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List of Business Possibilities

Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
I've decided to start building my town from scratch. I want to make my main hood have a little bit of everything you would find in a small city.

Give me your creative business ideas. My goal is to have a town full of business owners.

So far I have the regular stuff-
Clothes store
Book store
Flower shop
Photography studio
Car lot

What else can I create?


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    LaBlue0314LaBlue0314 Posts: 17,439 Member
    I don't know if it would be considered an arcade, but I did have one where it was at my sim's home. I had built a separate building for their business to keep people out of their home. I had hired a maid, which also kept the business clean. There was one of those devises that would not allow a sim to enter, unless they paid. Once they got inside, there was a pool table, a card table, and a Mahjong table. There was also a restroom (with two toilet stalls). Up stairs there was a soda, and a snack machine, alone with some tables and chairs. I did also have a stereo, in case someone wanted to cut loose and dance. I even placed a buffet table upstairs as well.

    I left this open 24 hours a day, and it kept a steady income coming in on a regular basis. Since the maid came every day, my sim never had to mess with the dirty work, and if something broke, either they fixed it themselves, or hired a repairman to come out to do the job. It was the easiest business any of my sims owned, and they did not have to hire any employees.
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    cleo00cleo00 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited March 2016
    Gym, bowling alley, did you have pet store on your list? Clubs. Toy store.
    Furniture store. Electronics store. Parks. Bakery.
    You could build like a mock vacation agency.

    Decor shop. Something like Pier 1 in real life.

    Mock garden shop like Stein's or something. You can't sell outdoor flowers or trees. But hopefully you get what I mean.

    I'm fairly certain if you put the little ticket things you can own any community lot and charge townies just to be on it. You could do anything in theory.

    Edit: another idea not just a clothing store but you coukd also do a separate like makeover place. Pretend it's like a makeup boutique.
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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    Awesome ideas! Thank you both.

    I used to have an awesome world, but I lost it a few years ago. I'm trying to recreate it, but don't remember my list if businesses.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi :)

    I have a list of some I want to start/open/have opened. :)
    City Hall
    Library - with Community lot learning mod
    Grocery Store
    Farmer's Market
    Public Beach
    Sports Bar
    Supernatural Bar
    -Hobby Stores- Toys, Robotics, Flowers, Pottery, Sewing, Beauty parlor
    Meditation gardens
    Art Studio
    Fishing Grounds
    Car Dealer
    Landscaping Store
    Holiday Store
    Clothes Store
    Different types of Restaurants
    Witches' Shop
    Furniture store
    Wedding Store
    Baby Store
    Wedding Chapel/House
    Coffee house/Bakery
    Pool hall
    Dance Club
    Dance Studio
    Photographer studio
    Rock Store
    Pet Store
    Pet Park
    Pirate Beach
    Skate Park- indoor/outdoor
    Park for sports-- soccer/basketball
    Hotel- restaurant with rooms -on beach is fun
    Grilled Cheese Hangout for that aspiration
    Karaoke Bar
    Country Quilt store
    Find a Mate - online or pickup bar type thing. XD
    Movie Theater

    *Recycled Store (dug up stuff/old stuff) or yard sales
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    kremesch73kremesch73 Posts: 10,474 Member
    I pretty much run them all.

    Fitness centre
    Potions and warlock crafts. Both good and evil
    Flower store
    Toy store
    Electronics and robots
    Pottery store
    Furniture store
    Fish store
    Home-crafted items from the sewing machine
    Clothing stores
    Jewelry stores
    Amusement parks
    Found items from digging
    Workout equipment stores
    Dissatisfied with Sims 4 and hoping for a better Sims 5
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    Campgrounds are fun because they can sleep on the lots in tents and it can be like mini vacations- with all the Vacation stuff, too.

    It's the lot my Bigfoot, Charles, ran. He had a great time. :lol:
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Thanks for asking such a great question as businesses of all kinds are on my next to do list to learn in the game :)


    what a great idea re the arcade and gambling especially as its on the home lot making it work like that, nice idea re the maid and the repairs as well, 24 hour profits rolling in too is my kind of biz lol


    A garden center is going to be one of the first things I am going to try as I have gotten into the garden/fishing skills just lately but prior to trying the business aspect I am going to place a community garden in the neighborhood and send my sims there to pick produce by a cheat I found outlined within this great community garden lot I found on MTS

    Then If that works I found a mod that charges sims to harvest fresh produce on community lots at the same charge they would have to pay when purchasing at the shops. When looking in the comments section the modder explains how it works if the garden is run as a business and it has been tested with boiling oils more realistic prices mod as well.

    Charge Harvest on Community Lots


    What a fantastic list and proves to me just how much can be achieved with this series as I dare anyone moan about not having enough to do :)
    This might be asking the obvious but after you mentioned the campground it made me wonder if there is any way to be able to have mini vacation style lots in the home neighborhood where sims can visit and actually stay over? Also is it possible to have a proper functioning vacation style hotel that could be placed in downtown so sims could stay motel style like for weekends visits to the city?


    Great list but when you say run them all do you mean you have one family running one biz and another families running others so you play rotational style depending one which one takes your fancy at the time?
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    kremesch73kremesch73 Posts: 10,474 Member
    I play rotionally. Many different sims run different business. I forgot to mention graveyards too. All of my graveyards are also owned by different sims.
    Dissatisfied with Sims 4 and hoping for a better Sims 5
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    @SPARKY1922 Yes, it's what I do for the campgrounds. They can sleep in tents on community lots without mods. It's what I use to run businesses for days without going back to their home lot.
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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    One of the things I love most about TS2 is seeing my other business owners running their shops while visiting with different sims.

    Thanks for all the ideas. It's great to have a list!
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Thanks I was making sure it wasn't just one massive playable family having to run them all :) and @Mstybl95 that's what I was hoping to achieve with regards my sims visiting other businesses but didn't know if that's what happened so thanks for answering another question I had not asked again :)


    Now I know that can be achieved that's another thing for me to have a go at, my to do list is piling up here :)
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    Frogprincess_qFrogprincess_q Posts: 1,269 Member
    Now that I have the mod that allows sims to gain skills on community lots I have built a few hobby/learning type lots. I have one that I am particularly fond of called The Shed which is very roughly inspired by the Australian Men's Shed Association. The idea of a place were my sims can gather and build things (from pottery and sewing to robotics and flower arranging). There is a small gym and a place where thay can fish and it's all very masculine in decor. Including being built in an actual tin shed.

    I also have a sports field with a BBQ area, hot spring and massage table, for my serious athletes. I like to mash together a few things on one lot, but trying to make it make sense at the same time.

    I built a mid-town alley, with a public toilet, a few vending machines and a breakdancing mat. I dropped in a few of the most wretched pieces of furniture I could find and now it's a great downtown hangout for little rebels.
    Edits made and not mentioned will be for typos.

    - Froggie
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    SataiDelennnSataiDelennn Posts: 1,265 Member
    That all sounds so cool!
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    I love your idea of the shed :) I have a lot with all outdoor sports except for jogging which your sports field gave me the idea of a jogging track if that's possible.

    I also made kind of a teen rebel style hangout but honestly a mid town alley sounds way better then mine :)
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    Frogprincess_qFrogprincess_q Posts: 1,269 Member
    With mods you can make a jogging track in Sims 3, someone made markers that you can place on a lot. Sims 2 they just go jogging off the lot and eventually return when all their stats hit red, or so it seems. You can bring them back early by cancelling the action.
    Edits made and not mentioned will be for typos.

    - Froggie
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    Yes in sims 3 I use the jogging mod to make it look like my sims are jogging around a sports track but with sims 2 when my sims are gaining the fitness skill and I get the message your sims can go jogging I think jogging to where as I realized they were probably going to go off the map which is not my idea of jogging lol

    I found the following mod Joggers Don't Walk Off Lot which I am going to try and see what it does and if it works the way I would like I see a running track somewhere in my sims future-)
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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    Ooh - good find, @SPARKY1922 !

    I use the joggin set for TS3, too. I placed a track around my gym and I love seeing sims, even townies, running around the building and field. I even love how they sometimes look like they're running together.

    I have to see if I have the mod for comm lot skilling. I know I used to, but I just did a reinstall and am not sure that I downloaded everything I used to have.
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    SPARKY1922SPARKY1922 Posts: 5,965 Member

    You are welcome I hope it works the way I would like it to :)

    I too have the community skill mod its essential in sims 2 because I like my sims to gain a lot of their skills while outdoors but I cannot remember which version I have used by just looking at the package file in my folder so if you have lost your links I have found 2 versions

    I am almost sure I am using the following version and all is okay in game

    but I did find another one as well you might be interested in,91613.0.html
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    Frogprincess_qFrogprincess_q Posts: 1,269 Member
    My impression of the joggers don't walk off lot is merely that they jog to the edge of the lot and still disappear, but I haven't used it.
    Edits made and not mentioned will be for typos.

    - Froggie
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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    If anyone is interested in seeing my world, tada:




    I have one lowly community lot so far. I'm making my small business district. It's going to have all the craftables in that area.

    Now...there used to be an ATM mod. I used to use it so that my sims could take out loans. They'd have to pay it back with interest, which I loved because it made owning a business much more realistic. But since I did a reinstall, I can't seem to find it anywhere. Does anyone know where that mod came from or know of something similar?
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    HI @Mstybl95

    I love looking at neighborhoods! I like the layout. :mrgreen:

    I never used one but there's one at modthesims-
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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    Thanks, Rflong. That isn't the right one, but it's an alternative to the ticket machine thing, which would come in handy for some lots.

    I made that terrain ages ago in SimCity4. It has always been one of my favorites because it can look like a city with lots close together. I don't know when I will be done with it, but I'll keep posting pictures in this thread.
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    Oh, Sorry! :blush:


    I edited Pleasantview to be a Medieval (kinda) Island and have been playing challenges with the families- Dina Caliente is doing the Who's Your Daddy Challenge- while the whole town is part of a BACC (Build a City Challenge). I've taken a break because my family count is up to 18. :lol:


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    Mstybl95Mstybl95 Posts: 5,883 Member
    That's Pleasantview!?

    I had been playing in Pleasantview before I started working on my world. I added a few lots of my own, but nothing major. I absolutely love how you changed it!
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    Rflong7Rflong7 Posts: 36,592 Member
    @Mstybl95 I used Mootilda's Hood program. It's much more easy than Simpe -
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