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supernatural103 Member


  • Chapter 10 posted Monday! Chapter 11 now posted!
  • @CathyTea In some aspects, I definitely think his attention towards me is heightened. He can read my body language so well, and knows when I want him to stick close to me, and when it's okay for him to wander around. On the other hand, he's still really puppy-ish, so his attention span and focus can be very fleeting! :lol:…
  • Just got back from training class with my pup, and we've passed Level 4! Only Level 5 left! :D This one took us ages to complete, it was a difficult one! To pass, Dex had to -be cued to go lay on his mat & stay there for 2 minutes while I walk a circle around him -sit & wait as I open and step through a door before being…
  • Gotcha! Lol, I could not stand working with a bunch of kids. Kids drive me nuts. We have so many people who will leave their kids up in the front lobby area while they go into the exam room with their pet.
  • Always blame the meds! :lol: Aren't antibiotics supposed to be taken daily? Or is it different for people than it is for dogs/cats?
  • I work at a vet clinic, as an assistant. Basically, I'm in charge of keeping the clinic running. :lol: I keep things clean, help restrain animals so my techs can give vaccines/treatments/etc. I also answer the phones when my receptionists get too busy, take care of in-hospital patients, and any animal boarding with us.
  • Oh, that's no fun! Drives me nuts when customers yell at my receptionists. Like, they're just doing their jobs. I'm sorry you thought it was okay to be 20 minutes late for your 30 minute appointment. Or decide you need to leave 15 minutes into your appointment so you can go to your dinner reservations. Nobody made you…
  • Thanks! I'll go bookmark them. :smile: Thanks!
  • Could you post links to your stories for me? I'm on mobile, and it's a pain to hunt them down. :weary: But I'd love to give them a read!
  • Yeah, it can be difficult to experience, especially if you're not trained to deal with those kinds of things. We have another GSD that comes to our clinic, who also boards with us, that has recently gotten aggressive with everyone but me. For whatever reason, this dog loves me. The techs and vets have ended up having to…
  • Oh, cool! I have get to get into Pinterest, but my younger sister's on it all the time. Makes me feel old (even though I'm in my early 20's lol).
  • Hi @Bugsie2016 ! It's going good for me - busy day ahead. I have a training class with my pup, have to get my critters cages cleaned, then go to work. How about you?
  • Poor boy. I always feel so bad for the dogs (and cats) who get so scared they become aggressive with us. Never easy for us, or the owners! At my clinic, we almost always ask owners to step out of the room when we do the treatments for cats. The owners usually get stressed watching their cats have to be held and poked,…
  • Anyone have any sims/simselves on the gallery I could use for a couple images in my story? Need 4 sims total, but may be able to use more in the background...
  • I just got home from work, where I spent 3+ hours holding a German Shepard still so my techs could clean up his skin (he has wounds all over). So exhausted, and covered in blood, and ready for a nap. :tired_face: Now I get to work on my next chapter!
  • Chapter 9 is now posted!
  • I kinda tried that, but realized I had the same 4 background sims in each shot. :lol: Didn't even think of using clubs! I'll give that a go. Hopefully they won't all go on strike this time. XD Thanks you two!
  • Any tips for getting screenshots of sims at a party? I'm trying to get pics of my sims at a formal event, with lots of sims milling about in formal attire. I used the teleport mod to summon sims into the room, used MCCC to get them into the clothes I wanted, made sure autonomy was off (it was), and as soon as I pressed…
  • Table of Contents: Prolog Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21
  • I work at a vet clinic, and our dryer broke (smells like somethings burning anytime you run it, dryer guy won't be out until tomorrow). So, being the awesome assistant I am, I washed several loads, and am now sitting at a laundromat watching a ton of towels and blankets dry. :lol: This is thrilling. Anyone have any stories…
  • @Morningstar That's super exciting! I know when I finally get my own house, it needs to have a big yard for my pup. And an extra room that I can set up for my birds. :lol: Can you send me the link to your story? I fell way behind (work got insane), and can't find the link anymore. :disappointed: Also, if you're looking for…
  • It's been almost a month since I've been here, worked on my story, or even opened up TS4. Life's gotten so busy! Plus, Red Dead Redemption 2's taking up all of my spare time (anyone else play?). My new-years resolution is to write more! So I've posted Chapter 6 of FIS. How has everyone been? Anyone have any New Years…
  • @Sourocha Right!? I always find that inspiration strikes at the most random, inconvenient times. Like today at work, while restraining a fractious cat. Probably the worst time I could think of a scene for my story, but there it was. And of course, I now can't remember anything about it. :angry: I did think of how to…
  • Congrats! is my best friend when it comes to writing! :lol: Definitely easier in my mind, too! I have so many ideas, but when I actually sit down to write I just can't seem to get them out right, or they all disappear. The struggle!
  • @painted_dreams87 Thanks for letting us know about the Get Famous sale!! I was planning on waiting until after Christmas to get it, but was able to get it now because of the sale. I've just posted the next chapter of Futility In Survival! Chapter 5. It's been a struggle getting it finished. Dexter's been super needy today,…
  • I use to love Lego games when I was a kid! I just played the demos at game stores because my family couldn't afford them, but the demos were so much fun! I'm sure they appreciate you taking the time to help them play. :smile:
  • Finally playing the sims again after several weeks away from it (was busy settling my new pup into a routine), and am having a blast! I updated my game, and am loving the terrain tool. I haven't updated any of my mods, so I'm playing vanilla right now, and still really enjoy it. I wasn't able to get a chapter posted this…
  • @Shadami Looks like your kids did a great job! And that house looks awesome so far (my S3 building skills are awful...). So cool that you're including your kids!
  • I have Pokemon go on my phone, too. It just doesn't always work too well (GPS on my phone doesn't work great). :smile:
  • Anyone into pokemon? I just got Pokemon: Let's Go Pikachu, and love it! I'm having such a blast. Currently charging my switch so I can play some more. :lol: The downside, I have to wait to get Get Famous (trying to be responsible with my money, so Get Famous is going on my christmas list lol). How're ya'll who got it…

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