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I love genetics!


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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    Although I prefer to wait until kids are teens to have a look to see how the genetics are working out, I visited Rowan (grandson of Jordan and Clifford) and Josh's house just because ;) They have a son, Stacey and a daughter, Michele.
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited May 2017
    The study of genetics and what traits and features are passed down is exceedingly interesting. When I play a Legacy (note I said "Legacy" and not "Legacy Challenge" - I've always been a rebel and to me, the legacy rules are a bit too restrictive for my tastes. I'll start my Legacy poor and have them work up...but they'll marry who they marry (whether sims NPC/Townies or player-created NPC (when I shove them out in to the world and have them occupy a house of their own; and not that of the primary household/Founder's home, then, to me they're a NPC and able to be married and brought into the fold.

    I may actually have my "idealized" Sim Self (not my actual SimSelf) woo and marry River or Cheri Chigote to start off the Legacy. :D Since I don't have UL as an expansion (YET)... I created Cheri (utilizing the traits in ...kind of to look somewhat like @CravenLestat's depiction of her. :D

    On a side-note. It's interesting to have one trait follow a Sim's family through the generations. For mine, I'd probably pick artistic. And it's also amazing to see in RL just whether a trait follow's one genetic line too and also the quirks of chance. My oldest RL son is an athlete (he's good at sports and he plays hockey - he was actually a rep player for a while - that trait came out of nowhere...because nowhere in my lineage has there been someone who has been an athlete.) but he also loves photography even though it's not his focus; sports is. My second son in RL paints and loves photography...much like his dad. My youngest son and my daughter are too young yet to really have much of a focus on anything other than toys...and playground activities.

    As I said, it's interesting in both the game and in real life.

    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer The game genetics are fairly limited in that only whole features can be inherited. Having said that, when I look around at my family I see that this isn't always totally unrealistic as I do see noses, eyes etc. that have been passed down "as is". Of course I also see just the "suggestion" of the nose (or another feature) has been passed down in some cases and I wouldn't necessarily say they were "blends" of both parents or previous family members.

    I don't play with a "family trait" but I do have traits I prefer over others so they show up in different combinations throughout the generations. In real life my sister and I inherited my mother's artistic ability and my sister's daughters also have it. It seems to have missed my son altogether. I do like to think he inherited my intelligence ;)

    My simself is pretty much me but because her features are symmetrical she looks a lot less quirky than I do in real life with my crooked smile ;)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    @Mikezumi your sims all look so lovely!

    I've been catching up in this thread today. Everyone has great looking sims. With my father passing away last year and my moving, I haven't played in such a long time. Finally got my computer back up and running for the day. I'm very much looking forward to getting back into simming. I can't even remember what my sims families look like anymore :D
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    Finally been playing a bit again. My current family are descendants of the Astare family in Roaring Heights.

    This is Barbara and her husband Jim

    They have 4 children together. Elizabetta, Anissa, Leif and Dexter

    Out of the 4 children, I think Anissa is gonna be the heir. She has the most likeable personality. And she has an Egyptian boyfriend, so that'll be fun to add to the mix :p
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @pr0x1ma I am sorry to read about your father. I remember reading on Facebook when he was ill but I must have missed reading about his passing. I imagine with his passing and your subsequent move there has been no time for simming at all! I didn't play for a long time after moving back to Australia. I hope you and your mother are doing well *hugs*

    Your family looks lovely! I can't be 100 percent sure because of the girls wearing eye makeup but it looks like dad's eyes are a dominant genetic feature in your family. Looking forward to seeing what Anissa looks like as a YA and seeing her children when she marries her Egyptian :) Thanks for the compliment and thanks for sharing :)
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member

    Welcome back to the Sims fold. Looking forward to seeing your Sims and glad that you'll able to "reunite with them" after a long while.

    My deepest condolences on the loss of your father. It's a loss that never goes away (still have moments where Dad is on my mind 7 years after losing my own father suddenly to a sudden heart-attack).

    Again, Welcome Back. :)
    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    This is my family as they look today.
    The elders are Shannon and Nevan (2nd gen heir in red t-shirt and jacket) and the YAs are Brogan (3rd gen heir with ginger hair) and his husband Michael.
    Brogan and Michael have 3 kids so far: Elva (blonde), Ita and Shay.

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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    I visited Rowan and Josh's house when I saw their son, Stacey, had aged up to teen because he was so cute :mrgreen:
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yeah, it's been fun to get back into it and remember their personalities.

    Thank you very much. It is very true what you said. Some days, it feels like it just happened. Others, it feels so fresh. I'm sorry to hear about that. Sudden death sounds very hard to deal with. I could't imagine going through that.

    Yeah. He passed a couple weeks after I got back from my trip to New England last April. A part of me was relieved because of all the deterioration. He was so independent and bull headed. Seeing the dementia completely wreck him and rob him of most functions was too difficult. I'm glad he's no longer suffering. That makes it easier to live with.

    I remember you not playing for a while. I am glad you've been able to sim and enjoy again! Thanks. Me and my mother are doing alright. I no longer live with her, but I do help her pay her rent. My father was the bread winner and she can't keep his service pension since he's no longer here.

    His eye shape is definitely dominant. Looking at the family tree, the Astare genes are definitely still strong several generations later. Thank you :) I also can't wait to see what their kids are gonna look like.

    Aw. Lovely new pictures. I love all the different combos you get.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited July 2017
    @pr0x1ma I'm glad that you and your mother are doing well :) No-one wants to see their loved ones suffer. Sometimes death is a blessing *hugs*

    I visited the household of Nevan and Shannon's youngest daughter, Neasa, when I saw her son had aged up to teen :)
    Adan looks mostly like his father, Marc, but I do see that he has Neasa's small chin dimple which has come down from Cliff, her grandfather :)

    Post edited by Mikezumi on
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    Nikkei_SimmerNikkei_Simmer Posts: 9,434 Member
    edited June 2017
    OK...the SIMS Chikamori Legacy goes:

    Father of the Founder... Yasunobu Chikamori - the quintessential Over-Achieving Asian Dad Meme-face.


    Founder: Haruo Chikamori


    Founder's Wife: River (nee McIrish) Chikamori


    1st-born Child of Founder and Wife: Alanna Chikamori


    2nd born Child of Founder and Wife: Aidann Chikamori (will post genetics shot of Aidann when he becomes a child)


    Always "River McIrish" ...and maybe some Bebe Hart. ~innocent expression~
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @Nikkei_Simmer Great seeing your family :)
    Alanna seems to have inherited her father's mouth.
    Looking forward to seeing who Aidann favours :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    The first fourth generation child in the active family (some of the spares' families are in their fifth generation) aged up last night. Elva mostly resembles her father, Michael, but I can see she is not a clone because she has Brogan's tiny chin dimple which has come down from the founder, Cliff.
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    @Mikezumi Elva is really pretty
    @Nikkei_Simmer I really like how River looks. Alanna seems like a nice mix of the two

    Dexter finally aged into a teen. It was really late in the game when I took the pictures so the pictures are kinda dark, but the girl is his girlfriend. I think her name is Kizzy. I am pretty sure she is a descendant of the Capp family
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @pr0x1ma Dexter looks great! He doesn't seem to have the usual teen awkwardness! Kizzy is pretty and I like her strong jaw :)
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    @Mikezumi Thanks! I do feel like he look pretty good for a teen. And I thought Kizzy was really adorable and definitely wanted her in the family

    Elizabetta aged up and she married a fireman named Michael. So far, they have one child. A daughter named Rebecca
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @pr0x1ma Elizabetta aged up really well! Looking forward to seeing how Rebecca grows up :)
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    edited June 2017
    Ita, Brogan and Michael's second child, aged up today. She is mostly Michael but has Brogan's nose.
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @GITTE2001 Thank you :) The first two kids in this generation were girls. Now I am waiting for the boys to grow up so I can show them off too :p
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    Thanks! I'm eager to see how she'll age, too. I'm really happy she inherited the red hair.

    Ita is really pretty. I love her eyes especially.

    Jim is now an elder

    And Anissa finally aged up! She's gonna go on a trip to Egypt to see her long distance boyfriend
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    MikezumiMikezumi Posts: 49,697 Member
    @pr0x1ma Thank you :)
    Although I love my elders, I always feel a little sad when they become elders.
    Anissa looks great grown up :) Very pretty and that hair suits her well :)
    Will she bringing her Egyptian boyfriend home with her?
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    pr0x1mapr0x1ma Posts: 5,898 Member
    Thanks! And, yes. It's definitely the plan to bring him to the house. I just got back from vacation, so I'm excited to start up yet again :D
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