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Is this seriously the best EA can do at this point!? ('Tiny Living' RANT)...


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    AHolyToiletAHolyToilet Posts: 870 Member
    edited January 2020
    NotSoLucky wrote: »
    I don't think they care. They are a business and they realize people will pay for their stuff regardless if its 'fair' or not. I'm one of them. That is just how business greed works.

    Do you also like it when people mug you in the streets? lol Because you literally just acknowledged that EA is essentially robbing you of your money, but then admitted to liking it.

    You must be living quite the privileged life to just throw away your money like that... must be nice.

    As much as I advocate calling out EA, when it comes to putting out poorly made content and then said content sells well, that's partly (a huge part) on the fault of the community. If the Sims community will continue to buy packs that are worth half their asking price, EA will continue to put out said packs because they know they can profit from doing half the work, half the content of the packs we got in previous iterations. This is especially true in new Simmers who have never played the previous games and haven't compared their quality.

    We're not being robbed. We just don't realize (at least, not enough of us) when we're being fooled.
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    LustianiciaLustianicia Posts: 2,492 Member
    Can't we all just be glad that this is better than Laundry Stuff?

    No... because Laundry Day was actually a good stuff pack.
    Favorite Packs
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    Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff
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    Sims 4: Seasons
    Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff
    Sims 4: Strangerville Game Pack

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    KaeChan2089KaeChan2089 Posts: 4,944 Member
    Cynna wrote: »
    I watched the stream. As streams go, I agree that it was one of the better ones. The hosts were engaging and there was a lot of information. (Btw, I think that the original timestamp was off? For those who are curious, the Gurus began to speak about design choices around 1:18:00 or so.)

    Anyway, when it came to the explanation about how objects are chosen, it left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. In fact, I felt that some of it was downright disingenuous. The reason being: it's the same explanation that we got regarding why there were no lounge chairs in a five-year-old game -- 'It's very difficult', 'We're looking for where it will fit in', 'It's too expensive for a stuff pack', 'We want it to have TS4's signature multi-tasking', etc., etc., etc.

    Yet, once the lounge chairs finally arrived, they were really, really nothing like what the community had been led to believe that they would be as a result of the Gurus' dev-splaining. Except for drinking (what is it with TS4 and the continued focus on drinking, anyway?), the lounge chair has no multi-functionality to speak of. To my knowledge, Sims don't converse while reclining, they don't read, they don't listen to music. Do they even look around and take note of the world around them while they're in that chair? It doesn't seem so. Those are the most zombie-like recliner animations in the entire series. As a result, that lounge chair was a great disappointment to many.

    Another example of why some of us don't buy the Gurus' explanations: the mod community made bookcases out of deco books, fixed the accent tables so that they would hold televisions, and converted adult hairs for children and toddlers, almost since the beginning. Yet, the Gurus in the stream behaved as if they'd had some kind of epiphany. Really? The developers get paid good money to think of these things and it took them five years? Not only that, EA stuck a price tag on it? Stuff like that is disheartening, to say the least. For me, at least, it breeds distrust. It makes me wonder if the community can think/do these things years in advance, what the heck is EA's problem?

    Yet another example: Tiny Living is a big, international movement. EA is aware of this as evidenced by its promotional material. Yet, the devs decided to shoehorn an idea with such a large scope into a stuff pack. Why?

    I'm sorry, but the Tiny Living pack is a disservice to the theme that it's meant to represent. Throw one object at us and call it done, perhaps, never to be revisited again? Not good. Not to mention, the community was already using move objects on and the aforementioned modded deco books to create combination objects long before EA put a price on the idea.

    In other words, if EA wants to cash in on a popular theme, they should do it justice, not just lip service.

    The above are only three examples. However, they illustrate the issues of TS4 quite well. Is it any wonder that some in the community are frustrated, disillusioned, suspicious, and outright angry?

    I'm sorry that the developers feel bad about what they're reading in the community forums. Yes, things can be expressed more...diplomatically. Yet, the sentiments are valid.

    It also doesn't help when others in the community who are pleased as punch, tell the rest of us 'don buy' or 'go back to the older games'. That is equally as dismissive and disrespectful as anything else that I've seen in this thread.

    Basically, the community is divided into the haves and the have-nots, those who are joyously happy vs. those who are not. EA should be doing more to bridge that divide. That means that the Gurus shouldn't retreat to Twitter to bathe themselves in accolades. They should continue to engage with the rest of the community who are still ardent supporters of the series, despite our aggravation with this version of it.

    The community survey was a start. I was glad to see it, honestly. As a gesture of goodwill, it was great. However, the Gurus shouldn't have needed a survey as all of the information has been discussed in the community ad nauseam for years.

    The Gurus should consider wading back into their own official forums as they used to do. The silent lurking only implies that they don't want to face criticism in an interactive manner.

    One last observation/suggestion directly to you lurking Gurus: be honest with the community. The average age of players is well into adulthood and we understand when we're being managed.

    For example, saying that deep snow was possible in the TS4 engine, except that you didn't like how it looked, was disingenuous and aggravating as heck. If something cannot be accomplished in a satisfactory manner, it's not possible. Period. Things that are possible eventually make it to the consumer. We know this, so be honest about it when you can't do something. To say otherwise is just marketing double talk and it doesn't fool anyone. Although customers will still be disappointed, honesty will carry you a lot further than explanations that seem to be meant to mollify and to manage.

    Finally, I miss the days when The Sims community felt like a family. Secretiveness and disingenuous explanations have destroyed that sense of the company and the community being in this together. The community won't leave you unless you leave us first. I would like that sense of cooperation and mutual respect to return.

    Thank you...I agree with every single thing you said, thank you for taking the time out of your day and replying and explaining this way..this is exactly how I feel <3.
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    nerdfashionnerdfashion Posts: 5,947 Member
    Camkat wrote: »
    I'm quite open to the idea. It's not something that's been added to a Sims game before. And there are plenty of benefits that go with Tiny Homes too. And most Stuff Packs don't have any new gameplay accept for one time that might go with a skill, so I see this as worth my money. Also, I'm kinda in love with the CAS and BB.

    And Murphy Beds save more space than a Bunk Bed, so I think that makes more sense. Maybe Bunk Beds will come in a sequel to Kids Room Stuff or something, or better yet, a free patch.

    IRL Murphy beds save more space than a bunk bed. However in the sims, they will take up more space. With the bed down it will require a 2x6 footprint (folded into a 1x2). When it's up, you likely won't be able to put anything in front of it, unless you move objects but then every time you want to use the bed, you will have to pause into build mode and move it. A bunk bed would likely be a 1x3. Half the size... I like the idea of murphy beds and glad they are coming but they don't save space the way a bunk bed would. ;) I welcome another death type, as always.

    I'm hoping the lack of bunk beds in this pack do mean they come in a free patch. They would have been great in Parenthood, Kid's Room, University, Strangerville... and with packs to come I'm sure. They can be pretty versatile so no need to lump with something and they could add different styles with future packs. Now with the Tiny Living theme happening, this month's patch would be wonderful but I'm not going to hold my breathe either.

    Yes, except for the Murphy Bed with the attached couch. That is the reason I said what I did, because that does save quite a bit of space.

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    elanorbretonelanorbreton Posts: 14,633 Member
    @Cynna you made some very good points and I enjoyed reading your last post.

    The sims 4 certainly was bare bones when it started, even for a base game, and I was not impressed for a very long time. In fact, not until the arrival of toddlers onwards. But I do think that they have improved things since then, though there are certainly things that are still lacking.

    It is a pity that they chose a stuff pack for the tiny living theme rather than a game pack, which could have done it more justice. But, as stuff packs go, I do not think it is terrible. In fact, the quality of the items seems to be rather good. Perhaps they didn't see tiny living as being popular enough to expand upon as a game pack?
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    CynnaCynna Posts: 2,369 Member
    @Cynna you made some very good points and I enjoyed reading your last post.

    The sims 4 certainly was bare bones when it started, even for a base game, and I was not impressed for a very long time. In fact, not until the arrival of toddlers onwards. But I do think that they have improved things since then, though there are certainly things that are still lacking.

    It is a pity that they chose a stuff pack for the tiny living theme rather than a game pack, which could have done it more justice. But, as stuff packs go, I do not think it is terrible. In fact, the quality of the items seems to be rather good. Perhaps they didn't see tiny living as being popular enough to expand upon as a game pack?

    Thanks for your kind words. :)

    If the devs didn't see the popularity of tiny living, they haven't been paying attention, I'm afraid. The community is full of tiny builds and challenges. Likewise, there have been endless requests for ladders, spiral stairs, bunk beds, and Murphy beds.

    I'm glad that the devs made a Murphy bed. The one that's attached to the chair is very nice. Yet, it's hard to ignore that all of the requested items could have fit under the same Tiny Living umbrella theme -- an excellent and timely theme, by the way.

    As always, my problem with TS4 is implementation and the purposefully piecemeal release of objects that could easily belong to the same theme.
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    filipomelfilipomel Posts: 1,694 Member
    I don't understand the logic of "Murphy beds should've been in DU", Murphy beds first came in Sims 2 apartment life, and then reintroduced in sims 3 in University Life, two completely different packs. And besides, I thought it was widely agreed upon that DU is an excellent EP with tons of great content and game play, would a Murphy bed really make that big of a difference with the overall satisfaction of that pack? If you don't like DU without Murphy beds, I highly doubt the addition of Murphy beds would change anybody's mind.

    I think the bigger criticism to make here is that allegedly during the development of City Living, they decided to add talking toilets in instead of Murphy beds.
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    gamekittengamekitten Posts: 2,606 Member
    I am sure the developers are enjoying some of these posts. For an AAA company I expected AAA quality. I have yet to see it. I had hope and kept believing they would improve the game. I finally realized that there was no hope for a real Sims game, like the previous versions. So, yeah I'm not happy about what they are producing and know the Sims I love will never venture on beyond Sims 3. I hear excuses for missing game play, missing content, and bugs.

    I spent 1000s of dollars on the Sims through out its life time, so as a consumer I should have a voice. When modders can make better quality content, add game play, traits, fix the game, and etc.. They should be noted and can be compared to professional paid developers. Modders fixed many things in Sims 3 that was broken and badly coded. They made Sims 3 playable. For free, to boot.

    Tiny Living stuff pack has nothing really to actual tiny living.
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    llamasflullamasflu Posts: 221 Member
    the cas options on this pack are TERRIBLE and so lackluster :/ the cas items that you saw in the trailer? that's it, no more. ea game changers have been posting ss of the items and like i said... it's bad
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    AquaGamer1212AquaGamer1212 Posts: 5,417 Member
    llamasflu wrote: »
    the cas options on this pack are TERRIBLE and so lackluster :/ the cas items that you saw in the trailer? that's it, no more. ea game changers have been posting ss of the items and like i said... it's bad

    Let’s just pretend there aren’t any cas items besides the pajamas.

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    LustianiciaLustianicia Posts: 2,492 Member
    Can't we all just be glad that this is better than Laundry Stuff?

    No... because Laundry Day was actually a good stuff pack.

    @Lustianicia Are you INSANE? Worst pack, hands down. It's basically washing machine stuff. You get worked up over a bed and new lot traits and a pack for builders (side note: I'm not a builder and I don't care about this pack), but a pack where all you can do is wash clothes? And watch clothes dry? I don't even own it, because I refuse to buy a pack that is literally just chores and that adds no gameplay to the game whatsoever.

    Well, first and foremost, 'My First Pet' will always be the absolute worst stuff pack (unless another DLC for DLC is released... then they'll be equalized).

    'Tiny Living' is a very close second, however... because it's literally just adding a bed that goes into the wall. That's it! Not to mention the Murphy bed was originally supposed to be in AT LEAST two past expansion packs (it was supposed to be in 'City Living', but was delayed until 'Discover University'... and then they decided to make an extra $10 from fans by making it its own stuff pack)... and that's what we know of... other than that, literally everything else in the stuff pack is stuff we could already do in the game.

    At least Laundry Day not only added laundry options, but a variety of them as well (the wash tub, washer, dryer, and clothesline). You also have different settings for washing and drying too. While it's not my favorite stuff pack, it's still better than 'My First Pet' and 'Tiny Living'.

    The only thing stopping 'Tiny Living' from becoming the #1 worst stuff pack is the fact that 'My First Pet' exists.
    Favorite Packs
    Sims 1: Hot Date
    Sims 2: Seasons
    Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff
    Sims 3: Seasons
    Sims 3: 70's, 80's, & 90's Stuff
    Sims 4: Seasons
    Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff
    Sims 4: Strangerville Game Pack

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    superkyle221superkyle221 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hard disagree. I'd rather buy My First Pet than Laundry Day. Oh, you can do laundry in different ways? It only adds a washing machine. I'd rather have somebody die from rodent fever or a bed than watch clothes dry. At least with tiny living there are challenges for building that you have to face (again, not defending the pack because I'm not a builder, I'm just saying that at least it's better than Laundry Day which only adds laundry options... and if you want to go do laundry, be my guest, but I've got much better things to do with my time like sit at home and complain).
    I don't remember how to change my signature.
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    CamkatCamkat Posts: 2,329 Member
    Camkat wrote: »
    I'm quite open to the idea. It's not something that's been added to a Sims game before. And there are plenty of benefits that go with Tiny Homes too. And most Stuff Packs don't have any new gameplay accept for one time that might go with a skill, so I see this as worth my money. Also, I'm kinda in love with the CAS and BB.

    And Murphy Beds save more space than a Bunk Bed, so I think that makes more sense. Maybe Bunk Beds will come in a sequel to Kids Room Stuff or something, or better yet, a free patch.

    IRL Murphy beds save more space than a bunk bed. However in the sims, they will take up more space. With the bed down it will require a 2x6 footprint (folded into a 1x2). When it's up, you likely won't be able to put anything in front of it, unless you move objects but then every time you want to use the bed, you will have to pause into build mode and move it. A bunk bed would likely be a 1x3. Half the size... I like the idea of murphy beds and glad they are coming but they don't save space the way a bunk bed would. ;) I welcome another death type, as always.

    I'm hoping the lack of bunk beds in this pack do mean they come in a free patch. They would have been great in Parenthood, Kid's Room, University, Strangerville... and with packs to come I'm sure. They can be pretty versatile so no need to lump with something and they could add different styles with future packs. Now with the Tiny Living theme happening, this month's patch would be wonderful but I'm not going to hold my breathe either.

    Yes, except for the Murphy Bed with the attached couch. That is the reason I said what I did, because that does save quite a bit of space.

    Fair point. I didn't see that at the time when I commented, I only saw the bed without it.
    Origin ID: Peapod79
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    Freckles1971Freckles1971 Posts: 511 Member
    Did they forget that we can change the size of objects already? It seems they did. :#
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    LiELFLiELF Posts: 6,541 Member
    Can't we all just be glad that this is better than Laundry Stuff?

    No... because Laundry Day was actually a good stuff pack.

    @Lustianicia Are you INSANE? Worst pack, hands down. It's basically washing machine stuff. You get worked up over a bed and new lot traits and a pack for builders (side note: I'm not a builder and I don't care about this pack), but a pack where all you can do is wash clothes? And watch clothes dry? I don't even own it, because I refuse to buy a pack that is literally just chores and that adds no gameplay to the game whatsoever.

    Well, first and foremost, 'My First Pet' will always be the absolute worst stuff pack (unless another DLC for DLC is released... then they'll be equalized).

    'Tiny Living' is a very close second, however... because it's literally just adding a bed that goes into the wall. That's it! Not to mention the Murphy bed was originally supposed to be in AT LEAST two past expansion packs (it was supposed to be in 'City Living', but was delayed until 'Discover University'... and then they decided to make an extra $10 from fans by making it its own stuff pack)... and that's what we know of... other than that, literally everything else in the stuff pack is stuff we could already do in the game.

    At least Laundry Day not only added laundry options, but a variety of them as well (the wash tub, washer, dryer, and clothesline). You also have different settings for washing and drying too. While it's not my favorite stuff pack, it's still better than 'My First Pet' and 'Tiny Living'.

    The only thing stopping 'Tiny Living' from becoming the #1 worst stuff pack is the fact that 'My First Pet' exists.

    Where are you getting that the Murphy bed was supposed to be in DU? Because a picture was posted before it came out? This stuff pack was planned long before that. Packs do have to be planned and budgeted ahead of time, you know.
    #Team Occult
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    IceyJIceyJ Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited January 2020
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    doedear wrote: »
    tiny versions of objects we have in the game would've been better than just the "murphy bed stuff" pack. like a smaller cupcake machine or a telescope that doesn't take up half of a sims backyard. a murphy bed still takes up lots of space why so no bunk beds?

    We're in desperate need for normal sized objects in general... not just the cupcake machine or telescope... even the dollhouses are way too big! The microscopes need to be downsized as well.

    Now this would really help in tiny houses, normal dollhouses, telescopes,... And will my spellcaster be able to fit her huge cauldron in a tiny house?

    I can't wait to find out what other objects are in the pack, hopefully a few more usable space savers besides a bed that can kill our sims.

    Press the left bracket on your keyboard to make objects smaller. Right bracket to make them bigger.

    I guess there are still many who don't know you can make things smaller in the game.
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    CelSimsCelSims Posts: 2,270 Member
    edited January 2020
    IceyJ wrote: »
    Atreya33 wrote: »
    doedear wrote: »
    tiny versions of objects we have in the game would've been better than just the "murphy bed stuff" pack. like a smaller cupcake machine or a telescope that doesn't take up half of a sims backyard. a murphy bed still takes up lots of space why so no bunk beds?

    We're in desperate need for normal sized objects in general... not just the cupcake machine or telescope... even the dollhouses are way too big! The microscopes need to be downsized as well.

    Now this would really help in tiny houses, normal dollhouses, telescopes,... And will my spellcaster be able to fit her huge cauldron in a tiny house?

    I can't wait to find out what other objects are in the pack, hopefully a few more usable space savers besides a bed that can kill our sims.

    Press the left bracket on your keyboard to make objects smaller. Right bracket to make them bigger.

    I guess there are still many who don't know you can make things smaller in the game.

    If you size down a cauldron the contents do not size down with it. So you are left with flat floating contents above it. Not a solution.

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    LustianiciaLustianicia Posts: 2,492 Member
    edited January 2020
    Hard disagree. I'd rather buy My First Pet than Laundry Day. Oh, you can do laundry in different ways? It only adds a washing machine. I'd rather have somebody die from rodent fever or a bed than watch clothes dry. At least with tiny living there are challenges for building that you have to face (again, not defending the pack because I'm not a builder, I'm just saying that at least it's better than Laundry Day which only adds laundry options... and if you want to go do laundry, be my guest, but I've got much better things to do with my time like sit at home and complain).

    No, it doesn't "only add a washing machine"... it also has the wash tub and clothesline. Also, as I said, washing clothes also comes with different options too.

    My First Pet was DLC for DLC... that alone makes it the #1 worst stuff pack. Half of the content can't even be accessed without also having 'Cats & Dogs' installed. It was obviously a money grab. There's no argument to be had.

    Also, tiny house challenges have already existed long before this pack... again, nothing has ever stopped people from building tiny homes before.

    As a consumer, I have every right to complain about a product... lol Especially when I've been a loyal fan of this game since the beginning. I'm willing to bet most people who are praising 'Tiny Living' have only played Sims 4... and maybe Sims 3 (but towards the end). They're likely teenagers who don't mind spending the $10 for a Murphy bed because it's either not even their money in the first place (their parents buy it for them) or they have Birthday and Christmas money leftover that they can spend without a care in the world (because they have no bills, payments, etc). So $10 is just throw away money for them.

    Either that, or they're extremely rich and privileged to the point where, again, $10 is money they can just throw away. This also applies to the developers who create these ridiculous cash grab packs as well... their salaries are likely extremely high, so they couldn't care less about charging the players $10 for a bed. It's barely even pocket change for them.
    Favorite Packs
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    Sims 3: 70's, 80's, & 90's Stuff
    Sims 4: Seasons
    Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff
    Sims 4: Strangerville Game Pack

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    LustianiciaLustianicia Posts: 2,492 Member
    LiELF wrote: »
    Can't we all just be glad that this is better than Laundry Stuff?

    No... because Laundry Day was actually a good stuff pack.

    @Lustianicia Are you INSANE? Worst pack, hands down. It's basically washing machine stuff. You get worked up over a bed and new lot traits and a pack for builders (side note: I'm not a builder and I don't care about this pack), but a pack where all you can do is wash clothes? And watch clothes dry? I don't even own it, because I refuse to buy a pack that is literally just chores and that adds no gameplay to the game whatsoever.

    Well, first and foremost, 'My First Pet' will always be the absolute worst stuff pack (unless another DLC for DLC is released... then they'll be equalized).

    'Tiny Living' is a very close second, however... because it's literally just adding a bed that goes into the wall. That's it! Not to mention the Murphy bed was originally supposed to be in AT LEAST two past expansion packs (it was supposed to be in 'City Living', but was delayed until 'Discover University'... and then they decided to make an extra $10 from fans by making it its own stuff pack)... and that's what we know of... other than that, literally everything else in the stuff pack is stuff we could already do in the game.

    At least Laundry Day not only added laundry options, but a variety of them as well (the wash tub, washer, dryer, and clothesline). You also have different settings for washing and drying too. While it's not my favorite stuff pack, it's still better than 'My First Pet' and 'Tiny Living'.

    The only thing stopping 'Tiny Living' from becoming the #1 worst stuff pack is the fact that 'My First Pet' exists.

    Where are you getting that the Murphy bed was supposed to be in DU? Because a picture was posted before it came out? This stuff pack was planned long before that. Packs do have to be planned and budgeted ahead of time, you know.

    In Sims 2, they were released alongside 'Apartment Life'. In Sims 3, they were released alongside 'University Life'... for them to suddenly decide to release an entire stuff pack that revolves around a Murphy bed isn't likely... at all. Plus, as others have already noted, they shared a very identical animation as a teaser for 'Discover University' that looks exactly like the animation used in the trailer for 'Tiny Living' when the Sim gets nailed to the floor by the bed. Why use that animation to promote a pack when the Murphy bed isn't even going to be in there? It's very obvious that it was supposed to be released with 'Discover University, but pulled at last minute to make an extra $10 from players.

    The Murphy bed also dates all the way back to concept art for 'City Living'... so it was already planned for the game even back then, but was removed in favor of those ridiculously stupid talking toilets that nobody ever asked for.

    I'm not stupid (even though EA thinks I am)... lol I'm smart enough to acknowledge when I'm being ripped off. I'm not someone who mindlessly buys whatever they throw at me. If I was, I would've bought 'My First Pet'... but I didn't (and never will).
    Favorite Packs
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    Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff
    Sims 3: Seasons
    Sims 3: 70's, 80's, & 90's Stuff
    Sims 4: Seasons
    Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff
    Sims 4: Strangerville Game Pack

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    SimsandraSimsandra Posts: 315 Member
    Is there anything more to say to tiny living? They will release it and people will buy it. I have seen/ heard/ read somewhere (I don't know where, but maybe I can find it) that my first pet stuff sold very well.
    Tastes are different. I was not pleased with Realm of Magic or Strangerville. Of course I use some parts of the Packs, but I dont want a forced story. But I appreaciate the devs going different paths and try out new things.
    There are people who love the Vampires and witches and there are people who really like Laundry Day. The playerbase is just so diverse as it can get, because this game offers a lot for everyone. We should stay a bit more chill, of course speak if you like or don't like something, but respect other opinions as well.

    I don't think that a DLC for a DLC is a bad idea.
    I think that they delivered my first pet stuff directly after Cats and Dogs wasnt a smart idea, but in fact I would love to see a DLC for other packs. New city living stuff and more apartments? New festivals? Yes please! After all this time we could spice up City Living.
    Or new active careers and options to open a retail at home as new content for get to work? Yes yes yes!
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    silentcyborgsilentcyborg Posts: 210 Member
    The Murphy bed also dates all the way back to concept art for 'City Living'... so it was already planned for the game even back then, but was removed in favor of those ridiculously stupid talking toilets that nobody ever asked for.

    Tbh, I don't mind the talking toilet - at least it was new and different (think I'm the only one though :/ ).

    Re tiny living, I was pretty against it at first, but the bb objects are in my fave style, and I really like them. I'm conflicted bc I agree with the gameplay concerns, but at least with the new death came a new ghost. I still think TL is better than mfp (which I refuse to own), because lots of the clothing was copied, and the objects were the exact same style as c&d, where as tl is pretty different to uni, and hopefully will remain different to chic diy.

    On TL vs Laundry, objectively, the team had to do 3 types of animation in laundry (electronic, clothesline and wash basket), so there was some work put into it, as opposed to the murphy beds. As a builder, I have used Laundry waaay more than I thought - bb is pretty versatile. I wasn't a fan of this pack, but bought it on sale, and it's been more worth it than I expected (wish I could say the same for cool kitchen, spooky stuff and romantic garden...)
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    SimmyFroggySimmyFroggy Posts: 1,762 Member
    @Lustianicia that's a whole lotta assumption about people you don't know based on your narrow view that is basically "anyone who disagrees with me can't be possibly right".
    If you don't like the pack, that's your prerogative. But you don't get to decide what others should or shouldn't want out of a Sims pack, or decide what is valuable content for others and what isn't.

    MFPS was a test of DLC for DLC and considering the release timing and the contents (like items that seemed directly lifted from the EP), it was rightfully criticized. Tiny Living is not the same case at all and players have every right to feel like it's worth its price tag without being infantilized or insulted.

    avatar art: Loves2draw1812
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    LustianiciaLustianicia Posts: 2,492 Member
    Simsandra wrote: »
    Is there anything more to say to tiny living? They will release it and people will buy it. I have seen/ heard/ read somewhere (I don't know where, but maybe I can find it) that my first pet stuff sold very well.
    Tastes are different. I was not pleased with Realm of Magic or Strangerville. Of course I use some parts of the Packs, but I dont want a forced story. But I appreaciate the devs going different paths and try out new things.
    There are people who love the Vampires and witches and there are people who really like Laundry Day. The playerbase is just so diverse as it can get, because this game offers a lot for everyone. We should stay a bit more chill, of course speak if you like or don't like something, but respect other opinions as well.

    I don't think that a DLC for a DLC is a bad idea.
    I think that they delivered my first pet stuff directly after Cats and Dogs wasnt a smart idea, but in fact I would love to see a DLC for other packs. New city living stuff and more apartments? New festivals? Yes please! After all this time we could spice up City Living.
    Or new active careers and options to open a retail at home as new content for get to work? Yes yes yes!

    There's absolutely no reason why the developers can't patch that stuff in for free. DLC for DLC is the greedy way out. If they truly cared about th fans, they'd go back and make the previous packs better. Not release cash grab DLC for DLC packs.
    Favorite Packs
    Sims 1: Hot Date
    Sims 2: Seasons
    Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff
    Sims 3: Seasons
    Sims 3: 70's, 80's, & 90's Stuff
    Sims 4: Seasons
    Sims 4: Paranormal Stuff
    Sims 4: Strangerville Game Pack

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    SimsandraSimsandra Posts: 315 Member
    They can't give everything for free, thats a greedy way of thinking, in my opinion.

    No game company does that, even Blizzard is charging people money for playing world of warcraft classic and the people pay for it
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