The final, special edition of the Friday Highlights has been posted here. Take a trip down memory lane with us.
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a sims' story


After her parents' death Kimberlee Price decided to move back to Sunset Valley. She moved back into her parents' one bedroom one bath stone house. She decided to go around town and see if anything had changed since she left. She ended up at the park. She ran into a friend of her's from her old high school.


"Kim...Kimberlee Price?" he asked as he walked up to her.
"Yes." she said looking at him cunfusingly.
"It me, Derrick Collins." he said.
She reached out and shook his hand not knowing if she should hug him or not.
"I heard about your parents. I'm sorry." he said.
"Thanks." she said not knowing what else to say.
She didnt like talking about her parents's passing cause it was too upsetting.
The sat at the park and caught up on everything that had happened in their lives since they graduated high school.
"Well, its getting late and i gotta go to work in the morning." Derrick said standing up.
He left and she went over to the swings and started swinging.


Another guy was walking through the park. He stopped in front of the swings.
"Kimberlee?" he asked.
She stopped swinging and looked at him for a minute.
"Oh my gracious....Shaun." she said jumping off the swings.
"Hey how are you?" he asked hugging her.
"I am doing alright and you?" she said.
"I am doing fine. I have missed you." he said.
"I have missed you too."
"Why dont we sit here and catch up." he said sitting on the ground.


They sat there for a few minutes in silence staring at the sky.
"I am sorry about your parents." he said leaning back.
"Thanks." she said leaning back also.
She accidently place her hand on his.
"Sorry." she said moving her hand fast.
"It alright." he said smiling at her.
They sat there for hours not saying a word.
"Well i gotta go. Its getting late." she said getting up to leave.
She went home and showered, ate, and went to bed. She laid in the bed thinking about how nice it was running into Derrick, after all he was her best friend in high school. Then she started thinking about how she ran into Shaun. She thought that if she had ever seen Shaun again that it might would have been awkward but it wasnt.
She and Shaun had dated when they were in high school and they decided to just be friends when she moved away. She thought about him a lot while she was away and seeing him again tonight just brought back all the old feelings she had for him. She finally drifted off to sleep.
The next morning there was a knock at the door. She got out of bed to answer the door. Standing at the door was Shaun. She invited him in and went and changed clothes. She came back into the living room and they sat on the couch.
"How did you sleep last night your first night back?" Shaun asked.
"It was alright...I forgot how quiet this town was at night." she said.
"Yeah its usually quiet around here." he said making small talk trying to get the courage up to talk aobut what he really came over for.
"So how are things with you today?" she asked.
"Alright." he replied.
They sat there in silence for a while. He looked over at her finally.
"Are you doing anything tonight?" he asked.
"No." she said.
"Why dont you go to dinner with me?" he asked.
"Or we can just have dinner here...I will cook." she suggested.
"Great." he said.


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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    Later the same night Shaun had came back over to Kimberlee's house. She invited him in and they sat on the couch talking about old times.
    "I have really missed you, Kimmy." Shaun said taking her hand.
    "I have missed you too." she said smiling at him.
    "Have you been seeing anyone lately?" he asked curiously.
    "" she replied.
    "Yeah but none of them have held a candle to you." he said.
    "Oh..." she said looking shocked.
    "What?" he asked noticing her shocked look.
    "All we did was fight when we were together." she said.
    "Yeah but we were kids....we could do it right this time." he said.
    "This time?" she asked.
    "Yeah. I mean we could pick things up where we left off." he said hoping she wanted to do the same.
    "I need to start supper." she said getting up from the couch.
    "Did i make you feel uncomfortable?" he asked.
    "No....its just ...." she trailed off.
    She started to go to the kitchen and he followed her. He grabbed her hand and she turned to him. He gently kissed her.
    "What was that for?" she asked.
    "I told you i wanted to start things up again." he said.
    "I didnt think you were serious." she said.
    He kissed her again this time she kissed back.


    Kimberlee made them cheesesteaks for dinner. They moved back to the couch where they started kissing more. After the make out session Shaun looked at her.
    "Does this mean we are going to give it another shot?" he asked.
    "I want to if you do." she replied.
    He kissed her again.
    "Well i guess i better go." he said.
    "Or you can stay if you want to." she said.
    He ended up staying the night.

    After weeks of hanging out and dating, she invited him back over to her house for dinner. She made them chilli con carne. After they finished eating and she cleaned up they watched a movie. They stepped outside and she turned to him.


    "I have a question for you." she said.
    "What is it?" he asked.
    "We have been getting along great, right?"
    "Yeah..." he replied.
    "Well we have been spending a lot of time together. Would you like to stay here?" she asked getting nervous.
    "Alright i can stay here tonight." he said.
    "I dont mean just tonight...i mean move in..." she said more nervous than she was before.
    "Are you sure?" he asked.
    "Yeah." she said.
    "Alright." he said.
    That following weekend they moved all his clothes over.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    After Shaun moved in with Kimberlee, their relationship seemed to be getting serious. They were hanging out all the time and spending just about every minute of the day together. Kimberlee started thinking about taking things to the next level with Shaun. Kimberlee sat next to Shaun on the couch.


    "Can i ask you a question?" she asked him.
    "Sure, what's up?" he replied.
    "I have been thinking a lot about us." she started.
    "Yeah this is what i was hoping it would serious attachments...just us having fun." he interrupted.
    "Oh...just having fun..." she repeated.
    "Yeah fun." he said.
    "So you dont think this is going anywhere?" she asked.
    "Does it have to be going somewhere? We cant just have fun like we are now?" he asked.
    "Yeah i guess so..." she said getting up from the couch.

    Later that day Kimberlee started feeling sick. She thought she was pregnant but wasnt sure and she didnt want to talk to Shaun aobut it after him saying they were just having fun.


    She ended up going to the hospital to find out. When she finished at the hospital she went home.

    She walked in the door and Shaun was in the kitchen. She went into the kitchen where he was.
    "Hey where have you been?" he asked.
    "I was...i..." she stuttered.
    He stopped what he was doing and looked at her.
    "What is it?" he asked concerned.
    "I havent been feeling well." she started.
    "Maybe you need to see a doctor." he suggested.
    "I did..." she replied.
    "Ok so what is wrong? Did they find something?" he asked.
    "Yeah...they found a baby..." she joked trying to lighten the blow.
    "Oh ok." he said.
    He turned back to the food he had on the counter that he was about to cook and then looked back at her.
    "They found a what?" he said like he didnt hear her right.
    "A baby..." she replied.
    "Thats what i thought you said." he said.
    He just stood there for a minute.
    "Can you finish this for me?" he asked.
    "Sure." she said.
    She finished up cooking lunch. He walked into the bathroom and threw cold water on his face and came back to the kitchen where she was. He stood there rubbing his neck.


    "You're pregnant..." he started to say then stopped.
    "Yes." she said looking at him.
    "I will be back in a while." he said heading for the door.
    He left. Kimberlee decided to go for a walk instead of being home alone.

    The next morning when Kimberlee woke up the bed next to her was still empty. She got up and went into the living room looking for Shaun, she hadnt seen him since he left after she told him she was pregnant. She went back into her room to change clothes. She opened her dresser and noticed that his clothes were gone.


    She grabbed her phone and called him but she didnt get an answer. She dialed again this time with tears coming to her eyes. Once again there was no answer.

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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    Days had passed and Kimberlee hadnt heard anything from Shaun. She was so upset she decided to call her friend, Derrick. She invited him over.
    As soon as he arrived she invited him in and started telling him about everything.


    "I told Shaun about me being pregnant and then he just took off. I woke up and his clothes were gone and everything." she started to cry.
    "I am so sorry Kim." he said hugging her.
    "What am i going to do? I cant do this by myself." she said.
    "Of course you can. You are strong enough to handle this alone." he said trying to cheer her up.
    "I just want to talk to him...see why he left." she said.
    "Well..." he hesistated, "You can go see him."
    "How i dont know where he is." she said.
    "I believe he is staying with the Wainwrights." he told her.
    He stayed with her for a while and comforted her and he finally left.

    A couple hours after Derrick left she went in labor. She had a beautiful little girl. She named her Allyson.
    She sat in the rocking chair with Allyson thinking about what Derrick had told her.


    'I could go over to where he is staying and talk to him but what if he wont talk to me...he did just take off without telling me.' she thought to herself.
    She got up and put Allyson in her swing and called the babysitter. She was going to go talk to him whether he liked it or not...he wasnt just going to leave her with his child and not tell her why.

    She pulled up to the Wainwright's house. She got out and rang the doorbell. Shaun answered the door and a shocked expression came across his face.
    "What are you doing here?" he asked.
    "I need to talk to you." she said.
    He invited her in the house.


    "I am just going to get straight to it. Why did you leave?" she said.
    "I just couldnt do it." he said.
    "Do what?" she asked.
    "Start a family. We were just having fun." he said.
    "Yeah and that fun led to the most amazing thing in my life. My daughter....your daughter...Allyson." she said stressing the your daughter part.
    "I dont want a family. I am not ready for a family." he said.
    "Thats fine but you could have told me instead of just leaving like that." she said.
    "How does a guy just come right out and tell the woman he got pregnant i am sorry but i dont want that?" he said sarcastically.
    "Its better than just taking off." she said.
    "Well i am sorry but i cant do this right now i have to be some where." he said.
    He left her standing there. She watched him walk out the door and then she left to go home.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    That same afternoon Shaun stopped by her house. He rang the doorbell. She stepped outside and invited him in but he refused to come in.
    "You dont want to meet your daughter, Ally?" she asked.
    "No I came over to talk to you." he said.
    They stood there for a minute in silence.
    "I told you i didnt want any serious attachments." he said.
    "What?" she asked.
    "I told you i didnt want any serious attachments and you told me later that day you were pregnant." he said getting angry.
    "Its not like i planned it. It just happened." she said.


    "You tried to get me to make a commitment like you did before you moved away." he said.
    "I am not trying to make you make a commitment or anything." she said defensively.
    "Yeah just like when we graduated and the day before you left you wanted to run away and get married but i told you then i dont do commitments and here we are again." he said getting louder.
    "I am not asking you to marry me this time. I was just telling you that you had a daughter. If you dont want any part of it fine but you could have been man enough to tell me. But instead you whimpped out and ran off. I had to find out from a friend where you were just so that i can find out that you dont want nothing to with Ally." she snarked back at him.
    "Ally?" he asked.
    "I cant believe you....Ally...your daughter." she said throwing her hands up in disbelief.
    "I cant do this with you or her...I think we are over." he said turning to head to his car.
    "You think..." she hollared back at him sarcastically.

    The next morning Derrick came by Kimberlee's house to see how she was doing after the talk they had the last time he saw her. She invited him in and they sat and talked for a while. He played with Ally for a while till she got sleepy then he put her in her crib.
    He came back into the living room and they started chatting.


    "Shaun said he didnt want anything to do with her." she said.
    "Why not? She is an amazing litte angel."
    "He said that he doesnt want any commitments." she replied rolling her eyes.
    "Well if that is the case you two will be better off without him then." he said.
    "Yeah i guess its his loss but i just worry about Ally when she grows up. I mean what kind of effect will this have on her?" she asked.
    "I am not sure. I would like to believe that as long as she has you she will turn out just as amazing as you." he said.
    "You think?" she asked.
    "Yeah and i will be there for you both." he said.
    She reached over and hugged him.


    "Thank you that means a lot." she said.
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    dizzyc8dizzyc8 Posts: 3
    edited September 2012
    Okay so your story is pretty good Im enjoying it =D
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    dizzyc8 wrote:
    Okay so your story is pretty good Im enjoying it =D

    thanks maybe it will get better as i go along
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    It was a couple days after Allyson's birthday, Kimberlee needed to get away for a a little bit so she called a babysitter and called Derrick and invited him out to eat with her.


    They walked into the diner and sat at the table across from each other. She sat there for a few minutes with a sad look on her face.

    "What's wrong?" he asked.

    "Its getting to be too much..." she said starting to tear up.

    "What is getting too much?" he asked concernly.

    "I dont think i can do this on my own anymore. I really wish Shaun was around to help." she said.

    Derrick got up and sat next to her at the table. He put his arm around her.

    "If Shaun doesnt want to be part of her life how much help do you think he would be if he was here?" Derrick asked.

    "I know but anything would help." she said laying her head on his shoulder.

    "How about i take her home with me tonight?" he suggested.

    "I cant ask you to do that." she said.

    "Why not? i love that little girl." he said.

    The waitress brought them their food and they sat there and ate in silence. When they finished eating Derrick got up and paid the bill and they went back to Kimberlee's house.


    Derrick looked at Kimberlee.

    "Can i take her home with me for the night and i will bring her back in the morning?" he asked.

    "Are you sure about this? She can be a handful." she said.

    "Yes." he said simply.

    Kimberlee went and got somethings together for Allyson and she helped Derrick to the car with her. Allyson stayed at Derrick's all night and Kimberlee finally got to get the rest she needed.
    The next morning Kimberlee missed Allyson so much she went over to Derrick's to get her.
    Derrick invited her in and she saw Allyson playing on the floor with a dollhouse. She went over to her and kissed her on the head. Kimberlee and Derrick sat on his couch and started talking.


    "She was awesome last night." he said.

    "Thats good and thank you." she replied.

    "Any time. If you ever need a break just call me. I will be glad to take her for the night. I told you I am here to help if you need it." he said.

    "She is getting so big and needs so much stuff. I think i might sell my parents house and move into something a little bigger." she said changing the subject a little.

    "Oh." he said not knowing what to say.

    "Yeah, I mean the house is great if you want to live alone but i mean for me and her there is just not enough space and i dont have the money to expand. I would have to wait till i sold the house to find another one so i could use that money to pay for a bigger one." she said.

    "Well you both can stay here while you look for another house." he said.

    "I can't put you out like that." she said.

    "But you have no where else to go and you can't sleep at the park or anywhere else with her." he said pointing at Allyson.

    "Are you sure? We might put a damper on your personal life a little bit." she said.

    "You are my personal life." he said jokingly.

    "Alright then. I guess we will take you up on your offer." she said.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    Trying to sell the house was harder than Kimberlee thought. Even though her parents bought the house after Kimberlee moved away, she had all these emotional ties to it. That was where she taught Allyson to talk and walk. She had someone coming over that afternoon to look at the house. Derrick had already came by and picked Allyson up so that she would not be there while Kimberlee tried to sell the house.

    The woman that wanted to buy the house had came and looked at the house and made an offer. Kimberlee was sitting on the couch thinking about the offer when Derrick pulled up to bring Allyson back. He sat Allyson on the floor and she went to the dollhouse he gave her immediately. He went over to where Kimberlee was.


    "Well?" he asked.

    "She made an offer." she said sadly.

    "Is it what you want?" he asked.

    "Its a little more than what i was asking for." she said.

    "Thats good. How fast does she want to move in?" he asked.

    "She asked if she could move in as soon as I accept it." she said.

    "Well that is good though. You said you needed a bigger house." he said.

    "Yeah I know but Ally learned to walk and talk here." she said starting to tear up.

    He reached over and pulled her to him into a hug.

    "It will be alright, I promise." he said.

    "Would you stay the night here and help me pack?" she asked.

    "Sure." he said not hesitating.

    Later that night Kimberlee had put Allyson to bed and they were taking a break from packing. They only had the living room left to pack. She flopped down on the couch and he sat next to her.

    "We can finish in here tomorrow." she said tiredly.

    "Sounds good to me." he said.

    "Thank you so much for helping and letting us stay with you till I find a house." she said appreciatively.

    "Its no big deal." he said.

    They sat there in silience for a while.

    "You know the last time I helped you pack you were leaving Sunset Valley." he said.

    "Oh my, that was a long time ago." she said.

    "Yeah it was. You know what though?" he asked.

    "What?" she asked.

    "I liked you a lot back then. I couldn't believe you were going to leave." he said.

    "Oh." she said not knowing what else to say.

    "Yeah you were amazing then and even more so now." he said getting up to start packing some more.

    "I don't know. I have really messed up a lot of things in my life." she said standing to pack more also.

    "How have you messed things up? You have a beautiful little girl who is growing up terrifically all because of her mother." he replied.

    "I always pick the losers. If i was so amazing my little girl would have a father but instead she has just me and mommy's friend." she said.

    "Yeah, that is true but at least she has you." he said.

    She stopped packing and looked at him. He was looking at her too.


    She leaned over and kissed him.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    A couple weeks had passed. Kimberlee accepted the woman's offer for the house. Kimberlee and Allyson had started staying with Derrick. Kimberlee had asked Derrick to help her look for a house but every house they looked at Derrick found something wrong with it.
    They walked into Derrick's house again after looking at another house. They both sat on the couch.


    "What was wrong with that one?" she asked almost irritated.

    "The room you said would be Allyson's just wasn't big enough. Is also had a fireplace and that just isn't safe for a toddler." he said.

    "It was fine. I could have had the fireplace removed and that would have opened up a little more room for her room." she said.

    "I am just trying to help." he said.

    "I have been here for weeks..." she said.

    "Yeah and its been nice. I mean we have gotten along great and things between us are starting to...." he trailed off.

    "Yes, I know. We have gotten along great and I also know that we are starting to date some but I can't depend on you for everything." she said.

    "Lets just try it out. I mean you stay here and we live together as a couple and if it doesnt work out then you can move out." he suggested.

    Kimberlee looked around and looked at Allyson playing on the floor.

    "Alright." she finally agreed.

    "Great." he said excitedly.

    He got up from the couch and picked up Allyson.


    "You hungry?" he asked.

    "Dada." she said.

    Derrick looked over at Kimberlee and then back at Allyson.

    "No sweetie, I am not your dada." he said.

    He took her to the kitchen and put her in the highchair with some baby food. When she finished eating Derrick put her in the crib so she could take a nap. He came back to the living room.


    "How are we going to explain to her I am not her father?" he asked.

    "Honestly I dont think she is old enough to actually understand it yet." Kimberlee said.

    "She needs to know I am not her father though." he said.

    "And everytime she calls you dada we will correct her." she said.

    "Alright." he said.

    Months had passed. Kimberlee was still dating Derrick and living with him. She couldn't remember being this happy. She had a great guy who really loved her and her daughter. They gave up on correcting Allyson everytime she called Derrick dada, afterall he was more of a father to her than her own.

    One night Derrick called a babysitter so he and Kimberlee could go out alone. They went to the bistro for a romantic, childless dinner. When they finished eating he looked at her and got on one knee.


    "I dont want you to answer right now, but will you marry me?" he asked.

    "Yes." she said without hesitating.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    The next morning, Kimberlee woke up and looked at her hand. She squealed with delightment. She remembered the night before when Derrick asked her to marry him. She sat on the side of the bed thinking about when she would want to have the wedding. She thought it would be nice to have a big lavish wedding but then again all she really wanted was to marry Derrick. At that moment she decided that she wanted a small private ceremony. She heard a noise in the hall and got up to see what it was. Standing there was Derrick.


    "How did you sleep last night?" he asked.
    "Wonderfully and you?" she said.
    "The same." he said.
    "I was thinking this morning about the wedding stuff." she started.
    "How big do you want it to be?" he asked.
    "Actually, I want a small private ceremony before Ally's birthday this weekend." she said.
    "Are you sure? I want you to have the wedding you really want." he said.
    "That is what i want." she said.
    "Alright then that is what you will have." he said kissing her on the cheek.
    "Thank you." she said.

    Kimberlee got Allyson out of the crib and started their morning routine of changing her diaper and clothes and feeding her. After Allyson was finished eating Kimberlee took her outside to ride on the spring rider. After Derrick was sure she was outside he picked up the phone and called to set up a baby sitter for the night.
    Later that night, the babysitter showed up and Derrick and Kimberlee went out to eat at the same bistro he proposed to her. They had dinner and dessert. When they came out of the bistro he looked at her.

    "You look beautiful." he said.
    "Thank you. You look nice too." she said.
    "Well, we had our first actual date here and I proposed to you here, its only right that we have our ceremony here." he said taking her hand.


    They had the private ceremony.
    They both went home and enjoyed the rest of the night playing with Allyson.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    The day after Allyson's birthday, she went up to Derrick.


    "Daddy, can i go to the park?" she asked.
    "What did your mother say?" he replied.
    "She's not here." she replied.
    "I dont know, Ally." he said.
    " room is clean. Pretty please....i just want to play on the swings." she pleaded.
    "Alright." he said hesitantly.
    "Thank you." she said hugging him.
    "Just be back by 4." he said as she was heading to the door.

    Allyson arrived at the park and started to go to the swings.

    "Allyson..." a voice called.
    She looked all around but didnt see anyone she knew so she kept walking. Someone tapped her on her shoulder.
    "Allyson." the voice said again.
    She turned around.


    "I am not suppose to talk to strangers." she said.
    "I am not a stranger." he said.
    "I dont know you and i have never seen you before." she said.
    "I know and that is my fault." he said.
    "Your fault....why? Who are you?" she asked.
    "I am Shaun...I am your father." he said.
    "No you arent. My father is Derrick." she said.
    "No i am." he said pulling out pictures.
    "How did you get pictures of me?" she asked.
    " A friend on mine who is also a friend of your mother gave them to me. She has been keeping me posted on things about you." he said.
    "Why havent you ever come around?" she asked.
    "I didnt think i was ready to be a father to you." he admitted shamefully.
    "I have to go." she said realizing it was going on 4.

    Allyson walked into the house.

    "I am home." she said heading straight to her room to think about everything that Shaun had said to her.
    It was time for supper and everyone was sitting at the table eating.


    "Mommy, who is Shaun?" Ally asked.
    "Who? What?" Kimberlee said choking on the bite she just took.
    "Shaun...he said he was my father." Ally said.

    Kimberlee and Derrick put their forks down and looked at Allyson.

    "Sweetie, Shaun is your real father. He left me when i found out i was pregnant with you. Derrick was my friend then. He stepped up and helped me out with you." she said.
    "So you arent my father?" Allyson asked looking at Derrick.
    "No i am not, but i wish i was. I love you like you are my daughter and i would give anything to be your father." he said.
    Allyson sat there in silence for a minute taking it all in.
    "Even though you arent my father can i still call you daddy?" Allyson asked.
    "If that will make you happy you can call me daddy or you can call me Derrick." he said.
    "I think its time you get ready for bed Ally." Kimberlee said.

    Allyson got up and went to take a bath. Kimberlee and Derrick
    cleaned up supper in silence. Allyson cam into the kitchen to hug her parents goodnight.

    "Goodnight mommy i love you." she said hugging Kimberlee.
    "I love you too sweetie." Kimberlee said hugging her back.
    Allyson went over to Derrick.
    "Goodnight i love you." she said hugging Derrick.
    "I love you too, Ally." he said hugging her back.

    Allyson started to head to her room then turned back around.

    "Can you come read to me?" she asked.
    "I will be there in a minute." Kimberlee said.
    "Not you mommy i want daddy to read to me." she said.
    "Of course." Derrick said smiling at her calling him daddy.

    The next morning Allyson and Derrick was sitting on the couch watching tv together.


    Kimberlee walked into the living room.

    "I have some news for you both." Kimberlee said.
    "What is it mommy?" Allyson asked.
    Derrick turned the tv off and looked at Kimberlee.
    "I am pregnant." Kimberlee said smiling.
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    tbluetblue Posts: 474 Member
    edited September 2012
    As time passed Kimberlee gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. She named the boy Jeffery and the girl Nicole. The twins were toddlers now. Allyson also hadnt heard anything from Shaun since the day at the park.

    Allyson came in from school and done her homework. She went over to Derrick, where he was playing with Nicole.


    "Daddy can you come play with me?" Allyson asked.
    "Can we play later, i am playing with Nicole right now." he replied.
    "Alright." she said heading outside to play by herself again.

    Allyson went over to the sand box and sat there. She started thinking about how Derrick seemed to be spending all his time with the twins since they were born. She was starting to wonder if he even loved her anymore, afterall she wasnt his and now he had his own kids.
    The back door opened and Kimberlee emerged taking the trash out. She put the trash in the can and turned around to see Allyson standing there.


    " scared me, sweetie." Kimberlee said.
    "Sorry mommy." Allyson said sadly.
    "What's wrong?" Kimberlee asked concerned.
    "Mommy, does daddy still love me?" Allyson asked.
    "Of course he loves you." Kimberlee said.
    "Then why doesnt he play with me anymore?" Allyson asked.
    "Its hard having three kids. You have to split your time with all three and try to make it equal time between all of them." Kimberlee said.
    "Well if its so hard having three you should not have had the twins." Allyson said pouting.
    "Allyson, that is not nice." Kimberlee scolded.

    Allyson ran to her room and flopped on her bed.
    Kimberlee went into the house and walked up to Derrick.


    "I think Allyson is feeling neglected by you." Kimberlee said.
    "Why?" he asked.
    "She just asked me if you still loved her." she said.
    "She did..." he said with his heart hitting the floor.
    "I think you should go talk to her. She is in her room." she said.

    Derrick knocked on Allyson's door.

    "Go away!" Allyson said.
    "I want to talk to you." he said opening the door.

    He walked over and sat on the side of her bed next to her. She still had her face buried into her pillow.

    "Ally, please look at me." he said rubbing her back.

    She sat up on her bed with her legs crossed.

    "I know you are having a hard time with the twins. I want you to know that i love you just as much as i love them." he said.
    "Then why dont you play with me or spend time with me anymore?" she asked with tears streaming down her face.
    "I spend time with you maybe not as much as before but i still spend time with you." he said.
    "You help me with my homework and then you go play with either Nicole or Jeffery." she said looking at her hands.

    Derrick sat there for a minute thinking about how much time he has spent with her. A knot formed in his stomach. He looked at her.

    "I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like i dont love you. I love you just as much as i love your brother and sister." he said hugging her tightly.
    "I love you too daddy." she said squeezing him just as tight as he was sqeezing her.
    "You are out of school tomorrow right?" he asked.
    "Yes sir." she said.
    "How about we leave the twins with your mom and me and you go spend the whole day together doing whatever you want tomorrow." he suggested.
    "Really..." she said excitedly.
    "Really. So you better get some sleep." he said tucking her in.
    "Daddy, you better get lots of rest are going to be busy tomorrow." she said smiling.
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