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"Have you ever" game :)


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    QuiteIzzzyQuiteIzzzy Posts: 293 Member
    edited September 2016
    No. But I would like to xD

    Have you ever found your old diary or notes, read them, and been amazed how clever you were this few years ago, and wondered what has happened to you?
    I'm not totally worthless, I can be used as a bad example.

    Adorno Family from Rebuilding Worlds
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    ...we were not exactly sober.

    An old blog that I had! "What happened to my brain!? Did it melt!? I was so clever and witty!"

    Have you ever spray painted something?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    QuiteIzzzyQuiteIzzzy Posts: 293 Member
    Yes. Harvested flowers. Silver paint. I made a bouquet to my room. ;)

    Have you?
    I'm not totally worthless, I can be used as a bad example.

    Adorno Family from Rebuilding Worlds
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    That sounds pretty!

    Yes, there's this wall-thingie in my hometown where one can spray paint whatever one wants, completely legally. My girlfriend at the time wanted to do it, I borrowed her spray paint and painted something too, don't remember what though.

    Have you ever almost gotten sick by a smell?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    QuiteIzzzyQuiteIzzzy Posts: 293 Member
    Yes. Plenty of times. I'm very sensitive to smells.

    Have you ever killed your sim on purpose?
    I'm not totally worthless, I can be used as a bad example.

    Adorno Family from Rebuilding Worlds
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    It wasn't my sim, but it was a sim. When I was like... seventeen or something me and my sister played with a guy in Sims 2, it was the University-EP. He woohoo'd with one of the professors, then me and my sister went "oi, he's a sleazebag who seduces his students!" (No. No, no, no. Our sim. Was the first one to flirt. It takes two to woohoo. Etc.) We decided to kill the professor because we were bored or something. Completely. Against. Every. Moral. We. Have. We have a guilty conscience for it to this day, and when she plays Sims 2 she always gets so happy when he arrives and scares other sims. Poor professor. :(

    Have you?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    LuckyKittenCatLuckyKittenCat Posts: 4,640 Member
    actually.. ONCE: I tried giving one of my insane sims a husband and he would get a tragic backstory so she burned him... not quite sure what happens during my evil...
    aaaaand I'm trying to because I have death flowers
    oops I'm too late ;-;
    I am undead! :smiley:
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    Well, too late or not, you answered my question (a question where your reply was "correct") anyway since my question was "have you", haha.

    Have you ever gotten a jumpscare because of an animal (that's not like a spider or insect or such)?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    QuiteIzzzyQuiteIzzzy Posts: 293 Member
    edited September 2016
    Lightfield wrote: »
    It wasn't my sim, but it was a sim. When I was like... seventeen or something me and my sister played with a guy in Sims 2, it was the University-EP. He woohoo'd with one of the professors, then me and my sister went "oi, he's a sleazebag who seduces his students!" (No. No, no, no. Our sim. Was the first one to flirt. It takes two to woohoo. Etc.) We decided to kill the professor because we were bored or something. Completely. Against. Every. Moral. We. Have. We have a guilty conscience for it to this day, and when she plays Sims 2 she always gets so happy when he arrives and scares other sims. Poor professor. :(

    Have you?

    First in TS1. When Livin' Large expansion pack came out, the "motherlode" code wasn't working any more. And I wanted my sim Cahir to buy this large castle. So... I killed about 20 sims on his lot, and he inherited their money and bought a castle. And then killing sims just has become my habit xD
    Lightfield wrote: »
    Well, too late or not, you answered my question (a question where your reply was "correct") anyway since my question was "have you", haha.

    Have you ever gotten a jumpscare because of an animal (that's not like a spider or insect or such)?

    Yes, once or twice. xD

    Have you? (I'm lazy bum with questions today.)
    I'm not totally worthless, I can be used as a bad example.

    Adorno Family from Rebuilding Worlds
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    Yep! A pigeon, haha.

    Have you ever been stood up on a date?
    May we all chill like wizards
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    I haven't. Haha, thank heavens, that would be embarrassing.

    Have you ever ripped like... a paper or something apart because you were frustrated?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    LuckyKittenCatLuckyKittenCat Posts: 4,640 Member
    hmm I broke my tablet because it was horrible once.. that's about it XD
    have you ever been watching a funny vid on youtube and its at a really weird part then your parents/siblings/any family members walk in and are just like: what are you doing O_O?
    I am undead! :smiley:
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    No, but it happened to my sister. She watched some documentary about Joy Division and there was some guy rolling around in a sleeping bag and mom's husband came in and went "what in the world are you watching?"

    Have you ever seen something so beautiful you just had to stop and look at it for a prolonged time?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    kitoraemkitoraem Posts: 889 Member
    A few things, mostly the sky, lover of sky photography!

    Have you ever heard a bump in the night?
    May we all chill like wizards
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    I've heard many a strange thing in the night, so probably a bump as well.

    Have you ever danced around in your home for more than an hour in a row?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    QuiteIzzzyQuiteIzzzy Posts: 293 Member
    I like dancing when I'm alone at home, but I never pay attention to clock.^^'

    Have you?
    I'm not totally worthless, I can be used as a bad example.

    Adorno Family from Rebuilding Worlds
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    Yes, and I realized that in bits and pieces it added up to about eight hours that day. But I was in a state of euphoria, haha. (Completely sober, I will have to add!)

    Have you ever surprised yourself by being talented at something you just learned?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    QuiteIzzzyQuiteIzzzy Posts: 293 Member
    Yes. It is called "beginners luck" and it passes.

    Have you ever used a nail polish?
    I'm not totally worthless, I can be used as a bad example.

    Adorno Family from Rebuilding Worlds
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    When I was a rocker-teen my friend wanted to paint mine black and I let her. And during a period in my life when I was incredibly vain I used clear nail polish now and then to make my nails look shiny and fancy-like.

    Have you ever gotten a piercing (ears count)?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    LuckyKittenCatLuckyKittenCat Posts: 4,640 Member
    edited September 2016
    nuh-uh mainly because I keep forgetting if they're permanent or not so I just stay away from them X3
    have you ever twerked in front of someone before? (XD BEST QUESTION <- RIGHT HERE!!)
    I am undead! :smiley:
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    No, but I got twerked into a wall when I was out dancing some month ago. But I don't think she realized I was behind her.

    Have you ever tried to imitate some certain dance of a celebrity?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    LuckyKittenCatLuckyKittenCat Posts: 4,640 Member
    ...oppa Gangnam style!(XD) ok does that count? XD
    have you ever gotten told ridiculous lies by your parents? like.. you would turn into a monster if you didn't brush your teeth or something XD
    I am undead! :smiley:
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    'course hahah!

    Dad said "if a person burps in a restaurant they'll be kicked out immediately" when I was four or five or something. I don't know why he said it. I certainly hadn't burped when he told me so. The only one burping out loud randomly in my family would be him.

    I'll ask the same question.
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.
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    LuckyKittenCatLuckyKittenCat Posts: 4,640 Member
    when I was around that age my dad said that cats would "eat yummy fishies if we got any.." .. kinda true actually..(ok I cannot remember any times really I got told things like those but) so I tried seeing for myself...I don't know why I fed that cat the fish :s:'(:s

    have you ever looked at something so beautiful you literally cried?
    I am undead! :smiley:
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    LightfieldLightfield Posts: 12,450 Member
    edited September 2016
    Oh awwww. :/

    I think I've shed a tear or two. I laid on a flat cliff, I had never seen the night sky so beautiful, the stars so many and clear, shining so brightly, the sea right underneath me. It was so peaceful, so beautiful, and the night sky and the sea are already the most beautiful things I know.

    Have you?
    Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it.

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