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  • That would be the cutest thing ever
  • I completely agree. I call them aliens cause their proportions are so weird. It's like their head is too high on their neck or something. If they were tinier it would work i think but tight now it just doesn't. They are odd and ugly, and so everytime a sim grows up as a teen I leave and come back when he is young adult.…
  • i would like to enter too if possible :blush: thank you for your generosity
  • I love the sims they make in the trailers and I often download them to have them as neighbors. I often find them really interesting, they don't look like every sims, they have personnalities and reminds me of real persons. That's why I love them and i wish maxis would make more of them cause the ones I have are getting old…
  • Apartments, because it feels more "alive", and i love having the festivals downstair, and beeing able to get food without having to cook. And in real life i love living in the city and hate living in the country side. I also love tiny appartments much more than big houses, even in the sims. Before San Myshuno i would…
  • I never thought about this but i think void creatures as pet is an amazing idea! it could be fun if they were hidden and we would have to find and tame them.
  • At first i regretted Get to work, because i don't really like the build items, neither cas ones, and i tried every job but they never interested me enough to go far in it, especially cause i was annoyed by the loading time and because it seemed repetitive and not working well. But today i have a character in the scientific…
  • On @filipomel picture, there might not be a size difference, but i do see a difference in the proportions. On the right picture and actual teenager, i see a half alien half human, with a long weird neck and disgusting proportions, but on the left with the teaser, the size of the head and the neck actually feels way more…
  • My favorite sim is a master vampire however i feel like if she was human there wouldn't be much difference. I never use her powers because i find them quite useless. I was really happy about the pack at first, but then i realized many powers were very similar and only had a different animation. But i like having vampires…
  • @rosemow Thank you! :) I'm happy to know I'm not the only foreigner here haha Indeed the festivals are greats! I'm so happy the developers had this idea, cause this one was amazing :)! And all the multicultural aspect of the pack in general. And yes.. the toddlers.. I don't like little kids in real life but toddlers in the…
  • Hi, I'm Sihu, I'm actually french but i hope it's ok for me to come spy on americans simmers :') I've been playing the Sims since the first one, and it always has been one of my favorite game. I spend way too much time on it, and it's bad cause it makes me procrastinate xD I've never been in a sim community before, i…

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