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Update *Chapter Three* Bachelor/Bachelorette Story for the Sims 4

opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
Today in the sim world, young adults find their soul mates a little bit differently. Once a sim becomes a young adult, they are moved into the "Love Nest" home along with 7 other sims that they are attracted to. After 6 weeks, the sim must pick the person they want to spend the rest of their life with. So far, this system has been pretty successful especially for Jaqueline Hutchins. Her parents, Sonny and Lillian, met that way and they seem to have the perfect relationship. Come on this journey with Jaqueline as she gets ready to find her soul mate.
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    edited December 2014
    • Once a sim becomes a young adult they must move into the "Love Nest" Home. Home courtesy of eriks112 "The Gold Lake Manor" with minor changes so every sim has their own bed.
    • The Bachelor or Bachelorette is the only sim that I can control and autonomy must be set to full.
    • Aging is off during the game play.
    • When interacting with sims in the house, the Bachelor or Bachelorette must only pick the first option in the social menu.
    • Every Friday the sim with the highest relationship gets to spend the night with Bachelor or Bachelorette in a special room and all socializing rules are off for that night.
    • On Monday the sim with the lowest relationship is kicked out of the house.
    • When their are only two sims left, the winner will be selected by votes from the forum.
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chapter Lists

    Chapter One
    Chapter Two
    Chapter Three

    The Current Standings
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    Chapter One

    Meet Jacqueline Hutchins. She is romantic and a music lover. She loves to play piano and tell jokes. She wants to be a serial romancer because she thinks that will help her find her soul mate.

    Meet Jacqueline's parents, Sonny and Lillian. Sonny went into the Love Nest to find his soul mate and feel in love with Lilian. They have, what some people call, the perfect relationship. Sonny loves to play computer games all day but his family is really important to him as well. Lilian was never interested in being a house wife, so when she met Sonny she knew they would work out perfectly. She got a job as a cook and quickly moved up the ranks, while Sonny stayed home with Jacqueline.

    Today happens to be Jacqueline's birthday. She is so excited to become a young adult and leave her parents to find her soul mate. Her best friends Savanna and Kinley are twin sisters and it will be their birthdays in a couple months. They will each be Bachelorettes in the Love Nest of their very own.

    Jacqueline can't help be feel a little sad at her party. For one, her mother has to try to embarrass her by telling her friend Savanna silly baby stories but she is sad because she knows that after the party she will not see or talk to her family and friends for 7 whole weeks. She will miss them deeply, but knows that this is a part of life.

    Her mother had made her favorite kind of cake for her birthday. She is going to desperately miss her mother's cooking while she is gone. Jacqueline knows some basics, but her cooking is nothing compared to her mothers. As she blows out her candles she makes a wish that she will find her one true love at the house. After Jacqueline blows out the candles, she feels herself grow more solidly into her skin. She feels like an adult now and also gained the genius trait.

    The party went late, but Jacqueline insisted on doing the dishes herself. After all, her parents have done a lot for her and it was her party, she should clean up after. Her bags are already packed and ready to go, so once she finished the dishes she was leaving her parents home for the Love Nest.

    Once she made it to the Love Nest she was so exhausted that she quickly changed and collapsed into bed. Jacqueline was excited to start the day tomorrow and meet all the wonderful men that were living in the house. She had some plans on how she was going to meet the other men. Her father had given her a few pointers before she left.

    The next morning, Jacqueline woke up early to make breakfast for all the men. She thought it would be a good way to get to introduce herself and to get to know everyone. She just hopes that she doesn't burn the eggs, that wouldn't be a good way to start the day.

    She called all the men down for breakfast, but they must have had a late night because it took them all a while to come down. Jacqueline started to get nervous that no one would come down.

    Slowly they all came down for breakfast. Jacqueline cheerfully introduced herself to the two men that came down first. Dominic quickly started the conversation by talking about his love of music. This piked Jacqueline's interests and she loves music too.

    But Tory quickly shifted the conversation back to him by talking about art and the time he spent running an art gallery.

    Then a man named Karl sat down at the table. He was clearly dressed to impress unlike Tory who was still in his pajamas. Jacqueline introduced herself to Karl who complimented Jacqueline on her cooking and thanked her for making breakfast. Karl was naturally nice which made Jacqueline interested in him.

    Then two other men came to eat breakfast, Jermaine and Harold. Jacqueline quickly introduced herself but they didn't really talk much.

    There were still two men that Jacqueline still had not met yet. One man came in late and didn't even bother to sit down. He was very attractive though. Jacqueline introduced herself to him as well but it was hard to talk to him because he was standing almost behind her. His name was Clive.

    After breakfast Jacqueline was a little hurt by how the morning went. She didn't meet everyone in the house and some of the men didn't seem interested in her. Didn't they want to find their true love also?

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    DeeWrayngedDeeWraynged Posts: 102 Member
    Oh, I really like the concept! Did you create the challenge/rules yourself or is there a thread for this challenge somwhere? Bachelor/Bachelorette things like this is kind of one of my secret pleasures xD I love seeing how they turn out. I'll be bookmarking your thread. Can't wait for the next chapter :)
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks! I didn't really look very hard on the forum for a similar challenge, but I know there was one for the sims 3. So, this is not an original idea, just wanted to use it to tell a story.
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    edited December 2014
    Chapter Two

    Later that day, Jacqueline had a great idea. She decided to ask one guy at a time to play a game of chess with her. This gave her the opportunity to have one on one time with the men and try to get to know them a little bit more. Jacqueline started with Harold, who she learned is very romantic. They did a little flirting, but not much. Jacqueline doesn't want the other men to get jealous. She likes Harold, she could really see herself with him outside the home.

    After their game, she invited Jermaine to a game of chess. Her time with Harold was too short, but she knows that she will talk to him again soon. Jermaine and her had a wonderful conversation during their game. He laughed at all her jokes and he even managed to tell a few funny ones himself. Jacqueline learned that Jermaine was a genius like her, so the conversation quickly shifted to deeper topics. She really enjoyed her game with Jermaine and could also see herself with him. She was now getting a little confused about her feelings, but she still had two days until Friday, when she would have to decided who would spend the weekend with her in the special room.

    She had time for one more game for the night. She played with Clive last, but he didn't seem really interested in being in the house. They talked a little, but she didn't feel the same connection that she did with Jermaine or Harold. Clive only wanted to talk about himself and how much he can bench press. She knows he does this to try to impress her, but she could care less about that.

    Just as she was about to go upstairs to bed, she noticed the last guy of the house that she had yet to meet. She stopped in the kitchen to say hello and get a chance to meet him. His name was Albert and he loved food. He talked about some of his favorite recipes that he could cook for her and Jacqueline like that. She ended the conversation early because she realized how tired she was. It was now really late and she needed to get some sleep. Tomorrow would be the last day before she has to decided who to spend the weekend with.

    The next morning, Jacqueline made breakfast again, but the men still took their time coming down to eat. Albert and Tory were the first to come down. Albert was quick to compliment Jacqueline on her cooking which made her blush. Albert even offered to make dinner that night. Tory was trying to show off his art knowledge to Jacqueline, which only bore her. She quickly tried to shift the conversation back with Albert, but Tory talked over them and he talked so fast it was hard to int interrupt him. Albert finished eating and then quickly excused himself. Jacqueline was starting to feel embarrassed by Tory. Didn't he know when to shut up? Jermaine showed up a few minutes later and he soon realized that he needed to save Jacqueline from Tory. Jermaine quickly asked Jacqueline if she needed help doing the dishes. That activity seemed to disinterested Tory very much, and he quickly excused himself so he could get out of doing the chore. Jacqueline offered a big thank you and a hug. This was the first time she made physical contact with one of the men from the house. Right then, Jacqueline knew who she wanted to spend the weekend with.

    Find out next time how her weekend with Jermaine goes.
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    OnyxemeryOnyxemery Posts: 107 Member
    I love this idea! Might have to use this challenge for a story of my own. (If you don't mind, of course.) ;) Will be bookmarking the thread. Looking forward to the next part!
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    Chapter Three

    Their night started at seven and things hit off pretty quickly. Jermaine listened as Jacqueline talked about her family life and her dreams for the future. Jermaine seemed like such a great listener and that made Jacqueline feel like he genuinely cared about her.

    After dinner, the sparks started flying. Jacqueline couldn't help herself. The freedom of only being around one man and a man that seemed really interested in her made her feel like she could let go and have some fun. After all, there are no rules in this house about woohooing, so she feels free to do whatever her heart desires.

    Jacqueline decided to make a move and hope that Jermaine felt the same way, and he did. Their kiss sent sparks flying through the room. Jacqueline was convinced that even the other guys down stairs could feel the passion between them. They quickly made their way to the bedroom, and...

    Their night ended with a bang!


    Jacqueline woke up the next morning, hoping that her relationship with Jermaine wasn't only going to be physical. She was concerned that he would think they are in a relationship now, which is against the rules and she hopes that Jermaine doesn't think she is just playing everyone in the house just for fun. Jermaine seemed tense the next morning also, so maybe he was wondering the same thing. After an awkward breakfast, Jacqueline decided to break the ice.
    "So, last night was amazing!" Jacqueline started with the positives.
    "Yes, it was. I had a fun time. That thing you did, that was incredible!" Jermaine said smiling. Jacqueline started blushing.
    "Jermaine...I just want you to know that my goal in this house is to find my soul mate, not to just sleep with a bunch of different men. I hope you understand that and I hope you don't think that I am trying to take advantage of our situation. I genuinely care for you and last night was a result of that." Jacqueline said, hoping that Jermaine would understand.
    "Oh...Okay, good. I feel the same way. I want to find my soul mate too, but you must understand that my options are severely limited. I am just concerned that you think I might be trying to take advantage of the situation and try to sway you to pick me. I felt a connection between us as soon as you walked through that door and it only intensified last night. I truly want you to be happy and want you to go on this journey so we both know if this is meant to be or not."
    Their conversation felt good to both of them. Jacqueline was relieved that she didn't feel pressure to stay true to one man in the house, when she doesn't know if this is the man she wants to pick. It is still way too early to tell.

    They spent the rest of the day watching tv and relaxing. No pressure to make conversation just being in one another's presence. This, is what Jacqueline could get used to.

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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    Wow! I am really productive today!
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    opod67opod67 Posts: 126 Member
    Onyxemery wrote: »
    I love this idea! Might have to use this challenge for a story of my own. (If you don't mind, of course.) ;) Will be bookmarking the thread. Looking forward to the next part!

    Feel free to use it! It is fun, but you also get a chance to see how much of the gameplay still needs to be tweaked. Just having 8 people trying to eat a meal together is a challenge, they all want to play musical chairs. Lol

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