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CAS in future Sims games

NyosimNyosim Posts: 816 Member
As wonderful as some of the CAS items have been in each of the four games, some things have always bugged me. Like how adorable that long T shirt is, but it’s always attached to that cropped denim jacket, or how much I love that ponytail but I don’t want it with blunt bangs. Unless you know how to edit a mesh you’re stuck with them.

Then I saw some character creation in EVE Online: and Black Desert Online:

Holy plum it’s amazing...

You can choose to have a jacket over that top? Whether or not that shirt can be tucked or untucked? Adjust length and height of hairdos? Make poses and take custom shots without a tray editor? A basic color wheel?

Needless to say I’d love to see all these in TS5 or beyond, but I’d love to hear your ideas too!


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    cheescaekscheescaeks Posts: 902 Member
    it would be cool, i hope sims 5 cas is more capable of handling more customization.

    even sims 4 i'd love to see a color wheel for skin tones.
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    AquaGamer1212AquaGamer1212 Posts: 5,417 Member
    I definitely agree. More customization is a must. I wish when Sims used a closet they could actually be seen putting on the clothes. I don’t know why accessory jackets aren’t actual thing yet, I have to rely on CC for that.

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    NyosimNyosim Posts: 816 Member
    I don’t know why accessory jackets aren’t actual thing yet, I have to rely on CC for that.

    You’d also have to rely on CC for nail and toe polish and facial piercings. The polish is understandable since it was never a feature for any game (TS3 had werewolf claws, not actual nails). OTOH having to do so for facial piercings is really lame. If it could work for TS2 why wasn’t it ever in TS3 and may never be in TS4? Side note here but I really miss the makeup opacity slider too.

    At the very least the separated jackets from eve and the hair sculpting from bdo would be wonderful to have! Both of them have pretty good push-pull sculpting as well, it wouldn’t hurt Maxis to take a few cues from that.
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    rhaliusrhalius Posts: 478 Member
    I'd like to see clothing to be layered, and for sims to buy clothing from stores again and it being different price ranges. So they can actually save up money to buy that fancy dress or expensive suit.

    But back to layered clothing.

    Accesoiries categories could be the same as it is in sims 4. Belts could be added however, becoming seperate from clothing.

    But basic clothing could consist of: Underwear (either a set or top and bottom seperate) then you have pants/skirts, tops or dresses over that.
    Then you get a layer for vests, sweaters and other things to wear over the shirt or dress. And then you have the outermost layer: coats.

    Depending how a sim is dressed, you'd see more of the lower layers. And it could even be a thing that sims with the snob trait or other traits think less of sims that have their underwear showing, wether it is underpants being higher than their pants or bra straps showing under a strapless top.

    All clothing selected during CAS could have it's value detracted from the household funds that could be visible.

    However, you could be able to select different financial classes for your sims, to make things easier or harder at the start. Ranging from dirt poor to filthy rich and various options in between.

    Moving on to traits, I feel they should have more impact and there should be more negative ones. Default sims are so nice that the good trait is pointless.

    I also feel like they should bring back sliders and have traits on top of that.

    These sliders shouldn't come with points, they should just represent their disposition towards different aspects of life.

    Sexual orientation could be a slider. A sim could prefer men, women or be a shade of bi. And a trait could allow a sim to not be interested in romance.

    Shy/outgoing should certainly be a slider again.

    Neat/slob too.

    Interest in technology should also be a slider. At the lowest they won't even use phones, a little higher they'll use the minimum stuff for practical reasons but will turn to books and other things for entertainment instead of a television. And at the top they'd strongly prefer to use tech for everything and get special joy from purchasing advanced tech but can feel sad or angry when dealing with less impressive tech.
    Also, sims should not have mobile phones by default. Should be something from buy mode under tech with several variations that cost different prices. I want my poor sims to not pull out a fancy smartphone.

    Interest in children should also be a slider. At the lowest they hate children, and the further it moves up the more they'd like children and would want to have children of their own. In the middle they'd just be neutral on it.

    Interest in celeberties should also be a slider. I don't want all sims to be obsessed with that and it shouldnt cost a trait for them not to be.
    If they are super interested in that they could already be interested in minor celeberties, and the more famous someone is, the more less interested sims will take notice. The least interested sims won't act different even if it's a 5 star celeberty.

    Interest in career should also be a slider. At the top they'd be a workaholic and might have trouble relaxing on vacations, and at the lowest they'd want to get rich and never work a day. More towards the bottom would be sims that prefer to switch jobs often.

    Loyalty should also be a slider that determines various things. How likely they are to cheat on their spouse, if they'd be comfortable with job offers made behind their boss's back and if they'd toss a friend or loved one under the buss if they could benefit from it. The most disloyal sims could even enjoy betraying other sims. But the most loyal sims won't ever cheat on their spouse, boss or friends.

    Intelligence could be a slider too. The dumbest sims could learn slower, be clumbsy, have a low brow sense of humor and struggle to use some objects. The most intelligent sims however might feel annoyed by dumber sims however and would tend to have more worries. But they'd learn skills faster. Still, it would have a downside.

    Interest in the occult could also be a slider from the start. Those who aren't interested are skeptical and hate the sight of such beings, while the most interested want to become one.
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    king_of_simcity7king_of_simcity7 Posts: 25,102 Member
    If we had Sims that look like the characters in EVE online then that would be awesome! :smiley:

    I have been asking for Sims like that for years.

    I have actually lost count of how many times I have seen some cool hairstyles but always wanted to make that small change to it. Even if it is just hair length
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,715 Member
    I think separate cloth items would be great. Always wanted that, but if so, I'd prefer each household to buy clothes for their dresser, meaning they could mix and match based from what they already got. My sims normally don't have more than 3 everyday outfits anyway. I'd much prefer mixing a limited number of clothes that would already match their style (and money). And I think each cloth would not need the everyday/party/formal branding, but leaving it to us to categorize the complete set. When it comes to hot/cold, each item could have a 1-10 value indicating how much warming it would provide. The sum of the outfit could decide whether a sim would freeze/overheat.
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    Ive never played Eve Online, but I saw some images and I wouldn't want sims 5 to look like that. Too serious . I like a more playful vibe.
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    FurSimsOfficialFurSimsOfficial Posts: 2,362 Member
    This should be The sims 5. It's main feature and motto should be: Adjust everything to every length, width and combination! More freedom, more creativity!

    Im talking windows, doors, tables, plants, tshirts, hair etc.
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    In sims 5 I want

    -more relationship options in cas (boyfriend,girlfriend etc.)
    - create a style
    - color wheel
    - Height options
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    SageOfGlimmerBrookSageOfGlimmerBrook Posts: 397 Member
    edited September 2019
    -The return of a teen clothing category, with youthful, teenage looking clothes :)
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    I also would like the hair texture in Sims 5 to be more Alpha/Realistic.
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    nerdfashionnerdfashion Posts: 5,947 Member
    Well, they have to advance CAS somehow in the next game, right?

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    rhaliusrhalius Posts: 478 Member
    More negative traits please. I want the option to have sims start with nothing and everything against them, but overcome all that and find success.

    I like to see a system where sims can obtain a negative trait but can get rid of it if they work hard enough. Should be able to start with these traits too, for the increased challenge.

    Alcoholic for example. Sims medieval has alcohol, its just dumb the main series does not have it.
    Agressive could also be one, making sims start fights and such. Meditation, anger management classes and other stuff could help solve it.
    Gluttony too.

    Heck maybe they should pretty much have all seven sins represented.

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    I would like the option to start poor, middle class, or wealthy in CAS. And also select their career level in CAS. If the game is truly about telling our own stories, give us the control :)
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    rhaliusrhalius Posts: 478 Member
    Same here, I don't like how the only story we can really tell is of someone starting out. Maybe a background trait could help?
    Like if your sim was in law enforcement before moving to this new place, they could get hired at a higher level in that career when applying?
    How high they'd start could depend on their mood and traits.
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    PlayerSinger2010PlayerSinger2010 Posts: 3,267 Member
    I'd like to be able to set up a career/skills on my sims before setting them free into the world. It doesn't make sense that I make an elder and they have no skills at all whatsoever.
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    DeleteDelete Posts: 27 Member
    THe Eve Char creation is totally amazing! I love how going over parts of the body gives that little anatomy highlight thing, That style isn't really simmy but if cas in sims 5 was like Eve and Black dessert customization combined my wallet would die buying it (if it would run on my computer) I feel CAS is super restrictive rn... I mean I need to get slider cc to actually make decent faces

    Id like DIFFERENT HEIGHT SIMS!! Maybe we get 3 presets, short, tall and average and when say a tall and short person do something romantic like kiss the taller person bends down to do it or the shorter person jumps up or something. That'd only be about 3 different animations for stuff like kiss or tell a secret or something (TxS, TxM, MxS)... Maxis is a company dedicated to making games so this isnt really a whole lotta work, especially if its in something like sims 5.

    And ability to make skinnier fingers lol

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    Sims 4 has an amazing character creator. I create sims without mods/cc who are quite nice . But theres always room for improvements.
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    sgemmsgemm Posts: 38 Member
    Ugh, it makes me nervous to even think about a new Sims game hahah. I've already spent so much money and gotten so invested in the Sims 4, and having to start a whole new game is intimidating. Personally I would love if they added some of these ideas in an update to the current game; options to tuck shirts, more color swatch customization, more skin tones, and new items etc. But these are all amazing concepts for the Sims 5.
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    sgemmsgemm Posts: 38 Member
    > @SageOfGlimmerBrook said:
    > Sims 4 has an amazing character creator. I create sims without mods/cc who are quite nice . But theres always room for improvements.

    Agree for sure. I was so impressed with the Sims 4 CaS when it was first released, there's so many neat features now. But yes, always room to improve.
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    rhaliusrhalius Posts: 478 Member
    They did greatly improve the visuals of character creation, it was hard to make a descent looking sim in sims 3. How clothes work has been improved too, not sure about the needless addition of party outfits however.

    But it's the personality part that took a dive. Sims are too similar. Aspirations can be changed on the fly and have little meaning.
    There's no preferences, no favorite meal, no favorite color. No general lifestyle. Just something they can quickly change up.
    Only three traits which is not enough, and most do very little.

    I do think that sims need to be given a general goal in life again, a main aspiration that affects their general outlook on life. Like in sims 2, and a long term goal chosen after that seperately, what goals are available would be determined by their life aspiration. Would be some overlap but each should have unique goals exclusive to that aspiration.

    And they should add more of that.

    Family, romance, popularity, pleasure seeker and knowledge could return as they where pretty much.
    Fortune could return focusing just on getting rich, being very materialistic but the business part of it could be seperated into a new ambitious aspiration for workaholic sims focused on reaching the top of a career.
    Inner peace could be a new aspiration, these sims want to be healthy of body and mind.
    Power could also be a new one, which can take many forms. They'd favor careers where they get to be in charge, enjoy telling other sims what to do, and might want to learn magic. They'd want power at all cost so might struggle with moral dillema's.

    Some traits could be unavailable to specific aspirations, but only where it makes complete sense. A hothead could want inner peace, they'd just get extra upset when angry and want help for it.
    But a sim with the family aspiration can't hate children for example.

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    MovottiMovotti Posts: 7,774 Member
    edited September 2019
    I commented on a similar themed thread recently. I'm gonna have to hunt down my comment there and post it here too.

    -The return of a teen clothing category, with youthful, teenage looking clothes :)
    Teens 'round here look much the same as uni students, unless they're still in their school uniform. :/

    I would like the option to start poor, middle class, or wealthy in CAS. And also select their career level in CAS. If the game is truly about telling our own stories, give us the control :)
    This gives me an idea.
    Clothing should have stages of wear.
    New clothes look awesome, but over time, they start to fade, get stains that never quite come out, and have holes/repairs. The longer your sim has the outfit, and the more often they wear it, the more worn it becomes.
    We almost need to return to the ts2 method of buyable clothes, that then remain in the household dressers, so that they can become hand-me-downs for the next kid, or you could reuse your grannys wedding dress.

    My post from another thread
    Sliders and such for creating unique personalities.
    Additionally, there was a suggestion in another thread that could be expanded on to create more unique sims.
    Like how we can choose a walking style, why not also be able to choose styles for other activities?
    Choose an eating style (european or us dining style?)
    A greeting style
    A flirting style
    A sitting style (for couches)
    A lounging style (for couches, and for relaxing on a bed)
    A shower style
    A morning routine (shaving, makeup, moisturising, hair styling, etc)
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    simmerLellasimmerLella Posts: 613 Member

    And excellent textures on everything plus crisp patterns (like soft fabrics and HQ graphical prints, etc.).

    Also, I love the Party category. There's a vast divide between everyday and formal, and Party helps fill that. I think there could even be a new category or two. Between Party and Everyday (Out & About?) or between Everyday and Sleep (Lounge Homewear or Casual)? Like Everyday+ or Everyday-, heh. Everyday can be casual but it's always also their "epitome" defining look, perhaps separate that from Everyday? Just some thoughts... Anyway, either way I like having the Party category and I do miss it playing Sims 3 (which is my GoTo game).
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    telemwilltelemwill Posts: 1,761 Member
    rhalius wrote: »

    Some traits could be unavailable to specific aspirations, but only where it makes complete sense. A hothead could want inner peace, they'd just get extra upset when angry and want help for it.
    But a sim with the family aspiration can't hate children for example.

    Haha, this is actually one of my favorite combinations to play. I like the conflict it brings. A Sim wants a successful lineage but hates children. Can they learn to love their own?

    Totally agree that traits should be more meaningful though.
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    logionlogion Posts: 4,753 Member
    edited September 2019
    I hope that the sims5 will have layered clothing. You can create many more combinations if you can combine jackets, shirts etc. Some cc for the sims4 have jackets and shirts as accessories and it is fun to combine them with other clothes.

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