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do you change hair with age?


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    TomatplanteTomatplante Posts: 2,793 Member
    kokoro80 wrote: »
    I pretty much always change the hairstyle according to age, both for men and ladies, I also use the grey/brown, grey/black hair colors to transition dark haired sims nearing the end of the adult stage to grey elders. I have used the balding hairstyles quite frequently. I also often add glasses and update clothing to be age appropriate. For me it gives a more gradual feel to the age transition. I play on long life span.

    Early in YA stage

    Late in YA stage

    Mid-to-late Adult

    Late Adult about to become elder

    Early in Elder stage

    Mid Elder stage

    Late Elder

    I do this too. Plus my sims usually have a few different hairstyles to go with different outfits, and I change them up whenever I feel like it.
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    duhboy2u2duhboy2u2 Posts: 3,290 Member
    I nearly always change the hairs with age. Some just look silly to me on an older sim and there's some that I find ridiculous on younger sims too. Sometimes I just randomly change hairs in the same age range though too so maybe I'm not a good representation of things. I also change the hairstyles from outfit to outfit. If a sim has long hair, all the outfits will also be a long hair style, etc...
    Loving yourself is the most simple and complicated thing you can do for you.
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    korsetkorset Posts: 398 Member
    i change hairstyles for different outfits and do major changes on age ups
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    LosaruTaiyoLosaruTaiyo Posts: 10,807 Member
    Depends. From babies up til teens I do. Then after that depends on the sim. Basically to show some maturity and time passing. Some sims as they get older may change hair style, even color, while some may barely change at all.

    I have no memory of this place. Time to start anew I guess
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    RedDestiny92RedDestiny92 Posts: 7,850 Member
    depends on the sim, I don't think older sims look off with any particular hairstyle or that younger sims do either, it's just whatever fits them with hair and clothes. I once put Nancy in a skintight bodysuit while keeping a more professional updo so she could show off her diamonds to impress her younger boyfriend, where as Bella started to dress more conservatively as she got older and was free with her hair. Though I do like a lot of changes to show my sims aging as I see fit fun for storytelling.
    Reddestiny921 on the gallery...still not sure if I capitalized the second
    All the sims err'day
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 29,102 Member
    Meegie1977 wrote: »
    I very rarely change the men's hair when they age. But I do often change the womens. I usually have young adults and adults with long hair and I hate long hair on elders, so change it to a short bob-style hairstyle. I think most of the men's can still look age appropriate for elders. :)

    Well, then, you'd hate my hair. It's hip-length. My Mom used to make me feel as if I had to have very short hair as I got older, but then when I got older, even though I did wear it very short for about six years, I decided who made up these 'rules' anyway. It's MY hair, I'll wear it the way it pleases me. LOL And still mostly red. I have a few streaks of white, here and there, but mostly on the underside. Not all people go gray/white immediately upon getting 'older'.

    As for the actual topic: I have to say sometimes. As in, when I think about it. I do change out their clothing to something more age-appropriate, whatever THAT'S supposed to mean. (I know, older women like me have NO business wearing short-shorts or short skirts/dresses, for that matter and I don't. I never felt comfortable in such when I was a teen, and my level of modesty hasn't changed much.) I just wish we had more styles to choose from. Being older doesn't equate being frumpy. Not in MY book. Stylish, dignified, but NEVER frumpy, please. ;)
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    DukeOfYork1664DukeOfYork1664 Posts: 8 New Member
    I've only ever played one two sims from YA to Elder but hypothetically speaking, it depends. My general rule is to change a sim's wardrobe after they've had a kid to match what would be a change in maturity and assuming a new role in life as a parent and then to change them again when they become an elder. I would probably only change the hair if it was a particularly juvenile style like the short pigtails but it would vary between sims depending on their personal style and what they are doing with their life.
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    UltraUltra Posts: 826 Member
    I'm a detail oriented person so I do it all the time. To the point it might be over the top. For example my young adult free spirit sim might have long hair and wear a beanie but now she is in the Business career and just got promoted she goes for a smarter haircut. If her everyday hair has bangs and I want her hair tied back for her workout outfit then it HAS to be tied back hair with bangs and it has to be a similar length.

    My sims hair and style will change depending on whats going on in their life. If she is a stressed mother of four her hair might always be tied back and wear casual clothes. It's just more realistic. Also depends on their personality. My perfectionist sim would never do that.

    If my sims has short hair and I want to change it to a long hairstyle then I won't do it immediately but have a progression, so have slightly longer hair for a day, then longer again and so on till I feel her hair has "realistically" grown out. So basically I'm a bit of a freak lol
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    AvaSims4080AvaSims4080 Posts: 810 Member
    edited March 2017
    As they get older, their hair generally changes with time. I do this because I want all my old Sims to have grey hair and to have a smooth and realistic transition to that hair.

    I also change their outfits according to their age, with the teenagers wearing more revealing and unsuitable mini skirts and the olders wearing more classy and sophisticated looks.
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    chidoriaidachidoriaida Posts: 282 Member
    Usually I just leave their hairstyle the same throughout their life. The only time I really change hairstyles is when they become teens.

    Same here
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    starcrunchstarcrunch Posts: 672 Member
    I change hair styles on played Sims constantly as they seek the right look for their personality at least until they reach "Adult." After that it gets more stable, especially for males as they often bald (once I decide on that they can't go back). I do have a few that basically have hair that captures them perfectly, those usually don't change.
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    Misa_wants_PepsiMisa_wants_Pepsi Posts: 229 Member
    Yes. There are some Sims that feel would keep their hair forever, but I always change their look as my sims age up. I feel since people change mostly, my sims should reflect that.
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    doons88pdoons88p Posts: 8 New Member
    I always change the hairstyles for the sake of the feeling of progress.
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    SjofnSjofn Posts: 332 Member
    Depends on the hairstyle, usually, and what life stage they're going into. I'm more likely to change lady hair than dude hair, though.
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    HeyHeyyHeyHeyy Posts: 465 Member
    I do sometimes. I usually change clothing to be more age appropriate as well, so occasionally I'll change their hairstyle if I think they've outgrown it.

    I do the same. I change their hair and outfits to be more appropriate with age. Plus I get bored of having the same hairstyle or outfit for too long, so I like to switch it up.

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    ThenyoukissmeThenyoukissme Posts: 304 Member
    I usually always change the hairstyles. If I keep them I feel like my sim looks like they're one of those people that actively try to look 20 years younger. Not that it's a bad thing but it bugs me a bit lol, same reason i'll change their clothing.
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    trulyoutrageoustrulyoutrageous Posts: 245 Member
    I change every thing often for the tiniest of reasons. My sims just got a boyfriend? Time to change her entire wardrobe and hair and make up! Marriage? Change time! Coming back from vacay? Change! Pregnant? With kids? Another relatively small not-so-much-of-a-milestone milestone? Changing it up!
    supersonic, simobotic, disconnected, not respected, who would ever really wanna go and top that?

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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    edited March 2017
    Changing it depends on what sort of game I'm playing. Sometimes, I do change hair and wardrobe when my Sim's life stage changes. Lately, with the exception of not allowing them to wear turbans (which happens a lot) I mostly have them stay in whatever crazy thing they are randomized into. Whether it's a male elder with a quiff or a teen wearing socks and sandals, I just shake my head and tell them "You do you, Simmy. You do you."
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    CinderellimouseCinderellimouse Posts: 19,380 Member
    I tend to, yes. Clothes too. I imagine what their personality would be like at different stages in their life, thinking about their story so far and what their ambitions are, and I'll try to imagine what they would choose for themselves. I'll also change things if they change job, or get married, or whatever, if there is some kind of change in their life where they might want to project a different image. I probably do that more because I age Sims up reeeeaaaaally slowly. :D
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited March 2017
    Yes - I tend to gradually change their hair unless they have a style that takes them through life without making them look inappropriate - to me anyway. I do tend to have pretty hip elders so I like them to look as if they don't have one foot in the grave already - but some hair style that looks great in more youthful sims can look atrocious in elders - to me anyway. I am not saying for a minute anyone else is wrong or even what is the "right" way - as I do believe that depends on the player and what they want to see.

    But it is rare as far as my played sims goes for them to have the same hairs they had at say 16 still when they reached say 65. Maybe a certain personality type - like a fiery flamboyant redhead with the Jessica Rabbit type hair may very well sport that same fiery red do if that was her personality whether she was 25 or 65 - but for the most part no - they would gracefully age preferably. The same goes for their clothing. I don't generally mess with the NPCs but sometimes they do get on my last nerve when I see them running around in what looks like a 16 year olds outfit. LOL. I just hope that is the one that gets culled so I try not to mess with them hoping it puts them closer on the cull list. LOL.

    I know you can delete Sims in Sims 4 - but out of the no-no habit I never do - just in case. I like to play the same save for like forever if possible and will never do anything to jeopardize that.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
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    bionicdessertsbionicdesserts Posts: 320 Member
    I even don't need a reason to change my sim's hair or clothes but they definitely get changed with age. Sims are nuBarbies to me that I play dress-up with. The lady sims that I really like all have five everyday outfits and a lot of the time each outfit has a different hairstyle. I don't change the guy's outfits as much because they have way less variety but I've never had one go through their entire teen-elder lives in one look.
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    emks18emks18 Posts: 1 New Member
    @> @kokoro80 said:
    > I pretty much always change the hairstyle according to age, both for men and ladies, I also use the grey/brown, grey/black hair colors to transition dark haired sims nearing the end of the adult stage to grey elders. I have used the balding hairstyles quite frequently. I also often add glasses and update clothing to be age appropriate. For me it gives a more gradual feel to the age transition. I play on long life span.
    > Early in YA stage
    > Late in YA stage
    > Mid-to-late Adult
    > Late Adult about to become elder
    > Early in Elder stage
    > Mid Elder stage
    > Late Elder

    I know this is a really old thread - but I'd love to find out what hairstyle you've used for your mid-to-late adult man. It's perfect for a sim I'm building but I can't find it anywhere
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    JALJAL Posts: 1,114 Member
    For my own sims, most of the time yes. I think hair is a great way of telling age, especially in that very long age span that is adulthood. Usually I give women shorter, more mature hairstyles as they grow older, and men grow more neat, some grow bald. I find I change men's hair less than women's in general.

    What I wish, would be a tagging system, where you could tag a hairstyle for an age-category so that no NPC outside that age category would get a certain hairstyle. Preferably, this would be something I as a player could decide on my own and do while in game.
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    SimmervilleSimmerville Posts: 11,754 Member
    edited January 2022
    I mostly forget, but I try to adjust their looks a few years before they grow elderly. Depending on personality; less makeup, more modest hairstyle, perhaps a bit grey-ish hair, men might get bald, some wrinkles added, glasses, and clothes will adjust accordingly. In my game I keep track on extra DNA for each sim, so I will know who needs glasses, who gets poor hair growth.

    Based on the DNA I also know who will look great even if they turn 70 ;) *not looking at you, Judith*
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    LynnPlayz1LynnPlayz1 Posts: 548 Member
    Nope, I'm lazy. I do change my elders' outfits though when they age up.
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