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Anyone had twins/triplets yet?


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    glitterandglitzglitterandglitz Posts: 561 Member
    edited June 2009
    The first family I had had twin girls, but unfortunately one of the twin girls got taken by the baby sitter..
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    RsBddy929RsBddy929 Posts: 47 New Member
    edited June 2009
    You can purchase "Fertility Treatment" for Sims with their lifetime want points, and I have also heard that if you listen to kids music, and watch kid's TV while your sim is pregnant, they are more likely to have "multiples."
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    Tvwatermelon18Tvwatermelon18 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I've actually had 3 sets of twins. I made sure that both of my sims had the twins/triplets fertility. I tried hard to get triplets but now they're old and can't do jack anymore
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    DancingXtremeDancingXtreme Posts: 632 Member
    edited June 2009
    I got twins on my first try after giving the mom the fertility treatment. That was my only set though so far :cry:
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    hl72653hl72653 Posts: 11 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sims have had triplets. They are very hard to take care of, so I don't recommend it, unless you have lots of time!LOL
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    AliceCullenAliceCullen Posts: 408 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sim Juliette just had two twins last night. I named them Christina and Jada.

    Everyone seems to be favoring Christina though....not good. x.x
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    EmmalinaEmmalina Posts: 5 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sim had triplets last nightt :) 3 girls O.O
    it's hard to pick traits for them all!

    2 of them are definitely being favoured over the other one, the parents took them out ... but then left one of them on the floor outside the theatre o.O
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    YasmincassieYasmincassie Posts: 50 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Yes mine had twins and the mother was also a twin too maybe it was linked to that i dunno ^^
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    GodSimGodSim Posts: 270 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My Sim had twins, one was a ghost, the other a mere mortal. She woohoo'd with the ghost of Tragic Clown. :mrgreen:
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    Vietgirl_xoxoVietgirl_xoxo Posts: 7,142 Member
    edited June 2009
    I JUST got twins. :D

    2 girls, Kristen and Kirsten. XDDD
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    KazimiraKazimira Posts: 22 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Gah... I dont care about triplits myself I just want to be able to get my sims to have a baby thats not a couch potato loner. Seems all I do thats all they will ever deal with. It's iritateing.
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    ChickenPaiChickenPai Posts: 15 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Triplet girls! and boy are they a nightmare :)
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    rinnyroorinnyroo Posts: 53 Member
    edited June 2009
    I got the fertility upgrade thing and my woman had two sets of girl twins, and one single boy.
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    sarahann3sarahann3 Posts: 277 New Member
    edited June 2009
    mine had 3 sets of twins. i want triplets now.
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    dragonmaster626dragonmaster626 Posts: 3,716 New Member
    edited June 2009
    i'm wanting to have a couple sets of triplets, also my sims have had twins but never triplets thats why i really want couple sets of them
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    MandPlayer869MandPlayer869 Posts: 31 Member
    edited June 2009
    I've had triplets....and there a big if ya ever have twins/triplets good luck with that ;)

    Don't cry, I'm here.
    I'll always be by your side.
    No matter what happens, I'll protect you.
    I'll always be, by your side. (Tasuku Kurosaki - Dengeki Daisy)
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    bookworm513bookworm513 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I had twins three times. Try watching the kids' channel while listening to kids' music. Every time I do it, I get twins.
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    mithrrilmithrril Posts: 11 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sim just had triplets. Both of the parents have the fertility lifetime perk but neither of them got it until after conception. I had the mom listen to the kid radio station for a couple of minutes, but that was about it. It's not too bad taking care of them so far, since I have the grandparents living with us too. It'll be a challenge to teach them all though, so I might just let my evil one go without teaching.
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    SimCrazySimCrazy Posts: 9,908 Member
    edited June 2009
    Just had twin girls
    Lily and Rose
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    SmustleQueenSmustleQueen Posts: 1,868 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I had two pairs of twins in a row. GAH!
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    ProskatergrlICEProskatergrlICE Posts: 64 New Member
    edited June 2009
    The second babies born into my game were twins, and then the next babies were twins also.

    The son in this families wife recently gave birth to twins.

    All of these twins have been girls, and two have been identical sets.
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    willywilly Posts: 6 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Sadly not but all my sims become pregnant on their first try ;)
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    SevySevy Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2009
    My first Sim, aka my avatar had twins and triplets, all girls, thanks to the magic watermelon, now her husband can achieve his lifetime wish. I wish desperately that I had waited until the twins where children before getting her pregnant, twas a nightmare.
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    cyborg34572cyborg34572 Posts: 334 New Member
    edited June 2009
    im trying so hard to get triplets
    i keep doing :try for baby"

    like everytime @.@ Lol
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    HeathalessylHeathalessyl Posts: 187 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sim has the lifetime wish of raising 5 children up to teens.

    So I decided having twins a ton of times would be an easy way to do this.

    Basically, I've only had births twice in the game, both were twins. First two girls, then since the second pregnancy got them a want for boys, I had her eat the apples and alas, twin boys.

    And so far, only one of the children has been lighter-skinned, since the couple is a white man and Tamara Donner, from the Roomies household. That's pretty unrealistic if you ask me; the children should come out with a skin in the middle.

    I tried to get twins both times, and so I did. (You know, with the kids channel + kids station thing).

    And I've realized, this is NOT easy!

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