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  • I just quickly went to play around with the scenarios and liked it more than I thought. I started with the "finding love" or whatever it was called and it was fun to create characters that had a situation already happening in the household. I just wish they started with a bunch more and ones that were much more long term!…
  • I am having a similar issue but I do have mods and it has to be one those conflicting. What mods do you have? My issue is that I click "scenarios" button and it does nothing.
  • A BIG YES! I thought it was so fun to get to vote on the theme for a stuff pack. Nifty Knitting is such an awesome stuff pack and hopefully another community vote would lead to another stuff pack of its quality!
  • I can't say how disappointed I am with this reveal. The scenario they presented literally was just "Here's a sentence about a challenge to work towards" and made it in the UI on the top left. We can already work towards whatever scenario we want when we play the game! There is literally ZERO gameplay being added by…
  • Gotta read between the lines here. There will definitely be another EP by the end of the year by the way he answered that!
  • The evidence does seem to be adding up! I would be pleased with an expansion like Showtime. I want one that brings back bands and a singing career. Perhaps they could bring back making music videos from Sims 1 and make them even more in depth. Showtime also had magicians and acrobats which I had loads of fun with. I really…
  • Am I the only one annoyed that you have to do an extra click once you put the laundry in the washer or dryer? I wish they automatically turned it on themselves once you directed them to load each! Just a very small extra step that annoys me greatly ha. I have also experienced these bugged dryers you are all speaking of…
  • Yes. The menu that is on the mailbox. I love getting energy from the insect boxes from Eco Lifestyle. You can nurture them and eventually you get insect bio fuel for the generators!
  • I think they must have updated traits and more drama in this game if that is happening. I have a sim couple who won't stop fighting with each other. They both have the evil trait plus she/Juliet is High Maintenance/Self Absorbed/Erratic/Snob. I used the more CAS traits mod to have that many traits. Juliet seems to be the…
  • What you described is a game pack size. There is no way something like that would be less than 20 bucks. However, I do like the sound of this pack!
  • What annoys me most about this pack are the MOODLETS! It's just dust for Pete's sake!! We don't need like 7 different reactions. I would love if the positive moodlets were only for NEAT Sims. It would add more personality! The only moodlet that all sims should get is Uncomfortable ones when your house gets filthy unless…
  • I have only purchased Bust the Dust so far and it's been quite annoying. I really wish dust just accumulated and there wasn't all these weird moodlets and annoying sniffing idle that it comes with! They went way over the top with a tiny pack that should have just included an extra chore for your Sims to partake in. I think…
  • Sacrificial's Road to Fame mod.
  • Crazy if they actually add the color wheel since modder Arnie was JUST messing with a mod last week to do that! Maybe the code they used made it easier for him!
  • I laughed so hard when I saw this new moodlet! lol
  • Sounds interesting! I can't wait to play around with this new trait! :)
  • What does it do in game that you like so much? I am curious.
  • It's been pointed out clearly that this is a FREE UPDATE to those who already own it and all these things will just be part of Spa Day now for whomever hasn't purchased it yet. I love the refreshing pack concept so much. I like how they are doing the refresh to coincide with a few free goodies in the base game too! The…
  • Hard pass. Was curious to see if it was a gameplay kit. Though I dislike how many annoyances came with the Bust the Dust kit such as breathing in the air of every room they enter. Hopefully the next gameplay kit will be more balanced. I can get endless build/buy/CAS items from CC already so I am glad I can save money by…
  • Have you recently done a repair on your game? When I have done this it makes it seem like all objects are "new".
  • You guys also reminded me of how perfect the skill journal was for keeping track of stuff too! Not just the challenges. Yes I hope they have plans for something like this returning to Sims 4!
  • I am happy with likes and dislikes minus my sims doing stuff sometimes that they dislike such as singing or dancing and getting radically tense. Their fun plummets if they are doing something they hate and they immediately get moodlets that can build while doing said hated activity and the reverse is true for the likes…
  • Thanks so much for this! I am so sick of the bars and cafes being broken. It was driving me nuts so hopefully this mod fixes the issue.
  • Did you know that chickens are very curious about babies?? It's adorable. My sim just had TRIPLETS but that's another stressful story. Anyway, I have indoor chickens and they constantly go up to the babies to check them out. It melts my heart!
  • I completely forgot how it also tracked the book titles. Such a fantastic feature. I used it all the time and now I really wish we had it back
  • You said you have lots of mods. It's definitely a mod issue. Unfortunately that is the cost of playing with mods. You have to keep up on which ones are up to date and keep the latest ones so they don't mess up your game.
  • For the feed you can also just click the actual chicken coop to scatter feed nearby. This way you don't have to feed the chickens the one by one.
  • Click your mailbox and make sure you are storing power instead of selling it
  • By default it is available no matter how many coops you currently have.

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