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What would you like to see in a patch?

I figure there are a lot of complaint threads, and then of course the people complaining about the complainers... but I figure I'll both get my gripes out and be a little more constructive, and maybe it'll even do some good, who knows?

So what would you all like to see in a patch? Or at least, what would you put the priority on? I mean, hopefully they'll get something out *soonish*, to fix things, so I'm not asking about every little detail you might want changed (especially stuff that'll probably end up coming with expansions). What's really burning your biscuits? What do you really want changed/added?

For me:

-Fix the speed options. There are enough people complaining about this that it's fairly obviously at least partly a problem of the game, even if part of it is users' computers. Please do something, at least for the sleeping/at work speeds.

-Various story progression stuff. As others have said, turning it off doesn't work (although there is at least a workaround for that now, and this should definitely be in the patch, just figured I'd at least mention it), and there needs to be a fix as well for the completely single Sims all spontaneously popping out kids (male and female Sims) without another parent even showing up in the sproglet's family tree. Also give some priorities to which Sims move out (like, not the ones you actually play/are player created, unless there are just too many of them). Personally, I also think it'd be good if you could toggle story progression on/off not only on the global level, but for individual households. That way if someone wants to see the game change and evolve as it's supposed to overall, but wants to actually control 2 or 3 families in the town, they could turn off story progression for those individual families to keep them from doing Stupid Stuff while the Hand of God is away. ;)

-More hairstyles. I realize that this might not be a patch thing, and they could just be added into the store, but please for the love of all that's holy (or not), give us something! And I don't mean "charge us a buck a piece real money for stuff that should have been in the basic game." At least give us a decent basic starting selection before you start charging for new, more creative hairstyles - there are currently NO curled hair options for Sims (or at least the female ones... closest are "very slightly wavy" and "dreads," with no curls). The long hair options for guys are (again) very sparse, and very hideous. If I want a guy with long hair, I get to either go bangless (the Gunnar Nelson look), have the hair back in a horrid, bangless, really short ponytail, wear a top hat that just does not fit many Sims' styles (the Baron Samedi), or have some... hideous... scruffy thing (the Brillo Mullet). Even medium hair options are really sparse! C'mon, give us *something* basic besides "fourteen variations on a short preppy theme, and a couple hideous other options thrown in."

*cough* sorry about the mini-rant that turned into... anyhow, to continue...

-While I haven't seen this being an issue for many people, I'd like to see some sort of "memory" for camera positioning. I get the camera at my house set up just how I want it, at the right angle, the right slant... then I go to the map mode for something, zoom back in... and it's completely back to how it was in the first place. Bad camera! No cookie for you!

It seems like there were more, but I can't think of them right now (and my late lunch/early supper is waiting... hungry!), so I'll add them in follow-up posts if I think of them.

Anyhow, what about the rest of y'all? What do you think about those, and what changes/additions would you like to see prioritized for a patch?


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    PurrcatPurrcat Posts: 130 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I think the speed thing has more to do with your processor and RAM, but I'm not sure. I don't have any problems with it.

    I would like to see -

    1. The ability to keep your wishes, inventory and opportunities when you switch families
    2. An easier way to switch families

    That's really all I can think of right now.. I'm very happy with it!
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    patsfan12patsfan12 Posts: 21 New Member
    edited June 2009
    My sims' hair randomly disappears off of them and they go bald/buzzcut, and then it switches back and forth. It's really weird and annoying so hopefully that will be fixed.
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    Geeker29Geeker29 Posts: 31 Member
    edited June 2009
    I think the speed thing is something to do with the game bc it seems like that is one of the main complaints so far that and more hair styles.
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    mad729ifumad729ifu Posts: 329 New Member
    edited June 2009
    i don't really think hair is an option for a patch. i'm pretty sure they'll save that for EP's.

    an issue in my game that i would like to see patched, is whenever i'm in live mode, and i click on an object, sometimes it brings up the hand/grab tool that you use in build/buy mode, and it makes it seem like i'm able to drag the object, although i'm not able to. i don't think this is correct. and if it is, then that's weird! haha. but i would like for that to be fixed!

    has anyone else seen that? =/
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    HogarthKHogarthK Posts: 2 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Well ~~~ I'd like to be able to move around on the lot better. Everything is tied to the Sim. (maybe I'm just not experienced enough to figure it out yet) When I am trying to build, I can't see anything unless I get the Sim to move to another part of the lot. BUMMER :cry:

    Maybe when I get the Prima guide it will give me some better information.

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    KBetelgeuseKBetelgeuse Posts: 74 Member
    edited June 2009
    I ham hoping for better hair soon also.

    My main hope is for more slider options in the Character Creator( face and body ) and/or make the max/min a bit larger.
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    RoxanneRoxanne Posts: 11 New Member
    edited June 2009
    Is there not a way to store camera angles? I'm sure I read that you can in the manual...?
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    DolletDollet Posts: 2,322 New Member
    edited June 2009
    -Memories (I miss this the most :cry: )
    -Fix the bugs obviously.
    -More hair!

    Honestly I think the patch is only going to fix a few bugs and create even more.
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    DolletDollet Posts: 2,322 New Member
    edited June 2009
    HogarthK wrote:
    Well ~~~ I'd like to be able to move around on the lot better. Everything is tied to the Sim. (maybe I'm just not experienced enough to figure it out yet) When I am trying to build, I can't see anything unless I get the Sim to move to another part of the lot. BUMMER :cry:

    Maybe when I get the Prima guide it will give me some better information.


    Turn on edge-scrolling in the options :wink:
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    ashesx5ashesx5 Posts: 414 New Member
    edited June 2009
    the time definitely needs to be faster when you speed it up.
    and the memories would be great to.
    moving families should be easier as well.
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    LawertendLawertend Posts: 5,144 New Member
    edited June 2009
    I would like to see an improvement in families you don't control. At first, I didn't care about the fact that families move away so quickly. That's when I realized my friends were depleting, and I had to make more to keep up with my job.

    Those that are having Story Progression issues, try this mod:,15185.0.html
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    StormfeatherStormfeather Posts: 371 Member
    edited June 2009
    mad729ifu wrote:
    i don't really think hair is an option for a patch. i'm pretty sure they'll save that for EP's.

    As for the hair... it's probably more likely for EPs, but I really hope they give us a *few* more of the utter basics either free through the store or through a patch before then. :/ I'm not asking for the world, just at least the bare basics! Something more balanced for instance between short/medium/long hair styles (yes, for guys too! :p ) And since it's so basic, I really hope we don't have to have to wait til an expansion pack. :(
    mad729ifu wrote:
    an issue in my game that i would like to see patched, is whenever i'm in live mode, and i click on an object, sometimes it brings up the hand/grab tool that you use in build/buy mode, and it makes it seem like i'm able to drag the object, although i'm not able to. i don't think this is correct. and if it is, then that's weird! haha. but i would like for that to be fixed!

    has anyone else seen that? =/

    I've seen it once, when I had an artistic child Sim selected and was hovering over the guitar (I guess kids can't use them?)... so maybe it's an issue with a certain Sim not being able to interact with an object that they normally could, but... I don't know, it does seem weird.
    HogarthK wrote:
    Well ~~~ I'd like to be able to move around on the lot better. Everything is tied to the Sim. (maybe I'm just not experienced enough to figure it out yet) When I am trying to build, I can't see anything unless I get the Sim to move to another part of the lot. BUMMER

    You should be able to slide back and forth, front and back with the arrow keys on your keyboard (the ones between the letter keys and the number pad), or as someone else mentioned, you can turn edge-scrolling on in the options (which lets you scroll by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen... I really dunno why the default isn't on for that). For other angles, zooming in/out, etc., click the icons on the lower left of the screen.
    My main hope is for more slider options in the Character Creator( face and body ) and/or make the max/min a bit larger.

    Ah, yes! The Sims Creator is something else I wanted to mention in my wants... a lot of the features just seem slightly... off somehow, and more skewed toward one extreme than the other, if that makes sense. Like the mouths just look generally a *touch* too high for me, even when you slide the bar to lower the mouth all the way over. I'd also like to see the Sims move a bit more naturally in the creator, so you can see how they look in motion and all... as it is, they just look creepy!

    (I guess part of it is just that I need to get used to the new creator and options, but I just can't seem to get quite what I want out of it. Or a halfway attractive-looking Sim. XD)
    Roxanne wrote:
    Is there not a way to store camera angles? I'm sure I read that you can in the manual...?

    Ah! Now that you mention that, I look in the key listing and see that there are apparently commands to store/snap to pre-set camera angles. Thank you! I swear, I did read the manual before playing (I know a lot of people don't), but there's just *so much* to try to remember/absorb and everything! Anyhow, thank you tons... I guess that can be removed from my wish list for the patch, then. ^^

    Now maybe I should just add on to make edge-scrolling the default, since so many people were complaining about that, and it makes more sense to have it on then off. (Seriously, why isn't it the default?) Not a *huge* deal, but then, not a huge change either. :p

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    jameswilt93jameswilt93 Posts: 1 New Member
    edited June 2009
    -Better codes. I dunno about y'all, but I use codes to start off families with a story or an edge or something. In this one there's barely ANYTHING...Can't shift click the telescope to get abducted, much less options when shift clicking yourself.

    -Walls sparkle when made. This is stupid.

    -Neighborhoods should be more customizable and easier to navigate. Its kinda dumb how you have to go through all this to get to a different family, and then the family not even guaranteed to stay there. There should be some way to control these things. I think it would be strange if the Goths just suddenly moved away.

    Yeah, that's been said before :D
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