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The Going Solo Challenge (main) Updated to include TS4


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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    edited June 2013
    ELIROC - Yay, good start!! :D I immediately liked your founder, I hope she'll be alright out there on her own. Loneliness can be a very defeating thing when experienced over long periods of time. Or it can be very deliberating - how she copes with it will show who she really is, can't wait to see it :)

    And thank you!! I hadn't build anything in a while so this was nice ^^ I know it doesn't look like much right now, but I'm hoping it'll get there as I go on :)

    Vuneca - poor Jane :( I hope she'll be okay, though it seems like Meadow has helped settled things a little. It'd be sad if she grew up hating her mother, but Constance seems very strict :/ Here's hoping they'll get along better now, and especially when Jane is older. I wonder if she'd get on with her evil twin sister...?


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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    Update on Loulou Wing:

    After all that happened I wanted to go to a place where I knew no-one. The only place I could imagine at that moment was Bridgeport. The city was so big that it would be unlikely I'd meet someone from my "previous life".

    I arrived in Bridgeport in the morning. After arrival, I sold my only treasure: the ring. Putting together all money I had and what I got for the ring, I was able to buy a small furnished house.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-146_zps946a1494.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    When I first entered the house I felt horrible. I wanted to run away, back to my life of luxury, to my pool.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-149_zps9ae1f73f.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I hated that house. I found it too small, the furniture too ugly, the neighboors too boring. I hated my condition, my life. But I hated myself most, for not having done anything useful while I still could. But I still hadn't learn my lesson. Instead of trying to change my condition, I accommodated. I spent my days watching tv instead of going look for a work or at least learning something.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-151_zpsa98a66db.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I didn't even care to do any cleaning. I'd never had to do anything in my life and I still didn't realise that, if I didn't help myself, no-one would. I was still the same spoiled kid, the only difference, I was soon going to have to deal with the consequences.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-165_zps0f2e487f.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    A week or two after I moved in, I got the visit of someone from the university. The guy, a kind of mascot, wearing a rather weird Lhama outfit, asked me when I would finally start. When I said I had no money to pay for it, he suggested I tried for sponsorship. I just had to make an aptitude test. Depending on the results, I could get finacial assistance. I tried it immediately.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-156_zps6e9c4416.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    When he check on my results, he said, "I'm sorry, Lady, but we do sponsor when we see some potential. Your results are one of the worse I've ever seen. You'll need at least one year of preparation before you can apply once more."
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-153_zps8c129514.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I was so upset that I sent him away immediately. In the next days I tried to pretend nothing had happened. But it didn't take long until I had my first crisis. Although I was still convinced that arrogant guy misjudged me, somehow I knew he was right. I was good for nothing. I didn't even know how to prepare a meal, to repair a shower or even to clean my own environment.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-159_zpsbb420d7c.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    That would have been a good time to grow up... but not for me. I chose the sofa and tv instead... while my house was deteriorating. The money was getting short and my depts increasing. And I was sitting on the sofa, watching tv.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-164_zps5e978c2a.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    ShaliANel wrote:
    ELIROC - Yay, good start!! :D I immediately liked your founder, I hope she'll be alright out there on her own. Loneliness can be a very defeating thing when experienced over long periods of time. Or it can be very deliberating - how she copes with it will show who she really is, can't wait to see it :)

    And thank you!! I hadn't build anything in a while so this was nice ^^ I know it doesn't look like much right now, but I'm hoping it'll get there as I go on :) ~MischiefTheKitten

    Oh I would go on building if I were you. You have talent, the house looks harmonic. It's simple but looks beautiful. Very good choice of colors and windows.

    My founder was a fae I made but never played with. She didn't even have a name, nor traits. I was clicking on that "random Sim thing" when she appeared.
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    MischiefTheKittenMischiefTheKitten Posts: 3,635 Member
    edited June 2013
    Oh dear, Eliroc, sounds like someone's in shock :shock: Hope she recovers soon or she'll be on the road again!


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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    I carried on that "sofa/tv" life for maybe two weeks, maybe a bit longer. One evening, after having slept the whole afternoon, I got up very hungry. I checked my fridge for food but it was completly empty. I went out to get some food but, once in the market, I realised I had just enough money for maybe another week. Scared - actually completely scared! - I woke up. Finally I noticed that I was the one who had to take my live into my hands.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-189_zps9077e95c.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    Next morning, for the first time in my new life, I opened the newspaper. However I wasn't interested in any news but I was looking for a job. And I was ready to take anything I could get. I was even ready to beg them to take me.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-183_zps8c5f4f79.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    Yet sometimes its already too late when we finally react. My debts were already to high and they started taking my furniture away. First they took my little sofa and one counter of the kitchen.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-167_zps3ddfe307.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    Then they took my precious tv, the fridge, the another counter, my closet... almost all my furniture
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-169_zps9a8daf2d.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I was able to get a job doing newspaper delivery but I did not earn enough money to pay my debts. I tried to get a loan but it was refused. Once again, I had to step back. I thought my life could not get any worse but I was wrong.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-191_zps35182929.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I had to take a decision. Either I would stay in that house and end up loosing everything again, or I sell the house and find another affordable place to live, even worse than what I had.
    I was forced to leave my house. After paying all debts I had enough money to rent a small apartment in the heart of Bridgeport.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-194_zps5da557c7.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    For the first time in my life I was living in a small apartment, completely anonymous.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-195_zpse911ec7f.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    But things were different. I wasn't the same person anymore. I felt victorious for I was already taking my life into my hands and I knew I would not give up. I was a fighter and I knew I would win!
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-199_zpsb1b1066d.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Wow ELIROC. You've got me really feeling sorry for this poor girl. She looked awful at the market. I can't wait to read more!
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    AS Constance was putting the finishing touches on her biography of Don Lothario her computer died.
    "I hope that's not a bad sign..."

    It needed to be finished in time for Meadow's party. It was in celebration of Don's biography. An attempt to help their relationship. Constance had no choice but to bring Jane with her. But that turned out to be a good thing. She and Titus entertained each other, leaving the grown ups alone!

    Seeing what a good mood her mother was in after the party Jane showed of her ballet moves. Secretly she HATED ballet, but if it made mommy happy, she was going to try it.

    "Lovely Jane!"

    "Wow, this 'being a good little girl' thing seems to be working" Jane thought to herself

    The next day Constance was hung over! After remember how good Jane was the night before, she gave her some money and told her to take Titus to the Fall Festival.
    "You two have a good time and don't come home any time soon!"

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    My new life as a responsible woman started well. Of course I didn't like that work at all but I was responsible enough to stay. After all this was my only chance to get somewhere in my life. And I was determined to go to university.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-220_zps88ea32e3.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    Since I'd never had to work in my life, it was really hard at the beginning. The most difficult part was getting up early... But in order to be able to distribute all the newspapers before 5:30am, I had to be out of my house at 4am, no matter what kind of weather would wait for me outside...
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-222_zps5c66b834.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    In the first weeks of work I felt exhausted. Sometimes I went to bed already at 7pm... sometimes even earlier than that.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-208_zps0fa3ae88.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    But it seemed to make no difference next morning...
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-200_zpsa428ab25.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    In order to recover a little from that hard work, I used to do a little sport, not much though. I either went jogging in the park or used the local gym, which was sponsored by the company I worked for. I didn't have to pay anything, what was very important on those days.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-203_zps8b573857.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    Soon I got noticed by my boss. Seeing that I was a hard worker, she told me I had good chances at work. Nevertheless, I had to make some progress in my studies first, specially writing.
    Honestly, I didn't have much interest in jornalism on those days but I needed money to go to university.
    My first choice was doing some courses on specific areas but my salary was not sufficient to cover all the spences. So I decided to read. I used to spent every free time I had at the local library.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-205_zps71688f62.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    Eventually I found out that learning wasn't as boring as I thought. I started reading in bed, too, before going to sleep.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-211_zpsb655cbdb.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I started cooking as well. I didn't know many different recipes but I was able to read a few books about it. I actually liked trying new things.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-215_zpsd76b12cf.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I remember my surprise when I finally managed to cook something eatable for the first time.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-216_zps72d12db8.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    I was so proud of myself... I couldn't help smiling. This was my first victory. At that moment I knew I could learn everything, I just had to add some effort to it.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-219_zpsc6a53674.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>

    My social life was a mess, though. Somehow I wasn't interested in making friends. It was like I didn't believe in friendship anymore. All friends I had before were friends of my money. Even my boyfriend left me. This hurt me a lot, I didn't trust anyone.
    One evening, before going to bed, I decided to delete myself of the social network. I didn't even check the messages, just deleted everything. That spoiled, futile person on the net wasn't me anymore, and I didn't even want to remember her.
    Everything I wanted at that time was to be invisible, anonymous.
    <img src=" Wing/Screenshot-209_zpse55221b6.jpg&quot; width="400" height="320"></img>
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    Oh, I finished publishing mine and saw you updated also, Vuneca!

    Great update! :thumbup: The pic of hung over is so perfect, she really looks like :lol:
    Poor little Jane... she's making ballet just to please the mother.. who still didn't find her way with the daughter... Looks like the longest Jane stays out the best!

    (Looking forward to the next update!)
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Thanks ELIROC. I have been trying to get her to meet up with her twin by sending her all over town. I got a notice that Hal and Joan moved so now I don't know where they live!

    Your sim is really starting to turn things around. I can't wait for her to make it into University!
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    beckles123beckles123 Posts: 679 Member
    edited June 2013
    loved the updates :3 looking forwad to readig more and thats a crying shame :o I bet it was realy good aswell :o
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Going right along with Constance's desire for peace and quite, Halloween came. She had no problems sending Jane out trick or treating by herself...
    ...which lead to her celebrating her birthday with complete strangers!
    Jane now has the commitment issues trait from her father (or is it because of the way her mother has raised her?)

    Why don't you care about me?! You're never there when I need you! You've never even bought me a cake or thrown me a party in my whole life! Now you think I am going to continue sharing a room with you?! I get my own room or I am going to go find my father. Maybe he'll love me!"
    "All you care about are your stupid books! No one reads those things anyway! You're a terrible author!"

    "Look here young lady! You will NOT speak to me like that! You're grounded for the rest of your life!Don't you dare think of leaving this house!"
    "And how are you going to stop me?"
    "You've got no car and no friends. I will not hesitate to call the police on you."
    "Oh, yeah right, Mom. Whatever."

    ahhh, teenagers. After the dust settled, Constance thought giving Jane her own room might be a good idea after all. Clearly sharing a room wasn't going to work. She moved some things around in her study and was able to fit a nice single bed in there. That's where she spends all her time anyway. Besides, it's cold now so it will be nice having a fireplace right there.

    She tried without luck to get into her writing to forget about the nasty fight.
    "Man that girl stresses me out!"
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Just to rebel against her mother, Jane was sneaking out of the house the first chance she got.
    "Stupid....won't tell me what to do.....hate it....she'll see....."
    Grumble grumble

    "What are you gonna do about it, old man?"
    "Hahahah! The look on your ugly old face!"

    "@#$%^ cops! $%^ $%^& &*() )(*& #$%^,.........."

    "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! You're SO grounded! Maybe I should ship you off to the military school! Go to your room NOW! I better not hear a peep out of you for the rest of the weekend!"

    "Meadow, I don't know what to do! She's awful. she won't listen to anything I say. The police brought her home for heaven's sake! If I had the money, that child would be in boarding school so fast her neck would snap!"
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    The house had become a war zone.
    Jane playing pranks...
    Then getting in trouble
    again and again.
    Things had gotten so bad an evil gnome showed up on the property. Of course Jane loved it! She even named it Constance....

    Constance was trying to pretend everything was fine. She was a successful writer, had a coveted home, and a close friend that meant the world to her. TO celebrate her young life of success, she threw herself a birthday party.

    "Oh Constance! The book you wrote about me is still on the best seller list! Thank you so much!"

    Ah! Her life was going somewhere. Fame! People knew her name! Hopefully wealth would be following soon....
    Constance had no idea how much Jane was hating her right now. She had never once had a birthday party. Not even a single present. And now she's expected to celebrate her mother's? HA!

    "Maybe if I start bringing boys to my room..."

    "Or maybe not! He's kinda crazy!"

    "Haha! Titus! Are you ever going to grow up? HAhaha!"

    Constance took her aside and furiously whispered at her
    "You had better get yourself under control! You do NOT talk to my guests that way! You're an embarrassment! How do you ever plan to make anything of yourself this way?"

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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Snow Day Shenanigans!


    "I have a deadline, Jane. I want you out of the house today so I can concentrate. And no more of your tricks!"
    Whoops! Good thing Jane had already escaped outside

    "Just out here, being an angel...."

    "I know that was you Jane!"
    "Lighten up Mom, I've been outside. Why don't you try and have some fun for a change? Let's see who can build a snowman the fastest!"

    "Haha Jane! I win! You lose! I'm heading to the store. DOn't set foot in this house until dinner!"

    "That's fine, I'll just make myself an army. If only you guys were real."

    "Mom sure has been gone a long time. I need to warm up......Hahah, Take that you old witch."

    Now to make some 'welcome home' snowmen

    "Ahhh!! JANE!"

    But at that time, Jane was already sound asleep. Along with her guardian gnome.
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    Omg, Jane turn to be a real nightmare for her mother!! Well... actually Constance asked for!
    I wonder what its going to end up this troubled relationship!
    I wonder also how her sister is, if she's also so rebel or got better traits...
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    I still haven't found the house Hal and Joan moved to but based on the pop ups SP gives me I an forming a plan for their reunion. I can't decide if I want it to be a good thing or a bad thing. Technically Jane doesn't have any neg traits (unless you count commitment issues) but I've let the game direct me a lot and she can be devious!

    Any suggestions on the kind of relationship the twins should have with each other?
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    AngelzzzDaydream0AngelzzzDaydream0 Posts: 1,087 Member
    edited June 2013
    I'm hereeeeeeee! Hmmm... late to the party as usual! Well, I'm definitely going to give this a try! I luv this idea! I have to go back and read the entire thread. Are we supposed to post updates in here Vuneca? Going to get all caught up! :mrgreen:
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Angel!!HI! :D You can post updates here or start your own thread. Whatever is easier. After reading Mischief's secret resonance I am thinking of moving my story to and actual blog site then linking it back. Not sure yet though. I look fwd to see your posts!
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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    Welcome, Angel, great to see you here, too :D

    I can't wait to see your story!!

    Edit: Vuneca, I would make them be best friends, understand each other best, look exactly the same and play tricks on her parents!
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    AngelzzzDaydream0AngelzzzDaydream0 Posts: 1,087 Member
    edited June 2013
    Just got caught up! I luv both of your stories so far. Poor Jane and poor Constance, they are both going through so much. I luv the backstory on yours Eliroc. Seeing both of your stories, I can tell this challenge will be a toughie! Going to get started right away! :mrgreen:
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    angldiorangldior Posts: 4,379 Member
    edited June 2013
    Oh poor Constance.
    Jane is a complete nightmare. I would ship that little devil off to boarding school if I was Constance. It is kinda funny watching Jane torture her mother though lol. I started my own Going Solo Challenge here
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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    "You know what Jane? It's time for you to get a job! Your good for nothing father hasn't helped us in the least. It's time for you to start pulling your weight around here. I am almost finished with this book so leave me alone."

    Jane took the first job she saw in the paper. Mausoleum clerk. creepy. cool!

    "Since you want me to have a job so bad, don't you think it's time I learned to drive?"

    "Thank goodness I'm still in one piece! That's the last time I get in a car with you Jane!"

    Even with Jane being in school and having a job, they still argued all the time


    "What did I tell you about using my computer! Don't ever touch my computer!"


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    VunecaVuneca Posts: 1,686 Member
    edited June 2013
    Jane was a good kid at heart. She wanted what all other teenaged girls wanted. A car. A boyfriend. A kicking social. It's hard to be a normal teen with a mother like Constance. Jane started locking herself in her room when she was home to avoid confrontation.

    Constance never noticed Jane's absence. What she did notice was how much faster she seemed to get her books finished. She was on a real role. The one wet spring morning it happened. Constance Achieved her LTW to be a true Professional Author!
    "Let the money roll in!" She thought happily

    She felt so benevolent she wanted to celebrate. Unfortunately Jane wasn't speaking to her.
    "Maybe I should have spent more time with my daughter. Maybe if I hadn't been so intent on my writing things would be different between us. I know! I'll get her a gift!"

    "Wow, Mom must be losing her mind! I can't believe she just gave this to me. Without demanding anything for it! Has she finally gone senile?? 'Cuz that would be great!"

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    ELIROCELIROC Posts: 2,318 Member
    edited June 2013
    Wow, congratulations for achieving the LTW to be a true Professional Author! Actually I have no idea what LTW means :oops: but must be the top or this profession :D

    Ohh, I feel things are going to change now, on their Relationship... I hope Constance has now time to think what she has done and what she can still do for her daughter...

    Now a question concerning my next update:
    You wrote no roommates but... my Loulou is going to university very soon. I could put her alone in a house but this wouldn't make sense in her story for she has no money. Can I put her in one of that student houses? After all these roommates are only during the university time... :D

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