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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    I think I'm back now... I guess :D (not sure yet)

    I'm now recovering from a surgery in my knee due to an accident in my company. I'll be home for a while, until end of February I guess. I still can't really play a lot because I can't bend my knee for too long time. But I'll try to publish the next update on Elvira's story. As I remember it is almost finished. I'll check how far I got.

    I was checking on your stories. Gosh I'm far far far behind on all of them! I saw a few great updates but didn't leave messages yet. It's such a long time I didn't play - or even checked on my game... It's interesting, after a while not playing we kinda lose interest. It happens to me at least. I didn't even check if there are new expansions for TS4. I guess there are some.

    But I missed you all and the chat on this forum. How are you all doing? I see beautiful pics, the two girls of @MischiefTheKitten look so sweet! And this woman on @Piazzagirl1015 I don't even recognize. I can't wait to read your stories again but I'll have to take my time though.

    I wish you all a really great time!
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @Piazzagirl1015 it really is and I have no idea why they priced it that high. I had no issue paying the $40 for S3 but that extra $20 feels like an extra million. LOL With the Rebuild Willow Creek game I have to have kids, but the babies are aged up instantly!

    Read and commented on your update.

    @ELIROC hey. How good you could pop in. I hope you are recovering well from surgery. Take your time on catching up, the updates aren't going anywhere.

    @Everyone so I've been dealing with sick kiddies. :( Curly Top got sick Friday night/early Saturday morning and was basically sick all weekend. :( He missed school yesterday and today because of it. Today poor Munchkin woke up also complaining of a stomach ache. So he is also home with me today. :( I am constantly cleaning at this point. We'd thought Curly Top would be the only one to get sick, but sadly that's not been the case. :( Poor Munchkin missed his first field trip ever because of it.

    In between sick kiddies I did manage to get shots so here you all go.


    Matt: Chapter 21

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    Hello again!

    Here the update of Elvira's Going Solo story:

    Chapter 19: The Plasma

    I thank you all for reading my story and leaving comments while I was away. I'll answer all the comments during the next days.

    All the best to you all! <3
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    @Piazzagirl1015 @jazen @ELIROC YAY! I have all three of you newest updates pulled up to read :-D
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @vuneca I'm hoping that this will work and I'll be able to play the sims on my mac. It's downloading now so I'll find out for sure. I won't have my saves for hubby, not sure as to how long he'll be gone exactly, let's just say....he refuses to stay in the same house with my family now.

    @jazen photobucket really does. I like google + so much better. I'm glad you're enjoying S4.

    @MischiefTheKitten If you need anymore volunteers, you know I'd be happy to help out....I also need to respond to you on wordpress. I'll do that as soon as I can find the comment.

    @ELIROC Welcome back! That doesn't sound so much fun, at least you get some time off to recover. I can lost interest in playing at times the longer it goes but I always find that I end up missing my sims after so long. My second novel that I accidentally stumbled upon, I'm using the name Leif in my story and it actually made me sad because of Leif in Dreki Seidr.

    @everyone I promise I'm going to read the updates...some when, I just need to open them and read them and that always doesn't seem to happen when I do.

    Also, so...not sure why I'm so very proud of this and totally off the sims topic, but I've spent all day working to make a baby toothless that's not even an inch big. He's so tiny and cute!

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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @ELIROC Welcome back! Its great to have you back with us. I'm sorry to hear about your knee and I do hope that you recover quickly. I read the update and its great to have Elvira back :)

    @Jazen I'm with you on Sims 3 I was willing to pay $40 not only for EPs but I bought some of the Gold versions of Store worlds for that price and I thought nothing of it. With Sims 4 I'm waiting for sales as I hate spending money on that game. I have been playing this game since the beginning and I never thought I would see the day when this would happen. I'm already hoping that if there is a Sims 5 it will be an improvement on Sims 3.

    I'm sorry to hear that the kids are sick and I do hope that they get better soon.

    Read the update and commented.

    @Vuneca Great to see you pop in again :)

    @french_vanilla13 Welcome back and great to see you again.

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    I say there were a few new stuff for TS4 and I tried to play it today again. Actually trying to like the game lol. There are many improvements compared to TS3 but the teleporting.. that takes so much of the fun... it's like the 'continuation' of the actions is not there (I don't know how to express myself better). Are the new stuff cool? I loved the spa, at least on the pics. I feel like buying it but I don't want to waste my money.

    Thanks, @french_vanilla13 and @Piazzagirl1015! My knee is doing really well, I even started doing the bike in the physiotherapy. I'll be to go back flying on April already.

    Great weekend to all! B)<3
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    @ELIROC I really enjoyed the spa stuff. I enjoyed what it added to the game and I think the Get Together added a lot of fun to it too. That's very social based so if you want to have groups and things you may enjoy it. It's very customizable
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Hope you're well :)

    I'm just briefly popping in to let you know that my novel is ready for beta readers! I know you all love reading, so I'd like to extend it to you ^^ If any of you would like to help me out and earn my eternal gratitude please let me know - all I need from you is your time and your honest feedback! If you're interested you can find details here :)@Vuneca has expressed interest before so I thought more of you might be interested, too. I'd love to have one or two of you guys on board and trust your opinions.

    I'll go over everything properly tomorrow - things are calming down a bit now so I'll have time to catch up :)


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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    So great news, I have the sims again! Bad news I have none of my saves or mods or worlds.

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten I just saw you post and PMed you. I hope I'm not too late >_<

    @french_vanilla13 hooray sims! boo for not having MODs and saves. Better than nothing though, right?
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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @Vuneca this is true, I can at least find the mods...I hope anyways, not sure how that works on a mac.

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten That great news, I had no idea you were writing a book. Congratulations!
    @french_vanilla13 i'm sorry to hear you lost your saves. It's annoying. I know, I've been there many times. I hope you'll be able to put everything together soon and be able to enjoy playng again.
    @Vuneca Still not sure about TS4... But thanks for your comment. Right now I'm enjoying Skyrim again, the game is so great! But I do miss Sims again. I shall come back soon. I'm getting a few ideas for the transition from Elvira's story into Going Solo. I mean the careers.

    Great week to you all!
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Vuneca Thank you, I saw :) I thought you might volunteer and am really chuffed that you did <3

    @french_vanilla13 Is that because you're playing it on a different computer, or have you lost everything? I'm sorry if you've mentioned this before, I'm so out of the loop here!! I hope you can recover all your saves.

    @ELIROC Thank you, it's all coming together so quickly!! I'm trying to keep all book-related stuff off the forums since this thread isn't for that, it's for our sims stories. I also don't want to bore people with it, there are other places to stay up to date if they want to. Vuneca had expressed interest before and we're clearly all writers here, so I thought it'd be a good place to ask for help :)

    I understand, TS4 is quite different to TS3. Usually I'll feel like one or the other, I don't ever think 'I want to play the sims and it doesn't matter which one'. TS4 is a great game in its own right, but it's the same as TS3 - which isn't a bad thing, I like the new stuff and personally really like the baby stage. I just think the jump from baby to child is too much. Skyrim is a great way to relax, though ^^ I wish I could still really enjoy it, but I feel like I've seen everything when I try :/ Happy gaming!

    It's been so quiet on here recently! I hope you're all okay :) I'm really looking forward to getting back to Joel and Sophia. Joel's gen is nearly over, did you know? I'm making plans in my head for Luca but I'm trying not to get too excited until I have more time. I may ask you guys to vote on his girlfriend when he's old enough :P


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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten it's okay, I'm just on a different computer. I'm playing on a mac instead of on my hp, all my saves are on my hp but that's with my husband.

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @french_vanilla13 That's not too bad then, I'm glad you didn't lose everything :) I do remember you saying about it before now... It's better than nothing, at least :)

    @Everyone I'm off work this week (it's the school's half term here so we decided to take it off), and often I use that chance to review how things are going. So, from next week, I'll set some time aside every week to work on my sims blogs :) There won't be several updates a week (unless I hit a very productive day) but at least there'll be updates :) I'll probably start next week with Joel, I missed his pretty face and the potential for Luca's gen <3 After that I'll try to rotate them through, something like Joel -> Sophia -> rainbowcy -> 100 BC -> 7Fates -> back to Joel, but I'm not convinced I'll stick to that :)

    Hope everyone's well!


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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited February 2016
    @french_vanilla13 I understand what you mean with Skyrim, my husband feels the same way... and I'm starting to also. But what I really love is all the funny books they have. Call me crazy but I read almost all of them and I'm now trying to collect the series ;)

    @aboutTS4 I think the moment they include vampires on the game, it will be the moment I'll be buying all the stuff and trying again. I just LOVE vampires :smiley:

    @Everyone I wish you all a great weekend!!
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :-D

    I had planned on having a sim-filled one myself but hubby talked me into conquering the world instead (civilization).

    Did any of you TS4 players get the stuff pack that came out a week or so ago? I am wondering if it's worth it..
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Vuneca Is that the Romantic Garden SP? I bought that a few days ago (as well as a few others I was missing) but haven't played much with it yet. I might have a look later, will let you know what I think :) It looked so pretty from the pictures...

    How's @everyone's weekend been? :) I've made Friday my simming day, so expect an update from Joel next week Friday :) I'm actually very nearly done with his gen (say, two or three more chapters) so it's nearly time to start Luca's story!


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    Hello all. I hope everyone has been well. I've been trying to focus on getting some chapters of Kiss done so I can wrap up that story. I think I may see the light at the end of the tunnel!!! It's both a happy and sad time since it is my longest running story. 4 years I've had those characters so leaving them will be bittersweet, but it's time. Sadly I haven't focused on Matt yet and I need to. I realized the other day that his gen has been going on for over a year and still so much I need to do with him before it's over. :( I also blew the dust off my book. LOL I know where the issue lies. I had a such a great handle on Seth, getting in his head, knowing his motivations, sadly it was way WAY too easy for me to write a psycho. LOL Malcolm on the other hand has been a struggle. :( Other than him wanting Calida, I've not been able to make him more 3-D instead of a boring, and flat 1-D character. I think once I get a handle on what makes him, him outside of Calida I'll be on my way. :)

    Anyone that read and commented on Matt's last chapter all have been responded too. :)

    Oh and I got to experience my very first 'rave-like' concert the other night. It was crazy!! I've never done a rave but I had to work Friday night and the headliner was some guy called Excision. Man, the people there was like nothing I'd ever seen. The lack of clothing and the lack of inhibitions due to whatever drugs they snuck in made for an interesting work experience that night. LOL

    @french_vanilla13 I'm enjoying S4 a little. I was a little ticked to learn that my Iron Woman sim aged while I was playing in the Willow Creek save. :( I didn't realized I needed to start a brand new game and not just play in a different world to separate the two. Now I'm sorta stuck trying to figure out what to do. One will have to be moved and start over and I'm thinking it's my Iron Woman. :( That doesn't make me happy at all.

    Be sure to show us some pics of Toothless when you're done with him. Sorry you don't have all your sim stuff on the other laptop, but at least you got the game up and running. :)

    @ELIROC I actually got the spa pack last week because Amazon had them on sale for $10. I like the yoga aspect and things like that. It's been the only additional pack I've bought since I got the game.

    @MischiefTheKitten good luck with the beta readers. That was the hardest part for me, finding even 1 that made it through. In the end I had 2 friends that did it for me and helped me out so I was happy about that.

    Things here go quiet from time to time. People have their focus on other things so they don't pop in here to chat as often. The thread goes through it's ups and downs. I can't believe Joel's gen is almost over. :( Seems like he still had so much left.

    @Vuneca I didn't buy the new stuff pack. The flowers and things looked pretty, but it didn't scream BUY ME so I haven't.

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yes, the Romantic Gardens thingy pack ;-)

    I was thinking the same thing @jazen it looks pretty but wasn't pulling at me to buy like they usually are. plus I told myself I would only buy them onsale and I don't think those ever get marked down.. but we'll see. Good luck with your book. Now that you know what you were hung up on I hope you can find a way to get inspired again.
    Sorry to hear about your TS4 game. You can play with the settings so that the only people that age are the ones your actively playing, so that ALL households you've played age, or none at all. Or at least I think those are the options. The times I play are few and far between right now.

    @MischiefTheKitten I am halfway done with your book. I took a break from it this weekend since hubby was home. I FINALLY finished my effing English class and moving onto anatomy and physiology. It's one of my fav topics, but there is just SO MUCH TO IT! So I will be carrying my Kindle around to let my right brain rest while my left brain has some fun reading your book when I need a break! I hope to finish it this week :-D
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Vuneca I still haven't had a chance to play with it properly (my sims are all poor, it seems) but the new decor looks absolutely beautiful <3 It's a great incentive to make them work two jobs :P Not that they can work two jobs, but you know, if they could...

    Thank you again for being my beta reader <3 I've started to create a list today with all feedback, categorised by chapter, which should help me sort through it all :) Good luck with your classes! They do sound interesting if hard. I'm not sure how well I'd get on with an anatomy class.

    @jazen Thank you. I've found some great people who are pointing out lots of stuff to me (both good and bad, which is great) so I think I've got a good bunch :) not everyone has gotten back to me yet, though, so on Friday I'll chase up everyone who hasn't said anything yet. They'll have had two weeks by then and I did ask to be updated as they go.

    Well done dusting off your own novel! Sounds like you've got some character development to do. I feel your pain, Rainy's gen has been going on forever and a day, too - and let's not start on 7Fates!! The last time I updated that was, what, June? oO

    @Everyone I've started writing Joel's chapter (I'm two sentences into it, guys!! it's something!) so it will definitely be out this Friday :) I'll try to get his next chapter done for next week, too :) It'd be nice to schedule something ahead of time.


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @Vuneca since I'm still more an S3 player, I've been really selective in what I buy for S4. At this point I want more additional items for gameplay and that new pack felt all decor to me. Thanks, I'm hoping to make some headway on my bood. Malcolm is much harder to figure out as a main character instead of a secondary.

    I've saved Jentry to my library so I'll just start her over in a new save. I didn't realize the games would be connected like they are. Now I know.

    Yay for finishing up your English class. Good look with anatomy and physiology. Have you said what your major is?

    @MischiefTheKitten that's great to hear about your beta readers. Hopefully when I get to that point again I won't have as many struggles as I did with Fiendish. I probably will though, that just seems to be the way for me. :(

    I don't know why Malcolm has been so hard to figure out. It could be all in my head, but to me it seems like the only thing his life really involves is Calida and that isn't good for me. I need him to be fully developed outside of the relationship but I can't seem to get it right. It all feels forced. :( When I get frustrated on one project it typically keeps me from moving forward on others so I had to just walk away from Not Broken for a while. Hopefully it won't clog me up again. I did manage to squeak out an update for Kiss so I'm happy about that. It had been a while since the last one. :( I think I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel with that story so I have to prepare myself to say goodbye. :(

    Hope everyone has had a good week so far.

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @jazen I saw the update and will hopefully get around to reading it this weekend or next week :) I cant wait to see what happens next. I hope Amari gives him another chance, but they have so much to work through I don't know if either of them can stomach it. I guess I'll wait and see, eh? ^^

    I wish I could say the same about Whispers. I really need to get my b*tt in gear and finish it. It's been running for such a long time, and is more than ready for an end.

    @Everyone I should have an update for Joel out today. I've just written it and am just giving it a moment before reading over it again :)


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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Everyone I did it!! I have a chapter!! :D

    2.15 of Joel's gen is out now :) I'll try to do another next week, but might focus on my rainbowcy instead.



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