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Too Much Color, Too Little Time: A Rainbowcy -Chapter Eighty Six: La Luna Nueva; Jan. 13th-


Dearest readers, lurkers, etc,
Fourth thread.
This is just spiffy, ain’t it? -_-
Honestly, I’m hoping this is the last thread.
In case you’re wondering, the first thread was lost due to post glitches.
The second thread was deleted.
Then, the third thread also had a lot of glitches… Like, a lot. O_O
So, I’m making this fourth thread.
Hopefully, this is the last one.
And also... please don't clog my thread. My thread is exactly that - a thread for this story. So, while I do not mind idle chatter, please keep it down... as this thread is prone to that. :o
This has all the same information as the previous ones, just a few changes on the layout.
Oh, and different “read me”. :D
Please know I am NOT trying to span. Simply have a working thread. ):
-Skip45 (A.K.A. skippeh!)

Hello there, person of the interwebs! Welcome to my humble thread. <3 (Please, don't stare too long at the dino's - it makes them uneasy... But I love them dino's all the same. <3)
These rainbowcies (or just a colorful legacy [ok, and one legacy] in the case of one of them) are what I read and creep upon. These people are all wonderful writers, and they never fail to amaze me. Seriously, they are what inspire me:
1. berrypie27's - Splash of Color
2. altheaquin's - Noir Nights
3. friendliellama's - Different
4. Rusteh's - Melted Rainbow's
5. Shannachka's - Just A Touch Of Stardust
6. Frugalmay's - Equinox
7. Cooklez's - Immortality of the Rainbow
8. Shogunfish's - Shattered Light
9. WriterGurl197's - The Rainbow Connection
10. NightlockFallen's - Until My Color Fades Away
11. TheUsernameFound's - Colors of Amour
12. MelodicSpike's - Fate Always Loses Hold

So, with all of this in mind, I decided to hop on the colorful wagon and make one of my own. I hope to not disapoint! :)
Oh, and I'd like to thank Cooklez for the name! And she made the siggy and edits the other pictures, because she is just too dang awesome. Love ya, darlin'. :)


~One Year: Photo Session~

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Enjoy the thread and all it has to offer. <3
Please do not be shy to comment - I do not bite... At least not hard. ;)


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