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Sims 4: Supernatural --- Ideas for Elementals.

DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
edited February 2015 in The Sims 4 Ideas Corner
Hello, fellow Simmers!
This is my first thread, here.

I know this idea will be one I can wait VERY patiently on (after Seasons, Pets, Family Life and Night On The Town if anything), but this is an idea I hope would come to fruition.

This is taken straight from my Tumblr:

I am a fan of the Sims series. I even like the Sims 4. Regardless of the lack of content, I know the SimGurus are working tirelessly to make this game a great one, and I look forward to what they add to the game.

My favorite aspect of the Sims series has to be the occults, the whimsical and anything that has to do with the Supernatural. This would include the Aliens (I’m excited for the Aliens!), Vampires, PlantSims, Werewolves, Faeries, Witches, Genies, Ghosts and the like. I don’t think I even mentioned all of them.

I also loved the magic in the spin-off series, The Sims Medieval. Their powers sent chills down my spine and the duels, the pit of death and the Grim Reaper’s appearance also helped me come up with stories when I’m not writing. With that said, I have an idea for this part of the game:

Elemental Sims.

The Elemental Sims (or ‘Elementals’) are those who bear a certain power. Elementals can use those powers for good and/or evil, depending on their personality or current mood. All eyes would glow, only when they are using their powers.

The first five elements are just starters. All can be equipped with flight if desired. With the details below, one can choose from these basics:

Earth - Green and Teal Aura if using power. Loves Outdoors, Nature-Friendly, and can ‘Harvest.’ Their crops would always be excellent and they’re less vulnerable to Poison Ivy. Camping would also benefit their mood. For example, ‘Tense’ Sims with this power will be in a positive mood outdoors. If they don’t get enough Earthly interaction, their powers will dwindle to where plants die.

Basic Powers —- Grow plants, Heal, and Summon Vines.

Light - Yellow and Gold aura if using this power. Generally happy, friendly and confident. They are less prone to anger. Any amount of time in the sun or in a brightly-lit would greatly benefit this Sim. If this Sim is anything less than happy, the Sim will have a HARD time controlling the energy, due to the negative mood.

Basic Powers —- Brighten Day (With Magic), Energy Generation, and Light Up This Room.

Fire - Red or Fiery Aura if using this power. This Sim may be either very confident or very angry. This Sim is likely very athletic and/or very impulsive. This is a Sim one would watch out for. Any mood in its extreme sense would bring out a wish to burn just about anything! The Sim could also fight by either ‘Singe Sim’ or ‘Burn Sim’ during a fight. The strength of this Sim’s powers depends on his current mood ONLY.

Basic Powers —- Burn (Just About Anything), Fire Ball (Think ‘Starfire’), and Angry Inferno.

Water - Blue Aura if using this power. This Sim always seems to be a bit too calm. This Sim is as calm as a piece of paper floating in the ocean. Then, when angry, the Sim changes tides! Aside from that, this Elemental is an impeccable swimmer, very athletic and likes to keep things clean. Time in the pool would benefit him/her and their splashes are generally larger. Be careful, though; don’t force this one to cause a typhoon.

Basic Powers: Splash, Wave Away the Clutter, or High Tide.

Darkness - Black and Violet Aura if using this power. This Sim can be well known as the loner who hides in the shadows. He does not even try to interact with people. When he does, he tries to respect them, but he becomes so tense, he wants to ‘disappear in smoke.’ Otherwise, he would be able to use the Sims’ shadows to ‘Possess’ them.

Basic Powers —- Disappear/Travel In Smoke, Possess Sim, and Drown In Darkness.

If Sims are more intelligent and much stronger, they would unlock powers such as 'Read Sim's Feelings,' 'Lightning,' or ‘Telekinesis.’ Elementals will be able to learn other powers. If the secondary power is better-learned than the primary power, you can toggle between the two.


Elemental Star —- This is achieved when you learn the five basics and reach level 10. Unlock the trait: Magical Prowess. Unlock the Power: Spirit (White Aura, Return of Platinum Plumbob) and Unlock Objects: Unbreakable Wand (Witches or Earthly Elementals), Magical Medallion (Create-A-Sim, ALL) and Platinum Scythe (Courtesy of the Grim Reaper if your primary power is Darkness.)

Master of Shadows (Shadow and Fire have level 10, unlock Black Fire Power.)

Master of Daylight (Earth and Air/Water have level 10, unlock Brush of Renewal, or Tsunami).

If the otherworldly creatures are overtaking your city and you want them away, you would be able to turn on/off the presence of Supernaturals and Elementals in the settings section of the game. Thank you to those who brought the idea to my attention.

Other Notes

If you have Shadow and Water, you can unlock a power called ‘Ink.’

Fire and Water would create Lava.

If Elementals commit a crime, they would likely be sent to the Science Center instead, though they usually find nothing and send them back to the jail. It’s only a 30% chance they are found out. If they are found out, they lose a few magic points. Ho Hum.

The Sims will be able to duel each other for magical points and leveling up. Instead of an infinite match like the Karate in TS3, it would take three hits for a Sim to win or lose. Winner gains experience. Loser loses experience.

These are the ideas I have. I would love for at least a little bit of this to be in the Sims 4!
Post edited by DarkenedSparrow on


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    Junebug6620Junebug6620 Posts: 418 Member
    I would say a good suggestion for your first thread! Reading through this, I kind of feel that the elementals you are talking about are sort of like super heroes. Myself, personally, wouldn't want superheroes added to the gamed--though I find the thought of elemental Sims would be a better fit for the Sims games and would add a unique aspect. I say, why not?--since we have had many other "creatures" under the Supernaturals. :)
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    MegandtheMoonMegandtheMoon Posts: 1,831 Member
    Love it!
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    DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
    > @Junebug6620 said:
    > I would say a good suggestion for your first thread! Reading through this, I kind of feel that the elementals you are talking about are sort of like super heroes. Myself, personally, wouldn't want superheroes added to the gamed--though I find the thought of elemental Sims would be a better fit for the Sims games and would add a unique aspect. I say, why not?--since we have had many other "creatures" under the Supernaturals.

    Thank you so much!
    I also agree with you on the superhero notion. My first thought: I wouldn't want the Sims to wear cheesy capes and tights. Just... no. So, I wondered if there would be a group under the Supernaturals --- kind of like semi-Supernaturals, those who are exploring magic through skill rather than being born with it or bitten or magically turned into what the Supernaturals are.

    I was a bit apprehensive about posting this, but I like sharing ideas.

    Again, thank you so much for your input. :grinning:
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    DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
    > @MegandtheMoon said:
    > Love it!

    Thank you! :smiley:
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    ProMarshmallowProMarshmallow Posts: 77 Member
    I wasn't really a supernatural fan I prefered EP's like Seasons, Island Parasise and Pets. Even though Island Paradise had mermaids I still liked the scuba diving and houseboats and resorts and of course the whole thing about living on an island! But it's obvious they are going to do supernatural I just don't think I would buy it.
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    DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
    > @ProMarshmallow said:
    > I wasn't really a supernatural fan I prefered EP's like Seasons, Island Parasise and Pets. Even though Island Paradise had mermaids I still liked the scuba diving and houseboats and resorts and of course the whole thing about living on an island! But it's obvious they are going to do supernatural I just don't think I would buy it.

    That's true, and I respect that. :smile:
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    ProMarshmallowProMarshmallow Posts: 77 Member
    @DarkenedSparrow‌ but i do love your ideas. I feel maybe if it was like that then I would maybe buy it and I suppose that you probably will be able to turn them off in settings. Sometimes I just don't like it when the supernaturals are just wandering about town.
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    Vernon605Vernon605 Posts: 52 Member
    I love this idea. Just like kinesis!!!
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    KyleeAngelKyleeAngel Posts: 18 New Member
    That would be a really fun expansion pack to have, but after a while, I would probably would try my best to stay away from the elemental sims or turn them off in settings because it would be a lot of work to handle a lot like the full moon and the zombies in the sims 3 supernatural, although I loved into the future and things like that, but there was always a choice to not have to touch base with those expansions if you wanted. But in all, I love the idea :)
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    CK213CK213 Posts: 20,550 Member
    I remember seeing an EA marketing poll and they were profiling a supernatural game with powers based on the four elements. It looks like they are thinking along the same line.
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    UnseppiUnseppi Posts: 28 New Member
    I think that's a wonderful idea! I am also a sims supernatural fan, probably one of my favorite expansion packs.
    I would love to see sims moods affect what powers they can use.
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    DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
    > @KyleeAngel said:
    > That would be a really fun expansion pack to have, but after a while, I would probably would try my best to stay away from the elemental sims or turn them off in settings because it would be a lot of work to handle a lot like the full moon and the zombies in the sims 3 supernatural, although I loved into the future and things like that, but there was always a choice to not have to touch base with those expansions if you wanted. But in all, I love the idea :)

    @KyleeAngel‌ Thank you!
    The ability to toggle the supernatural/elemental Sims would definitely be an option. I wouldn't want a whole city to be totally overrun by otherworldly Sims, either.
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    DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
    > @Unseppi said:
    > I think that's a wonderful idea! I am also a sims supernatural fan, probably one of my favorite expansion packs.
    > I would love to see sims moods affect what powers they can use.

    Thank you so much! I'm sure the moods would affect the sims greatly, too.
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    DarkenedSparrowDarkenedSparrow Posts: 216 Member
    > @ProMarshmallow said:
    > DarkenedSparrow‌ but i do love your ideas. I feel maybe if it was like that then I would maybe buy it and I suppose that you probably will be able to turn them off in settings. Sometimes I just don't like it when the supernaturals are just wandering about town.

    Thank you. And as I told another Simmer, there would be an option to toggle the Supernatural/Elemental population. I'm going to add that to the post in a minute. I see the Supernaturals wandering around town, near idle, and I sometimes tire of the city being overrun.

    You're definitely on point.
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