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The Story of Jessica Matthews and Jon Lessen ...and a question so I can continue

Here is a brief outline of what’s been happening in my Riverview. I finally decided I had “learned” enough about the mechanics to start a character that I wanted to actually invest time and interest into, thus Jessica Matthews was created. She is a friendly young lady who is artistic and neat as a pin. She craves to become a very lucrative author but understands that one must work hard to achieve such dreams.

Day One.

She moved into a quaint furnished one bedroom and spent just a little to add a small wall and door so she has a separate study. Then she painstakingly refinished and reupholstered everything to her taste. Happy with the general look of her new home she headed downtown to the art museum to see the local collections. While she was there she noticed a handsome guitar player with long hair and danced for awhile to get his attention. After a long morning of talking things lead to flirting, his name was Jon Lessen. Alas she was getting hungry so she excused herself with promises to call and hurried home to fix herself a quick meal of bread and jam. After satisfying all her basic needs she lit the fire in the fire place and set up her easel to paint. She was so absorbed by her painting that she didn’t even notice with her pant leg caught on fire. Her shirt had ignited before she had the presence of mind to run outside. She hopped around and watched the fireman save her new home only to perish before he could save her.

End Day One.

Ok. I admit that was bummer but all I could do was laugh and laugh and laugh as I watched her die. Figures the first Sim I actually want to play this happens too. But I roll with it.

Jessica Matthews – Take two.

So I decided just to move a copy from the Sim library right back into the same house! Quietly she picked up the grave of her.. um… former self and took it to the graveyard and placed it. Now she was free to go find Jon Lessen and see if this version of her had the same success.

Jessica finds Jon downtown again at the Art Museum and strikes up a conversation. This time the flirting comes on faster than the first time and she gets her first kiss before having to head home. For the next week she frequently chats with Jon on the phone when she takes breaks from her writing and painting. Finally he comes over and she decides to be forward and ask him to stay the night.

The next night I switch to play the Lessen household and find Jon reading on a bench in the cemetery. He doesn’t have to go to work that night so I have him set up his guitar case for tips and start playing. Well let me tell you .. the dead tip really well! He plays all night (with a little motive help because I wanted to see if the original Jessica would show up, she didn’t). I do notice I can introduce myself to various ghosts that have come out to dance and party.

So time goes on and Jon plays nights at the cemetery when he’s not working. By now he’s asked Jessica over several times and have started going steady. Then one night he sees a ghost that is the spitting image of the woman he wants to marry. The very next day he proposes to Jessica as the realization he could lose her at any moment was hit home the night before.

So… Now I have Jon and the living Jessica engaged but Jon still plays at the graveyard on his non work nights. I noticed when the original Jessica Matthews hops out of her grave I can’t interact with her like I can the other ghosts. I was really hoping to have a relationship build between her and Jon but don’t know how to do it. I don’t necessarily want her playable, but would love to be able to introduce him to her and talk etc like he can with the other ghosts. Does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this?


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    DascorpionDascorpion Posts: 91 Member
    edited June 2009
    Sorry I can't answer your question, but this is totally awesome! I hope you can continue on the updates with this. Lol.
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    ravinhoodravinhood Posts: 363 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Me too. ;)
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    lmsmbulfroglmsmbulfrog Posts: 793 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Thanks :) .. who knows I might continue it. I'm just hoping to figure out a way to make the ghost I want Jon to talk with to interact with him. Even if I can't I have thought of a few ways to continue the story.

    Who knows...
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    MissVeraMissVera Posts: 449 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My best guess is that the ghost Jessica is not clickable due to a glitch caused by some confusion of the clone Jessica being in the neighbourhood.
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    RaspberriesRaspberries Posts: 168 Member
    edited June 2009
    Unfortunately, I cannot help you, since I haven't really messed around with the ghosts that much. I just wanted to say that this is an amazing story, and when I finally sit down and really make "the one sim" that I want to play, I can only hope something as cool as this happens.
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    lmsmbulfroglmsmbulfrog Posts: 793 New Member
    edited June 2009
    MissVera wrote:
    My best guess is that the ghost Jessica is not clickable due to a glitch caused by some confusion of the clone Jessica being in the neighbourhood.

    Yeah I kind of figure it might be too. Will be a shame but I'm coming up with alternate lines for the story if that turns out to be true.
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    BigBadMushroomBigBadMushroom Posts: 730 New Member
    edited June 2009
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    scarletraven28scarletraven28 Posts: 590 Member
    edited June 2009
    This might require a bot of cheating but bear with me: the only way you can manipulate her is to have her grave at jons house.. once the grave is there and she comes out to haunt, you build a relationship, get him to love her, the science lab will phone you up asking if you want to reanimate your loved one for a fee $5,000 (thats where a cheat will come in)

    Now, with that said, once she is reanimated, you can choose to send her back to the netherworld to haunt again by simply clicking on her grave witch will be in her inventory after the procedure. Which means she goes back to haunting BUT has feelings for jon.

    I know you said you dont want her playable but if you want your story to continue on, you will have to do just that ( I done a similar story but my girl fell in love with a ghost and worked hard to bring him to life, she made him ambrosia and now h e is living and they are married, lovely tale.

    I like yours btw!
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    lmsmbulfroglmsmbulfrog Posts: 793 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I may try that. No I didn't particularly want her playable.. but I don't necessarily mind it either. Part of your suggestion was where I was thinking of taking the story line anyways. Thanks for the reply.

    I guess I have a mission to accomplish this weekend then.
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    scarletraven28scarletraven28 Posts: 590 Member
    edited June 2009
    I may try that. No I didn't particularly want her playable.. but I don't necessarily mind it either. Part of your suggestion was where I was thinking of taking the story line anyways. Thanks for the reply.

    I guess I have a mission to accomplish this weekend then.

    Yeah, it took me a full 2 days to get all of the gardening, cooking and fishing skills up to get the main ingredients to make it... but its so adorable the lengths she went to for him, I'm gong to be putting their story up once i upload all of the shots i took.
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    lmsmbulfroglmsmbulfrog Posts: 793 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I'll have to look for yours!

    I kind of fell into my story so I wasn't taking pictures. I'm thinking of going back and trying to get a few to catch up with and then continue as I go.
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