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Things you thought were normal (but wern't)

ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
edited August 2017 in Off Topic Chat
Story time! :) little gross.
So my whole life I have had a strong hatred of brushing my teeth because whenever I did my lips would peel and my mouth would get all filmy and have white gunk in it. I thought this is just what happened to people when using toothpaste and normally I don't talk about it because it's a weird topic. It gets mentioned to my dentist my last vist, he just looked at me for a seconed and was like that sounds like an allergic reaction. Apparently there are a few people out there who react in this way to the whitning agents most toothpastes have so he said avoid anything that says whitning on it for the next little while see if it stops. Well I do this and lo and behold no more gummy mouth after brushing no more ripped apart lips. :open_mouth:
The really gross part I learnt feel free to skip it
I tried for a while to be really good about brushing I ended up with bright pink swollen lips that were bleeding in spots and a handfull of canker sores. That white gunk turns out to be the outer layer of skin from my cheeks and gums and when I was brushing constantly it wasn't giving it enough time to heal same with my lips
Also I noticed I was getting stomach cramps and just though I needed to rinse better but basically the chemical was also hurting my stomach if any of it got down which would take near perfect levels of rinsing. Super gross now that I realize exactly what was going on :persevere:
Amazing my whole life I've been suffering through this (OK hyperbole only since I graduated from kid toothpaste) all it took was one conversation with anyone to tell me "yeah that's not normal".

Anyways this inspired me to ask if anyone else had something they did or had happen that they for way to long thought was just the normal way of the world.
Could be anything from an allergy thing to maybe a thing done while socializing.
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    KarallyneKarallyne Posts: 362 Member
    edited August 2017
    it's much less serious than yours, but I believe I was spelling the word "surprise" incorrectly as "suprise" for my entire life all the way until my senior year in high school. No one had ever corrected me and I had never noticed the r before.
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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ha, something very similar happened to me with cilantro. Everytime I ate something with cilantro, my mouth would burn. I just assumed it was because it was spicy and I was a wuss who couldn't tolerate spicy food. Then one day I mentioned this to someone and they were like I've heard that people with a certain blood type makes cilantro taste soapy, but not burning. And I just avoided it for a while (ok, a lot longer than I care to admit) and then finally, FINALLY I put two and two together and I was like "Wait... am I having an allergic reaction?" So I Googled "cilantro allergy" and making your mouth burn is a common indicator that you're allergic to it. :s Duh Minty.
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
    edited August 2017
    Karallyne wrote: »
    it's much less serious than yours, but I believe I was spelling the word "surprise" incorrectly as "suprise" for my entire life all the way until my senior year in high school. No one had ever corrected me and I had never noticed the r before.
    Lol :)
    I for the longest time thought frustrated was fustrated and also pronounced it with out the "r" my brother noticed that when I was in grade 12 and mockes me about it to this day :p
    Ha, something very similar happened to me with cilantro. Everytime I ate something with cilantro, my mouth would burn. I just assumed it was because it was spicy and I was a wuss who couldn't tolerate spicy food. Then one day I mentioned this to someone and they were like I've heard that people with a certain blood type makes cilantro taste soapy, but not burning. And I just avoided it for a while (ok, a lot longer than I care to admit) and then finally, FINALLY I put two and two together and I was like "Wait... am I having an allergic reaction?" So I Googled "cilantro allergy" and making your mouth burn is a common indicator that you're allergic to it. :s Duh Minty.

    :) I like cilantro I never thought before people would be allergic to it, mind you never would have thought people could be allergic to toothpaste :D I guess people can be allergic to anything.

    Side note since pets are coming and we are talking about allergies did you know some cats and dogs can be allergic to humans and each other?! I learnt this the other day and thought it was cool :)
    Post edited by Shadowmarked on
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    ClassicalSimClassicalSim Posts: 1,535 Member
    Light has always hurt my eyes, especially fluorescent light and sunlight. It's painful and I hate it! All my life I could never figure out why people liked bright light. I thought something was wrong with them. But I learned recently that redheads have a genetic disposition to light sensitivity and there wasn't anything wrong with everyone else, it was just me.
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    ShadowmarkedShadowmarked Posts: 1,054 Member
    Light has always hurt my eyes, especially fluorescent light and sunlight. It's painful and I hate it! All my life I could never figure out why people liked bright light. I thought something was wrong with them. But I learned recently that redheads have a genetic disposition to light sensitivity and there wasn't anything wrong with everyone else, it was just me.

    That doesn't sound fun :#
    I think the sun is just jealous that you redheads are able to show it up in fiery glory :)
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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    BeJaWa wrote: »
    Karallyne wrote: »
    it's much less serious than yours, but I believe I was spelling the word "surprise" incorrectly as "suprise" for my entire life all the way until my senior year in high school. No one had ever corrected me and I had never noticed the r before.
    Lol :)
    I for the longest time thought frustrated was fustrated and also pronounced it with out the "r" my brother noticed that when I was in grade 12 and mockes me about it to this day :p
    Ha, something very similar happened to me with cilantro. Everytime I ate something with cilantro, my mouth would burn. I just assumed it was because it was spicy and I was a wuss who couldn't tolerate spicy food. Then one day I mentioned this to someone and they were like I've heard that people with a certain blood type makes cilantro taste soapy, but not burning. And I just avoided it for a while (ok, a lot longer than I care to admit) and then finally, FINALLY I put two and two together and I was like "Wait... am I having an allergic reaction?" So I Googled "cilantro allergy" and making your mouth burn is a common indicator that you're allergic to it. :s Duh Minty.

    :) I like cilantro I never thought before people would be allergic to it, mind you never would have thought people could be allergic to toothpaste :D I guess people can be allergic to anything.

    Side note since pets are coming and we are talking about allergies did you know some cats and dogs can be allergic to humans and each other?! I learnt this the other day and thought it was cool :)

    I think you can be allergic to anything. I've heard of people being allergic to water, the cold, and even sunlight.

    I'd never heard of that! But we often joke one of my cats is allergic to himself. He'll start bathing himself vigorously and the fur will start flying and he'll having a sneezing fit :D
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    DeKayDeKay Posts: 81,741 Member
    Well, for me, it's when I was a kid. I always thought everyone only had a pair of grandparents. But then, one day when I was 10, one of my friend told me that one of her grandparents died and she had 3 left. And I was like, "How? I only have two my whole life and one of them has passed away, so now I only one." So, I went home to ask my mom and she said my paternal grandparents had already passed away even before I was born.
    My Top Song of the Day: The Blackest of Birds by Fightstar
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    LadyLuxLadyLux Posts: 34 Member
    For ages if someone said to me with the sentence saying "Do you mind if I ..." I always said 'yes' as in 'yes, go ahead', but of course when I grew up I realised that really the correct response is 'no, sure, go ahead' but it seems so weird saying no to something I'm okay with?!

    I also used to think that giant electricity poles were grown-up zip lines. Thank god I respected the boundaries of adulthood and didn't try it :P
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    LyricSimsz15LyricSimsz15 Posts: 13,136 Member
    I Thought cars were magic. That think that you turn on (what's it called? lol) that flashes an arrow, i thought the car actually knew where you were going. Thought that until i was 11 :P
    Just vibing...
    Check out my stories The Diversity Club and Lost Pride here on the forums!
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    mintycupcakemintycupcake Posts: 13,212 Member
    I Thought cars were magic. That think that you turn on (what's it called? lol) that flashes an arrow, i thought the car actually knew where you were going. Thought that until i was 11 :P

    Haha, when I was little, I thought the high beams indicator was a bear track and I could not understand what a bear track had to do with turning on your high beams. I thought maybe the lights scared away animals or made it easier to see them so you didn't hit them.
    🌻I'm not a cat.🌻
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    naninani Posts: 5,563 Member
    edited August 2017
    To begin, my native language is french.. until recently, i thought i wrote the word "malgré" (despite) correctly but i wrote "malgrès" and it was wrong. Now it make sense to me that the correct spelling is "malgré" but for the longest time i thought i was right ...

    @DeKay Me too, i only have my great parents on my father side because there was something in the family and we were not in contact with my mom's parents
    that, and also one of them died when i was a baby..and the other one died recently too ...
    A french girl who's been hanging out on the english sims forum for a year now.


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    SihuSihu Posts: 73 Member
    edited November 2017
    Post edited by Sihu on
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