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  • Active careers would be nice if they actually worked like the normal careers when you don't want to follow your sim. The working hard tone doesn't seem to raise the performance meter like with other careers. It takes forever to get promotions in those active careers and you often have to neglect the rest of your household.…
  • yes, that one is too extreme as I found out doing the berry challenge. My sim was getting hit with the jealous negative even when her husband was in the next room watching tv. And of course she always had that negative every day at work. Thankfully she was in an active career so the mood hit didn't hurt performance.
  • It could work if it were open like the normal Sims game. I think the closest we got to a medieval period simulation game was the Guild series.
  • Probably because he spends most of his time on a computer and dresses like a grandpa. Maybe Summer is one of those girls that looks for bad boys. I did play the household once but just kept them as roomies. Mostly their jobs were too intensive for any social activity to go on. Well, Summer's job is not very intense but…
  • They need to give a boost to the raw fruits and vegetable too, because right now they barely do anything to the hunger bar. I used to like to have my sims carry around a few apples in TS3 as snacks, but they don't do anything for you in TS4.
  • The acting career should have been put in as a branch of entertainment. It would have fit better than putting musician in with comedian. They could have gone with acting and comedian for entertainment and give music a separate career with branching into rock or symphonic(like in TS3).
  • The other parent deciding to move in uninvited bug has been around for awhile. You have to group with them and then ask them to leave. I wish this bug would get fixed.
  • Traits have nothing to do with it, which is the big problem in TS4. The emotion system overrides everything. I wish you could block certain channels on the television(like romance or kids) as that has caused me a lot of annoyance.
  • That's a good way too. Klepto(if you have the trait) is tied to mischief so if you get that skill high enough, you can steal some expensive art and eventually really expensive electronics.
  • I always start with 0 money because it's so easy to get wealthy in the Sims. I won't even buy my sim a bin. The only thing starting on the lot will be a mailbox. Fishing, digging, frogs, and harvesting. If you go the painting route, there are easels to be found on public lots and museums that you can use.
  • The best way is a public lot like library, gym, clubs, etc.
  • I didn't like it because my sim never had a life outside the store. The stores don't run effectively unless your sim is there so you have you to live on the business lot. Like active careers, it may be okay if you only play a single sim.
  • Both of those clothing categories are horrible in TS4 and have gotten nearly no new additions. Guys need more boxer choices and the girls need more choice with two piece bikinis.
  • The only fix would be to get rid of the emotion system and have traits dictate a sims behavior, like they did in TS3.
  • They made TS4 as a giant safe space for offended sims I think. It's quite difficult to kill a sim now, without major effort or just using a cheat.
  • Most of the careers from the past the past. TS4 is the worst in the series when it comes to career choice. Also self employment like TS3 and get rid of the awful active careers. Those active careers were horrible in TS3 and they are just as bad if not worse in TS4.
  • I often forget when I have pets in the household. In one rags to riches game I was doing, I got got so caught up dealing with my sim that the family dog just ran around stinking and flea infested for most of it's life. Thankfully the pets in 4 don't seem to be as needy as the ones in 3. I just hate the whining to be walked…
  • You shouldn't even need to be friends. Just have a pleasant conversation with them, promote your politics and then secure vote.
  • With CL you have diversity gone too far. Just pulling up one of my saves, of the 28 townie families generated only one has a European surname. The majority of the 28 townies generated look Asian. It feels more like i'm playing in Shang Simla.
  • I wish you could turn it off. A lot of the time I'll mistake it for flirting and try to pull my sim out of the situation...then i'll realize it's just that stupid greeting interaction. It makes zero sense to have it in Windenburg, which I thought was supposed to be German inspired.
  • One other annoying bug that has yet to be fixed is homework freezing. If a child/teen is doing homework and someone else tries to converse with them the game will go freeze crazy. On public lots this is especially irritating.
  • CL almost needs to be uninstalled if you want normal sims to spawn. With CL it seems all the townie spawns are asian, pear shaped, and have unpronounceable names. They also need to fix the nonsense of vampires knocking on your door EVERY they're sales people or trying to hand out religious pamphlets.
  • Painting pays way too much and is way too easy. You have to limit yourself on it, or just not do it. Some of my painters could whip out a masterpiece worth 12,000(painted in under an hour). It's ridiculous. My writing sims struggled for a long time and they were only making 9'000 a day off royalties. Then there's musicians…
  • TS4 seems confused as to what time period it is sometimes. They've got modern level technology, but medical care seems like it's stuck in the middle ages. I've got to go leech my sick sim now.
  • There's so many things that could cause it. Emotions are one of my biggest problems with TS4 and I dislike how sims will autonomously do things that put them into an emotion that screws up what you want them to do. Kids get playful through jungle gym, bubble baths, school event, funny videos, comedy channel, etc. I wish…
  • The Drifter challenge was fun as each generation usually has to start with nothing and has certain goals to meet. Normal legacy was the least fun for me and i've never actually completed one. I tend to get bored easily once my sims are at the top and don't have to struggle.
  • Laundry is a horrible idea. I can imagine that laundry will probably consume a sims entire day..or maybe two, considering it takes them an hour to eat and about that long to take a shower. That plus they are horrible at keeping the house clean autonomously. Even neat sims are poor at keeping everything clean in TS4.
  • Part of the problem is that sim will autonomously try to eat or sleep when they are only in the yellow, which is an irritation of mine. I don't think sims should do those things unless they are orange/red. The exception being glutton sims which would make sense that they try to eat when they are only a tad hungry.
  • They do need to bring back the newspaper and stop with automatically giving every sim a mobile device. I thought it was a horrible idea in TS3 and it's even worse in TS4 with all the annoying pop-ups. Sims should have to buy a mobile phone if they want one, like it was implemented in TS2.
  • Skill books are kind of pointless in TS4. I think I've rarely used them. It would help if the bookworm trait actually gave you a boost to reading and writing like it did in TS3.

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