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Sims 3 Create A World custom content not showing in EIG, please help

I have downloaded "CAW Criquette's Airport from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 with Extras", "CAW Criquette's Ferry from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 with Cars" and "Road Signs for CAW with Ambitions" from Mod The Sims user Moria and the content is working in Create A World, as seen in the picture...
However, the content does not show in Edit In Game mode.

I have also downloaded "Twinbrook Objects in World Editor Catalog And Create-A-World" from Mod The Sims user GiLaNg and that has worked in CAW and EIG, so, I don't know what the problem is. :cry:

Any help would realy be appreciated, thanks


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    OuerbackerOuerbacker Posts: 301 New Member
    edited January 2012
    You need to put the CC packages file in both your caw files and in the normal location for package files. -edit- Just listen to Simsample ; she knows a lot more about CAW custom content than I probably ever will.

    -another edit- I should probably at least try to be helpful . I'm pretty sure your problem is due to how you don't have you sims 3 package file folder thing in the right spot . Instead of being in the ingame files it should actually be placed in the documents/ ea games, sims3 folder. You have something similar to this ,but unfortunately you have them placed in the wrong file. They should be placed in a folder named Mods .In this folder there should be 3 files : a file names packages, a cfg file named resources , and a txt file also named resources. The CC package files should all be dropped in the package folder. In the case your computer has none of these folders in it simply download this file, extract it, then put in it the document sims 3 folder.It should include all of the files that are needed to make packages work.

    Once it's there just put the cc airport package files in the package folder and hope they work.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
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    haroldcurryharoldcurry Posts: 189
    edited January 2012
    Not sure if I have done what you meant, Ouerbacker, but I have put all the files into the following:

    Program Files (x86), Electronic Arts, The Sims 3 Create A World Tool, Packages

    Program Files (x86), Electronic Arts, The Sims 3, Mods, Packages

    Documents, Electronic Arts, The Sims 3, Downloads

    I tried and it didn't work, this is what it looks like

    I am sorry for the inconvenience, I am not that good with custom content unless you install it through the game launcher.

    Thanks for the help
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    tjstreaktjstreak Posts: 808 Member
    edited January 2012
    For me, at least, after Generations was released, the package format files stopped working for CAW custom content. Before Generations, it worked. After Generations, it didn't.

    It took me a while to figure it out, but the CAW custom content could still be installed as Sims3packs and installed just fine if installed through the launcher.

    Just keep in mind that the whole package file thing is a kludge which has never been fully supported by EA. It's just that the people promoting the package format file don't want to tell you that things can also be installed through the launcher.

    You may have to convert the package files to sims3packs. The easy way to do this is to load the packages into TSR Workshop then export them as Sims3packs. Import the package file, then export it as a Sims3Pack -- it's really that simple.

    The package format may still work with others. I have noticed that Manustyle's New York has quite a few of my buildings and it seems to be working just fine. But the package format has worked for me, and once I figured out that my stuff could be installed as Sims3packs, I stopped messing with it.

    Now, I have not played with Criquette's airport or the other items you have mentioned. When it comes to airports, I have about 20,000 models to choose from (from Microsoft Flight Simulator). I am planning on converting a model of SEATAC and placing it in the distant terrain. For an in game object, I converted the terminal and the tower from Boeing Field into a CAW object:



    What I am suggesting here is that once you go to the dark side and start adding custom content items to your world, you are not limited to the items or the formats you find on Mod the Sims.

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    simsamplesimsample Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2012
    I have downloaded "CAW Criquette's Airport from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 with Extras", "CAW Criquette's Ferry from Sims 2 converted to Sims 3 with Cars" and "Road Signs for CAW with Ambitions" from Mod The Sims user Moria and the content is working in Create A World, However, the content does not show in Edit In Game mode.

    This is because Moria did not mod the OBJD to show the item up as a Landmark, therefore it won't show in-game in the World editor (or in EIG mode).

    You'll need to mod them according to this tutorial to have them show in both EIG and CAW. For future notice, if you ask in the thread where you downloaded the items then the creator can answer you himself.

    @tjstreak: The package file installation is supported by EA, since patch 1.12. They updated the game to bypass assembly signing verification so we no longer have to 'kludge' it. You can now install packages in the user data folder.

    And just for the record, it would have made no difference to the original poster whetheer the objects were installed as Sims3Packs or packages- they won't show up in EIG either way.
    I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
    My Worlds
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    tjstreaktjstreak Posts: 808 Member
    edited January 2012
    simsample wrote:
    The package file installation is supported by EA, since patch 1.12. They updated the game to bypass assembly signing verification so we no longer have to 'kludge' it. You can now install packages in the user data folder.

    And just for the record, it would have made no difference to the original poster whetheer the objects were installed as Sims3Packs or packages- they won't show up in EIG either way.

    I wasn't aware that Moria had not enabled this for CAW. Since I can make my own airports and aircraft, I have never used hers. Ditto her ocean liner.

    I am aware of the fix for package files that was done, and I have not had problems with package items showing up as regular items. Where I have had the problems is with package files placed in the CAW/package folder. As I posted, this worked just fine prior to Generations for placing items in CAW, after Generations it did not work anymore. So I converted everything to Sim3packs, and did not worry about it any more.
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    simsamplesimsample Posts: 987 Member
    edited January 2012
    Ah, I see- you mean the CAW package file install, I thought you were referring to in-game mods. My apologies.

    I have package files working just fine with CAW, I have many items I've created myself or else modded myself to show in CAW.

    However, as with in-game files, it's possible that there might be a limit to how many packages can be read. You could try altering your resource.cfg to accept .dbc files, and try putting your DCCache files in there as a test- that would confirm this- however if you have it working just fine with CAW reading the DCCache, there's no point, really.

    Are you using TSR Workshop to make your files?

    BTW, I think Moria is a 'he'.
    I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
    My Worlds
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    tjstreaktjstreak Posts: 808 Member
    edited January 2012
    simsample wrote:
    Are you using TSR Workshop to make your files?

    Yes. I am trying to keep it as simple as possible. Lately, I have been converting a lot of the buildings from Microsoft Flight Simulator and X-Plane. These are usually pretty simple buildings. There are also thousands of them.

    X-Planes terms of use are pretty simple -- use what you want. Microsoft has really lost interest in Flight Simulator, as they are planning on releasing Flight later this year.

    I use a free program, Model Converter, developed by the flightsim community and can be found here: This program converts between a number of different formats including FSX's bgl and mdl formats, X-Planes .obj format, and even Collada files (Google Earth). With respect to Google earth, it will reduce the number of drawcalls, but not enough to be useful with the Sims. I typically convert into a .3ds file.

    Once I have the .3ds file, I use Milkshape to convert it into a .wso file. Before converting, you need to rotate the model 90 degrees along the Y and Z axis -- upper right window, and center it. From there, it can imported it into TSR workshop.

    With respect to the texture files, those typcially reside in a different folder in Flight Simulator. Model Converter will tell you which files you need. They can then be loaded into Photoshop and flipped along the verical axis and then saved.

    Just about everything I make is cloned from one of Manustyles first effots. I think he cloned some sort of plant. As a practical matter, I typically just clone the building I made before the current project.

    All in all, it takes me about 15 to 30 minutes to do a simple conversion. I just wish more people were doing it so the library of available buildings could be increased.
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    Someone gives me more INFO ON THIS , I wanna take this project
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