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My child sim has a University degree!!!

I was playing another household and sent the sim to University. When she graduated she never got a degree in her inventory. She has two degrees, incidentally and neither of them appeared in her inventory. I then switched to another household in the same town yesterday and the child in that house has a degree! I read it, it's in Technology..... what the?....


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    Halle_MHalle_M Posts: 6,539 Member
    edited March 2013
    lol....child prodigy....? :P

    That's funny.
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    KayleighEFKayleighEF Posts: 16 New Member
    edited March 2013
    This has just happened to me too. I sent Kaylynn Langerak to university, came back, switched households, & the youngest child in that house now has a degree along with an 8-day 'graduated university' moodlet.
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    riddle88riddle88 Posts: 7 New Member
    edited April 2013
    I had the same problem! I just switched back to my sim house after moving their father in with his new alien girlfriend :D I then switched back to the old house and one child sims has a degree in communications! I also have a cloned sim that was glitching out so bad I had to send her to boarding school (going invisible, falling through the floor, getting stuck in endless loops, and stuck in random locations.) However now for some reason she is home but her school tab says she is still in boarding school and I don't have the option of pulling her out!!! And last but not least for some reason it is treating my house as an apartment and having random roommates show up! I did move the dad into an apartment but the family has stayed in the same old house! And I am not getting the options to control roommates or turn off roommates like when sims are at the university! I had to lock my doors to keep everyone out! (One roommate stole my sims mp3 player!) Aside from that I constantly get the ringing phone glitch at the university! Hah ever since I downloaded university I have had nothing but problems!! I have no custom content so I know it's not that... :evil:
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    XiriliaXirilia Posts: 59 New Member
    edited April 2013
    That's pretty funny. Technically couldn't you get a child sim with a degree if you spend lifetime reward points? (honorary degree)

    Although I doubt that's what happened there...
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    Sid1701D9Sid1701D9 Posts: 4,718 Member
    edited April 2013
    I wonder if that is how they do the University expansion to the Non player characters. Certain sims will have access to University degrees randomly so it would make the appearance that some sims in your neiborhood go to University or will go.
    Sid1701d-"I love my life, live my life and live to play, laugh and have fun."

    "Love will Fight, Love will Win and Love will Survive."
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    amberaura23amberaura23 Posts: 434 New Member
    edited April 2013
    :? I'm a bit jealous to hear that some kid got a degree when my adult sims have yet to receive a degree in their inventory :lol:
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    ShaedannaShaedanna Posts: 14 New Member
    This is totally nuts. Teenagers with degrees is annoying but I can live with it. Children with degrees is ridiculous but again I can live with it. I now have a *baby* just *one day old* with a degree! I'm currently repairing my game as I have other issues as well but I really hope this gets fixed. I like to play rotationally and with some households I want to take certain sims to college, not see them already have a degree just randomly assigned.
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    igazorigazor Posts: 19,330 Member
    Shaedanna wrote: »
    This is totally nuts. Teenagers with degrees is annoying but I can live with it. Children with degrees is ridiculous but again I can live with it. I now have a *baby* just *one day old* with a degree! I'm currently repairing my game as I have other issues as well but I really hope this gets fixed. I like to play rotationally and with some households I want to take certain sims to college, not see them already have a degree just randomly assigned.
    While the effects may be unwanted, I am afraid this isn't something that is actually broken about the game. TS3 is not designed to be played rotationally. I mean, of course the hooks and commands through Edit Town are there to do so, but EA did a really poor job of implementing things. What happens in households not currently being played as the active one is supposed to be of no concern to us.

    Of course babies and children do not need Uni degrees that early, those are supposed to be there for them (yes, randomly) when they age up.

    In order to control things in such a way that rotational play makes sense and weird random things do not happen to those that we consider "our" households, let alone the rest of the town, mods are required to govern story progression and lock things down as needed. The two story progression mods that have evolved over the years are NRaas StoryProgression and, our "friendly competitor," AwesomeMod. Of course I prefer the NRaas approach as I am actually "from" NRaas and am just here visiting you earthlings on this forum, but there is a learning curve involved and both solutions continue to have loyal followings among TS3 players.

    Without mod usage, the game will never be fixed, or rather I should say it will never be anything different than it is right now. TS3 has been out of active development on the EA end for over five years now. The only thing a Repair Game does for TS3 is realign the Origin/Launcher tie-in. It does nothing for the actual game files as it might with TS4.
    NRaas has moved!
    Our new site is at
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    EA_RtasEA_Rtas Posts: 2,875 EA Community Manager
    Hey folks as this has been inactive since 2013 I'm going to go ahead and close this off. If you have any questions about necroposting you can read this thread here : Necroposting
This discussion has been closed.
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