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"I Am Legend" Apocalypse Challenge Story

They came for me yesterday.

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My name is Richard Neville, and I am a vampire. But I am not a monster, not like my uncle. His name was Robert Neville, *the* Robert Neville, and they killed him. I feared it was only a matter of time before they came for me as well, and I was right.

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I thought they wanted to kill me too, just because of my name. The government man showed up in a black car, and wore the costume of a Llama. He said it kept away the walking dead, but I think it was just foolish superstition.

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He told me to answer some questions about my past. I was surprised that he didn’t ask about my uncle, about how well I knew him or how close we were. Instead he wanted to know more about what kinds of things I knew and I felt like I was being selected for some role. I chose my answers carefully.

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Soon I was in a bright orange government van. They didn’t tell me where I was going. I thought I was being taken to my execution, but I was wrong. After a long ride through the night I found myself at a secret government facility.

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I’m not alone here. There are many others like me. They tell us that we are the hope for the future. They tell us that society must be rebuilt and that we are the ones to rebuild it. They tell us a lot of things, and I believe some of it.

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They say I am strong, like my uncle. They say I am smart, like my uncle. They say that if things had been different, that if my uncle weren’t immune to the virus that changed the rest of us into vampires, that maybe he could have saved us all instead. You see, my uncle was a legend. He brought terror to an already terrorized land, and so they killed him for it. Now I will be a legend as well. I will bring hope to a hopeless land. Because unlike my uncle, I am not alone.

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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Behind the curtain.

    This is an apocalypse challenge story set in the post-apocalyptic world of the book “I Am Legend” by the late Richard Matheson. My legacy founder is Richard Neville, nephew of the book hero Robert Neville. Robert Neville was the last man on earth, at least in the sense that we know of men. Society has changed, or evolved, depending on your point of view.

    In game terms, Simanity is no more – there are only the living vampires, the walking dead vampires, and the awakened ghosts of the dead. (Vampires, Zombies, and Ghosts respectively.) The actions and opportunities of all Sims are suppressed by 26 environmental palls that must be lifted in order for the new society to advance. The first is Hopelessness, and Richard must lift it by reaching level 10 in any career. If he fails, society is doomed.

    In addition to the normal Apocalypse Challenge, all Sims are vampires. To account for the walking dead, there is a constant full moon until either Military or Paranormal is lifted. Then the moon cycle will return to normal and the regular challenge rules will resume. While there is a constant full moon, an additional restriction will be for all houses to be built underground as the walking dead destroy everything in their path and prevent any new buildings from being built. Workplaces are fortified militarily and so remain free from the destruction.

    Richard Neville is a Young Adult Male Vampire Sim, living in the Viper Valley custom world and using the University Life Hard Start Option 1. He is Athletic, Brave, Genius, Handy and Workaholic with Lifetime Wish of Perfect Mind, Perfect Body. As per option rules, he rolled for University Major before enrolling and got Communications – of course having nothing to do with any other advantages he has. Upon returning home after graduation, he will submit his resume and randomly select a career from those possible.

    While at University, all regular challenge rules apply. Wish me luck.
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    External Links will go here.

    The Apocalypse Challenge rules that I will be using. They are not the only version, but they are probably the most up-to-date.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    I’ve only been at this secret government facility for three days, but it already feels like I’ve spent my entire life here. On my first day of training they gave me this old radio. They say part of the problem is the breakdown of communications between cities. That doesn’t make much sense to me… sometimes my smartphone works.

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    My roommate is named Tiffany… Angeles, or something like that. I’m sure she made it up. But who can blame her? We don’t live like we used to. No one has a driver’s license or even a birth certificate. We were all reborn, only this time without a doctor and a nurse to clean us off and give us a bottle. I like talking to Tiffany - I steal time from other things I need to be doing, just for a chance for a few friendly words.

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    My training always seems to be as far away as possible. I think it’s on purpose, I think they want to train us to use this strange power of speed we have. The rules are strict, and being late for class is not tolerated. We can’t sleep there either, no matter how desperately we need it. I feel like my day is spent entirely between running and sitting. And when I’m not doing either of those, I sleep like the dead.

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    At night the walking dead come out. They seem as bad here as they do anywhere else, but I have trouble believing that’s true. They gather outside our barracks and build bonfires and destroy anything left outside. It’s hard to believe that we were created by the same virus. I do my best not to think about how we will all be like them… someday.

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    Despite the walking dead outside, I feel the most alive at night. I study what I can, as much as I can. I’m told there will be no time to learn when I return home – that there is too much to do and so I should take advantage of my situation. I don’t feel like my situation is very advantageous. But I don’t argue. For now, I just write.

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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Behind the curtain:

    Richard is struggling at University. He has learned Charisma 2, Athletic 2 and Writing 2, but still has absolutely no money. He tried earning money with his radio but failed. By the challenge rules, he can't ask the school for money until Thursday evening. But by the looks of his grades, it won't be as much as I'd hoped a vampire could make.

    He tries to sleep during the day and study at night as much as possible, but as I'm sure everyone knows, University Life is hard.
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    AngelzzzDaydream0AngelzzzDaydream0 Posts: 1,087 Member
    edited August 2013
    Great start to your story! I have it bookmarked. I'm very excited to see how he makes out in life, or unlife as it seems to be. :lol:
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Great start to your story! I have it bookmarked. I'm very excited to see how he makes out in life, or unlife as it seems to be. :lol:

    Thanks, I enjoy writing it!
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    My life stinks. Not only am I a vampire, but I’m locked away at this secret government facility. I have to go to these classes and listen to these lectures about things I don’t care about. I know I should care, but I don’t. I’m hungry almost all of the time, and I don’t remember my last shower. I’ve been here for six days now. I’m counting them, and they are going along so incredibly slow.

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    I’m getting to know more of my roommates. Part of my training is on how to manipulate people into telling me all about themselves – things they shouldn’t want me to know. This radio is like magic, it melts away any fears people have about my motives, and they spill it all. I’ve gotten people to admit on the air that they lie, that they steal, and one even told about just how evil she really is. I’m convinced that people will do anything for fame. And not even just fame, the slim chance for someone to notice them.

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    It’s snowing all of the time. It’s so beautiful, though. They tell us it’s poison – that after the world ended and people stopped going to work that all the nuclear power plants in the world melted down creating this “nuclear winter” that will last for a thousand years. I’m not sure I believe it. I see people playing in it all the time, even though we’re not supposed to. They make snowmen and snow angels. Angles! That’s her name, Tiffany Angles. It’s hard to keep my mind off of her.

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    We’re bored a lot, all of us. There isn’t much to do, especially at night when the walking dead roam. The other night, all of us in our barracks started showing off our teeth. I suppose this is a natural next step. Ever since we all turned, we’ve been ashamed, everyone. But we shouldn’t be – it’s not our fault we’re vampires. Maybe that’s what we all need, to begin finding that self-worth. Maybe we need to stop seeing ourselves as worse than human, and start realizing that we’re better.

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    While it’s nice to have company, I still enjoy the dead middle of night. Sometimes after the rest of the barracks have gone to sleep, I stay up and read. It’s a strange feeling – being both so hyper I could tear the roof off a building and yet so peaceful I can hear the words on the page. I bought this book at the bookstore – it’s about gardening. There’s nothing in here about growing plasma fruit in nuclear ash, but still I read. It’s not the kind of thing that people write books about, but I feel like the secret is still in there somewhere, if I just keep reading.

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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Behind the curtain:

    Richard is on Day 6 of his UL experience. He's progressed well in his studies and after his midterm exams is on the Dean's List, which is a nice +20 moodlet to have for this challenge. He asked the University for money on Thu night and received $4412, which will help build his library. Now I just need to wait for a sale. He also checked his mailbox for the first time - and happily Tiffany is sending him letters and gifts which he's allowed to sell by challenge rules. That was an extra $700. Thanks Tiffany!

    Meanwhile, he's improving his skills - Charisma 5, Athletic 4, Writing 3, and he snuck in Social Networking 1 by texting people in his allowed Smart Phone hours. Being only the end of week 1, and still having three terms left, I'm confident he can get out of UL with Athletic 10, Writing 10 and still plenty of other skills for his career.
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    It’s day 10 of my captivity. I’m not serious, I’m not really a captive. But it feels like it. We took exams on Friday but I don’t understand why. We get grades at the end of each two weeks, but how could it possibly matter? I try not to think too hard, I save my concentration for classes. On Saturday, after we finally got a break from a week of classes, I spent eight straight hours doing chin-ups. Think about that, in our previous life that was not possible.

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    On Sunday I continued reading my book on gardening. There is a fruit that sustains us as if it were blood. For now, we are dependent on the government to feed us the juice from this fruit. I need to learn how to grow it on my own if I’m ever going to be independent. But given the conditions of my home, I just don’t see how I can manage it.

    [img] "width=640" "height=480"[/img]

    There are government men all over this base. Some of them dress up as Llamas and perform strange rituals with no apparent rhyme or reason. They tell us it’s to keep our spirits high, but I suspect something far more sinister. Either that or just plain ridiculous. I think they want us afraid, and these rituals are to frighten us into a form of submission. But it’s also just as likely that they themselves believe the craziness they spout.

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    I guess it’s no surprise to anyone that I’m at the top of my class. I mostly stay in and study. Not always what I’m supposed to study, but study nonetheless. In four days I get to return home, but only briefly. Then it’s back for another two weeks. I hope this is not all for nothing.

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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Behind the curtain:

    Richard is on Day 10 of his UL experience. He’s still on the Dean’s List most of the time. But the bar drops so fast that he comes off of it a lot, especially when he sleeps. It’s still a nice moodlet when he has it. He’s made a little bit of money from radio - $104, but spent $850 on Gardening books and another $600 for the Criminal UL Pall.

    He’s had some opportunity to advance his skills over the weekend – mostly Athletic and Gardening. He’s now at Athletic 6, Gardening 3, Writing 5 and again snuck in Social Networking 2 by texting during allowed hours (which happen to be at night). Gardening from a book is slow going, but he needs to have level 7 by the time he’s done with UL if he wants to grow Plasma Fruit. I’m sure he’ll make it, but I’m not so sure about getting all those others to 10 anymore.
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited August 2013
    Is he allowed, while at uni, to use a multi tab if you have one & if he can afford it? (Lots of ifs there!)

    I think using it while he sleeps would fit the story - "a new way to brainwash us?".
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    LucyBorgia wrote:
    Is he allowed, while at uni, to use a multi tab if you have one & if he can afford it? (Lots of ifs there!)

    I think using it while he sleeps would fit the story - "a new way to brainwash us?".

    I didn't know the Multi-tab could do that! So if you're sleeping and studying a skill for your major, then your UL progress bar goes up rather than down?

    Sadly, for the challenge there are two restrictions on it, and one of them is a really hard optional challenge. So this Sim will never have it, but maybe his descendants will.
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    LucyBorgiaLucyBorgia Posts: 753 Member
    edited August 2013
    I don't know about UL, as I don't have it, but you can tell your Sim to listen to a tabcast, then send them straight to bed & they skill up in their sleep. Or while doing anything else except using the multi tab. Skill while you shower! They can also read any of the books in the household, even if you've tucked them into a bookcase & hidden it in the household inventory so your bookworm Sim has to read the skill books you spent their hard earned money on.

    I've looked at the apocalypse challenge before & knew there were stringent rules, but I wasn't sure about how going to uni first affected it, so thought it worth discussing.

    I forgot to say I'm enjoying it as I got so caught up in trying to help him!
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    I'm glad you like it!

    I've had the multi-tab on my wishlist forever waiting for it to go on sale. It's not that it's too expensive, I'm just too Frugal. But I never thought to use it at Uni. I always spend so much time getting my grades up that I never really get to experience the rest of it. Guess I'll be buying it before the next Sim goes.

    I'm enjoying the Apoc Challenge. This is my first one, so no idea how it compares really. I suspect going to Uni is a HUGE advantage though - since it's basically getting four Sim weeks of life extra for your founder.
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    AngelzzzDaydream0AngelzzzDaydream0 Posts: 1,087 Member
    edited August 2013
    Great update! I'm excited to see what happens when he graduates this "training program"! :mrgreen:
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Great update! I'm excited to see what happens when he graduates this "training program"! :mrgreen:

    Well, me too! But there's going to be a slight hang-up once he graduates. I'm running a contest (shameless plug -> My Contest) to help populate my town once he returns home. It doesn't end until Sep 8th, and I'm sure he'll be out of Uni long before then. That's part of the reason I'm taking it so slow.
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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    We look down on them, like we’re superior to them. Uncle Robert did that to us, and he paid the ultimate price. I wish I could help them somehow. But I’m no scientist – I don’t know anything about viruses and why the dead rise. They still amaze me. Right now they’re out there dancing… “We are superior.” “They are dancing.” I don’t know how to reconcile those thoughts.

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    I’ve finally finished the term. Classes were long and difficult. I did my best to become friends with my instructors. It seems to be a talent. I ask a lot of questions and look like I’m taking notes. I’m pretty sure it’s the only way I’m making it through.

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    I don’t like saying goodbye to Tiffany. She says she’s finished and now she’s going home for good. I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again and that makes me sad. Still, I’ll have my memories, some better than others…

    [img] "width=640" "height=480"[/img]

    We get grades here but I don’t know why. I’m not sure who they’re trying harder to convince – us or themselves – that this is anything like a real school. But, I have to admit it made me proud to get all A’s. I guess that means they win. Not only that, I was elected “most personable” by my class. It’s really the little things, I guess.

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    SimonSimpsonSimonSimpson Posts: 1,223 Member
    edited August 2013
    Behind the curtain:

    Richard has finished his first two terms at University. He gets to return home briefly where he’ll spend all of his money building his home before returning for his next two terms. He spent a lot of his money at a 35% off bookstore sale. He bought most every book he’ll ever need – the important ones at least – plus a bunch of other cheap ones that aren’t so important. He’s earned another $4893 from the university, as well as a whopping $183 from the radio. But he spent $4232 on books, as well as $600 for the criminal pall, $100 on tuition, then the rest on his bunker while home.

    Skills are progressing much more slowly. In these four days he’s only made Charisma 7 and Gardening 4. He is making a lot of friends though, and achieved the “Personable” Charisma skill challenge along the way.

    Home sweet home.
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