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Sam's Elizabethan Project

SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
edited November 2014 in The Sims 3 Builders
England in the Year 1588

This ongoing historical project began as a gift for my good friend, Idontrcall, who was the chosen "victim" for the March 2014 Flash Mob. It will be comprised of 12 sim households in the Elizabethan World of 1588.

For appropriate worlds in which to play these sims, I recommend either Dragon Valley or the gorgeous Côtes d'Ambonnay created by xSorcier and Reach, which has beautiful homes for this period and a bank of historically-appropriate sims, though it is technically French rather than English:

~ Sam (originally March 8, 2014)

REVISED AND UPDATED November 17, 2014

Household 1: Queen Elizabeth I, Christopher Hatton, three Maids of Honour & two gardeners -

Household 2: Lord Charles Howard of Effingham Family –

Household 3: Robert Dudley Family –

Household 4: Sir Walter Raleigh -

Household 5: Robert Devereux –

Household 6: Edmund Spenser Family (pending)

Household 7: Lord Admiral Thomas Howard Family (pending)

Household 8: Sir Francis Walsingham Family (pending)

Household 9: Henry Vavasour Family (pending)

Household 10: Shakespeare Family –

Household 11: John Dee Family –

Household 12: Sir Edward Kelly and Jane (pending)

* * *

It is early summer in the year of 1588. Queen Elizabeth is in the 30th year of her reign. The Spanish Armada has just set sail on May 28th with 130 ships and 30,000 men, heading for the English Channel. The first battle between the English and Spanish off Plymouth has yet to take place, though the English will win under the command of Lord Charles Howard of Effingham and Sir Francis Drake.

So much will change this year for Elizabeth. She is growing tired and worn by middle age, but she has much spirit left within her. Soon old friends and favorites will die, the young nobles at court will test her authority and the world will never be the same for Bess, the Virgin Queen.

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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    Elizabeth Tudor, Queen Elizabeth I of England (55)
    Queen Elizabeth

    Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor [48]
    Lord Hatton

    Elizabeth "Bess" Throckmorton, Maid of Honor (23)
    Elizabeth Trentham, Maid of Honor (29)
    Anne Hopton, Maid of Honor (27)
    Maids of Honor

    George Hobson (60s)
    John Tradescant, Assistant Gardener (20s)

    In terms of staff and servants, I added only gardeners to the queen's household as maids, butlers and chefs are available with the base game, the Late Night EP and the Business as Usual Bistro, respectively.

    Elizabeth I - Household 1 download link

    A couple of pictures of Household 1 in formal wear

    Post edited by SamiKat on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    Lord Charles Howard of Effingham, Lord High Admiral, 1st Early of Nottingham (52) - cousin of Elizabeth I and Anne Boleyn; first cousin twice removed to Lord Admiral Thomas Howard
    Traits: Ambitious, Athletic, Genius, Lucky, Shmoozer
    Lifetime Wish: Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

    Catherine (Carey) Howard, Countess of Nottingham (41) - lady-in-waiting (maid of honour), cousin and best friend of Elizabeth; (not to be confused with Catherine Howard who had been one of Henry VIII's wives; or her contemporary Katherine Knyvett Howard, wife of Thomas Howard and future Countess of Suffolk.)
    Traits: Charismatic, Diva, Family Oriented, Good Sense of Humor, Social Butterfly
    Lifetime Wish: Super Popular

    Frances Howard (teen)
    Traits: Diva, Social Butterfly, Over-Emotional, Animal Lover

    William Howard (11)
    Traits: Ambitious, bookworm, friendly

    Charles Howard (Jr) (9)
    Traits: Athletic, Daredevil, Genius

    Lord Charles Howard - Household 2 download link

    Wikipedia article about Lord Charles Howard of Effingham:,_1st_Earl_of_Nottingham

    Post edited by SamiKat on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester (56) - nobleman and 1st favorite of Elizabeth
    Traits: Rebellious, Irresistible, Ambitious, Charismatic, Flirty
    Lifetime Wish: CEO of a Mega Corporation

    Dudley was perhaps the most famous of Elizabeth's favorites. He died later in the year 1588.,_1st_Earl_of_Leicester

    Lettice (Knollys) Dudley (45) - mother of Robert Devereux; banished from court after her secret marriage to Dudley was discovered and Elizabeth threw a jealous rage
    Traits: Over-Emotional, Flirty Hotheaded, Insane, Diva
    Lifetime Wish: Gold Digger

    Lettice was certainly a bit scandalous in her day.

    Robert Dudley (Jr) (14) - illegitimate son of Robert Dudley and Lady Douglas Sheffield (sister of Charles Howard); inherited upon his father's death in 1588 and his uncle's death in 1590; became an explorer and naval commander; later knighted; friend of Robert Devereux
    Traits: Adventurous, Brave, Sailor, Athletic

    Despite his illegitimacy, Robert Dudley (Jr.) inherited the bulk of his father's estates at a young age and then went on to live an exciting, adventurous and successful life.

    Dudley Family - Household 3 download link

    Post edited by SamiKat on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    Sir Walter Raleigh (34) - explorer, soldier, writer and one of Elizabeth's favorites.
    Traits: Brave, Adventurous, Loves the Outdoors, Sailor, Bookworm
    Lifetime Wish: Grand Explorer

    Wikipedia's article on this fascinating man:

    Sir Walter Raleigh - Household 4 download link
    (Please ignore the embarrassing typos in the Exchange description. I don't feel like it's worth re-uploading him just to fix them. XD)

    Post edited by SamiKat on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    Robert Devereux, Master of the Horse (23) - nobleman, politician, future general; son of Lettice Dudley
    Traits: Charismatic, Athletic, Genius, Adventurous, Rebellious
    Lifetime Wish: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body

    Robert Devereux eventually replaced his stepfather, Robert Dudley as Elizabeth's favorite and was definitely in her good graces in 1588, but his charm and eloquence was marred by blind ambition and overconfidence. He underestimated the Queen, gave into his rebellious tendencies and landed on the wrong side of the powerful Robert Cecil. After several missteps, he was executed for treason.,_2nd_Earl_of_Essex

    Robert Devereux - Household 5 download link

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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014


    Edmund Spenser (36) - soon to become a famous poet, who was also famous for antagonizing the Queen's secretary, Lord Burghley, which certainly cost him money and influence. Spenser was friends with Raleigh and had worked for Dudley. In 1588, he was likely in the process of writing the first three books of the "Faerie Queen" and the "Letters of the Authors to Raleigh," both published in 1590. Spenser divided his time between England and Ireland, where he supposedly wrote his poems under the tree in North Cork later known as "Spenser's Oak."

    Machabyas (Childe) Spenser (27)- Spenser's first wife, who soon died, possibly this year of 1588, and he later remarried Elizabeth Boyle.

    Sylvanus Spenser [8]

    Katherine Spenser (6)
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014


    Lord Admiral Thomas Howard (22) - recently knighted and soon to be 1st Earl of Suffolk; first cousin twice removed to Lord Charles Howard

    Katherine (Knyvett) Howard (24) - a noted beauty; soon to be Countess of Suffolk; niece of Margaret Knyvett Vavasour

    Theophilus [8]

    Elizabeth (7)

    Robert (4)

    Gertrude (3)

    William (2)

    Thomas (1)

    Katherine was likely pregnant with her daughter, Catherine, at this time, who later married William Cecil. Thomas and Katherine had 14 children in total!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014


    Sir Francis Walsingham, Secretary of State (56) - Known as Elizabeth's "spymaster," he will soon meet his maker in 1590.

    Ursula (St. Barbe), Lady Walsingham (40s)

    Frances Walsingham (21) - lady-in-waiting to Elizabeth; recent widow of Philip Sidney (d. 1586); soon to marry Robert Devereux in 1590

    Elizabeth Sidney (3) - daughter of Frances and Philip Sidney
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014


    Nota bene: The Vavasour offspring were colorful and rather ignoble characters of their era. I could not leave them out of this project!

    Henry Vavasour (51)

    Margaret (Knyvett) Vavasour (51) - Katherine Knyvett Howard's aunt

    Anne Vavasour (23) - Had been a Maid of Honour for Elizabeth in 1580 before giving birth in the maiden's chamber at court to the illegitimate son of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford in 1581. She had then been locked in the Tower with her child, but released by 1588, at which point she resumed the affair with the married Earl. She then married a sea captain in 1590, but soon became the mistress to Sir Henry Lee, as well, and had a second illegitimate child.

    Frances Vavasour (10) - became Maid of Honour for Elizabeth in 1590; then became romantically involved with Robert Dudley (Jr) in 1591 before secretly marrying Sir Thomas Shirley and infuriating the queen, who always hated secret marriages

    Edward Vere (7) - illegitimate son of Anne Vavasour and Edward de Vere

    (The older 28-year-old son, Thomas, was a captain in the Netherlands at this time. Like his younger sisters, he was known for his amorous dalliances. I may end up adding him to this household for kicks.)
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    William Shakespeare (24)- "Only one man in ten thousand is good in this world" ~ Hamlet
    Traits: Bookworm, Artistic, Dramatic, Genius, Good Sense of Humor
    Lifetime Wish: Professional Author

    Anne (Hathaway) Shakespeare (32)
    Traits: Good, Easily Impressed, Hopeless Romantic, Shy, Nurturing
    Lifetime Wish: Fairytale Finder

    Susanna Shakespeare (5)
    Traits: Good, Artistic, Friendly

    Hamnet Shakespeare (3)
    Traits: Artistic, Athletic

    Judith Shakespeare (3)
    Traits: Good, Artistic

    Hamnet and Judith were twins. Hamnet died at age 11. :cry:

    Shakespeare Family - Household 10 download link

    Post edited by SamiKat on
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited November 2014

    John Dee (61) - adviser to the queen, astronomer, alchemist and supernaturalist, to name just a few of his many pastimes
    Traits: Eccentric, Genius, Bookworm, Supernatural Fan, Natural Born Performer
    Lifetime Wish: Alchemy Artisan

    Jane (Fromond) Dee (33)- Dee's MUCH younger wife
    Traits: Eccentric, Born Saleswoman, Charismatic, Supernatural Fan, Schmoozer
    Lifetime Wish: Celebrity Psychic

    Arthur Dee (9) - followed in his father's rather strange and fascinating footsteps
    Traits: Supernatural Fan, Bookworm, Eccentric

    Theodore Dee (7) - perhaps the secret son of Sir Edward Kelley? Died in childhood of the plague.
    Traits: Supernatural Fan, Artistic, Virtuoso

    Madinia Dee (5) - may have died later of the plague
    Traits: Shy, Good, Cat Lover

    (There were eight children in total, some of whom may have later died during the plague)

    (In 1588, John Dee was in Bohemia, now the Czech Republic, doing spiritual research and "magical investigations" with Sir Edward Kelly. Kelly had proposed wife-swapping and said that the angels had told him to do it. He called it "cross-matching." Apparently, Dee went through with it, but dissolved the Bohemian spiritual conferences and his relationship with Kelly soon after.)

    Wikipedia article for John Dee:

    A few cultural references to John Dee from Wikipedia are worth noting:
    "Dee was a popular figure in literary works written by his own contemporaries, and he has continued to feature in popular culture ever since, particularly in fiction or fantasy set during his lifetime or that deals with magic or the occult.

    16th and 17th centuries
    Edmund Spenser may refer to Dee in The Faerie Queene (1596).

    William Shakespeare may have modelled the character of Prospero in The Tempest (1610–11) on Dee.

    20th century
    The four novel series Ægypt (1987–2007) by John Crowley features John Dee.

    21st century
    Phil Rickman casts John Dee as the main detective, investigating the disappearance of the bones of King Arthur during the reign of Elizabeth I in the historical mystery The Bones of Avalon (2010).

    . . .

    In the Book Series The Immortal Nicholas Flamel, Dee is a prominent antagonist, plotting to overthrow the earth.

    The opera Dr Dee: An English Opera, written by Damon Albarn, explores Dee's life and work. It was premiered at the Palace Theatre in Manchester on 1 July 2011 and opened at the London Coliseum as part of the London 2012 Festival for the Cultural Olympiad in June 2012.

    John Dee is the subject of the 2010 Iron Maiden song The Alchemist.

    John Dee is a vampire of the Tremere clan in the pen and paper roleplaying game Vampire: The Masquerade by White Wolf Publishing.

    John Dee was mentioned in the Playstation 3 exclusive, Uncharted 3. Drake must enter his lab and the player must solve a puzzle in order to advance.

    John Dee is the antagonist in The Alchemyst by Micheal Scott."

    John Dee Family - Household 11 download link

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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014


    Sir Edward Kelly (33) - (aka Edward Talbot) occultist and alchemist who accompanied Dee on his spiritual odysseys in Europe and became rather rich for awhile by convincing Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor, King Stefan of Poland and Vilem Rožmberk, Lord Rosenberg of Bohemia that he could convert metal to gold -- that is until he was imprisoned when he couldn't make the magic. :lol:

    Jane (Cooper) Kelly (25)
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    justbricejustbrice Posts: 356 Member
    edited March 2014
    What does this have to do with The Sims 3?
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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014
    Justbrice, I had asked people not to post. I am still setting up. It's a project and gift for a friend for Flash Mob, which I will take some weeks or months to complete. I am going to make all of these sims.
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    justbricejustbrice Posts: 356 Member
    edited March 2014
    Cool. I can't wait to see them. I was just curious about this post.
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    thesims3boythesims3boy Posts: 18,046 Member
    edited March 2014
    You're not supposed to post when the title says not to. That is so rude.
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    justbricejustbrice Posts: 356 Member
    edited March 2014
    You're not supposed to post when the title says not to. That is so rude.

    And? Your point is?
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,717 Member
    edited March 2014
    Your Elizabethan project is great! :) it will be very interesting and great to visit this thread and see the creations and read the history and background details. I will look forward to visiting it. :)
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    judywork1957judywork1957 Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited March 2014
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :shock: I just peeked in when I sas Elizabethan project... it no longer says not to post? I could not resist posting and giving you my huge thumbs up for this project! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

    I can not wait to see more of this!!!

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    SamiKatSamiKat Posts: 3,786 Member
    edited March 2014
    Thank you all for your interest and comments. :D

    I just counted and there are 50 sims among the 12 households. :shock: (That should pad my li'l studio by a healthy margin before I'm done.) Elizabeth is now finished and tolerated her photoshoot, though just barely as she seems to be a bit moody - so there's one down and 49 to go. (She was probably that way with her portrait artists, too.) I will add some pictures of her tomorrow, though I will not upload her until the remainder of her household is complete.

    The most important thing is that I hope to make Lala happy and provide any interested simmers with some fun characters to mess around with by summer.
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    IdontrcallIdontrcall Posts: 19,349 Member
    edited March 2014
    samiam662 wrote:

    The most important thing is that I hope to make Lala happy and provide any interested simmers with some fun characters to mess around with by summer.

    Done!! Lala is happy, very happy!!

    Your Elizabeth I is stunning. I put one together for that survivor contest where I ended up doing Marilyn Monroe because my Elizabeth was severely lacking. Yours, my dear Sam, is gorgeous! You know I have this book marked and will be checking frequently -- but you know where to reach me if you add something new :).

    I love this sooo much!! Thank you!!!

    Check out my cooking Youtube channel: Living with Leigh
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,717 Member
    edited March 2014
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    YellowJaneYellowJane Posts: 6,589 Member
    edited March 2014
    I am going to be checking this out lots, Sam!
    I was intrigued by what you said on the FM thread :mrgreen:
    Glad Lala is happy already! Off to a good start I see,

    and BRITISH history you say..? :wink: Who here is from ENGLAND!? *strokes chin* Hehe, can't wait to see how this unfolds. I wish you the best of luck with it all working out okay ;) What a great idea, and how kind to put so much effort into our FM victim for the month :) You're a great person, and this proves it!

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    yanti68yanti68 Posts: 19,017 Member
    edited March 2014
    Good luck with your project Sam! It sounds so interesting! :D
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    judywork1957judywork1957 Posts: 6,594 Member
    edited March 2014
    An excellent rendition of the older Elizabeth!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
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