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The Hot Tub Incident: From tight-knit family to disaster in 3...2...1...

It was a moment where time seemed to slow down and all I could do was sit back and watch in complete horror.

So basically, I have this sim living in Hidden Springs called Paige. Her parents both died from electrocution (-_-*) on her transition day into a teen, so I packed her off to live with her dad's parents, Edie and Morgan. All was well. She managed to get a job at the spa, she made friends, she even became Valedictorian when she graduated! Yeah, I was really happy with how she'd turned out.

After she graduated she moved in with her long time best friend Emmit , who later became her boyfriend. They're an adorable couple and are so cute together. Anyway, Edie came over one evening, and you know, there was chatter and jokes all round. Paige had always been close to her grandparents so nothing seemed weird yet.

Now, Paige and Emmit were doing quite well and had recently indulged and bought a hot tub. This was mistake number one. Mistake number two was allowing Emmit to go skinny dipping instead of cancelling the action and making him be sociable indoors.

Then everything just sort of kicked off and all I could do was stare at my laptop.

Edie snubs Paige, and goes outside. On seeing her granddaughter's long term boyfriend naked in the hot tub she decides to not only join him, but cuddle with him. Emmit freaks out and hops on out to get some clothes on. Meanwhile Paige watches on from the back porch and her hot-headed trait takes over. she stalks over to grandma, implies that Edie's mother was a llama and asks her to leave.

Now Paige is ****** off with Edie and won't accept any apologies and she seems to be mad at Emmit but I don't know why because he didn't encourage Edie at all. She's also really sad because she witnessed the betrayal of a loved one which is a moodlet I'd not seen until now. Basically no one is talking to anyone, except Morgan. He seems to be unaware that his wife is a cheating cougar.

Has anything like this happened in anyone else's game? I always have free will on high but I've never really had anything like this happen before!


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    SteffstarSteffstar Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited June 2012
    You have a great story going on there. Run with it.
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    Jamesmc2012Jamesmc2012 Posts: 1,264 New Member
    edited June 2012
    That's crazy! Grandma still has some tricks up her sleeve :lol:

    I mean, it's kind've unfortunate, but it's still pretty funny.
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    Jdavij20033Jdavij20033 Posts: 2,054 Member
    edited June 2012
    Selene_xx wrote:
    It was a moment where time seemed to slow down and all I could do was sit back and watch in complete horror.

    So basically, I have this sim living in Hidden Springs called Paige. Her parents both died from electrocution (-_-*) on her transition day into a teen, so I packed her off to live with her dad's parents, Edie and Morgan. All was well. She managed to get a job at the spa, she made friends, she even became Valedictorian when she graduated! Yeah, I was really happy with how she'd turned out.

    After she graduated she moved in with her long time best friend Emmit , who later became her boyfriend. They're an adorable couple and are so cute together. Anyway, Edie came over one evening, and you know, there was chatter and jokes all round. Paige had always been close to her grandparents so nothing seemed weird yet.

    Now, Paige and Emmit were doing quite well and had recently indulged and bought a hot tub. This was mistake number one. Mistake number two was allowing Emmit to go skinny dipping instead of cancelling the action and making him be sociable indoors.

    Then everything just sort of kicked off and all I could do was stare at my laptop.

    Edie snubs Paige, and goes outside. On seeing her granddaughter's long term boyfriend naked in the hot tub she decides to not only join him, but cuddle with him. Emmit freaks out and hops on out to get some clothes on. Meanwhile Paige watches on from the back porch and her hot-headed trait takes over. she stalks over to grandma, implies that Edie's mother was a llama and asks her to leave.

    Now Paige is ****** off with Edie and won't accept any apologies and she seems to be mad at Emmit but I don't know why because he didn't encourage Edie at all. She's also really sad because she witnessed the betrayal of a loved one which is a moodlet I'd not seen until now. Basically no one is talking to anyone, except Morgan. He seems to be unaware that his wife is a cheating cougar.

    Has anything like this happened in anyone else's game? I always have free will on high but I've never really had anything like this happen before!

    LOL this is great! Thanks for the laugh!
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    StilettoBlackStilettoBlack Posts: 3,844 Member
    edited June 2012
    :lol: Haha! Thats too funny! You go Granny!
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    Selene_xxSelene_xx Posts: 133 Member
    edited June 2012
    Steffstar - I plan to! I'm hoping to play later and I guess I'll go from there. It's a little awkward considering Emmit's parents are very well to do in my neighbourhood, so a scandal like this wouldn't reflect well at all. Then there's the issue of telling Morgan or not...

    Jamesmc2012 - I know right! It totally threw me for a loop. I mean, this was a woman who's been happily married and is currently head teacher at the local school. Guess she decided that it was time for her to have some fun!

    Jdavij20033 - Glad to hear it!
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    shaposh2012shaposh2012 Posts: 760 Member
    edited June 2012
    It is funny when Sims create so much drama on their own. I hope your Sims can make up.

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    Sunflower227Sunflower227 Posts: 3,644 Member
    edited June 2012

    I have had things happen on their on at times. Not so much cheating I can remember being the most shocking to me was when I had my sims new hubby go to a night club. The radio was broken, and he decided to fix it on his own free will. Having zero handy skill, he dropped dead on the dance floor. His poor new bride found out that day she was expecting their baby, poor thing!

    Your naught granny gave me quite the giggle!! :mrgreen:
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    2oo922oo92 Posts: 2,627 Member
    edited June 2012
    I had something like that happen once.

    It was my legacy. The mother lived with her parent's and husband. Her parent's were already elders as well.

    Well it was their sons birthday and just as he was about to blow out the candle and become a child. The action got canceled and replaced by 'upset' it had her husbands picture.

    So I went to see what was going on and he was flirty with her mother!! Poor January was all freaked out, because she was internally faithful with her husband.
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    MGSFan612MGSFan612 Posts: 3,429 Member
    edited June 2012
    lol sounds crazy

    I had a family that had one of the sets of grandparents living with them. I decided to aks the pizza guy to hangout and have some pizza with the family which ended up being a mistake because in between caring for her grand-kids(they were toddlers) the grandmother started flirting with the pizza guy which didn't make her husband happy. He was in the same room also caring for the grand-kids.

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    MGSFan612MGSFan612 Posts: 3,429 Member
    edited June 2012

    I have had things happen on their on at times. Not so much cheating I can remember being the most shocking to me was when I had my sims new hubby go to a night club. The radio was broken, and he decided to fix it on his own free will. Having zero handy skill, he dropped dead on the dance floor. His poor new bride found out that day she was expecting their baby, poor thing!

    Your naught granny gave me quite the giggle!! :mrgreen:

    they can die the first time they get electrocuted?

    usually need to go back and try a second time for them to die.(although I guess they could do that themselves autonomously)
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    Poodlestyle33Poodlestyle33 Posts: 726 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Wow. Drama drama drama. Good job. :thumbup:
    Keep us updated!

    @Sunflower227 Lol, poor simmies. :(

    @2oo92 These stories creep me out, my goodness simmies! What the heck! :lol:
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    RockoutDarciRockoutDarci Posts: 3,092 Member
    edited June 2012
    These are exactly the kinds of stories I play The Sims for! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :lol:

    Your family is awesome! Grandma's bringin sexy back! Sorry about the trouble your sim feels right now, but the moodlets eventually pass and when you fix the relationships you want to, you look back and laugh. :D

    I get attached to my sims and get mad when others betray them or act like idiots. I have dungeons for sims like that. :twisted:
    Love Like A Snail: An Inter.s.e.x. Story.
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    EvalenEvalen Posts: 10,223 Member
    edited June 2012
    Well for some reason I had this very pretty asian girl, she was beautiful, but for some reason everytime this certain guy came in he would start a fight with her, he would slap her in the face and she would cry. and then they would fight and he would beat her up.
    Well I got mad at this guy doing this for no reason, so I sent her to learn karata and made her meet this guy at a party, I was so happy because when he started on her, She beat him up. Evryone laughed. I even laughed. He left her alone after that. Some sims just need to learn a lesson I guess.
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    RockoutDarciRockoutDarci Posts: 3,092 Member
    edited June 2012
    Evalen wrote:
    Well for some reason I had this very pretty asian girl, she was beautiful, but for some reason everytime this certain guy came in he would start a fight with her, he would slap her in the face and she would cry. and then they would fight and he would beat her up.
    Well I got mad at this guy doing this for no reason, so I sent her to learn karata and made her meet this guy at a party, I was so happy because when he started on her, She beat him up. Evryone laughed. I even laughed. He left her alone after that. Some sims just need to learn a lesson I guess.

    She's like:

    Take that! My people invented karate! I'm gonna kick yo' face in! :twisted:

    Good for her! That is funny!
    Love Like A Snail: An Inter.s.e.x. Story.
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    efcroninefcronin Posts: 1,050 New Member
    edited June 2012
    Basically no one is talking to anyone, except Morgan. He seems to be unaware that his wife is a cheating cougar.

    That made me truly LOL :lol:
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    RockoutDarciRockoutDarci Posts: 3,092 Member
    edited June 2012
    efcronin wrote:
    Basically no one is talking to anyone, except Morgan. He seems to be unaware that his wife is a cheating cougar.

    That made me truly LOL :lol:

    Yeah, she had me totally hooked at cheating cougar. :lol:
    Love Like A Snail: An Inter.s.e.x. Story.
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    Selene_xxSelene_xx Posts: 133 Member
    edited June 2012
    Well, I've been playing Paige and Emmit again. I think I should accept that family do's are not a good idea anymore.

    Paige is currently a 3-star celeb and she got a call to befriend another celeb, who happens to be Emmit's brother. So I figured after the mess that happened, I'd stash the hot tub away in the family inventory and throw a big ole family get together because I like having those. So the guest list consisted of Edie and Morgan, and then Emmit's parents Tracy and Mario and his older brother Charlie and sister Louise. Paige spent all morning getting food ready (she's almost mastered cooking now) and I had the garden all set up with tables, chairs, a sound system, a bbq....the works. All that needed to happen was for Paige to befriend Charlie and hopefully Edie would keep it together around Morgan and Emmit.

    When all the guests had shown up I had Paige and Emmit mingle and do their thing. Both families seemed to be getting along well which was good because if Emmit and Paige ever have kids it would be nice for a close family dynamic.

    Of course, just as I was thinking that everything was going well, Edie decided to talk to Emmit.

    Considering the last time they were together Edie tried to skinny dip with him I was on my guard. Edie started off by chatting and that seemed okay. But of course then she tried to give him flowers. In front of her husband. Emmit politely rejected the bouquet but of course Morgan was upset because he'd seen Edie cheat on him. So that happened. Moodlets were had, sad faces were made and hearts were broken. Meanwhile Tracy was still at the bar despite having walked over to it as soon as she entered the lot. I worry about Tracy.

    Now I feel I should mention how old Edie and Morgan are at this point. They are really freaking old. Like, I've been waiting for them to keel over and die for a while now. So really, it shouldn't have surprised me that after Morgan burst into tears and Paige slapped Edie, it was only going to get worse.

    Good ole Grimmy shows up. Edie doesn't give Paige any more opportunities to yell at her by doing the sparkly floaty dance of death. So now poor Morgan has to deal with his wife cheating on him and then dying. I was sort of sat there just watching this all, jaw well and truly dropped.

    Then, because this is my game and this always seems to happen, Louise, who is currently pregnant, decides now is a good time to go into labour. So everyone is either freaking out over Louise or Edie. The reaper who'd come for Edie was the cool reaper who chills for a bit after doing his thing, so Grim was having a drink at the bar that Tracy had only just vacated.

    The party as you can imagine, was not a success, Paige did not get the chance to befriend Charlie. Morgan is probably going to kick the bucket pretty soon and Louise gave birth to a lovely baby boy named Courtney. I thought Courtney was a girl's name but I guess my game disagrees. At this point I'm just going to keep going and see what else my game decides to throw at me. Honestly I don't think there's anything else I can do!
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    bshag4lvbshag4lv Posts: 9,399 Member
    edited June 2012
    Omg! :lol: I wish I had drama at my sims' parties, lol. They just eat, dance and drink. :lol: Poor Paige and Morgan and poor Emmit, just the innocent bystander. Your game is sooo much more interesting than mine. You've got to keep us informed. :D
    In my house, dog hair sticks to everything but the dog.
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    Selene_xxSelene_xx Posts: 133 Member
    edited June 2012
    I have a general rule that pregnant sims and the elderly shouldn't be invited to my sims parties because generally it means someone will either give birth or die. I don't get why this happens but my game is kind of crazy like that.
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