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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten hmmm, maybe so, maybe so, guess we'll see next time, won't we? :p

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    They are so cute I can hardly stand it! The big white one is Fizzgigg (think dark crystal), the liver/tan is Ludo (Think Labyrinth), and the black one is Samus Aran (Think Metroid)

    It's very hard to concentrate with them around and even harder to start with even basic training. ohmygoshtheyresocuteicantstandit!
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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hey guys, I have written chapter 3 of The Proposal, it's still being worked on though haha. I had a lot of fun calculating scores and figuring out who was safe and who wasn't... *cue ominous music* LOL. This is my Day eleven Sim, which was holiday theme, so I picked Halloween, and dressed my Simself up in a Catwoman outfit.


    Right now I'm working on some dishes, and my Day twelve Sim.

    @french_vanilla13: Well thank you. :D I hope it goes well. I still need to figure out how I want the cards to look. I don't really care about identical or anything like that, but I think I want to do something not typical red and green. I'm also needing to write a letter in a birthday card for a friend soon. I think I'll make my 30 day sim for today and then do that so I can have it ready in time. The card for the birthday is already made at least LOL, so it's one less thing I have to deal with.
    @MischiefTheKitten: Wheee for being all caught up! Haha. I should have the next chapter up in a few days. It's all written, I just need to make some poses and take the pictures for it. I thought I'd give myself a break today from that story because I've been working on it nonstop for the past few days. I do want to keep that story updated quickly though because people have their Sims invested in it and I'm sure everyone is excited to see how their Sims are doing. Looks like you've been busy with your stories too! That's awesome. ^_^
    @Vuneca: Cute dogs!

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    Hello everybody!

    I am preparing myself to an important interview at my work, a kind of a promotion, which will ensure better flights. It's quite a difficult interview. They ask a lot about everything, from politics, sports, etc but they ask everything about our company (from market strategies to product, sales, gastronomy etc). I've been waiting for this opportunity for a while and I need to focus.

    I do have two chapter of each of my stories written but I'll even try to publish but I can't tell when yet.

    I great Sunday to all of you!
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    petunia302007petunia302007 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi everyone! In addition to my Iron Woman Challenge, I have started a Going Solo! I'm doing it in TS4 too, as I do not have the patience it takes to wait for TS3 to open. My first chapter is up on my blog already. Chapter 1
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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    I love the start on your solo challenge Petunia
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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten I do hope you are feeling better soon and it is a good idea for you to relax so you can get over it soon.

    I don't want Sophia's story to take a backseat either as I am interested to see what happens next and it would be cool if you could get the picture but Sims 4 is not a complete game yet. Even the modders need time to work on poses and I'm sure there will be more CC coming out.

    Thanks again and I should be getting back to Race soon :)

    @jazen I have to give the little guy credit, even if it wasn't as intense as an adult root canal it couldn't have been a fun experience.

    I guess Don is not used to being turned down. LOL I'm not sure how long that marriage will last as they both seem to be on the rebound.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Zane and I look forward to seeing the Halloween pictures.

    I'm trying to do the same with all my content or at least have it all available. The only things I left out were the gondola and the roller coaster as I couldn't fit it and the green house items as I usually place the greenhouse items on the lot if they do gardening. Due to the fact that I only have one cinema in the venue they have no choice but to watch the same movie which should be cute for dates. I just installed the mod for no autonomous deep fryer and Ice Cream maker and I gave it the ultimate test a university dorm. No one but my sims touched either object without me directing them to use it. This is going to be a favorite mod of mine for sure.

    I was very surprised at the books not only by the author list but by the number of books too. I can't believe there are 300 general literture books in game. It still amazes me that they put such details into little things like this into the game but yet couldn't fix some of the glitches.

    @french_vanilla13 Don't feel bad for not responding as we all have the times when life keeps us away. We all understand because it does happen to all of us. The main thing is that you returned to us when you were able to.

    @NewToTheSims One of my biggest worries when doing the BC is having two of them with 100 scores so I had to avoid it at all costs. It wasn't so much a worry with Chelsea but for Caleb it was almost an issue. Your system does offer a way to avoid that so its pretty cool. I love the catwoman costume :)

    @Vuneca Awwwww! The puppies are so cute! Have fun with them :)

    @ELIROC Wishing you the best of luck on your interview and I will be keeping all my fingers crossed that you get the promotion. No worries about the updates, whenever you are able to post the interview is much more important right now.
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    petunia302007petunia302007 Posts: 75 Member
    @Nancy01905 thank you for reading. I'm having fun with both of these challenges so far. Just wish I had more time to play, however, work and husband are always in the
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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    i was planing to work on mine but i am fighting a head cold :(
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member

    @ELIROC Good Luck1 You deserve it!

    @Piazzagirl1015 IKR?! I wish someone was still around to fix TS3

    @Nancy01905 I hope you and @MischiefTheKitten feel better. My fam and I have been drinking water kefir for about 3 months and none of us have been sick since. Even with the kids being in school again.

    @petunia302007 I have your new story open to check out as soon as i can.

    @NewToTheSims meow!

    @all PHEW I love puppies but it's kind of like having an new born baby again. They came from a dif time zone and are use to getting up at 0430 my time >_< but the puppy kisses are totally worth it!
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    Nancy01905Nancy01905 Posts: 3,929 Member
    Vuneca wrote: »
    @ELIROC Good Luck1 You deserve it!

    @Piazzagirl1015 IKR?! I wish someone was still around to fix TS3

    @Nancy01905 I hope you and @MischiefTheKitten feel better. My fam and I have been drinking water kefir for about 3 months and none of us have been sick since. Even with the kids being in school again.

    @petunia302007 I have your new story open to check out as soon as i can.

    @NewToTheSims meow!

    @all PHEW I love puppies but it's kind of like having an new born baby again. They came from a dif time zone and are use to getting up at 0430 my time >_< but the puppy kisses are totally worth it!

    Thanks Vuneca I am hoping to feel better by next week I want to work on my legacy video one for awhile
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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @french_vanllia13 yes it is! I have the hardest time with my premium content for some reason. The greenhouse still acts up in my game. :( The venue itself appears as a windowless block and all the items are replaced with 'default' things even though I can get the items separately in game so they are there. It's frustrating and I've given up on it just like the toy store. :( I hope you are able to get your game up and running again.

    @NewToTheSims your batman looks good. Love his outfit!

    I've read and commented on the latest chapter of the proposal. As the challenges get more involved I expect things to really heat up. Should be fun to see who wins. :)

    The kids do keep me busy but since everyone is in school now, I use that as my sim/writing time. The weekends I have soccer games and just family time in general. Yep, I have to let go of some sims. My story saves can get bloated because I typically have the aging off in those (Kiss, Fiendish) so no one aged so no one died. For the legacy and other for fun plays I turn the aging back on so the game doesn't get as bloated that way. It's hard to lose a sim :( but it must be done considering how long this challenge is supposed to go, if I kept all 84 gens the family would be nuts!

    @MischiefTheKitten They pass out when they are sleepy right? If you just lock them in a room, drop their bar down (if there are cheats to control motives) then wait for them to pass out to get the shot. I know in S3 they will also pass out if scared, not sure if that is the same in S4, but those are 2 options. I've read and commented on both updates. :)

    @Vuneca the puppies!!!! Aww aren't they adorable. So cute, but I can imagine your house is really busy now with the training and such. Can't wait to see more pics of them. Love their names.

    I've never heard of water kefir. I do the Kefir yogurt drinks and my boys all take a daily probiotic. I may need to look into the water option since they didn't like the taste of the yogurt when I tried to give it to them. My youngest one needs all the help he can get, he's always sick. Most recently he has another serious sinus infection and his pedi is talking about maybe having his tonsils removed. :(

    @ELIROC good luck with the interview!!! Sending you good luck vibes from the states. :) I'm sure you'll do great.

    @petunia302007 will read your new chapter shortly.

    @Piazzagirl1015 yep, he did well for it. He had a little swelling and it was funny watching him poke his numb cheek. He'd never had that experience before. LOL The remaining cavities are all smaller and will require only normal fillings.

    It seems like Don didn't like being turned down one bit. LOL Doesn't feel too good when the shoe is on the other foot.

    Her challenge kicks off on Thursday, so I'll be sure to update my for fun blog with how he's progressing in the challenge. Hopefully he does well since he has a chance with 2 ladies, but we'll see. There are 14 guys he's gotta knock out. Halloween pics start on Thursday as well. I've been working on them slowly so I have 15 days done. Almost there.

    It's a good idea to try and make use of your content. I want to do the same thing if it works in my game. :( Such a pain sometimes. Oh yay for the mod working!!! That's a relief because I do get tired of my sims always using those items. I tend to not put them in houses now because of it.

    The book thing is cool. All the little things that are hidden in the game that we've overlooked for years.

    @Nancy01905 hope you feel better soon!

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Vuneca They are too cute, and the names suit them perfectly :3

    @NewToTheSims I know, bachelor challenges are too much fun :D I loved doing mine with Donna and will probably do another one again somewhen. They are too much fun not to! Although mine didn't look like it was straight from someone's TV! The detail you put into all the shots is awesome, definitely not something I could be bothered with.

    @ELIROC How exciting, good luck with the interview!

    @petunia302007 I've opened your new update and will read soon :)

    @Piazzagirl1015 I think I'll just run with what the game gives me. Adds to the challenge, right? I'm looking forward to seeing a new update from Race, seeing our families together will be lovely :3

    @Nancy01905 I'm sorry to hear you're not well, hope you feel better soon :)

    @Jazen I think so... I hope so, haha. I'll test it next time I'm in game. If my sim could just do that... Goodness, I'd be so happy.

    @Everyone I'm slowly getting there now but am still not all better so I've got another day off work. I'm off Thursday and Friday this week too since I'm working this weekend, so I'll try to get more written for Sophia or Joel. It's just choosing once that's the problem :P If you've got a preference do tell, haha!


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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    @Vuneca Sadly I think we are now on our own with Sims 3 :(

    @Nancy01905 I do hope you are feeling better real soon.

    @Jazen Since the rest are just some fillings it will be easier. It sounds like he has the hard part behind him now.

    Don doesn't like getting a taste of his own medicine. LOL! That save is funny because it really is like a soap opera.

    With 2 ladies he does have a chance and we will be cheering for him. Those pictures do seem like they take some time to do as you really do a great job with them. I'm looking forward to seeing this years pictures.

    I remember you saying you had such a hard time with the store content but I was happy when you told me that some of it like the multi tabs started to work. Hopefully it will all work soon enough. The mod works perfectly here it the link to it:

    No Autonomous Ice Cream Maker and Deep Fryer

    I really do think it is so cool that we will constantly be learning about Sims 3. I'm about to add the comic books to the list I made to see if there is anything I can connect from those too.

    @MischiefTheKitten It does add to the challenge so you are 100% correct on that :) Working on updates this week and I do hope to have something posted on both stories soon.
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    @Piazzagirl1015 Awesome, can't wait to read it :3

    Everyone, I decided to work a little on my updates for Sophia today. I was behind three chapters and just wrote two, so there's only one left which I'll write on Thursday. Three updates before the weekend isn't too much, is it? :) (🐸🐸🐸🐸's about to go down, I tell ya!)


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    french_vanilla13french_vanilla13 Posts: 586 Member
    @NewToTheSims That sounds fun, even though I probably won't be able to do it, I did go ahead and create a sim when I finally was able to get in game. I'm having so much trouble getting the game up-to-date and then adding in my mods and trying to get my saves to work, it's taking me forever to do anything. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures.

    @ELIROC Awesome! Well good luck on your interview! I hope you get it.

    @Vuneca puppies are adorable but a lot of work. Definitely a lot like a new born I would think. Although I've never had a newborn of my own, so I don't really know for sure. I've had new born pups and kittens though. It can be especially hard feeding them with an eye dropper.

    @MischiefTheKitten I hope you feel better tomorrow. 3 updates is okay. You probably don't want to know my plans for my challenge when I get my sims back up and working.

    @Piazzagirl1015 That looks like a mod that would be a necessity. It's so annoying when everyone charges for that fryer. It drives me insane.
    I can't wait to read your updates...whenever I get the time to catch up on everyone's stories that is.
    As for returning, I've been wanting to return for a while. It was a very stressful and lonely couple of weeks lol. I'm glad to be back though.

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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    Update 1 of 3 - here ya go! :D All updates this week will be from In Another Life. Next week I might tackle Joel ^^

    @french_vanilla13 Thank you, it's not so bad any more :) I'm still a little out of breath from the simplest of things but I'm not coughing or sneezing so much any more and my throat feels fine today, too :)

    Where is everyone? Hehe, good to see everyone's busy ^^


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    Piazzagirl1015Piazzagirl1015 Posts: 2,500 Member
    edited September 2015
    @french_vanilla13 The mod has been a life saver and I have tested it in a dorm at university with 6 roommates out of my control so it is perfect. Whenever you are ready to read there is no rush as I know life is hectic for you and the updates are not going anywhere. We are very happy to have you back with us.

    @MischiefTheKitten Already read the first update and I am looking forward to the next two. Yep we have suddenly gotten quiet here.

    @Everyone I have a strange glitch in my perfect genetic game so I think I might have to change save files. I'm getting the script errors saying that many of the townies including a few of the gentlemen from the bachelor challenge have parents. Now that shouldn't seem so bad but the parents are CARS! Some of the townies have Big Lemon, Sloppy Jalopy and Toyota Prius listed as parents so I think its time to move save files because I don't even want to begin fixing that one.

    *Edit-It looks like Raven is moving too, her save has the same glitch. I do hope this is not something that is working its way through all of my saves. I did get 20 kids in the first town so that worked out pretty well.*

    Also when I finish one of my just for fun games (most likely when Raven or Zoe finish their challenges) I am going to do another quick reality show based challenge to replace it. It will NOT be a bachelor challenge and I will not be asking for donations unless you really have a sim you want to see suffer along with the Race Against Time Bunch I am forming. This will just be for fun and will not affect the story in any way. This is the contestant list so far, Nick Alto, Vita Alto, Jareth Alto, Brandon Alto, Denny Goodfellow, Gretchen Goodfellow, Valerie Landgraab, Johnny De Vito, Dahlia Goodfellow, Pip Goodfellow, and Dimitri Bautista. I'm going to try and see if I can get Bradly MacDuff added to this Motley Crew too. This should be fun and I'm already having a hard time trying to figure out who to root for. The list might change depending on what happens in Race between now and than. More details will be coming as I get ready to start this.
    Post edited by Piazzagirl1015 on
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    I updated the first page. Please look it over and make sure the stories you want posted are there, Stories you don't want posted are removed, and give me any other suggestions. Thanks

    Happy Simming
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    petunia302007petunia302007 Posts: 75 Member
    @Vuneca Thanks for adding me to the front page...can you name my GS "All By Myself"? Could you also add an AKA on my stories too...cause the name on my blog is Simfulicious... Don't want to confuse people.
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    @petunia302007 can you post the link to your All By Myself story? I'm bot sure which one that is. I have both the stories on your sig posted

    @all - Does anyone know if there's a MOD that stops sims from letting horses out of their stalls? It is driving me batty!
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    NewToTheSimsNewToTheSims Posts: 1,160 Member
    Hi everyone! I've posted the next Proposal chapter, the very first elimination ceremony! Some of you have already seen it, thank you, for reading and commenting. Every comment I've seen before coming into the thread has been answered. I'm posting the link below. Enjoy!

    The Proposal: Episode Three: Elimination Week One

    I also have my day 13 and day 14 Sim up... so I thought I'd share their pictures in here. XD One is an athlete and the other is a nerd.


    @Piazzagirl1015: *nods fervently* Yes, that is a big problem, if two or more contestants hit 100 before the BC is over. I think people need to either add something else they can add to the scores so they can keep going, or just have a different scoring system entirely. I'm liking my scoring system a lot, and the suspense it adds to the story. It really is random and I never know who's going to win for the week. Thanks! I loved that Catwoman photo shoot. Hahaah.
    @Vuneca: ROFL. Meow indeed. Thanks for reading The Proposal! :)
    @jazen: Thank you! :blush: That CC creator was amazing... the one who made that Batsuit. LOL. I think when I get to the semi-finals, it will be really fun to delve into that, as the structure of the show changes once there are fewer contestants. Wow... 84 generations. I have never gotten that far with a family before, LOL. I tend to just play a couple and IDK play out their lives, with aging off, haha, I don't random play much, but when I do it's always Simself and her fantasy husband, and I don't really do generational stuff unless I'm doing it for a story. I certainly have not been playing Sims that long to have written a story that is that long either. LOL. XD That's awesome though.
    @MischiefTheKitten: Awww, thank you, I'm glad you like the detail in mine. I wanted mine to be different, and I think I've been pretty successful at it so far. I plan to keep with it throughout the whole story.
    @french_vanilla13: Ahh, sorry your game is giving you so many problems. I hope you get it figured out soon. ^_^

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    petunia302007petunia302007 Posts: 75 Member
    @Vuneca both stories are on that blog. I just wanted you to change the name of the GS story to All by Myself...the link is good already...thanks
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    edited September 2015
    @NewToTheSims Read the update and commented ^^ The first elimination is always difficult, it always feels like it's too early to kick anyone out. Still, Nefeli is doing well so no complaints from me! :)

    @Vuneca Sorry, I don't know of any mods like that :/ I know the issue you mean, it drives me mad, too.

    @Everyone Here's update 2/3 of Sophia's story ^^ The final update for this week I'll do either tomorrow or Friday, depending on how I'll have time. It'll be a big one and 🐸🐸🐸🐸 will go down, so prepare yourselves! :P


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    jazenjazen Posts: 5,612 Member
    @MischiefTheKitten I hope you were able to figure it out for your story. I've read and commented on all the updates except for today's. I'll read it in a bit.

    Glad you're feeling better. :)

    @Piazzagirl1015 yes, I don't know why, but he's had the worst check ups of all the kids. :( He's going in next month to get 2 more fillings done. I really hate taking them out of school so I try to arrange appointments for days they already have off.

    hahaha Don, well maybe that will teach him to treat women as more than just a piece of meat.

    The kick off for the challenge is tomorrow! I do hope he gets along well with at least 1 of the ladies. I'll be posting his progress updates on my for fun blog so I don't clutter up the thread. For the pictures, some do take more set up time than others. Luckily, most of them are fairly quick and easy, but not always. I can knock out a few a day so that helps.

    Yes :( Sadly I do have a hard time with my store content. I don't know why, but I've had several pieces that just won't work. I'm so happy my tablets work now! Those things are great. Woot, happy that mod works, maybe I can start to use those items again. :)

    Bummer on your saves. :( I've never had that sort of glitch, but this game always surprises me with something. I do hope that it's not going to effect all of your saves. If it just started happening, take out that mod since that is the most recent addition to your game, clear your cache files, then open one of your legacy back up saves to see what happens. Hope it all works out.

    Oh boy...with a group like the one you listed I can't wait to see what you get up to. Sounds like that TV show Bad Girl's Club only it's not all just chicks. The house of evil is what you will have. Maybe I need to give you George to add to the mix. LOL

    @NewToTheSims read and commented. The first BC I did I had a 4 way tie of 100 :( I put it up to a 'America's Vote' well the TV producers did. LOL I did a poll and the guy that got the most votes won. Luckily my second time around I didn't get 2 with the 100 score. I was happy for that!

    There are some amazing creators out there and I am grateful for them! I can't make CC so I rely on those that can and are willing to share. I've tried to make custom pictures and I got 1 to work, but I've not gone back to try again to make them for my families which is what I want to do.

    Yep, @Piazzagirl1015 made a checklist for this challenge and in doing so she realized that if you have all the EPs you will have 84 gens to get through because that's how many LTWs there are. So this challenge will take a long, long time. LOL I've never made it past gen 3 in a legacy play so I was very excited to get to Matt's gen! I'm planning on throwing a virtual party when I make it to gen 10 as I've never done that before! :D That's why I was saying as much as I hate the idea, I know I have to let some of my sims die. :( All those that are immortal will move with me to each new town as I relocate the family so I need to keep that number a manageable size even with the help of porter. LOL After realizing that Kiss turned 4, I had no idea how much time can pass without you even noticing. Heck As Life Goes will be turning 2 in a few weeks. LOL

    So I've been neglecting my writing :( I hope to get back to it soon, but I won't make any promises as to when. I need to finish out Matt's gen so I hopefully will buckle down and focus on it, or something soon.

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