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Ancient Bloodline Legacy Challenge (Realm of Magic)


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    Umelan0588Umelan0588 Posts: 1 New Member
    I'm trying out this challenge! I post on my progress on Twitter :smiley: @Umelan0588
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Back in the swing of things after a break to play some Discover University. I'll be posting more the next week or so during Christmas break. My goal is to complete the challenge by the end of the year. Last time we left Galinda just pregnant with Father Winter's baby on the evening of Winterfest. It didn't take long for Galinda to carry the baby to term and she made her way to the hospital to give birth.

    Apparently, its perfectly safe to ride around a broom even when going into labor...

    With that Xavier is born now strengthening the Blackwell Bloodline furthering its legacy. This marks the challenge being 2/3 complete with a baby born with the Strong Bloodline trait. Now lets see how he looks like as he grows up!
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Time passed quickly and in a few days Xavier aged into a toddler bringing chaos back into the Blackwell family.


    He's a bit of the black sheep of the family (like Marilyn from the Munsters) inheriting Clement Frost's blonde hair but he did keep the Blackwell family's violet eyes.


    The real work began as all three family members worked on training Xavier into a top notch toddler. Having 3 adults in the house made this a breeze as they would either work together to train or tag team focusing their efforts on the toddler.


    Not to say that Xavier didn't into his share of trouble (which was fine since this allowed Galinda to work through her parenting aspiration)


    Eventually the family did take the traditional toddler trip into the Magic Realm where Xavier was able to meet the Sages along with other spellcasters in the realm.


    Damian, while in the Magic Realm, also met up and trained Father Winter who was wandering around there randomly now that he has been ascended into a spell caster.


    Finally Xavier's birthday came aound and he aged up into childhood with the top-notch toddler trait as all his toddler skills were maxed out with ease considering the help.

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    BethanyelizabethBethanyelizabeth Posts: 28 Member
    I am loving following this. Please keep it going.
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Now that Xavier was aged up, work began on raising him into a prodigal child with the family chipping in to help with homework and such. The goal was to knock out all 4 childhood aspiration before aging into a teenager which shouldn't be too hard since Galinda was able to achieve this when she was a child.


    The whole family was basically free to help out with Xavier since none of them have jobs and not a lot of to do as they've maxed out many skills and completed multiple aspirations.


    During this time, L. Faba did start a new club that included all the sages past and present. Their first meeting was at one of the sages places but subsequent meeting were at the Magic Realm to practice all things spellcaster.

    Clement Frost aka Father Winter also kept asking Galinda out on dates and she finally relented just so she can give him the "let's just be friends" speech as she is not one to be bothered by relationships being the lone wolf that she is. Cat Lover and Lone Wolf is the makings of a crazy cat lad...err witch.


    Nothing much more to be said as Xavier was able to finish up his 4 aspirations with a couple of days to spare before his birthday plus he began to work on his character value traits. So a small birthday party was held with the family and Xavier aged up into a teen.


    Yup definitely looks a lot like his father and the black err blond sheep of the family. Now as a teen, Xavier can start working toward his spellcasting along with character value traits. Things are definitely starting to speed up!

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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    If you haven't had the chance yet, check out @Smanning Ancient Bloodline Challenge with the Spellman legacy on her youtube channel! So far she has 3 videos out with the first 2 being playthroughs and the last being a short compilation of her playtime as the legacy challenge shifted from the 1st (Lucas) to 2nd (Phoebe) generation of the family.

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    Glimmer50Glimmer50 Posts: 2,365 Member
    Awesome story. Really enjoying it.
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Xavier was quickly picking up his spellcasting abilities with first scouring the Blackwell's libraries which has numerous spells and alchemist recipes for him to learn. The library probably has a couple of dozen spellcaster books that have been purchased (or found) in the Magic Realm.


    That, along with the training from the rest of the family, allowed him to start to plow through the spellcaster aspirations at a rapid pace.


    And as they say: "A family that brews together, stays together." Four spellcasters brewing potions together makes for some speedy potions and almost always at excellent quality.


    Although mistakes were made uncommon occurrence for some time until new aspirant came into the picture to muck things up again.


    Xavier also being eager to achieve virtuoso rank led to him dueling spellcasters probably sooner than he probably should have as he probably did lost a half dozen duels before he was able to defeat three.


    Xavier also did play the field a little much like his grandfather, Damian, as he first developed a school crush with a mundane teen, Lori Keye, whom he went to High School with. Seems Xavier was living up to his reputation as the black sheep of the family consorting with a mudblood....the scandal!


    And around the same time also had a fling with one of the other residents of Glimmerbrook, Gemma Charm, whom are another strong spellcaster bloodline and unofficial rival to the Blackwell family.


    Eventually, Xavier was able to become a virtuoso spellcaster and knock out both aspiration while a teen along with being in range of all 5 character value traits so there is nothing else for him to do but to wait and have a large birthday bash becoming an adult!


    The end is near as Xavier is now an adult and ready to bring about the final generation to the challenge pushing the Blackwell legacy into an ancient bloodline!

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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    The path for Xavier was clear now that he was an adult. Already a virtuoso spellcaster who reached his full potential meant he was ready to find a potential partner to carry on the Blackwell legacy. There was his old high school crush, Lori Keye, but she was a normal mortal and would need to be ascended into a spellcaster. Then there is Gemma Charm, his spellcaster flame, but the Charm legacy was already a strong bloodline of spellcasters. The mingling of two spellcaster bloodlines would lead to complications since it no longer be a pure Blackwell bloodline but the Charms as well. So a third option was chosen and enter in Grace Anansi, an aspiring acolyte spellcaster living in Glimmerbrook.


    Their romance was hot and things moved fast between the two. You'll also notice that Xavier has grown at a beard as well father, like son (plus it covers up his fathers inherited chin or lack of thereof).


    With Xavier proposing to Grace on their first date (which she said yes) they were moving forward at a rapid pace.


    The wedding quickly followed between the two.


    Vows were exchanged in the same chapel were Damian and L. were married with a variety of spellcasters in attendance.


    Grace moved into the Blackwell estate after the ceremony and began to accelerate her own training as a spellcaster. She received more training as a member of a family in a few days than she would have gotten normally.


    With this also came some good news that Grace was pregnant with Xavier's child. The final line of the Blackwell legacy!


    With a fertile reward trait that Xavier bought and a fertility massage for Grace (most of the Blackwell family were wellness masters) there was high hopes that there would be twins to fill the household to 8.
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    SupremeWarlockSupremeWarlock Posts: 4 New Member
    So I came into this a bit late and am try this in hardmode. I really enjoyed reading your sims' journey. However, I'm confused by how none of you sims died or aged into elders. Did you use the rejuvenate potion? Or the immortality one?
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    I used the Potion of Rejuvenation to reset their current age. The Potion of Immortality just stops elders dieing from old age. Mind you, using a potion to stop aging is completely optional and you can let your spellcasters age normally if you want to feel normal aging progression. After some time, you will find that your original Sim will not have much to do especially if you are using Potion of Plentiful Needs to give your sim very little downtime.
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    SupremeWarlockSupremeWarlock Posts: 4 New Member
    Also another question does the no job rule i(f playing hard mode) apply to all generations/ partners or just the founder?
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    SupremeWarlockSupremeWarlock Posts: 4 New Member
    What season length did you use? Sorry for all the questions just making sure I get the challenges right.
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    For hard mode, the no job rule applied to every generation. The idea being that mastering magic is a full time job. TBH, a job is not needed as you'll find it easier and easier to get money as time passes. Once you finish the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration money will become irrelevant.The only issue I found with no jobs is there are certain aspirations I could not complete if they have a career requirement.

    I believe I had seasons set to the normal default level (1 week per season) but how you set up seasons is entirely up to you.
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    smurfy77smurfy77 Posts: 1,250 Member
    edited February 2020
    I can't wait to find out what they had! Was it twins?? You're whole story has been exciting and inspiring to read!
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Grace's pregnancy continued on uneventfully. She was so big while pregnant that I was thinking it had to be twin (even though I know that makes no difference heh). Beyond being pregnant she also worked on mastering her spellcasting with the goal of obtaining the virtuoso rank.

    When the time came finally, Grace went to the hospital dragging Xavier along for the ride who like every other soon-to-be father panicked and was utterly useless.

    As predicted twins were born! And as luck would have it, one boy and one girl named Alexander and Alexandra. While they would have the ancient bloodline trait, the challenge would only be complete when both of twins have mastered magic.

    Grace continued her training and finally completed the Spellcraft & Sorcery and Purveyor of Potions Aspirations. Funny enough in this pic Grace isn't dueling L. Faba but a duplicate named Emilie Faba. She was created randomly at some point during a club gathering when L. Faba casted the spell autonomously on a whim. I finally had turn off "spellcastering" as club trait to do as club members would do things like casting Duplicate or set things on fire all around them.

    It felt like the infants took forever to age up as I was just waiting around for this and I finally just aged them up after a day without waiting for their birthday notification. At this point you can tell that Alexander took after more of his mother, Grace, with the darker skin tone and such. While Alexandra took after Xavier more blond hair and all. I have a feeling this difference will be even more apparent as they become adults.

    It was now time for the family to chip into the effort. With 5 adults in the household it was easy to have the children continuously taught speeding up them maxing their toddler skills. The only bottleneck that slowed this down was toddlers needed sleep as such.

    Birthday's rolled around with both toddlers maxed out their skills as top-notch toddler. As it was tradition, the toddlers were taken to the Magic Realm with their birthday celebrated there.

    Now time to work on them childhood aspirations! This will be a little faster but children still can't use potion so their will be downtime as they need to eat and sleep.
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    PsionicGingerPsionicGinger Posts: 1 New Member
    I started this challenge a few days ago and it has been super fun! One thing I decided to added was the other Sims of the generation that aren't the heir apparent have to ask for the Rite of Dissolution once the heir comes into thier full power. I also accidentally made a vampire/spellcaster hybrid in doing this challenge haha
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    smurfy77smurfy77 Posts: 1,250 Member
    I started this challenge with one of my fave sims, she made it to Virtuoso, married Paolo Rocca who had to quit his job bc it wasn't a work from home. They sell paintings and she's a freelance painter. Before they married she turned him into a witch. I'm making them wait for kids til he's a Virtuoso too. It's been so fun!
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Glad you all are enjoying the challenge so far. Feel free to link any play-through or even share some screenshot.
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    smurfy77smurfy77 Posts: 1,250 Member
    Glad you all are enjoying the challenge so far. Feel free to link any play-through or even share some screenshot.

    Can't wait to see more of yours!
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Now as children, the twins worked on their childhood aspiration. Unfortunately, I was so focused on playing the game and working on their aspiration that I didn't capture many childhood screenshots of the two. But time did pass, Winterfest was celebrated with a full house now at the Blackwell Estate and both of the twins were able to finish up all 4 of the childhood aspirations before their birthday (with 1 day to go).

    Their birthdays were held with the Blackwell family and both of the twins were aged up into teens. This means I am at the last leg of the challenge as all they needed to do was "unlock their full potential" as spellcasters.

    As I mentioned in a previous post, I thought the twins looks were strikingly different but its really a blend of both parents. While I see Grace in Alexander, he did inherent many of Xavier (and the Blackwell's) facial feature including Galinda's red-ish eyes. Alexandra took after her father with the blond hair but had more of Grace's facial features including her mom's freckles. Its hard to imagine that the two are siblings but you can see it if you look hard enough.

    The twins, now spellcasters, began their work immediately hitting the Blackwell library. I was really starting to notice the benefits of the Ancient Bloodline trait with the increase of xp and talent points. They were rapidly progressing through training in their teens especially since the family could provide nonstop training for the two.

    In a blink of an eye, the two were basically done with their Spellcraft and Sorcery aspiration with the only other breaks they got was going into the Magic Realm to duel other casters and pick up a few missing spells from the sages.

    The Purveyor of Potions aspiration was done in less than a day in game as the only thing they needed to do craft several potions each since they had the virtuoso rank already along with pretty much all the recipes from their library. Even that it was quick as with four spellcasters around the cauldron potions were crafted in no time as I said earlier "A family that brews together, stays together."

    With that they were done! Both aspirations knocked out in no time. The challenge was complete! Four generations of spellcasters with the final generation having the Ancient Bloodline trait!

    I will share my final thoughts in a separate post along with a surprise or two that happened at the end of the play through along with head shots of the entire Blackwell family. If people are interested I can share the family in the Gallery as well.
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Overall, I think this is a nice and relatively short legacy challenge for anyone to try since its only 4 generations and spellcasters makes things simpler overall. All in all, I had fun albeit things being relatively easy (despite going "hardmode") and the play started to get a little tedious toward the end in some aspects. Spellcasting makes the Sims 4 inherently easier as you can bypass many of the Sims core mechanics with just few spells and potions. So momentum was quick which is common in legacy plays from what I have seen was achieved in the game very early on. By generation 2, money was not an issue. By generation 3, older sims like Damian had little do but train others since he has mastered most skills and many aspirations.

    Now for the surprises, during the end of the game I forgot I had risky woohoo turned on (from MCCC) and surprise, surprise....

    Oops lol....Alexander was a father from messing around with one of his classmates, Luna Villareal and I had no clue until she showed up a couple of days later about to burst. Not only was this an unexpected teen pregnancy but with a filthy mudblood no less! Now this was scandal! L. Faba, being the matriarch of the family, was not about have the Blackwell legacy sulliedand immediately performed the Rite of Ascension on Luna.

    Technically this would make for the fifth generation of Blackwells as it welcomed Kent as a spellcaster into the bloodline. I have no plans of playing through this any further but I thought it was an amusing things that happened wrapping up this challenge/let's play.
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    darkchadmeisterdarkchadmeister Posts: 62 Member
    Here is the line-up of the Blackwell Legacy

    Damian Blackwell, founder

    L. Faba, founding matriarch

    Galinda Blackwell, second generation (daughter of Damian and L. Faba)

    Xavier Blackwell, third generation (son of Galinda and Clement Frost aka Father Winter)

    Grace Anansi, wife to Xavier

    Alexander Blackwell, fourth generation (son of Xavier and Grace)

    Alexandra Blackwell, fourth generation (daughter of Xavier and Grace)

    Mayor Whisker, familiar
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    LMage95LMage95 Posts: 1 New Member
    I am also giving this one a stab! Check it out at

    My founder, Tristan Aster


    Suggestion: To counterbalance the amenities available at Magic HQ, have it be that you can only use them to reduce your needs if you pay your keep? Give one of the Sages a rare ingredient as a gift or train a less knowledgeable spellcaster for a few hours?
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