error before I found the combination of mods that suited my style. There are aspects of the game that still annoy me, but those are easy to overlook now because I have found game play mods that make the game enjoyable in spite of the fact the teams don't seem interested in, or willing to fix everything that is wrong and missing. I spend about an hour per week checking for updates on the critical mods I use, I never update the game before all my mods have been updated, I have stopped paying full price for any game pack and Ep, and I have taken back control of my game in a way that suits me. This process took nine months. Since March of this year, I have played for over four hundred hours. Before then, I was lucky if I managed to play for more than a couple of hours per gaming session. And my boredom with Sims4 has vanished. The trick is to stop relying on EA's teams to transform and fix Sims4. It isn't going to happen because they're too busy pushing out new packs and updates that will add to EA's profit margin. And once we have given EA our money, we're on our own. Instead of giving up on Sims4 after spending so much money on it, I decided to get even and end EA's control over MY game. And I have to say, it feels pretty good.

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    kayen_keagenkayen_keagen Posts: 53 Member
    edited May 2020
    Paigeisin5 wrote: »
    No, you are not alone. A year ago I was so tired of the bugs and irritations, I nearly ditched the game entirely in favor of returning to Sims2 and 3. Then I made the regrettable mistake of preordering Island Living at full price. The pre-EP patch destroyed two thirds of my mods and the EP was a huge disappointment. I was so angry I almost uninstalled Sims4. It took months of my time before my game came even close to what it had been before that update. Like so many other players, I was unable to enjoy a game I had paid hundreds of dollars for, but I was determined to find ways to tweak it with the addition of many types of mods until it resembled the kind of game I wanted it to become.

    The bugs and irritations have been nuked with mods, and game play mods have helped to fill in the gaps, so my game now feels like a true Sims game. But it was a long process that required a lot of trial and error before I found the combination of mods that suited my style. There are aspects of the game that still annoy me, but those are easy to overlook now because I have found game play mods that make the game enjoyable in spite of the fact the teams don't seem interested in, or willing to fix everything that is wrong and missing. I spend about an hour per week checking for updates on the critical mods I use, I never update the game before all my mods have been updated, I have stopped paying full price for any game pack and Ep, and I have taken back control of my game in a way that suits me. This process took nine months. Since March of this year, I have played for over four hundred hours. Before then, I was lucky if I managed to play for more than a couple of hours per gaming session. And my boredom with Sims4 has vanished. The trick is to stop relying on EA's teams to transform and fix Sims4. It isn't going to happen because they're too busy pushing out new packs and updates that will add to EA's profit margin. And once we have given EA our money, we're on our own. Instead of giving up on Sims4 after spending so much money on it, I decided to get even and end EA's control over MY game. And I have to say, it feels pretty good.

    This!!! Is pretty darn good.. you said it perfectly. I am pretty much doing the same thing. Trying to find the right mods that I like also not putting too much to break it. Also, buys packs when it is on sale.
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Sharonia the way whims are fixed by them is by introducing a feature to disable them. Bravo !!! I love whims in ts3 but now I have to pretend they never existed. Meh !
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Sk8rblaze as a Mac player ts3 is almost unplayable with a few EP installed. Ts4 is a step up but still annoyingly buggy.
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Nindigo yes but I play many switch games they don’t have so many game breaking bugs.
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @NorthDakotaGamer sadly some mods introduce even more bugs to the game. So I generally avoid mods cuz bugs really bug me a lot.
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @logion dine out is completely broke if I were to avoid it I might as well not buy it in the first place ! Some bugs are not avoidable. Yea get famous is another example !
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Oldeseadogge sims is the only game that makes me go to the forum and rant. I don’t use forum much at all let alone rant like a broken record like this. I love sims but hate the bugs so much it is frustrating.
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @Paigeisin5 well said. Since ts3 world adventures I preordered completely destroys my save file I have stoped preordering sims packs forever. I ditched ts3 for like 4 , 5 years after the world adventures fiasco and only got back to it towards the end of the cycle, only to find that things haven’t changed much for mac players.

    It is hard work making sure the mods work and the game is playable it is like a second job. I just want to enjoy the game. I am not even going to complain about missing features or certain gameplay aspects I don’t like. I can live with those. But what I can’t stand are the bugs !!!!

    No way I am going to get ts5 on day one like I did with ts4 and ts3. I lost faith in this company. Paralive please come destroy the sims franchises like city skyline destroys sim city!
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    @kayen_keagen totally. Only on deep sale otherwise the risk of paying 40$ for a piece of junk is too high.
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    Sk8rblazeSk8rblaze Posts: 7,570 Member
    jimbbq wrote: »
    @Sk8rblaze as a Mac player ts3 is almost unplayable with a few EP installed. Ts4 is a step up but still annoyingly buggy.

    Oh, I can imagine. TS3 on Mac was insanely frustrating to deal with. Even if you were able to get it to work, you were looking at significantly lower framerates and stability as opposed to running it on Windows/Bootcamp.
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    Although gameplay wise ts3 is hands-down a much better game with beefy EPs. I know many simmers may disagree but for me ts3 is the best in the series so far.
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    NindigoNindigo Posts: 2,764 Member
    I used to favor ts3, but I don't anymore. When people complain about ts4, they tend to forget how buggy ts3 actually is. Also, I wish people would just take a break from ts4 when the bugs start to get on one's nerves. That ts4 has bugs is nothing new, nor is the fact that bugs are annoying. They are in every game. Just take a break instead of dwelling on it - or be constructive about it and make a bug report over at Answers HQ, or click 'me too' in a post if someone else has already reported it. Checking that place and seeing that things are actually being reported can sometimes make one feel a little better as well.

    Origin ID: Nindigo79

    A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear
    Time enjoyed is never time wasted

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    Paigeisin5Paigeisin5 Posts: 2,140 Member
    jimbbq wrote: »
    @Paigeisin5 well said. Since ts3 world adventures I preordered completely destroys my save file I have stoped preordering sims packs forever. I ditched ts3 for like 4 , 5 years after the world adventures fiasco and only got back to it towards the end of the cycle, only to find that things haven’t changed much for mac players.

    It is hard work making sure the mods work and the game is playable it is like a second job. I just want to enjoy the game. I am not even going to complain about missing features or certain gameplay aspects I don’t like. I can live with those. But what I can’t stand are the bugs !!!!

    No way I am going to get ts5 on day one like I did with ts4 and ts3. I lost faith in this company. Paralive please come destroy the sims franchises like city skyline destroys sim city!

    Once you find the mods that suit you, keeping up with changes is not hard. The modding community has grown by leaps and bounds but I stick with a handful of modders, have their sites bookmarked, and that makes it much easier whenever EA drops an update on us. MCCC is especially handy for letting players know when mods conflict with one another. The trick was to stay with modders I trust. I'm not one to grab mods from just anywhere and hope for the best. And it was not easy, you're right about that, but the payoff is having a game I can become immersed in again. And when the time comes for new dlc, I will play off line for as long as it takes for the modders to catch up. The only thing about Origin I actually count on is the 'Repair Game' option. That has actually been very helpful, but the downside is I won't be able to take advantage of it until my game is fully updated. As a Mac owner you do have some limitations to deal with, I do understand that. But there is a good section here on the forum for Mac players that might be able to help you with some of the most annoying bugs you have. Good luck in finding some solutions. I hope you find a way to make the game more enjoyable for you. <3

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    CamkatCamkat Posts: 2,329 Member
    Nindigo wrote: »
    I used to favor ts3, but I don't anymore. When people complain about ts4, they tend to forget how buggy ts3 actually is. Also, I wish people would just take a break from ts4 when the bugs start to get on one's nerves. That ts4 has bugs is nothing new, nor is the fact that bugs are annoying. They are in every game. Just take a break instead of dwelling on it - or be constructive about it and make a bug report over at Answers HQ, or click 'me too' in a post if someone else has already reported it. Checking that place and seeing that things are actually being reported can sometimes make one feel a little better as well.

    The only real difference here though is, once you've modded out your bugs and made TS3 playable, it stays that way forever now since it's not being supported anymore. I can see how people are annoyed changing or updating (in some cases 80+) mods just to keep their TS4 running.
    I really don't understand how so many modders can fix most issues and the sims team can't.

    I actually do spend a lot of time on the Answers HQ reporting bugs and clicking "me too". I also submit my saves whenever I can. If you have mods installed though, they will assume your mods are the problem so people need to keep in mind that they need to remove all mods and CC before they report anything though. I find going there helps me feel better but also makes me feel worse when I see the same complaints for (sometimes years) and for things I know modders have fixed. Even more frustrating is when they do fix something then the next expansion or patch comes out and breaks it again...

    I'd love to see them actually fix more. I know it's hard, but if modders can do them, the sims team should be able to at least do the same. I'm sure it's a money thing and that's on EA.

    Personally when I find a bug that's especially annoying, I do rage. I will rage quit the game sometimes even, (especially if it's something that was fixed and then re-broken), take a couple deep breathes, go to Answers HQ, report it (with a more calm mind so I can make sense) then take a break from the game until I'm not ragey anymore.
    Origin ID: Peapod79
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    I did report bugs and click “me too” religiously but honestly at some points I felt like EA should pay me to do this quality assurance job to find bugs they should have found with their paid employees..... so I got fed up and stoped doing it.
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    mercuryfoammercuryfoam Posts: 1,156 Member
    I completely modded out my game of bugs. I havent experienced them in a long time therefore I cant think of a single bug that happened in my game. What bugs are there at the moment?
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    jimbbqjimbbq Posts: 2,734 Member
    Too many bugs. So many that when I notice something unusual I don’t even know if it is supposed to be a feature or a bug. Eg sims leaving a house via fireplace instead of front door in my vampire family. I thought it was a cool feature for magical family but apparently it is a bug. Lol

    Shower-bath unit cannot be cleaned. That’s clearly a bug.

    Dine out pack is completely broken when you run a restaurant.

    Get famous between gig and the job you can’t travel otherwise your sim will not go to work.

    Now I just noticed my kid conflict resolution bar dropped by a huge margin suddenly.

    The more you explore and pay attention to details of the game the more bugs you will notice.
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