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Trade Off - TS4 Game-play Challenge by EQCreations


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    FaoiltearnaFaoiltearna Posts: 767 Member
    Hello :smile:
    I am wondering if any of you have noticed an issue with being unable to get leftovers when made by another Sim in same household. SimA makes a family meal (4 servings) and puts it in their fridge. SimB is directed to get leftovers but does the route fail (waving etc) animation. I did not find anything on AnswersHQ but want to investigate before creating an issue log.

    Unfortunately, because I'm playing a shared kitchen, I don't have anything to contribute to this. :(
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    EuphorialQueenEuphorialQueen Posts: 6,224 Member
    SoulGal7 wrote: »
    @EuphorialQueen - Oh my goodness! Another challenge. I haven't even finished the last one you created yet! hehehe However, these short challenges look really good :)
    Just keeping you busy :innocent:;)
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    I have my next house ready lol.. for after I finish this and now I'm rethinking if I want two separate kitchens... that sounds like a pain.
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    FaoiltearnaFaoiltearna Posts: 767 Member
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    I have my next house ready lol.. for after I finish this and now I'm rethinking if I want two separate kitchens... that sounds like a pain.

    Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to stick with the shared kitchen when I do this again. I might forgo the vaults this time though. Give me more money for landscaping, and maybe a slightly bigger house. :smile:
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    Well I finished another week and Felix has finished his aspiration, and has level 10 painting. He's at level 8 in his job and next week is his uncontrolled week. Since he will paint on his own I'm guessing he will be promoted at least once, maybe twice as he might get promoted on his next work day.
    Oscar is close on writing like level 9, he is very close on aspiration also. The big hold up is that he is only level 6 in his career and he isn't set for promotion the next work day.
    I'll definitely use the squeamish trait again if I want to make a character type. For Felix's character it's really made him stand out. I think with Oscar his hothead and slob trait have slowed him down some. Whew glad I didn't add in lazy. They are making great bank... at the end of this week they have 94 K. I did slow down Felix's painting some on my own and switched him to learning the piano. Mostly he's just putting out one or two paintings a day... but some of course sell for thousands.
    I do know one thing... I won't try to do the World Famous Celebrity ever in this challenge. You backslide too much with an uncontrolled sim.
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    FaoiltearnaFaoiltearna Posts: 767 Member
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    I'll definitely use the squeamish trait again if I want to make a character type. For Felix's character it's really made him stand out. I think with Oscar his hothead and slob trait have slowed him down some. Whew glad I didn't add in lazy.
    I do know one thing... I won't try to do the World Famous Celebrity ever in this challenge. You backslide too much with an uncontrolled sim.

    Felicia is Lazy, and Oh My Plumbob is it hard to get her to do anything! It's made for a great challenge, but geez! Lazy plus slob would probably equal not much getting done at all, and filth on top of it.

    Yeah, I opted out of the Celebrity for this challenge, too. It's hard enough to keep up with when you can control them all the time. :neutral:

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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I’m on Thursday of week 1 and Oreo is already showing weight change. I’ll have before and after photos of week 1 soon. I’m worried about his Slob habits tho when week 2 arrives and I won’t control him. I have to force him to clean up his dishes and flush the toilet. Not worried about the dishes really cause Percy has the Neat trait. But his bathroom will look horrific by the end of the week 2 I think.
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    EuphorialQueenEuphorialQueen Posts: 6,224 Member
    Ugh! My poor non-controlled Sim just had toilet, sink, shower and fridge break!
    :o I had my controlled Sim call a repair service.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    The broken stuff can be a problem.. and gnomes don't always work out..

    I got through another week, I think I'm on 5? It's the first week of fall and Oscar was at bat.
    For Oscar I realized I took a much harder career branch for him (Journalist Career) also much less lucrative. Basically he has to write 4 articles as his daily task and interview. He has had no time to write books until his day off. It looks like he's only going to inch up in his career also if I'm not controlling him so this might take awhile. He's at level 7 now and he might promote beginning of the week but then he'll stall. I'm glad he has a lot of books out there still bringing in royalties...

    Felix is level 9 in his career and ready to promote.. all else is done. He finishes his daily tasks on his own lol.
    Felix is always fun to watch for me while he's autonomous. He's just mostly happy/inspired because of the auras.. paints like crazy, sprays his desk, talks to plants and plucks at the keyboard. He will be good to throw in my library as some future caretaker/weird live-in quasi butler for another family at some point. He'll more than pull his weight and mostly stay out the way.
    I just took this shot. I think it's crazy how much he paints. This is only one week autonomously... while working. Two partially finished paintings are included he stops if he has to go to work ect..

    Lol, I have a question if Felix finishes I still have to trade off right? Yeah, yeah I think I know the answer. Playing Oscar is starting to feel like pulling teeth. Deadbeat!
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    The broken stuff can be a problem.. and gnomes don't always work out..

    I got through another week, I think I'm on 5? It's the first week of fall and Oscar was at bat.
    For Oscar I realized I took a much harder career branch for him (Journalist Career) also much less lucrative. Basically he has to write 4 articles as his daily task and interview. He has had no time to write books until his day off. It looks like he's only going to inch up in his career also if I'm not controlling him so this might take awhile. He's at level 7 now and he might promote beginning of the week but then he'll stall. I'm glad he has a lot of books out there still bringing in royalties...

    Felix is level 9 in his career and ready to promote.. all else is done. He finishes his daily tasks on his own lol.
    Felix is always fun to watch for me while he's autonomous. He's just mostly happy/inspired because of the auras.. paints like crazy, sprays his desk, talks to plants and plucks at the keyboard. He will be good to throw in my library as some future caretaker/weird live-in quasi butler for another family at some point. He'll more than pull his weight and mostly stay out the way.
    I just took this shot. I think it's crazy how much he paints. This is only one week autonomously... while working. Two partially finished paintings are included he stops if he has to go to work ect..

    Lol, I have a question if Felix finishes I still have to trade off right? Yeah, yeah I think I know the answer. Playing Oscar is starting to feel like pulling teeth. Deadbeat!

    Oscar needs a cheering

    I'm worried for Oreo, tho. I think he's going to be an Oscar on his autonomous weeks for my Trade Off.
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Oreo Cookie and Percy Doodad
    Fall Season: Week 1: Oreo Cookie

    I start the challenge with the Fall season. Each season will last two weeks (14 days) per the rules. I get to control both Oreo and Percy on Sundays. Then Monday through Saturday, I will only control Oreo for Week 1.

    Oreo and Percy start out with no skills per the challenge rules.

    I use the first day to get Oreo and Percy into a career related to their Aspirations.

    I spend the rest of Sunday having Oreo and Percy interact with each other. Come Monday I will not force socialize each other. If Percy decides to talk to Oreo autonomously while he is in the kitchen, then I will let it happen.

    At the end of the week, Oreo was able to get to the halfway mark for his Aspiration and received three promotions at work for his career.

    For Oreo's skills in week 1: Charisma - 3, Comedy - 2, Cooking - 3, and Fitness - 5

    Socially, Oreo has made Acquaintances with Lilith Vatore and Don Lothario. He doesn't like Lilith much, but is getting to know Don. Oreo is Best Friends with Percy Doodad.

    Check out the before and after of Oreo Cookie during his Bodybuilding Aspiration and Career in Week 1! He's turned into a skinny runt! :lol: Now he needs to start building muscle! I'll work on that in week 3.

    In week 1, Percy was not controlled and did her stuff autonomously. Here are her results:
    Aspiration: Still working on level 1. Not much progress.

    Career: Promoted twice at work. Way to go Percy getting this on your own!

    Skills: Comedy - 1, Cooking - 2, Dancing - 3, Fitness - 1, Guitar - 1, Mischief - 2, and Violin - 4
    She really loves to dance on her own. And she plays the violin everywhere from her bedroom, to the bathroom, and even the kitchen. :lol:

    Social: On her own, she became Acquaintances with Clara Bjergsen and Don Lothario. On Sunday, I had Oreo Cookie interact with her majority of the day and they ended up Best Friends.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    Wow @LegacySims2017 need to rename Oreo .. Breadstick! Guess we see him muscle up as time goes on. What an amazing transformation in one week!
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    Wow @LegacySims2017 need to rename Oreo .. Breadstick! Guess we see him muscle up as time goes on. What an amazing transformation in one week!

    Hopefully he’ll eat some carbs in week 2, autonomously. Then in week 3 I’ll take him off doing cardio and have him use weights.
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    Hi everyone! I loved this challenge. Looks like all of you are having fun with it too.

    Here's my attempt: A Double Quandary
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    Karababy52Karababy52 Posts: 5,952 Member
    Alrighty, well, my mansion build is almost finished. All I have left to do is the landscaping, but I need a break! I've never decorated/remodeled such a BIG lot before, my wheelhouse is tiny/small builds. It's been fun, don't get me wrong, but a little overwhelming at the same time.

    So, since I bookmarked this thread and have been following along with all your fun play time with this challenge and chomping at the bit to play myself, I started my own the night before and finished one week last night. \o/

    Here's my Sims I created for the challenge:



    And here's their home, they share the kitchen. Everything is exactly the same for both except for the colors, plus Aubree has an easel and Zack has a treadmill & punching bag. It's located on the 30x20 Hindquarters Hideaway (I think that's what it's called?) lot in Brindleton Bay.




    Here's their stats after week one:


    Notes: Aubree has two additional reward traits now; waterproof and creative visionary. I controlled Aubree for the first week and let Zack do whatever he pleased. That turned out to be mostly dancing, chatting & video games on the computer, reading and the ever popular getting water & drinks from the fridge, and he did use the exercise equipment too in addition to spontaneous push-ups. He also got sick, but it passed quickly so I didn't do anything about it.

    Aubree got sick as well, but her illness was more serious, she had spots and was dizzy/dazed. I had her buy medicine from the computer. They started out in Summer and there's been 3 days in a row of thunderstorms with a couple more coming up! I like thunderstorms, but sheesh! o.O Curiously every day when mud puddles form, there's one right in front of Aubree's front door and she ALWAYS slips in it. Poor thing!

    They both had the same work hours at first too and when they'd get home, both would try to run inside by going through Zack's door. Of course Aubree couldn't get in there so I had to redirect her. lol Thankfully she hasn't been hit by lightening, yet. Their mailbox did get hit though, but not destroyed.

    I have a couple questions @EuphorialQueen now that the first week is over. First, now that I can't control Aubree, what happens when/if she paints on her own? Can I drag the paintings off the easel to her wall so she can paint another one? Also, they've accumulated 11,597 simoleons so far. Can I expand their house with that? Or am I stuck now with the size and shape and can only upgrade and/or add to their living areas?

    Can I put shared objects besides kitchen stuff in the kitchen for them both to use? Specifically I was thinking about perhaps a chess table. Also, what about if I want to build them a pool? Can I do that or no? Lastly, are they required to have a sink? I usually don't give my Sims one because of the whole drinking water thing and just give them a dishwasher instead. Let me know whenever you have time. Thanks!

    I'm having fun with this so far and can't wait to see what Aubree does on her own. I haven't uploaded my Sims or their house yet, but I will when I get the time and remember to play online. lol I'm so used to playing offline because of my old laptop, I forget to stay online most of the time now that I can with my new desktop.

    Time to get some ZzzZzzs, I'll hopefully be back later tonight though with another update. It is okay to post updates here, right? Or would you rather I posted on my blog? I haven't used that thing in probably a year or more. Opps! lol Ciao! <3
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    EuphorialQueenEuphorialQueen Posts: 6,224 Member
    edited February 2019
    First: I want to welcome you to the challenge and hope you are having fun :smiley:
    Love your Sims <3<3<3
    Second: Just woke up from a long nap and need a moment to give your questions a proper reply. <3
    Post edited by EuphorialQueen on
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    EuphorialQueenEuphorialQueen Posts: 6,224 Member
    edited February 2019
    I have a couple questions @EuphorialQueen now that the first week is over. First, now that I can't control Aubree, what happens when/if she paints on her own? Can I drag the paintings off the easel to her wall so she can paint another one?
    Yes ... the paintings can be pulled from the easel to the wall. You can also place multiple easels if you wish.
    Also, they've accumulated 11,597 simoleons so far. Can I expand their house with that? Or am I stuck now with the size and shape and can only upgrade and/or add to their living areas?
    The house can be expanded and rearranged as you progress thru the challenge.
    Can I put shared objects besides kitchen stuff in the kitchen for them both to use? Specifically I was thinking about perhaps a chess table.
    An area to share common things like chess table is a great idea. Since the kitchen is already shared you can add things there.
    Also, what about if I want to build them a pool? Can I do that or no?
    As long as you have space and funds go for it!
    Lastly, are they required to have a sink? I usually don't give my Sims one because of the whole drinking water thing and just give them a dishwasher instead. Let me know whenever you have time. Thanks!
    A sink is not required. For a very long while my Sims were not allowed to have one for these very same reasons :lol:
    Post edited by EuphorialQueen on
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    I'm relieved to hear there can be a common area with some fun objects in it.
    My sims don't interact much unless I make them for social needs so they are basically best friends and I'd kind of like a common area for company also. Mostly I'm thinking it would be good because I'd have less controlled moments. A shared bookcase also causes problems for some reason I have more problems with the door locks not working over books than most anything else.
    I also just planted the garden in front so the plants would be tended too by the controlled sim.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member

    My update for the last week. Felix did not get to level 10 in his job while I was controlling him! He got a drop down and I chose the wrong answer and he backslide in work progress. Also he only works 3 days a week.. forgot about that! I did level him a bit in some other skills though, mostly handiness and gourmet cooking. His celebrity is a little harder to grow.. but I don't have him interact with fans.

    Oscar keeps gaining fame even when not controlled which I was kind of surprised about. I noticed that celebrity walk happened on it's own and he became a B-lister while I wasn't controlling him. I guess the continuing royalties from his books are doing that. When I got to control Oscar on Sunday I started him interacting with fans a bit. I'm hoping to get him the "Stan" quirk. Oh he did move up a level in work so he's level 8. Maybe they do better without my help ;).
    Anyway they surprised me this week. I like it.

    My favorite shot of the week (there were a number of great moments)
    Ewww Oscar really?

    Love your sims @Karababy52 and such a cute house :).
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    EuphorialQueenEuphorialQueen Posts: 6,224 Member
    edited February 2019
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    I'm relieved to hear there can be a common area with some fun objects in it.
    My sims don't interact much unless I make them for social needs so they are basically best friends and I'd kind of like a common area for company also. Mostly I'm thinking it would be good because I'd have less controlled moments. A shared bookcase also causes problems for some reason I have more problems with the door locks not working over books than most anything else.
    I also just planted the garden in front so the plants would be tended too by the controlled sim.
    Even without a shared living/eating space I considered a common "fun" area. In one play-thru I put one Sim in the Gardening career. That could have been disastrous without a shared garden.
    Did you know you can create a 'sheltered' area for plants by placing roof pieces on the ground? Check out Acidalia Planitia by @Buttonsginger for an example.
    The lot was created for The Martian (Seasons Version): A Game Play Challenge also by @Buttonsginger

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    EuphorialQueenEuphorialQueen Posts: 6,224 Member
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    Wow @LegacySims2017 need to rename Oreo .. Breadstick! Guess we see him muscle up as time goes on. What an amazing transformation in one week!
    Hopefully he’ll eat some carbs in week 2, autonomously. Then in week 3 I’ll take him off doing cardio and have him use weights.
    Did you know ...
    Nabisco made a Thin Oreo?

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    FaoiltearnaFaoiltearna Posts: 767 Member
    Did you know you can create a 'sheltered' area for plants by placing roof pieces on the ground?

    Plants are also sheltered if they're up against the wall of a house with an overhanging roof. So if you don't mind a straight line garden, you can do it that way. Doesn't work for trees, unfortunately.
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    HermitgirlHermitgirl Posts: 8,825 Member
    I have to try all of these gardening tips out. I've been making greenhouses or basement shelters for awhile now..
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    LegacySims2017LegacySims2017 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Hermitgirl wrote: »
    Wow @LegacySims2017 need to rename Oreo .. Breadstick! Guess we see him muscle up as time goes on. What an amazing transformation in one week!
    Hopefully he’ll eat some carbs in week 2, autonomously. Then in week 3 I’ll take him off doing cardio and have him use weights.
    Did you know ...
    Nabisco made a Thin Oreo?

    I have those kind all the time. :grimace:
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