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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    @LittleMinxUndr Good to know you're getting better. I think going out slowly, a little more every week or so, maybe helps also. As beautiful and cozy our home can be it's outside where we can "reload our batteries", especially in a beautiful, sunny day. I think it helps also with your recovery. Well, I don't know for sure. Everyone knows his/her needs best than anyone else.
    Anyway, all this bla bla bla was only to tell you that I wish you'll get better soon! <3

    I had no idea you still played TS3. I thought you moved over to TS4 completely. Good to know. I also love Isla Paradiso. It is actually one of my favorite worlds.

    @Everyone Have a wonderful weekend!! :)<3
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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited March 2016
    @Eliroc thanks for the wishing well! I've... put TS4 aside. I love it on the one hand, because having Topanga trying to sing campfire songs never gets old (I'm laughing just seeing her struggling in my minds eye, it's comedy-gold.), but I'm so restricted it isn't funny. It's amazing how much a part CASt is in my play. In TS3 I can make everything my own, literally everything I see. In TS4 I can do some pallet-swaps and that's kinda it. It's like TS3 for people in a hurry or something. When simming in TS3, I feel at home. It also helps that I have a PC that can do it. For many people, TS3 is nothing but a headache.

    I'm working on sets for my new idea that plays out in the People's Republic of Simmunist Simmia and am busy on the hovel of the Simmanski family, where the founder's start will be. I was thinking about doing some landscaping, but then I remembered that the story will play out in permafrost, so everything will be covered in snow anyway.


    The idea is to give the illusion that Simmanski's hovel is located in a dense evergreen forest. I hope that permafrost will give Bridgeport (which will be called Simmanoffgrad, but I'm also thinking about calling St Simmersburg) that russian atmosphere.

    Anyway, the Simmanskis are in the lowest class of labor, always scared of the PSB (The People's Security Bureau) and the local Kommisar. Their daughter, Svetlana, has a mysterious condition that presents a problem for her parents Oleg and Olga Simmanski. Oleg is quite sure that his daughter will be the reason that will see him end up in a gulag in Simberia, which isn't all that far away from where they're now. Yet, the little that they have, is still infinitely better than hard labor in a Simberian gulag...
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    NightRevoltNightRevolt Posts: 43 Member
    Really got interested in this challenge, will keep it in mind for sure.
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    howdy everyone. Hope you all have been well. Life has been busy, but all in all it's going good. The hubs was out of town for work, the kids have all their spring activities starting. 2 are doing baseball, but my youngest opted not to, instead he's trying out Tae-Kwo-Do. So far he's liking it, so we'll see how that goes. Last night I got to go see X Ambassadors in concert. It was a really good show and I enjoyed it a lot!!! Haven't worked on my legacy :( Focus is not my friend and with summer approaching I fear it'll only get worse.

    @ELIROC sorry to hear about your build. Glad you were able to recreate it though. That update that makes you select your games is annoying and I have avoided it at all costs.

    @MischiefTheKitten I'm all caught up with your updates I do believe. LOL aww separation anxiety from Joel. Well I for one was shocked when you said you were nearly done with his gen. I thought there would be more to his story so I have no issue with you having more chapters for him. :)

    Same goes for you @Vuneca. I am going to have to restart my Iron Woman since I goofed by not starting a new game completely when I did the other game play.

    @LittleMinxUndr oh no :( sorry to hear about your relapse. I'm glad you are getting back to where you were before. It's understandable that you needed time away from all games because your health is much more important.

    Your stories always have such detail back stories. This new one isn't any different. Looking forward to seeing you get it kicked off. :) I see you're already into building for it.

    @NightRevolt hello and welcome. If you do decide to start the challenge, I look forward to reading about your family.

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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited March 2016
    @jazen, 1.69 is very good though. They did quite a lot more than just the pack selector. All you need to do is activate them all once, then the launcher leaves you alone in that respect. It does mean that you'll have to use the launcher to start the game, but since initial loading of the game is a drag anyway, shaving ten seconds off of five minutes is a pointless thing to do anyway. I use that time to put the kettle on.
    But the magic of 1.69 is in the performance boost that CASt has gotten and the overall faster running of the game. My PC never had much problems running the game, but CASt brought it to it's knees. Ever since 1.69 that problem is lot less severe as you can see with the screenshots of Cold Harbor, which is about 90% CASt-ified.
    I hope that they keep looking at the code of TS3 as an aside thing next to TS4. It's a good thing TS3 still gets some love from Maxis.

    Thanks for your kind words. This relapse was a winner, yeah. Several hospitalizations and enough pain to totally lose the plot and to start hallucinating wakingly. At least there's no indication that the relapses happen quicker after eachother and as it is I go through at least two in a year. The main problem is regaining what was lost in health and energy. It's the getting back up that gets harder each time. I'm ever so glad that I don't have to do it alone.

    I got the idea for the People's Republic of Simmunist Simmia in the hospital actually. But I was already looking for something to break away from Isla Paradiso. I love that map to bits, but I just can't come up with something new there without going in circles on the conflict between the Colonials and the Auboriginals, which lead to the weird problem that I have ideas out of the wazoo and the tools to do it without actually coming up with something tangible.
    I know for sure that I want the Nephalim and the Vunecans to be canon to my storytelling in the Sims however. The highly predictable story-arc of Chandell trying to be Nephalim instead of the Nephalim is just too fun for me. ^^

    Indeed, meteorologists overhere predict a nice and warm spring followed by a hot summer this year. I might be spending a lot more time outside than I will in front of my PC. But story-telling is not a race, so you can take all the time that you need, really. The trick is staying interested yourself in your own story after not having touched it for a prolonged time. Getting back into the swing of a story is always the hardest part (for me at least.). I even have that problem with reading books. If leave them aside for too long, I just never get back into them. Tina telling me 'A new book? You haven't finished your other one yet!' feels like déjà-vu! =)
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited March 2016
    jazen wrote: »
    @ELIROC sorry to hear about your build. Glad you were able to recreate it though. That update that makes you select your games is annoying and I have avoided it at all costs.

    And this just happened right now. At least I saw to the message and logged off without saving. I don't really mind it, I actually find it a good idea. What I mind is the fact that they go unclicked from time to time by themselves. It's like the trojan horse...
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    Hi everyone I'm just popping in to let everyone know that I am still alive but just a bit busy. Both of my parents have been ill and my father is now hospitalized which is not leaving me any free time at all. As soon as things calm down over here I'll be back to catch up with everyone.
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Piazzagirl1015 I'm sorry to hear about your father. I'm sending all the best wishes his way, I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Don't worry about rushing back, family is more important.

    @NightRevolt Hi there! *waves* This is a very enjoyable challenge, I hope you'll enjoy it as well if you do give it a go :)

    @jazen Well, I don't have that many more chapters for him, just a couple ^^ They'll be big updates though, and I've done some building for them a little while ago. I doubt I'll have anything ready for this week, though, since the builds are taking a while and I don't have that much time to spare for them :/

    Hope everyone is well!


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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited March 2016

    Hope everyone is well!


    I recently got my care-unit, which is a small home within the carecenter-organization, and had my new furniture delivered. Like my new lounge-couch. Think me lounging with a blanket and a book, or a tablet... The three books there are the dutch edition of the Hungergames. I think that the books are awesome, way better than the movies!
    Anyway, I'm madly in love with the lounge-couch as I don't have to retire to bed when I don't feel well during the day. It's just one of these things that add quality of life to mine which is very short on the quality of life commodity. ^^

    The care-unit is like a miniature full featured home, and I get all the care there as I received already in my old room in the carecenter facility. I had to fight two years to be granted one as I really wasn't happy in the carecenter. This is way better, dignified kinda (for as far as I'm dignified, OFC) and I have way more privacy.

    So yeah, all things considered as they are now, I'm doing well! ^^

    Post edited by LittleMinxUndr on
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @LIttleMinxUndr That looks so comfy! I'm glad you were finally granted the care-unit, it does sound much better! And who can argue with that sofa plus those books? I read the books before I saw the movies, and since I'm a writer myself it'd be blasphemy if I preferred the movies :P The books had so much more depth!

    Enjoy! <3


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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    Yeah, about the books, after the first movie I took to calling Peeta PITA. ^^ But his motivations are a lot deeper and more emotionally pure than that his character in the movies shows. He's still a self-serving egocentric, but considering he's from the districts just like Katniss is, I guess it's a survival-skill. From the books you learn that he really loves Katniss from an early age.
    The love-triangle between him, Gale and Katniss isn't really explored that well, which I believe is a shame. But the exploration of the Capitol and the Districts and the politics involved with that is very indepth and I enjoy reading about it.

    The author has a nice style that allows for quick reading. Seeing as it is 'young adult literature', one can surely say that she understands her target demographic.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hello all!

    @LittleMinxUndr Sorry to hear of your relapse. It sounds truly awful! But I am happy to see you back on the forum and with a new story to boot.
    Nice couch lounge thingy. I would have a hard time NOT staying on it all day. I have been eyeing the ones from IKEA for a while.

    @Piazzagirl1015 How are your parents doing? I am so sorry to hear that things aren't going well for them. I hope it gets better. keep us posted?

    @MischiefTheKitten I kept pulling up your updates then something comes up. I am not ready to move on from Joel either but I am a few updates behind.

    @jazen hah baseball season again! Ours starts next month. oi!


    Life has been super great and pretty awful at the same time lately. Lots of things to juggle. most days the idea of playing the sims feels like work and I hate that it feels that way. I am hoping for some motivation to to continue on with my original GS file. I have the next 3 gens planned out and I was super inspired but.....blah....
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Vuneca That often happens to me when I plan ahead too far. I get so excited for the generation but by the time the next generation starts I've already gone over everything so many times in my head, it doesn't feel new any more. The excitement fizzles out before I even start playing. I hope you find some inspiration soon. If not, it doesn't matter. This challenge was always going to be long, don't feel bad if you can't get excited for your original save any more :)

    @Everyone No update on Joel today, but I'll try to write one for Sophia :) If I do it'll be after my 100 Baby Challenge and after my rainbowcy though, so no promises.


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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    Yep, I'm slowly coming around. Still some days deep in the valley, but getting stronger again. This relapse was a big one, I was hospitalized and kept asleep for three days because of the pain I was in. Everybody was afraid that this relapse was 'the big one', but it just turned out that this one was just a mean marthashaper.

    The lounge-couch is an invention made in heaven. Not having to stay in bed when you're not well and lounging on the couch makes sure that you remain part of everything. The feeling of remaining able to participate is huge for me. The passiveness of being forced to remain in bed was maddening to me.

    Hey, just take your time with your story. When gaming becomes work, something is off. Gaming is meant to be fun, afterall! =)
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    @LittleMinxUndr I love the sofa, it looks very comfortable. I'm happy for you that you got your wish fulfilled and has your own space. Can you have your pc there too?

    @Piazzagirl1015 Oh, I'm sorry to hear about your parents. I hope both of them get better soon and that your father leaves the hospital quickly. Although he gets surely better care there, nothing can replace our home.

    @Everyone A wonderful weekend!
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @ELIROC A wonderful weekend to you, too! I'm working both days, but I'm using that time to plot since weekends where I work tend to be very quiet :)

    @LittleMinxUndr I'd hate staying in bed, too. I second @ELIROC s question: Can you have your PC in there?


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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    It's been a long time since I've last updated this - December!! - so you'll forgive me if the writing feels off ^^

    Sophia 3.14


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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten good point. You put into words how I was feeling exactly. You should be a writer!! :-D ;-)
    I have pages of outlines and I already wrote 3 chapters of a parallel story that is close to coming into play with the main story line but I am all ...meh...when I think about actually doing it.
    I love your 100 BC updates, btw. They're so light and humorous. Like a treat.
    (not that I don't love all the other stories! Cuz I do.)

    @LittleMinxUndr I totally get that. I have had health issues that kept me horizontal and just the move from bed to couch made a HUGE difference in how I felt. A change in scenery helps keep a girl sane.

    I totally made a liar out of myself yesterday. After saying I didn't want to play at all I loaded a for fun game and just fiddled with it here and there throughout the day and ended up getting 8 Showtime achievements accomplished. 0.o

    @ELIROC Happy weekend to you! I have big plans but all 3 of my boys are home sick today. If I get their crud I will be so unhappy! We already had to cancel our much anticipated date night >_< I have taken up painting and joined a women's kickball team, because I seem to think I have more than 24 hours in a day, haha. I wish sleep was optional!
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    LittleMinxUndrLittleMinxUndr Posts: 4,196 Member
    edited March 2016
    The care-unit is also known as a micro-home. Like a house in the Sims build on 2x2, lol. I's small, but it really has everything. Opposite from the couch there's my corner desk with my PC and consoles and a LED-television on the wall. So yeah, I will be able to create my stories!

    How the care-units work:
    All the micro-homes are connected to the care-center with an alarm-system and a call-in system on top of receiving the same care as I got in the care-center. So weirdly enough, I receive more care now. (funny how that works!). A call-in system is very cool. At agreed upon times I press a button and in the care-center they get a signal so they know that I'm alright. If I miss a button-moment, they come looking. It's a failsafe for the alarm-system, as I might fall and not be able to set off the alarm. Apart from that, I get two daily visits from the roving nurse.
    But it is nice to have a bit of autonomy back, even though there are less cute nurses in care-unit division. Weird, lol!
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Vuneca Hehe! You think so? :blush:

    I think that's what happened with Secret Resonance. I had all ten generations planned out to an extend, so the anticipation and excitement of future gens already fizzled out in the founding generation. I think I stopped it in Gen3 - which is a shame because it was my most popular story :P

    @LittleMinxUndr That does sound pretty neat! Enjoy ^^ I'm glad you can be more comfortable.

    @Everyone Just a heads-up: I've signed up for Camp Nano (silly girl that I am) next month, so I don't know how much simming I'll fit in around that. I'm all the more silly for working on two projects instead of just the one, and will be aiming for 25K words on each project. I may well need my sims blogs to relax a little, but more likely I won't want to write another word! :P I've never done this before so I don't know how it'll go.

    Happy Sunday, everyone!


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @LittleMinxUndr well I haven't loaded game with the launcher in some time so I guess if I did update to 1.69 it wouldn't affect me with the unselecting thing. Still I don't want to be bothered with possibly having to update mods and stuff and since my game runs fine I'll just leave it.

    Bummer about your relapses. :( I can imagine how much of a set back they can cause. :( It's great you are in that care facility so you have the medical attention you need when you need it. Your micro house sounds nice and that couch looks comfy. I'm sure it makes a world of difference in having a place that feels more like 'home' instead of a hosptial. :)

    As for story telling, yeah I'm taking my time. I've been my focus on finishing up my baby challenge story. It's been running for a little over 4 years and it's coming to a close. I'm down to the final chapters so trying to get those all complete.

    @ELIROC glad you were able to notice this time and exited without saving.

    @Piazzagirl1015 sorry to hear about your parents. I do hope all is getting better and your dad has gotten out of the hospital.

    @MischiefTheKitten well looking forward to seeing what you have left in store for Joel. Good luck with NaNo. People have asked me if I do it, but I can't. I hate being under that sort of 'pressure' and with my lack of focus it would be bad. However maybe it's just what I need LOL maybe the structure would help me get my bum in gear and focus on stuff.

    @Vuneca baseball season keeps me busy. On top of that my 13 yr old is also doing flag football at the same time. :( Not sure why my husband thought that was a good idea. LOL

    We've all gone on a mini-hiatus with our writing. It happens. Like Mischief said, this challenge was designed to go a long time anyway so wait until you want to play/write again. It should never be work! Work is never any fun. LOL I guess with you having a running theme throughout your story, it makes sense to have some things planned. I'm a terrible planner LOL I only get loose ideas for things but then write normally one chapter at a time. Outlining was never my strong suit in school either LOL.

    I hope you all have a great week!!!

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hello all! I hope you're having a good start to you Easter weekend. Odd having it so early in the year I think...

    My computer died. like dead dead dead. the motherboard fried and the power source is kaput. I am hoping one we buy all new parts and duct tape a new one together I will be able to salvage the hard drives. cross your fingers for me?
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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    yikes I know that feeling, my mother board went out on me :(
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    Happy Easter Sunday, everyone! I hope you're all enjoying your long weekend, if you get one :)


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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Happy Easter!

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