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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @NewToTheSims yep! We got married at a place that sorta of does things in package form. So it was all inclusive. :) Made planning a heck of a lot easier! One stop shop, didn't have to worry about finding all the different vendors. I loved it.

    @MischiefTheKitten I try to work on stuff, but I'm pretty good at wasting time. LOL I need to do better about staying focused but I don't. :( I saw your comment on Kiss. Glad blogger wasn't a pain this time. :) I have a lot of Cameron's generation already mapped out in my head. I just need to get through Matt's first. LOL We never do much for Halloween. The boys dress up and go beg for candy but that's about it. LOL The Girl is attending some parties on campus this year. The boys don't play in the rain, they close the fields, but they will play in the cold. :( I think I'm all caught up on your updates. :)

    @Seera1024 well it sounds like you have things all ready. Hopefully the build goes quickly. :)

    @jeapos88 I need to read your updates. I'll try to get to them soon. :)

    @Piazzagirl1015 aww I'm happy to hear you've enjoyed the story. Things just keep improving the more I go along. I'm having lots of fun with it.

    I'm not the fastest with updates either. Looking forward to yours when you get to it. :) Hoping baby #3 will get some of Chelsea's features. Right now poor girl is 0-2. LOL

    Thanks. They were of course very excited about tonight. :)


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    Seera1024Seera1024 Posts: 3,629 Member
    @Piazzagirl1015 Thanks! The technical difficulties led me to getting a much better computer. My dad, however, didn't understand why I was getting a new computer when my old one still worked.

    @jazen The computer is put together and working fine. Only had two problems after the initial set up. One of the power cables on the inside was forgotten about. And unfortunately, the part it is connected to is required for the computer to run. The other problem was one of the updated drivers for my usb ports decided to break the ports. But that wasn't hard to fix. If I can make it to 90 days without any other issues, I'll be good for the life of the computer.

    @Everyone I'm currently working on getting all of what I've written caught up to where I've played for all of my stories. I am however, writing more on one since I'm on a roll. Once I get all stories caught in in writing to where they are in game, I've got 2 chapters for my Random legacy story to get pictures for and then I'll be at two updates for my Going Solo.
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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    Happy late Halloween to everyone! LOL.

    @Piazzagirl1015: Sweet! Sounds like it'll be a good time then, once I get around to it. Right now I'm watching How to Get Away With Murder. It's really cool and suspense filled, I'm liking it. I'm also working my way through Grey's Anatomy slowly hehe, I've seen a lot of the episodes on tv, but I'm taking the time to actually go through them on Netflix too. I'm in Season 3 of that one. I loved all your comments on The Proposal and they've all been answered now! Thanks for taking the time to leave them. ^_^ You're welcome! Time really does fly, doesn't it? :smiley:
    @jazen: Your kids' costumes look great! Aww, that's so cool, I like how some places will do that for brides who don't necessarily want to plan everything themselves. I was one of the brides who took the planning into my own hands, and had a blast doing it. I know vendors can get difficult to work with sometimes, but everything I did and everyone I worked with was really great, and everything turned out amazing.
    @Seera1024: Still behind on your Random legacy story, LOL, I haven't been reading as much as I had before, truthfully, I've been busy writing my own stuff. I can relate to you though on being slow at updating, I haven't updated my Going Solo in a while, and I finally just put an Echoes update up a few days ago. I've been putting a lot of my time on The Proposal just because other people submitted their Sims, so I wanted to make that story update in a somewhat timely manner cause I feel like people would want to see what their Sims have been up to.

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    carlimactcarlimact Posts: 766 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    Since we all love Quintalyn, I thought I'd post my update here.

    Chapter 5 - The Return of Richie
    Or the one where Quintalyn has a chainsaw
    Chapter Index
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    I've got another new chapter for Joel's story :)


    I've only got two more chapters left now before I'm caught up on all the writing *phew!* I'll try to write another one this week, and then hopefully I'll be all caught up sometime next week. Sophia and my rainbowcy are next!

    Now, let me catch up here over breakfast.. :3


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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Piazzagirl1015 It really is exciting, but as much as I enjoy working on my book and everything that entails I miss my sims, too. It was really nice to write new updates for Joel and Rainy again last week.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Illusion and Catalina together, and their babies ^^

    Sounds like your job search is living up to its bad name :/ I'm sorry it's only part time jobs calling you back. Finding a job at any time is difficult, but it's even harder when you need to get out of your current one. My SO is quite picky so it's taking a while, but he's applied to another job last week which closes today so I've got my fingers crossed.

    @jazen The boys look great!! Looks like you all had fun :)

    Hehe, now wasting time is something I'm pretty good at :P

    @NewToTheSims I'm slowly getting there on updates!! Should be caught up by the end of the week :)

    @carlimact Opened your update and will read in a bit! :)


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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited November 2015
    @Jazen The main thing is that you continue to have fun writing the story and that you love the family which we all can see in the finished product.

    I'm hoping for more of Chelsea in the next baby but we will soon see as soon as I get back to that save file. This weekend I was working on Race so the majority of time was spent in that save file.

    @Seera1024 That is the plus side to technical difficulties getting a brand new computer! I wish you the best of luck with it.

    @NewToTheSims It sounds like you are binge watching of these TV shows which is the best way so you don't have to wait for the next week or the next season to find out what happened. That is how I started with Once and now that I am caught up I'm watching them weekly. I'm probably going to get back to reading Echos this week or next as I believe I will have some more time on my hands soon :)

    @MischiefTheKitten I can see the excitement you have for the book when you talk on Facebook or twitter about it but I am glad that you are back with us and updating. I read on commented on Joel's updates and looking forward to Whispers.

    Catalina is still a teen as I haven't been in that save file this weekend but she will be a young adult pretty soon. :)

    The problem is I can't leave a full time for a part time mainly because of my benefits. If I do get demoted which may still happen I'll start taking the part time interviews until than I am stuck. I am hoping that your SO does find a job that he does like and I don't blame him for being picky as you do have to like going to work.

    @Everyone This weekend I have been hard at work on a Race update and I do hope to have it ready soon and I do have a picture of my neice in her costume to share. As you can see Romo is getting big :) She auditioned for the Little Mermaid this year and she did get a call back for the role of Ariel so we are keeping our fingers crossed.


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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited November 2015
    I am going in game to take some pictures for my Going Solo chapter which has been sitting around for a few months! O_O Excitement. LOL. *screams* I have the chapter all published now! I can't believe it's been that long... since I last updated... LOL. *dances around*

    Solace of Elysium: Natalia 6: Revelations

    @MischiefTheKitten: Ooh cool! I saw your comments, and will be replying sometime today. Thanks for reading!
    @Piazzagirl1015: Ohh, nice. Heehee. I need to build a set for the next Echoes chapter and am still thinking about what to write for it. Your niece's costume was so cute. ^_^ LOL. I'm kind of binge watching, but not really, LOL, like I'm not just sitting for hours in a row until I am caught up, but yes, I am watching the shows in the sense that I don't have to wait for the next episode. I have a few shows that I watch on over the air tv, so I'm used to not getting to see the episode until a week later, and I don't mind it too much. Hehe.

    Post edited by NewToTheSims on
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @NewToTheSims I'm so happy I'm all caught up finally ^^ Looking forward to the next update :)

    @carlimact I've read your update but didn't have an option to comment as annonymous. Blogger has been dead set against letting me comment unless I comment as annonymous so I'll leave it for now and will try again later :) If it doesn't work even then I'll send you my comment in a PM :)

    @Piazzagirl1015 I can see why that would be a problem :/ It's terrible of your boss to even consider demoting you since your health issues are largely her fault -.- I've got my fingers crossed for you, I'm sure you'll find something soon!

    I really am, and I'm glad my excitement comes across ^^ This morning I woke up to the map being completed! I was planning on writing Whispers this morning but then that took over all of my attention instead :) I'll get to Whispers tomorrow hopefully, but it should definitely happen before the end of the week :) I don't know if you've seen it but I did have one update already - I think I did that one on Friday or Thursday last week :)

    I hope everyone is well!


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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited November 2015
    @Newtothesims I read the update last night and commented. It's good to have your story back. Last night was a little hectic so when I get home tonight I will respond to the comments you left on Race :)

    I kind of like binge watching myself but I do take it slowly I just finished watching all of Desperate Housewives (I know that finished it's run a long time ago) and I'm going to start on Revenge next as that one has finished its run too. I'm actually looking for shows that have finished their runs so I don't get into what I am now on waiting for the next week or hiatus to be over to see the next show.

    @MischiefTheKitten I seen your maps on Twitter and they look wonderful! Thanks for letting me know about the update which I will read and comment on when I get back from work tonight. :)

    @Everyone The next Race update is finished and I will probably post it tonight. I just want to fuss with it a couple more times before posting. I do have a toddler picture to show everyone:

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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hello! I remodeled the Business Bistro yesterday for Solace... really I just added a room into it, LOL, but it is going to be the set for the next chapter.

    @MischiefTheKitten: Yay! Haha. Nice job getting caught up. I am excited to keep going on to see which Sim ultimately wins a spot in the final 3 and 2 of the show! Oh ps... saw you are still having problems with Blogger comments, and I updated Solace, my GS, but if you want to send a PM comment, that's fine, I can add it in to the comments like I have done before.
    @Piazzagirl1015: Hi! Ahh sweet! I saw the email that said you had commented, and it brought a smile to my face. Haha. Woo! Yeah, I found some time to read your legacy again! LOL. Ooh, Desperate Housewives, that's one I've never seen, and Revenge did look interesting. It makes sense I think a lot of people are transitioning to where they don't want to wait for the next episode, LOL. Makes sense.

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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @Newtothesims Now that we have netflix, hulu and whatever other services I don't know about plus all these smart tvs and phones, binge watching will be happening more and its already affecting the ratings. I think I decided on watching Revenge next for sure as I heard so many people saying it was good but most of them tell me that the first season was the best.

    I can't wait to see the renovated Bistro

    @Everyone I posted the update this morning for Race


    Chapter 76-Bae Watch
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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    I haven't gotten to do a whole lot today, LOL, some vaccuum cleaner salesmen came by and shampooed a little section of my carpet, haha, so I was talking to them all morning. I also got entered in a drawing to win $1,000 of free gasoline. In some sad news, I found out my car I have been driving for 10 years, but which is 23 years old, has a fuel line leak because it is rusting out, and the structure of it is really rusty, so it wasn't worth fixing. By the time I did fix it, I would have been better off putting that money towards a new car. So... I'm looking for a new car now.

    @Piazzagirl1015: Honestly I only added one room to the Bistro, the little office where they're going to carry out their operation. I haven't decided yet how much of the operation I was going to show, so that's why I didn't know if I even needed to go to the work of remodeling the whole thing. It's got all the kitchen counters and restaurant areas already though, so it seems to not need a ton of it. But here is a picture of that office.


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @Seera1024 yay! That's great news. I'm glad you got it all worked out.

    @NewToTheSims thanks. Normally I am the one that takes them looking but this year my hubby did it. It was a much quicker process with him. LOL

    Nope, I was not in the mood to plan. I'm very VERY bad at organizing and things like that so it worked out much better for me this way. :)

    Read and commented on Solace. :)

    Good luck on the mini build. I do that a lot, add rooms and and things as I need them.

    @carlimact hello again. I'll read your update soon. Always fun to see what Quin has been up to. :)

    @MischiefTheKitten I am all caught up! Looking forward to the next update. :)

    The boys had a blast Trick-or-treating. :) This year I did something different and pre-made treat bags instead of just handing out a few pieces of candy to each kid. I made 60 bags and they were gone in the first hour! It was nuts. We had more kids this year than ever. I was talking to my neighbor and she agreed we had to have 100 kids easy come through.

    @Piazzagirl1015 Yep, I'm still enjoying the family! They have grown on me more than I thought they would and now I keep tons of back ups of them so I can rebuild just in case something goes wonky.

    Fingers crossed Chelsea gets to give off some of her genes with baby #3.

    Aww...Romo is a cutie! I love his curly coat and good luck to your niece. I hope she gets the part!

    Bae is a cutie, hard to tell who he looks like more. I'm thinking Chrissie, but as a tot it's harder to tell. Read and commented on the update!

    @Everyone looks like it'll be raining updates. I managed to get one written for Matt so I should have that posted tomorrow. :)

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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    Good morning. :) Finally after months of nothing I give you guys an update. Enjoy. :)

    Matthew: Chapter 16

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    edited November 2015
    @jazen Read and commented!! :) I feel terrible for Kia, she must feel awful :(

    100 kids!! :O Sounds like you had a great Halloween! :D Pre-filling treat bags sounds like a great idea, I bet the kids loved getting a whole bag rather than just one thing :)

    @Piazzagirl1015 Thank you, I'm in love with them ^^ I saw your comments and will hopefully reply either today or at the weekend :) I've got your update open and just need to find a moment to read it now :)

    @Everyone I've got the next update written for Starbound (I misjudged how much I had left before, so I'm actually all caught up with this update!) but probably won't have time to go through it again now before Monday. I'll probably publish it then, if not it'll be Tuesday :) Let me give you a quick, cute teaser though:


    My random name generator named him Luca :)


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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    Morning! I'm doing okay today. I still have that cough unfortunately... I think it's better, but last night I just kept coughing in spurts, and it wasn't the best night sleep I've ever had. I'm kind of irritated that it's still here, but I have faith it will go away eventually. Today's my anniversary with hubs, so that might have contributed to me being mad about it even more, like, I want to feel good on my anniversary... LOL. I wanted to see the new James Bond movie but IDK right now because the last thing I want is to have a coughing fit in the middle of the movie that I can't stop. My hubs and I also got a car loan for buying me a different car because mine I just found out is undriveable... the fuel line is leaking and so it would be wise if I just stopped driving it. The underbody is also very rusty so fixing the fuel line would have been pointless because the rest of the rust would have just caused the fix to become rusty again over time. It is just time, I think. I've had the old car for 10 years and it wasn't new when I bought it... the car is 23 years old. LOL. So anyway, all that to say I think I might just opt to go test drive some cars tonight rather than go to the movie, might be better since I have that cough. And yeah, I could go to the doctor, but I'm not a person who generally likes to do stuff like that... unless one of my limbs is falling off, I don't go to hospitals. I figure, the doctors have better things to deal with, like people whose limbs are falling off then to nurse a cough. I can do that myself. Considering I haven't gotten sick in like 10+ years, other than like the 24 hour flu, I'd say this cough is not that bad then. LOL. It's probably some tougher germ my body is just taking longer to deal with than most other things I have caught in the past.

    @jazen You are welcome, and thanks for reading Solace! I read your new GS chapter too. Loved it. ^_^ Ahh yeah, I'm still wondering if I need to remodel the rest of the Bistro, BUT, I think I need to write a few things for the chapter, which will help me decide on that.
    @MischiefTheKitten Hi! I like your male Sim's hairstyle in that picture you shared. :) I am a sucker for the whole hair falling in a man's face hairstyles. LOL. Mmmm...

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    Hello everybody!!

    Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful weekend!

    I'm still learning like crazy. At least I know now my assessment will be on December 7th. I'm glad, it gives me a good time to learn. Maybe I'll even have a little time to play between learning time... at least I hope!

    I can't wait to come back, to post my updates and to read all your stories.

    Have a good time you all!!!
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @NewToTheSims Thank you!! I was disappointed when he was born because he was another mermaid (the fourth generation in a row born as a mermaid, I think) and looked like a clone of his mother, so I had to make him work for me :P Long hair and a pony tail definitely make him work for me :3

    @ELIROC Good luck with your assignment! Sounds like you've been working hard, you'll do great I'm sure! A good weekend to you, too, I hope you can relax a little between study sessions :)


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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    @ELIROC Hello! *waves* Have fun with your learning. :)
    @MischiefTheKitten Oh wow. LOL. Mermaid genetics must be strong in your save. Mmm... I agree. LOL. He works. Very very well.

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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten congrats on gen 3 being born. I'm guess in Luca is a vamp since Joel was in the process of going through the change when Ellie got pregnant.

    Yes, pre filling the bags was a good idea until I ran out. LOL next year I'll make more, but I like giving out the bags, makes things much quicker at the door.

    @NewToTheSims HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!! How many years? Sorry you were sick for the day, but I hope you are feeling better now. It sucks being sick, especially on special days. I am hoping to go see the new Bond movie this week. The hubs will be off for Veteran's Day so hopefully we'll be able to have a date day while the kids are in school. :) Bummer about your car. I hate car shopping!!! It's such a pain and dealing with the sales people is annoying. Good luck in your search. Hope you find something soon.

    Thanks for the comments on my last chapter. I've replied to all that were left so far. :) Building sets can get tricky. Sometimes things can get carried away. I try not to go too overboard with my builds if I only need one room or something, but sometimes things just get out of hand. LOL

    @ELIROC hello!!! Always good to see you pop in. Yay for having a day for your test! Study hard, but I'm sure you'll do great!

    So I spent yesterday playing one of my for fun saves and some of today trying to organize my files. I have a ton of poses so I'm trying to go through and make sure I have pictures with codes for them because I hate actually loading pose player while in game. It takes so long to do that and I tend to forget what I have without some sort of visual aide. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some writing done on something, but who knows. It's been cold and rainy all of last week and it's looking the same for next week which makes me sleepy and lazy. LOL

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    @jazen Thank you! Five years. :D Haha. Yeah it did suck to be sick on the day, but I'm glad at least that I managed to have dinner out with him. Woo! I hope you get to see the new Bond movie, just don't say anything about spoilers in here cause I haven't seen it yet. Heehee. Yeah, my poor car, he's like my BFF, LOL, but it's time, there's nothing you can do about rust damaging the structural integrity. Anyway, yes, I looked at a few cars online, that I would like to go and test drive, yesterday I felt well enough to go around some dealerships (they were all closed) so I got to just look at the cars on the lot and see them in 'person' so to speak, rather than just pictures of them. I'm glad I did too, cause the Charger that is in town has some like crazy dark tint on the driver's side window and I'm like... I would like to be able to see out my window when I drive thanks... LOLL. There was a BMW too that I might want to test drive, but the one I most want to drive is the Lincoln Zephyr that's at a dealership a few miles away in a different town, the place where hubs bought his car. Thanks for the good luck, I hope to find one soon... I don't want to be like hubs, waiting a year before I can have my own car again. LOL. Ahh sure, no problem for the comments. I love to leave them. Ahh true true, it starts with like "hmm I don't like that wallpaper..." and then by the time I know it the whole lot has been remodeled. Yeah, I get ya. LOL.

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    There's a new chapter out for Starbound! ^^


    I'm finally caught up with all those pictures I had, so if I get a chance this weekend I'll do some playing ^^

    @NewToTheSims I think usually mermaid genes are supposed to be quite week, so my saves are an anomaly. I just hope they're bred out for good now! :P

    I completely missed that it was your anniversary! Congrasts to the two of you! Being sick on the day sucks, but it sounds like you've made the best of it and managed to celebrate anyway:)

    @jazen Luca is a vampire :) And not a bad mix of his parents! They're both visibly in there which makes a nice change :) I did hope Elli's genes would be stronger but I'm just glad that they made it in there at all.


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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm working on the next Solace chapter, and am just about to open my game to play a little in that save! I'm excited, I haven't gone in that save in a while, except for a few minutes the other day to add that one office into the bistro. LOL. I didn't really count that as playing since it was so short of a thing and I didn't really game play anything. Also, washing some dishes. Haha. Today I watched two episodes of How to Get Away with Murder... it's quickly becoming one of my favorite shows.

    @MischiefTheKitten Ahh yeah, the game gives you wierd things sometimes, doesn't it? I heard the mermaids can die if they are out of the water too long? That sounds really quite annoying... honestly LOL. I wasn't sure about the scales on their legs when they're walking around with feet either... :/ but I don't have Island Paradise so IDK either way if it really is that annoying or not. Thanks for the congrats, haha, yeah, it was sad I was sick on the day, but I did still have fun so it was fine.

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Everyone I got a bit of playing done tonight and Luca aged up into a toddler :3 He's a cutie! But please, see for yourselves:


    He's got the same hair colour as Joel and pretty much the entire rest of the family, he's got Elli's red eyes and his skin tone is somewhere between Joel and Elli, so it's a little lighter than Joel :)

    @NewToTheSims It's very annoying, actually :P I don't know if you've read my TS3 going solo but the sisters of the founder's dad died because of dehydration :/ It's the only reason her father was born into the family, so I guess I should be happy about it since Rose wouldn't have been born otherwise! :P



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