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LEAKED! Early Gameplay of the Sims 4 + new information.


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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    edited October 2015
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    Sk8rblaze wrote: »
    Interesting to see that video surface. It was a lighting experiment that Chi and I were working on. It was actually done pretty late in the development, using the assets that ended up in the final game. We used an external 3d engine called Unity 3D, which is available to anyone to use. We wanted to see what we could do to push/improve the lighting in our own TS4 engine. Some of our discoveries we implemented and some we realized we couldn’t, just because our game is not static, players can remove and add elements which causes a lot of challenges on the lighting side. The grass and things like that are standard in Unity for high performance machines (and look lovely in screenshots), but the vast majority of our players would never see it as their machine specs are not high enough.

    Thanks for shedding some light on the video @SimGuruMeatball !

    I really wish the higher graphics were kept in the game, despite whatever telemetry had revealed about the majority of players' systems. The thing about The Sims is EA tends to push out so many EPs and content that, by the time they end development and begin the next Sims game, its years and years later, and players likely have computers with higher specs as compared to the beginning of the said Sims game. For example, now I can handle TS3 in the highest settings, as I have upgraded my computer after ~7 years, and the game looks really great.

    I just don't think TS4 will age well at all with the humongous list of actions the developers took to ensure everyone could gloat over the fact they're able to play the game in "Ultra" settings, despite the fact ultra really does not constitute "ultra" for the year 2015. :confused:

    Totally agree. If you have a game which is meant to last around 5 years it has to be at least challenging for tech otherwise by the time that 5 years has passed we will be playing on very outdated tech. I don't think that's a great start :(

    agree and gaming pc's are more affordable these days with higher specs. There are a lot of people in here that own gaming pc's that can handle GTA V, The witcher 3 and FO4 which so far claim the highest spec games out there

    Yep - I am ready and waiting for FO4. Sims 4 is even a whisper of a challenge to my system. I run 8 processors and they never even have reached 40 percent in Sims 4 it is so dumbed down. My video card sits at 29 degrees with the highest it has even seen in Sims 4 at 36 degrees. I mean I get more challenge out of the Free Zuma game than I get out of Sims 4. It is like everyone says - Sims 4 could probably run off a potato. Ridiculous. I want 64 bit game full of drawing power that actually looks like something - not this over priced desktop game specs.

    Perhaps they ought reach a little for the moon for a change - here it is nearly 2016 - Maxis needs to step up their game - really and stop filling all the animation with FX - actually animate things in the game. Many of us do play other games - so many of us in this day and age have pretty darn good pcs. Can you imagine if EA - their parent company had considered making Star Wars with the same spec we got for Sims 4? Nobody would want it. We also want better not a U turn back to the Sims 1 which we seem to have now.

    The sims 4 is actually causing a lot of issues for laptops running high cpu temps on high end laptops. A patch is causing it. We have been reporting this issue since march and no fix. Cpu running over 80c. I have had this problem since march. I dont play. This game is plum. I was just helping someone who bought a brand new custom GTX 960m with and i7 just to play this game. They love this game but their cpu temps are running too high and no other game does this but the sims 4 . This game has the potential to ruin a laptop. How sad. This game's programming is horrible.

    They should have stepped up their game not downgraded. This game is so outdated for new tech and it will be 10 x more outdated in 5 years

    A lot of people are hoping FO4 specs are exaggerated and if they aren't people will upgrade their machines to run the game. People would have upgraded for TS4 if they had made it more demanding. The sims 3 was a head of its time. It came out in a time when you needed a gaming computer that cost on average $5000. Well gaming computer are not that expensive anymore. $1500-$2000 for higher spcs than you could get 5 years ago. I just got my son a 980 ti super with an i7 skylake for $2000 . Thats with a 500 gb and 2 tb hdd and 16 gb ram. Im taking his 960 desktop for myself because its not like I need higher specs for a sims game and I needed a new computer anyway. I did not see the point in upgrading his 960 and buying another 960 for myself

    PS my windows 98 computer was over $2000 that played the sims 1. Does EA not remember back in the day how expensive computers were with little or no specs LOL
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    azxcvbnm321azxcvbnm321 Posts: 532 Member
    jackjack_k wrote: »
    Here is a video of how the Sims 4 looked while it was being built:

    Apparently, there were screenshots of this video that were released earlier this year, but now we have the video and some more info. People on Twitter are getting information from the devs website.

    I'm posting what they post below:

    Chi Chan talked about the UI in the Sims 4 and revealed new information about the original Sims 4 game.
    I bolded the important parts.
    The design of the UI for the Sims 4 changed many times throughout production, as the type of game the Sims 4 would be was forever changing. Originally, the UI had to be the same for three different types of gameplay styles, which meant developing a design that felt easy to use, while easily displaying different types of gameplay modes in a clear way. The Sims 4 was originally a different title, with a Story Mode, Online Mode and Freeplay Mode. The Story Mode was similar to that of the earlier Sims consoles games, which required different icons that wouldn't be available in Online Mode and Freeplay Mode. Story Mode would show different menus and icons showing game progress and unlocked items. Some aspects of Story Mode remain in the final game, such as the interface for accessing secret areas (which was originally a Story Mode exclusive, but ended up as Hidden Lots in the final game) and unlocking objects as you progress through Careers (which originally was there to unlock items in Story Mode as you progressed). Online Mode allowed players to play in a way that was again unique, and allowed you to create a single Sim and move them into a home. You could choose your friends as Neighbors and clicking on a friends house would include a UI format of moving a friend via their online account. This was completely removed in the final game. Online Mode was more of a virtual chatroom, and you compete with friends in certain activities, such as racing to reach a certain milestone in game, or completing goals the quickest. This came entirely with it's own UI. The final mode, Freeplay Mode, was a more traditional experience, but was more streamlined than the previous titles, as it was more of an extra gameplay mode built from the Story and Online mode, rather than a gameplay mode built from scratch. This meant that several icons from the Story and Online Mode were present in the UI, but greyed out and unclickable.
    As changes were made, and the game was left with just a Freeplay mode, the UI was streamlined to be more simple and required less icons, which at first meant the removal of a top panel for other gameplay modes. However as final touches were made, some of the icons from the bottom panel were made for a much smaller top panel.

    EDIT: EA seem to have told him to remove this information (as always) and he has made the page private on his website:

    The page talking about the Sims 4 UI has been private, but SimCity and other Sims 4 stuff is still there.

    The most disturbing thing is their vision for Sims 4. Ok maybe this wasn't originally supposed to be Sims 4, but why release it as Sims 4 then? I don't understand why, if it's not good enough to be called Sims: Stories of Failure (or whatever), then how could it be good enough to be called Sims 4?

    And that brings up another point, it's been how many years since Sims 3 first came out? When are we going to see a true successor to Sims 3? It's clear that this "Sims 4" was a goal oriented monstrosity that had to be nixed and then salvaged and repackaged into the game it is today. We all know it's not worthy of being called a Sims game. When are we going to get a sandbox life simulator game that is a true sequel to Sims 2 and Sims 3???? Why oh why are you at Maxis spending all this money and time making crap in hopes that it'll stick to the wall when we're begging you to release a sure hit under a formula that worked 3 previous times and created one of the most successful franchises in history??? Just who the hell is making these awful decisions?

    It sounds to me that this "different title" that evolved into Sims 4 was nothing more than a side project. It was a spin-off of the Sims series. How could it have wasted so much money and time that Maxis can't produce a real sequel to Sims 3? Again, who the hell is running this and how are were they able to keep their jobs for so long. I'm flabbergasted at the incompetency.

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    HalloMolliHalloMolli Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited October 2015

    PS my windows 98 computer was over $2000 that played the sims 1. Does EA not remember back in the day how expensive computers were with little or no specs LOL

    I bought my first computer around ~1997. It cost me 3500 DM (equivalent to ~2100 $) back then. It was a Pentium 133 mhz with I think it was 8 MB of ram and Windows 95. Since then I had to buy a new one every three years which sometimes was pretty hard to achieve, espacially if you are younger. Today it's not a problem, though :D

    But yeah, the average sims player today is probably a simmer with a laptop/middle-class destkop pc to play her/his games on. I think that says it all.

    Post edited by HalloMolli on
    "[...] and everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    Rflong7 wrote: »
    Now I can see why Stuff and Game packs are being produced more and only 1 expansion in the first year. 2 game packs pull in more profit than 1 expansion and seem to take a lot less work.
    But they said the foundation would be strong and able to support all our dreams? I would like more than 1 expansion a year or even 10 months.

    I don't see Get Together as being a failure because it does appeal to part of the community. Not just the Groups but there is always something, like the DJ booths and the town, which appeals to the rest. Maybe not the Big Groups idea, it wasn't fun to me in TS2, but there's always the YA loving crowd that will love it. More play for them and wish I liked the idea, too.

    Just my penny tossed in the well.
    I love the YA life stage, it's my favourite in Sims 3. Everything in that game is centered around them for me. I just don't care to party with them all the time.
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member

    PS my windows 98 computer was over $2000 that played the sims 1. Does EA not remember back in the day how expensive computers were with little or no specs LOL

    I bought my first computer around ~1997. It cost me 3500 DM (äquivalent of ~2100 $) back then. It was a Pentium 133 mhz with I think it was 8 MB of ram and Windows 95.

    But yeah, the average sims player today is probably a "she" with a laptop to play her games on.

    Yes computers were very expensive back in the day. My windows 95 was not cheap either around $1300

    being in the tech treads there are just as many males with laptops. Some people just want to be mobile but they need to understand to play pc games on a laptop that they need to drop some money for higher specs to be mobile. If FO4 specs are not exaggerated people will probably not be able to play on ultra with a GTX 980m card and that's the highest video card they make for laptop. Games with really high specs need to be played on desktop and you can get much better specs on desktop than laptop for same price.
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    Writin_RegWritin_Reg Posts: 28,907 Member
    edited October 2015
    phoebebebe13 -

    Well many laptops, in my view, really have heat issues anyway - so I can imagine if something is a bit off - and with this patchwork quilt of a game I am sure tons are off - it does not surprise me. I would never game on a laptop - shoot I don't even like using a laptop period, but gaming definitely not. I know tons of people love them though - so I hope for their sake that can get fixed as a laptop can really get expensive after having to replace them often.

    I just only feel comfortable with a full fledge upgradeable desktop - I use Arctic Silver coolant for past and run a huge V8 cooling fan on my processor, my video cards both have dual fans - even my ram has little dual fans on each of them - and I believe there are 4 case fans besides - but it is quiet as a mouse. I constantly control my own fans - watch a number of meters as I game, ASUS GPU Tweak controller on my Nvidia cards. But my cards at start up are around 27 degrees and 15 hours later without a reboot or any thing they are running between 27 and 29 degrees. My 8 core processor just made me laugh, coming in at 19 degrees and running all day. This is not liquid cooled either. My hubby builds a nice pc for sure. LOL. It just turned 3 month old on the 7th of the month. I don't think a laptop is even that cool just turning it on.

    I do know this pc is much cooler than my former build which was a Phenom II X4 - so the FX on a Z board runs circles around my former one. I like this one the best so far.

    As for Sims 4 - haven't bothered with it in a good long while - mostly I jump between Sims 2 and Sims 3, Life Is Strange, and a couple other games I have been trying the Demos of lately. Still looking for something else to fill Sims 4's place. Hopefully FO4 will do it - then I can quit looking. LOL.
    Post edited by Writin_Reg on

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.

    In dreams - I LIVE!
    In REALITY, I simply exist.....

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    drake_mccartydrake_mccarty Posts: 6,115 Member
    windweaver wrote: »
    jackjack_k wrote: »
    I just hope the dev who had to take this info down didn't get in trouble?

    Probably not, unless he was under some kind of NDA that lasts forever the most EA can do is ask him to remove the content, or restrict access.

    Seems like he already put a password on his site, this is Patrick Kelly 2.0
    NDAs are legally binding contracts so it's safe to assume he got in trouble.

    I know what a nondisclosure agreement is, and I find it highly unlikely that he would be under one. How long would the parameters go? Forever? No, had EA made a nda that is still in effect he wouldn't have posted this in the first place.

    All EA employees are under agreements that they cannot disclose info until they get the go ahead. I don't believe he is an EA employee anymore. Cancelled projects are not subjected to the same level of secrecy that ongoing ones are. That is the reason we have all of this info, because people are updating their resumes' and online professional portfolios to reflect the work they completed.

    I do believe this guy was under a nda at some point, but they don't last forever and once the agreement has been fulfilled you are free to disclose info that is relevant. The people working on the online game have been off the project for at least 2 years.

    sorry, my statement disappeared. now I can't remember all I said. but I know I agreed with you Drake, and felt that the dev locked his site out of courtesy. I'd do it too, especially if I thought they'd ask me back on a new project.

    Exactly what I was getting at. He's just trying to accurately present himself, if he was out for blood with EA he would probably not get very many job offers. So I agree, he locked his site out of courtesy. Clearly EA doesn't want people seeing this stuff, and he probably appreciates that.
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    Writin_Reg wrote: »
    phoebebebe13 -

    Well laptops in my view really have heat issues anyway - so I can imagine if something is a bit off - and with this patchwork quilt of a game I am sure tons are off - it does not surprise me. I would never game on a laptop - shoot I don't even like using a laptop period, but gaming definitely not. I know tons of people love them though - so I hope for their sake that can get fixed as a laptop can really get expensive after having to replace them often.

    I just only feel comfortable with a full fledge upgradeable desktop - I use Arctic Silver coolant for past and run a huge V8 cooling fan on my processor, my video cards both have dual fans - even my ram has little dual fans on each of them - and I believe there are 4 case fans besides - but it is quiet as a mouse. I constantly control my own fans - watch a number of meters as I game, ASUS GPU Tweak controller on my Nvidia cards. But my cards at start up are around 27 degrees and 15 hours later without a reboot or any thing they are running between 27 and 29 degrees. My 8 core processor just made me laugh, coming in at 19 degrees and running all day. This is not liquid cooled either. My hubby builds a nice pc for sure. LOL. It just turned 3 month old on the 7th of the month. I don't think a laptop is even that cool just turning it on.

    I do know this pc is much cooler than my former build which was a Phenom II X4 - so the FX on a Z board runs circles around my former one. I like this one the best so far.

    Laptops don't have heat issues. Not the higher end gaming laptops with adequate cooling. Laptops are made to withstand more heat especially gaming ones.I have played the sims 3 on my laptop for hours without a cooling pad no issues. Temps always fine. Yes I do have a higher end gaming laptop. We have run several tests on the sims 4 in the tech threads and no doubt the game is causing issues with cpu.

    Yes the other issue is laptops can't be upgraded like some desktops so if one is buying a laptop make sure it has the specs you need to run the games you want to play because you are stuck with the specs you buy on laptop
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    I don't understand why EA/Maxis seems to be the only developer who continuously worries about specs being too high and holds back their graphics for that reason. Like others have said, why don't the developers of Witcher 3, GTA V, or Fallout 4 hold back their graphics?

    Bethesda said they did hold back on graphics. Looking at FO4 specs what did they hold back on if he specs are accurate? LOL
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    PixieCaramel20PixieCaramel20 Posts: 9 New Member
    edited October 2015

    For one, physics based hair and clothing simulation is practically out of the question in a proper Sims' title. As many are aware 'The Sims' is still a casual brand, as such they tailor system requirements to meet the bare minimum target for players on lower-end hardware. The demo you've provided is simply unachievable for the audiences' hardware. Also, you aren't seeing truly dynamic hair in that demo you've provided. It's uses a bone structure and as such isn't as 'dynamic' as you think. It looks great, yes but it's not dynamic physics based hair.

    They used Unity3D for a prototype, a technical demo to showcases assets running in-engine before creating an all new engine.

    As for you point about them needing to target to 'mid-ranged' computers, that won't happen because it's not what the casual audience is after. You can legitimately see people struggle to run the game on their low-end machines or laptops raising the bar of admission would make the game lose an audience.
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    edited October 2015

    For one, physics based hair and clothing simulation is practically out of the question in a proper Sims' title. As many are aware 'The Sims' is still a casual brand, as such they tailor system requirements to meet the bare minimum target for players on lower-end hardware. The demo you've provided is simply unachievable for the audiences' hardware. Also, you aren't seeing truly dynamic hair in that demo you've provided. It's uses a bone structure and as such isn't as 'dynamic' as you think. It looks great, yes but it's not dynamic physics based hair.

    They used Unity3D for a prototype, a technical demo to showcases assets running in-engine before creating an all new engine.

    As for you point about them needing to target to 'mid-ranged' computers, that won't happen because it's not what the casual audience is after. You can legitimately see people struggle to run the game on their low-end machines or laptops raising the bar of admission would make the game lose an audience.

    This is not true about the Sims 4 specs. The specs are for desktop not laptop and laptops are weaker than desktop. Minimum requirements are for base game only without patches, eps etc. The recommended requirements are to play the whole game eps, packs patches etc and are for mid range gaming desktop or higher . The specs for the sims 4 are the same as the sims 3 whole game only the games are programmed differently


    OS: 64 Bit Windows 7, 8, or 8.1
    PROCESSOR: Intel core i5 or faster, AMD Athlon X4
    VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 650 or better
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    sparkfairy1sparkfairy1 Posts: 11,453 Member

    For one, physics based hair and clothing simulation is practically out of the question in a proper Sims' title. As many are aware 'The Sims' is still a casual brand, as such they tailor system requirements to meet the bare minimum target for players on lower-end hardware. The demo you've provided is simply unachievable for the audiences' hardware. Also, you aren't seeing truly dynamic hair in that demo you've provided. It's uses a bone structure and as such isn't as 'dynamic' as you think. It looks great, yes but it's not dynamic physics based hair.

    They used Unity3D for a prototype, a technical demo to showcases assets running in-engine before creating an all new engine.

    As for you point about them needing to target to 'mid-ranged' computers, that won't happen because it's not what the casual audience is after. You can legitimately see people struggle to run the game on their low-end machines or laptops raising the bar of admission would make the game lose an audience.

    This is not true about the Sims 4 specs. The specs are for desktop not laptop and laptops are weaker than desktop. Minimum requirements are for base game only without patches, eps etc. The recommended requirements are to play the whole game eps, packs patches etc and are for mid range gaming desktop or higher . The specs for the sims 4 are the same as the sims 3 whole game only the games are programmed differently


    OS: 64 Bit Windows 7, 8, or 8.1
    PROCESSOR: Intel core i5 or faster, AMD Athlon X4
    VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 650 or better

    Thanks for the specs @phoebebebe13 :)
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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member

    For one, physics based hair and clothing simulation is practically out of the question in a proper Sims' title. As many are aware 'The Sims' is still a casual brand, as such they tailor system requirements to meet the bare minimum target for players on lower-end hardware. The demo you've provided is simply unachievable for the audiences' hardware. Also, you aren't seeing truly dynamic hair in that demo you've provided. It's uses a bone structure and as such isn't as 'dynamic' as you think. It looks great, yes but it's not dynamic physics based hair.

    They used Unity3D for a prototype, a technical demo to showcases assets running in-engine before creating an all new engine.

    As for you point about them needing to target to 'mid-ranged' computers, that won't happen because it's not what the casual audience is after. You can legitimately see people struggle to run the game on their low-end machines or laptops raising the bar of admission would make the game lose an audience.

    This is not true about the Sims 4 specs. The specs are for desktop not laptop and laptops are weaker than desktop. Minimum requirements are for base game only without patches, eps etc. The recommended requirements are to play the whole game eps, packs patches etc and are for mid range gaming desktop or higher . The specs for the sims 4 are the same as the sims 3 whole game only the games are programmed differently


    OS: 64 Bit Windows 7, 8, or 8.1
    PROCESSOR: Intel core i5 or faster, AMD Athlon X4
    VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA GTX 650 or better

    Thanks for the specs @phoebebebe13 :)

    Welcome :D And should add the game alone requires 4gb of ram to run, this does not include the ram you need to run windows, origin and other programs so your computer should have 8gb of ram if you are on windows 8 or 10 because those versions of windows will use more ram
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    jude72plajude72pla Posts: 784 Member
    edited October 2015
    Please don't be offended with this but I had a really big laugh at what you wrote this.

    [i] I just know one thing if I was going to a car lot to buy myself a new Cadillac Escallade and someone replaced my new Escallade with a Chevy Bronco - well no degree of flexibility is going to tell me they are the same thing or will grow on me - never mind getting charged the price of the Escallade, but getting a Bronco in it's place. I'd have to be a blooming i.di.ot not to know the difference - never mind consider even trying to adapt - but to some people apparently that is okay and I am just being too picky. The fact is they are selling us The Sims 4 name at a triple A price on a sims side game that usually goes for half the price - and some people cannot understand why we complain - EVEN AFTER it has now been proven what many of us have been saying and complaining about since this fake version of Sims 4 came out. Also just dismissing anytime any of us mention the first deception to get us not to cancel the pre-orders, especially from people who could not understand us carrying on over toddlers to begin with as they often shove the fact they don't like toddlers anyway, in our faces. [/i]

    Only because Bronco is a Ford product and in my demented mind I see this mixed up SUV a Ford/Chevy hybrid. So messed up!!!

    edit for spelling
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    HalloMolliHalloMolli Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited October 2015
    Jarsie9 wrote: »

    Yep, but you know...WE (the players) have to be "open-minded", "flexible", and "adaptable" so that we can enjoy the Sims 4 and stop being negative abut it. Now stop trying to backpedal because what I stated is exactly what you mean to say:

    Exactly ^^ . Those who expected a Sims 3.5 or 2.5 or what ever were doomed to become disappointed. But as I stated earlier: There is nothing wrong with it not liking TS4.
    There's nothing wrong with the game. It's your own fault for not enjoying it. (said in a condescending tone to the players who are disappointed with the quality <or lack thereof> of the game play).

    I did not say that. Of course TS4 has some flaws and it's problems. But I am talking here about the foundation/vision/engine/the basis being a single sim oriented game. I am talking about the core of the game. You might dislike it (for a good or bad reason, I don't care) but there are many who will love it. But this does not lead us to the conclusion that either one of them or you has/have to change. It's like a broken relationship with a girlfriend. Let's say because she "changed" her appearance, maybe even her character etc. your relationship didn't work out any longer. Would this make you to change yourself? Would you want her to change (although she is happy with it as it is now)? Of course not, you just move on.

    "[...] and everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

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    HalloMolliHalloMolli Posts: 2,720 Member
    You might be satisfied with paying the price for AAA game that were not given an AAA game but many of us are not. As far as I'm concerned for a game to be called a life simulation game it has to include all stages of life like previous sims games.

    If this is your opinion/vision about the game, I am fine with that. However to me TS4 already feels like a AAA title. Also I really do not care for toddlers at all, so nope, toddlers are not necessarily an element I consider a "core" feature for "my" (!) life sim. I am sure many people will disagree. No problem.
    "[...] and everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

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    HalloMolliHalloMolli Posts: 2,720 Member
    edited October 2015
    As long as the game plays your way its perfect

    No, not at all. It's still a very good game though :P.

    I have GTA 5 and Witcher (for PS4) at home: GTA (played time on steam 20 hours), Witcher 3 (~14 I think, maybe less) - Sims 4 (500+).

    It's even not important anymore if you consider it "unfinished" or "not AAA" since I feel the complete opposite. Let's agree to disagree here.
    IT is also FACT that when you issue an unfinished game it would not be classified as a AAA game.

    Huh? What about an unfinished AAA game :o ? Those just don't exist in your perception, do they?

    "In the video game industry, AAA (pronounced "triple A") is a classification term used for games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion or the highest ratings by a consensus of professional reviewers.[1][2][3][4] A title considered to be AAA is therefore expected to be a high quality game (very subjective) or to be among the year's bestsellers.[5][not in citation given] For a title to remain AAA post-launch, it must be either commercially or critically successful."

    I know that GameStar, a videogame magazine, has always been updating their ranking:

    TS4 is still among the top three. You can call it being "among the year's bestsellers" for sure.
    "[...] and everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

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    HappySimmer3HappySimmer3 Posts: 6,699 Member
    jackjack_k wrote: »
    Here is a video of how the Sims 4 looked while it was being built:

    Apparently, there were screenshots of this video that were released earlier this year, but now we have the video and some more info. People on Twitter are getting information from the devs website.

    I'm posting what they post below:

    Chi Chan talked about the UI in the Sims 4 and revealed new information about the original Sims 4 game.
    I bolded the important parts.
    The design of the UI for the Sims 4 changed many times throughout production, as the type of game the Sims 4 would be was forever changing. Originally, the UI had to be the same for three different types of gameplay styles, which meant developing a design that felt easy to use, while easily displaying different types of gameplay modes in a clear way. The Sims 4 was originally a different title, with a Story Mode, Online Mode and Freeplay Mode. The Story Mode was similar to that of the earlier Sims consoles games, which required different icons that wouldn't be available in Online Mode and Freeplay Mode. Story Mode would show different menus and icons showing game progress and unlocked items. Some aspects of Story Mode remain in the final game, such as the interface for accessing secret areas (which was originally a Story Mode exclusive, but ended up as Hidden Lots in the final game) and unlocking objects as you progress through Careers (which originally was there to unlock items in Story Mode as you progressed). Online Mode allowed players to play in a way that was again unique, and allowed you to create a single Sim and move them into a home. You could choose your friends as Neighbors and clicking on a friends house would include a UI format of moving a friend via their online account. This was completely removed in the final game. Online Mode was more of a virtual chatroom, and you compete with friends in certain activities, such as racing to reach a certain milestone in game, or completing goals the quickest. This came entirely with it's own UI. The final mode, Freeplay Mode, was a more traditional experience, but was more streamlined than the previous titles, as it was more of an extra gameplay mode built from the Story and Online mode, rather than a gameplay mode built from scratch. This meant that several icons from the Story and Online Mode were present in the UI, but greyed out and unclickable.
    As changes were made, and the game was left with just a Freeplay mode, the UI was streamlined to be more simple and required less icons, which at first meant the removal of a top panel for other gameplay modes. However as final touches were made, some of the icons from the bottom panel were made for a much smaller top panel.

    EDIT: EA seem to have told him to remove this information (as always) and he has made the page private on his website:

    The page talking about the Sims 4 UI has been private, but SimCity and other Sims 4 stuff is still there.

    The most disturbing thing is their vision for Sims 4. Ok maybe this wasn't originally supposed to be Sims 4, but why release it as Sims 4 then? I don't understand why, if it's not good enough to be called Sims: Stories of Failure (or whatever), then how could it be good enough to be called Sims 4?

    And that brings up another point, it's been how many years since Sims 3 first came out? When are we going to see a true successor to Sims 3? It's clear that this "Sims 4" was a goal oriented monstrosity that had to be nixed and then salvaged and repackaged into the game it is today. We all know it's not worthy of being called a Sims game. When are we going to get a sandbox life simulator game that is a true sequel to Sims 2 and Sims 3???? Why oh why are you at Maxis spending all this money and time making crap in hopes that it'll stick to the wall when we're begging you to release a sure hit under a formula that worked 3 previous times and created one of the most successful franchises in history??? Just who the hell is making these awful decisions?

    It sounds to me that this "different title" that evolved into Sims 4 was nothing more than a side project. It was a spin-off of the Sims series. How could it have wasted so much money and time that Maxis can't produce a real sequel to Sims 3? Again, who the hell is running this and how are were they able to keep their jobs for so long. I'm flabbergasted at the incompetency.

    It's kind of a puzzle, isn't it? But apparently it was meant to be the follow-up to TS3 or else you'd think they would have been working on an actual TS4 game also.

    EA is big on making games for multiple platforms. I think that's where they were going with it. The only problem as I see it is that you can't turn a big, open world sandbox game full of customization and creativity into a mult-platform app without removing all that open world, customization, and sandbox creativity. Maybe that's why they were trying to make so many options for the original game, trying to replace old options with different options. I'm one of their customers who probably wouldn't have bought into that either, but I'm sure they knew they would lose some of us. I think they thought they'd pick up many more customers to replace those like me.

    My guess is that they believed there were enough people who didn't use all that creative freedom to begin with and they would support the game; people who would be happy with just an improved CAS and easier build mode. This does seem to be the case with many of those who like the game. And CAS and the new build mode have many fans. But neighborhood editing has been in the game for years, so that's completely missing, as well as the customary sandbox play with many options, many detailed animations that actually simulate life - and of course all the unique life stages are gone.

    For me it all adds up to too much missing to be a Sims game that I can love and support financially. I guess we'll see if EA is going to make it up to us or if they're just going to turn The Sims into a mobile app like they did SimCity. :/
    The Sims 30695923002_cffaca4078_t.jpg

    Where are we going, and why am I in this hand basket?!
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    HalloMolliHalloMolli Posts: 2,720 Member
    Mstybl95 wrote: »

    Yes. You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but it's yours. There is a huge group of people who left and the few who remain who think that this game should meet or exceed the standards of the previous games.

    Yes, this happens. TS4 does many things better than previous iterations. You can not deny that =)

    "[...] and everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."

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    phoebebebe13phoebebebe13 Posts: 19,400 Member
    As long as the game plays your way its perfect

    No, not at all. It's still a very good game though :P.

    I have GTA 5 and Witcher (for PS4) at home: GTA (played time on steam 20 hours), Witcher 3 (~14 I think, maybe less) - Sims 4 (500+).

    It's even not important anymore if you consider it "unfinished" or "not AAA" since I feel the complete opposite. Let's agree to disagree here.
    IT is also FACT that when you issue an unfinished game it would not be classified as a AAA game.

    Huh? What about an unfinished AAA game :o ? Those just don't exist in your perception, do they?

    "In the video game industry, AAA (pronounced "triple A") is a classification term used for games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion or the highest ratings by a consensus of professional reviewers.[1][2][3][4] A title considered to be AAA is therefore expected to be a high quality game (very subjective) or to be among the year's bestsellers.[5][not in citation given] For a title to remain AAA post-launch, it must be either commercially or critically successful."

    I know that GameStar, a videogame magazine, has always been updating their ranking:

    TS4 is still among the top three. You can call it being "among the year's bestsellers" for sure.

    TS4 does not have the highest budget and is not deserving of a AAA game. They put way more money in Star Was Battlefront and it shows. Battlefront is a AAA game. No game should be issued incomplete the way TS4 was issued. No company should make promises to add game play just to keep people from cancelling pre-orders. Not only that but EA is so proud of Battlefront that they were willing for people to download a demo to play the game both in house and on line before the game was released. EA was only willing to give the sims 4 demo CAS no game play. With that said Im sure if they gave us game play before the game was release they would have lost so many pre-orders. Now they are willing to let people buy the game and they have 24 hours to return it but that was not the case with pre-orders.
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