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Why do so many people who like/play this game only talk about players who don't?

When players criticise TS2 (and they do), I can't fathom how they do not appreciate that game, but frankly--to each his own. At the end of the day I think TS2 speaks for itself. It's a superior game, critics loved it, fans loved it, record-breaking sales and critical acclaim. If someone really hates the game... then they probably just don't like games like that or needed something different that TS2 didn't provide for them--fair enough. Their dislike of the game in no way impedes on my pleasure of the game or the objective quantitative fact that in relation to video games of its time, it was one of the best games out there.

So what is it about TS4 that makes some players feel so insecure that they feel compelled to criticise the criticism rather than praise their game? Is it because these players just want to see happy comments and gushing because there is a sense of camaraderie? Is it because of the psychological and physiological stress factors that occur when one is exposed to information they disagree with?

What is TS4 not providing to these players to prevent them from getting distracted by the game's naysayers? There's a brand new stuff pack coming out (which should have newspapers :unamused:) to talk about. There was a great post by someone critical of SPs that SPs were ruining EPs by offering less for more. I didn't agree with the post, but the back and forth was interesting to read as other players made valid points either way. For players who enjoy debating the merits or faults of the game, why aren't we having more of those conversations and less of "why do so many people..." threads?

What is it about TS4 that praise cannot made until all criticism is silenced? And wouldn't the argument that whenever players try to praise the game someone has a criticism say something about the game itself? If the same people make the same comments about the game, doesn't that mean that the games free updates are (to these people) NOT sufficing? And how does this affect the games of those who enjoy TS4? It doesn't, yeah? So what gives?

Arguing that criticising players is a "reaction" to foul playing critics of the game in this forum is as valid an excuse as this thread being a reaction to the reactionary criticism.


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    FleurkweenFleurkween Posts: 235 Member
    I can't seize the means of production in The Sims 4. I can do that in The Sims 3.
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    SimFan298SimFan298 Posts: 1,079 Member
    I do appreciate Sims 2 for what it did, but it's in the same way I appreciate GTA 3; it was important, but it's kind of dated today. And most of the dated stuff in Sims 2 annoys me, like how it just SUDDENLY turns night or day without subtly. 4 hair colors seems restricting to me, and building is "eh." Plus I'm experiencing weird glitches with it right now that make me frustrated, and no one else seems to have these glitches.
    Origin ID: theAidster21

    The Sims has always been an important part of my life, and may it continue to be so! Long live Sims!

    [Due to some kind of glitch, I am unable to insert photos into my signature for some reason.]
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    nanashi-simsnanashi-sims Posts: 4,142 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: »
    I do appreciate Sims 2 for what it did, but it's in the same way I appreciate GTA 3; it was important, but it's kind of dated today. And most of the dated stuff in Sims 2 annoys me, like how it just SUDDENLY turns night or day without subtly. 4 hair colors seems restricting to me, and building is "eh." Plus I'm experiencing weird glitches with it right now that make me frustrated, and no one else seems to have these glitches.

    This is a demonstration of how criticism doesn't make a game any more or less fun. Thank you.

    BTW: if you're experiencing TS2 glitches, post in the TS2 forum. Players will try to help you there (I promise I'll try :smile:). This is a TS4 reaction thread about what is is about TS4 which makes TS4 fans unable to tolerate opinions the same way some of us can't tolerate TS4's glaring faults.
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    OEII1001OEII1001 Posts: 3,682 Member
    This post serves as my tee shirt for this thread.

    On the front it reads: Posting in a Troll Thread 2016.

    On the obverse: I Was There.
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    Zeldaboy180Zeldaboy180 Posts: 5,997 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: »
    I do appreciate Sims 2 for what it did, but it's in the same way I appreciate GTA 3; it was important, but it's kind of dated today. And most of the dated stuff in Sims 2 annoys me, like how it just SUDDENLY turns night or day without subtly. 4 hair colors seems restricting to me, and building is "eh." Plus I'm experiencing weird glitches with it right now that make me frustrated, and no one else seems to have these glitches.

    The only reason I can't get back into Sims 2 is because of Sims not aging outside your house and going home from a community lot makes no time pass. I know there's a form of npc aging but I don't like it.

    As to op, why do we have to have these threads where we label people as haters and fanboys.

    It doesn't bother me if people don't like the game. I have alot of issued with it myself. What irritates me is when people hate the game for the wrong reasons. By that I mean obvious lies.

    Alot of people make up statistics here and try to hate the game for it and it irritates me. They take speculation or their own opinion and treat it as fact.
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    JoAnne65JoAnne65 Posts: 22,959 Member
    edited December 2016
    You use Sims 2 for an example, understandably because it's your favourite game, but objectively speaking using Sims 3 for an example is more telling. Because that game is pretty controversial too (unlike Sims 2, Sims 2 is like the popular girl in the classroom everyone adores and wants to be friends with, even when she ain't perfect either :p ). And it gets attacked constantly, both here and in the TS3 section. When it gets attacked in the TS3 section, the complaints are very soon covered in posts by players who declare why exactly they don't agree, by giving examples what they love. And in no time tables turn and it becomes a happy thread with people agreeing. The reason for this of course is, that people who like the game are in the majority there. The question is, how come that isn't the case here. Must be the game. People claim nobody ever did this (giving negative feedback) in the TS3 days. This of course is nonsense, there was a lot of critique and quite often rightly so. I wasn't around back then here, but in retrospect I can tell by what they improved in patches what the subject of the complaints must have been. The only difference is that it never dominated the forums. Why that is we can only guess.
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    VentusMattVentusMatt Posts: 1,028 Member
    That's funny @JoAnne65.

    Though I can't really say the same. For me ts2 was the popular girl who I'd always hear about and sometimes would see but never personally knew so all I really have are these great stories I've heard about her. I did however get to meet ts2 little sister ts3 who was more talented but lacked ts2 charm personality that I heard so much about. Anyway me and ts3 got to friends but idk we just never got that personal with each other. We had fun and made some great memories but we never really became best friends. Then came in the youngest of ts sisters ts4 who at first I was surprised by because she wasn't like ts3 at all. My first I thought she was a watered down version of ts3, I mean she wasn't as talented and just seemed like she didn't really know what she was doing. So I continued hanging out ts3 who I knew and had a good history with but not wanting to completely write ts4 I continued hangout with her too. As time went on I got to know ts4 in ways I never got to know ts3. Ts4 started to better herself by taking classes (packs) and yeah she made mistakes but we laughed and moved on forward. Eventually I started hanging with TS3 less and less and there were times where we tried getting together again and relive the past but it just wasn't the same. It's not that she had changed but that I had. Ts4 still has a lot of work to do but I'm enjoying the ride and the memories we are making.

    I know this was completely off topic but I just couldn't help myself.
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    AdoriyahAdoriyah Posts: 156 Member
    I've played a zillion hours of The Sims 1|2|3 & (not quite into a zillions hrs yet> 4
    I've watched it grow into what it is now. Each time a new one launched, there were so many things that would change, in a good way.
    I would spend so much time with all of them, Learning every single little detail. I'm ok moving forward to the next one. I still have all of my Sims 2 & 3 (not sure about 1) So *If* i reallly want to go back, I can.
    I really dont know what the question was lol So if I'm rambling again...just remove it
    My Sims 4 Gallery
    Origin ID: Adoriyah
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    Katlyn2525Katlyn2525 Posts: 4,201 Member
    edited December 2016
    The sims 3 forum did have its battles. One off the top off my head their was the simport battles. You had people who liked the idea, and people like me who did not. My answer was to shut it down as soon as it hit the game.
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    mellbellamellbella Posts: 34 Member

    Because in the end, they know they're wasting their time playing "The sims" 4, so they need to find ways to feel better about themselfs.
    The easiest way is to do it, is by criticising other people, so that they can feel the superiority for briefs moments.

    This Happens because:
    -They cant play/afford/support past versions of The Sims series;
    -They have no arguments about why they're playing an inferior game;
    -They stubborn and won't admit the truth;
    -and on and on...
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    VirtualPets65VirtualPets65 Posts: 133 Member
    mellbella wrote: »

    Because in the end, they know they're wasting their time playing "The sims" 4, so they need to find ways to feel better about themselfs.
    The easiest way is to do it, is by criticising other people, so that they can feel the superiority for briefs moments.

    This Happens because:
    -They cant play/afford/support past versions of The Sims series;
    -They have no arguments about why they're playing an inferior game;
    -They stubborn and won't admit the truth;
    -and on and on...

    No Sims game is inferior to another Sims game...they all have their good points and bad points. That is the truth. No-S4 players don't critisize the haters-they're just tired of seeing S4 haters come here just to bash the game and boast about "how superior S2/S3 is to S4." Haters should realize that the time they spent bashing S4 could of been spent playing s2/s3.
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    halimali1980halimali1980 Posts: 8,246 Member
    SimFan298 wrote: »
    I do appreciate Sims 2 for what it did, but it's in the same way I appreciate GTA 3; it was important, but it's kind of dated today. And most of the dated stuff in Sims 2 annoys me, like how it just SUDDENLY turns night or day without subtly. 4 hair colors seems restricting to me, and building is "eh." Plus I'm experiencing weird glitches with it right now that make me frustrated, and no one else seems to have these glitches.

    The sims 4 is a new game and it still annoys many fans more than any dated sims game!
    Everything I post is an opinion here and I think every post of others is as well.
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    Katlyn2525Katlyn2525 Posts: 4,201 Member
    edited December 2016
    mellbella wrote: »

    Because in the end, they know they're wasting their time playing "The sims" 4, so they need to find ways to feel better about themselfs.
    The easiest way is to do it, is by criticising other people, so that they can feel the superiority for briefs moments.

    This Happens because:
    -They cant play/afford/support past versions of The Sims series;
    -They have no arguments about why they're playing an inferior game;
    -They stubborn and won't admit the truth;
    -and on and on...

    No Sims game is inferior to another Sims game...they all have their good points and bad points. That is the truth. No-S4 players don't critisize the haters-they're just tired of seeing S4 haters come here just to bash the game and boast about "how superior S2/S3 is to S4." Haters should realize that the time they spent bashing S4 could of been spent playing s2/s3.

    Now that is a prime example. I have been on this forum since day 1 and I have never resorted to calling anyone a sheep, a hater, a whiner, or whatever else that comes to mind. It only breeds bad blood and does nothing. I have always called them people. Unique, I know. That is what they are. People with different points of view.

    I did put up a cartoon of a sheep and a wolf to show how absurd it was.
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    CinebarCinebar Posts: 33,618 Member
    edited December 2016
    When players criticise TS2 (and they do), I can't fathom how they do not appreciate that game, but frankly--to each his own. At the end of the day I think TS2 speaks for itself. It's a superior game, critics loved it, fans loved it, record-breaking sales and critical acclaim. If someone really hates the game... then they probably just don't like games like that or needed something different that TS2 didn't provide for them--fair enough. Their dislike of the game in no way impedes on my pleasure of the game or the objective quantitative fact that in relation to video games of its time, it was one of the best games out there.

    So what is it about TS4 that makes some players feel so insecure that they feel compelled to criticise the criticism rather than praise their game? Is it because these players just want to see happy comments and gushing because there is a sense of camaraderie? Is it because of the psychological and physiological stress factors that occur when one is exposed to information they disagree with?

    What is TS4 not providing to these players to prevent them from getting distracted by the game's naysayers? There's a brand new stuff pack coming out (which should have newspapers :unamused:) to talk about. There was a great post by someone critical of SPs that SPs were ruining EPs by offering less for more. I didn't agree with the post, but the back and forth was interesting to read as other players made valid points either way. For players who enjoy debating the merits or faults of the game, why aren't we having more of those conversations and less of "why do so many people..." threads?

    What is it about TS4 that praise cannot made until all criticism is silenced? And wouldn't the argument that whenever players try to praise the game someone has a criticism say something about the game itself? If the same people make the same comments about the game, doesn't that mean that the games free updates are (to these people) NOT sufficing? And how does this affect the games of those who enjoy TS4? It doesn't, yeah? So what gives?

    Arguing that criticising players is a "reaction" to foul playing critics of the game in this forum is as valid an excuse as this thread being a reaction to the reactionary criticism.

    I've been thinking about this for a long time. I first thought it was a generation gap. You know older folks know you can disagree about something, argue, throw barbs, (just watch attorneys arguing in court) then go to lunch with each other. But this generation, nah, they got to say if you disagree, or don't like or believe something else you got to be a bigot and a hater. So, I started to think it was about this society and generation and it's need for everyone to believe and think the same.... But then I noticed it was also older players who were defending the game like the orphan it is. So, it couldn't be first time players, or/younger generation of don't disagree with me or you are a hater society, but something else.

    There is an old saying. Familiarity breeds contempt. So, I started to think o.k. since people have become big buddies with developers who are paid a very good salary compared to where I live, they had become too friendly and too familiar therefore could never objectively look at the game without rose colored glasses on. Where as someone like me, isn't going to 'follow' developers or any other 'star' on Twitter or Facebook, idol worship isn't my thing. So, when I make blunt statements I figure I tick off several who are following other people like they were from Olympus. Lol see what I did there? I mean if you turn people into gods, of course someone is going to protect that notion. But I see people who build games as responsible for taking my money and filling my head with hype. It could be true... but most the time it's corrupted code and lack of focus and lack of vision that soesn't live up to a customer's idea. So, not gods to me.

    So, is it either one? People want to worship developers or a generation gap? Maybe a little of both. But what I really think it is, and this is just me, we have a whole new slew of players who didn't really play The Sims or The Sims 2 so they have no idea what people are talking about and this being their first game (since they hated TS3, or started with TS3) think it's good enough when most of us know it's a total fail in so many ways it's no longer laughable. Cute, but not cuddly, funny, as in hardy har har, that's not funny sort of way, and way too childish even compared to The Sims in 2001.

    "Games Are Not The Place To Tell Stories, Games Are Meant To Let People Tell Their Own Stories"...Will Wright.
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    KrayzieStrykerKrayzieStryker Posts: 2,646 Member
    I am just here to say hello :smiley:
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    Katlyn2525Katlyn2525 Posts: 4,201 Member
    I am just here to say hello :smiley:

    Hello. Good to see you.
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    mellbellamellbella Posts: 34 Member
    edited December 2016
    No Sims game is inferior to another Sims game...
    This is why Trump is president-elect and brexit won... ... ...
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    ENolanENolan Posts: 2,735 Member
    OEII1001 wrote: »
    This post serves as my tee shirt for this thread.

    On the front it reads: Posting in a Troll Thread 2016.

    On the obverse: I Was There.

    Given that @nanashi-sims doesnt have a history of trolling here, this post is most certainly null. Good try, though.
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    VentusMattVentusMatt Posts: 1,028 Member
    For me I think it both sides. Those within the group of sims 4 players who can't accept any criticism are just as bad as the players who don't want to accept that ts4 is what it is and people do like it.

    We can just blame the players who pull the "If you don't like/if you aren't playing the game than you have no reason to be here so just move on" because we have players in the group that don't like ts4 who pull "People are blind and are buying this just because it's the sims/they are just lying to themselves and can't accept that it's a failure".

    I mean just from that why would anyone want to accept the criticism from someone who is telling them that they are just lying to themselves? Maybe that is why they get defensive.

    Then in turn those who just want to share their opinion and be apart of the community they have been apart of for years are now being told their opinions don't matter and to just leave. Maybe that's why they push so hard.

    And we have those who are just hear and getting dragged into it all.
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    Briana2425Briana2425 Posts: 3,653 Member
    mellbella wrote: »
    No Sims game is inferior to another Sims game...
    This is why Trump is president-elect and brexit won... ... ...

    You know were not suppose to talk about politics right?
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    Uzone27Uzone27 Posts: 2,808 Member
    When players criticise TS2 (and they do), I can't fathom how they do not appreciate that game, but frankly--to each his own. At the end of the day I think TS2 speaks for itself. It's a superior game, critics loved it, fans loved it, record-breaking sales and critical acclaim. If someone really hates the game... then they probably just don't like games like that or needed something different that TS2 didn't provide for them--fair enough. Their dislike of the game in no way impedes on my pleasure of the game or the objective quantitative fact that in relation to video games of its time, it was one of the best games out there.

    So what is it about TS4 that makes some players feel so insecure that they feel compelled to criticise the criticism rather than praise their game? Is it because these players just want to see happy comments and gushing because there is a sense of camaraderie? Is it because of the psychological and physiological stress factors that occur when one is exposed to information they disagree with?

    What is TS4 not providing to these players to prevent them from getting distracted by the game's naysayers? There's a brand new stuff pack coming out (which should have newspapers :unamused:) to talk about. There was a great post by someone critical of SPs that SPs were ruining EPs by offering less for more. I didn't agree with the post, but the back and forth was interesting to read as other players made valid points either way. For players who enjoy debating the merits or faults of the game, why aren't we having more of those conversations and less of "why do so many people..." threads?

    What is it about TS4 that praise cannot made until all criticism is silenced? And wouldn't the argument that whenever players try to praise the game someone has a criticism say something about the game itself? If the same people make the same comments about the game, doesn't that mean that the games free updates are (to these people) NOT sufficing? And how does this affect the games of those who enjoy TS4? It doesn't, yeah? So what gives?

    Arguing that criticising players is a "reaction" to foul playing critics of the game in this forum is as valid an excuse as this thread being a reaction to the reactionary criticism.
This discussion has been closed.
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