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Ten Shades of Love - A Rainbowcy

Brand New Rainbowcy! Please check it out, I will be updating it once a week hopefully!

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Chapter One: Blast from the Past <a href="">Wordpress</a&gt; / <a href=""&gt; Forum</a>
Chapter One: Fateful Encounter <a href="">Wordpress</a&gt; / <a href="">Forum</a&gt;
OriginID: SummerRed7


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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited July 2013
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited July 2013
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited July 2013
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    The doorbell sounded right as I was climbing out of bed, no one ever came to my house, let alone this early in the morning. I was always an early riser so this didn't bother me to much. I walked from my room down the short hallway to my front door, pulling it open when I reached it. Surprise, sadness, joy, love, hate, all those emotions passed over my face within thirty seconds. I stepped through my front door closing it behind me.

    "What are you doing here?" I stood outside of my home awestruck, I haven't seen this man in over three years. "I thought you moved to Silver Port... you know to be with that Vanilla." I was still heart broken since this man, this stranger left me for Isabelline. I never really moved on, I mean how could I when he was my first love? This red man who I fell in love with during highschool, who I devoted my entire life to, completely shattered me and I never really got over that.

    "Well, I did, you know I did. I've been working in the main building over there for two years now, but my company is expanding to Berrington." He smiled that beautiful smile at me. The smile that captured my heart many years ago. "So here I am, standing at your front door, asking you if we could be friends again."

    "No, Amaranth, we cannot be friends. Not now. Not ever." I slammed the door in his face bolting the top lock so he couldn't come inside. I knew he would try, but I couldn't have him seeing me like this, he can't know I still love him.

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    I walked into my kitchen and looked out the window, I knew there was a red house for sale next door to me, and as I watched him walk into the house, I couldn't understand why after all these years he bought the house next to mine. How did he know I moved here? I only just moved in a couple months ago, unless it was a coincidence, I didn't know, but I needed to know. I had to ask him at some point.

    I pulled out the makings for Spaghetti, remembering I needed to go out to my garden and get some fresh tomatoes for the sauce.  Putting the noodles on the counter I grabbed my gardening gloves and jacket and headed out into the cold spring air. I made my way across the front of my yard to the side where my garden sat, it wasn't large, or perfect, but it was special to me. I loved my little garden.

    From the corner of my eye as I picked out ripe tomatoes I could see Amaranth watching me from his window. I scowled at him, knowing he would see it. The window wasn't that far from my garden after all.

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    After I finished making dinner I sat down at my little dining table trying to figure out what I would do about Amaranth, he wasn't supposed to come back to Berrington, he was supposed to stay in Silver Port with his Vanilla Girlfriend.

    I decided on a whim that I would meet up with Amaranth to settle things once and for all. I pulled out my new portable phone and dialed his number. He had given me his phone number just before he left Berrington for Silver Port, I didn't know if it was the correct number still, but it wouldn't kill me to try.  "Hello?" Came his deep voice from the other end, it's been nearly four years and this mans voice affects me, what was wrong with me?

    "I'll meet you at the coffee shop in town tomorrow at 2PM, please be on time." I told him, I didn't bother to tell him who it was, I was sure he would know my voice still. He had to.

    "Of course, Lemon, I'll see you at 2PM." I could practically hear the smile forming on his mouth.

    "Thank you Amaranth." I paused thinking what I should say to him, after awhile I settled for, "Bye." I clicked my phone shut and put it back in my pocket. What am I doing?

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    Gathering myself back together, I stood from my chair and started to clean up the kitchen. As I was doing the dishes I noticed Amaranth was leaving his home, I was curious where he was going so I did the only logical thing to do, follow him. I grabbed my keys and made my way to the garage where my yellow Hybrid was parked. I drove down the secluded road careful to keep a safe distance from his red car as to not draw attention to myself. I didn't want him to know I was following him. Not yet anyway.

    I kept following him until he pulled up in front of the local Gallery, what was he doing here? this place has been closed for a year now. I wondered in my head, I couldn't fathom what would bring him to this place. Unless...

    I stormed through the doors and found him near the cash register, the gallery was completely empty minus a few place holder cards here and there. I assume for future merchandise the local berries will donate.

    "What are you doing here? Why did you come back? Why now Amaranth?" I screamed at him as I came through the Employees Only door.

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    I scowled at him as he explained to me his reasons for coming back.

    "My company, you know I own my own business right?" I nodded my head still scowling at him. "Well we buy galleries, once they have gone out of business or are nearing it, we buy them and we help get started again, hire new staff, and when it's worth more than what we bought it for, we sell it." For some reason he beamed at me, his smile spreading across his face. He kept smiling at me even though I scowled, though after a couple minutes of him just standing there smiling at me, I laughed and actually breathed.

    I didn't realize I had been holding my breath and barely breathing until that moment. "I'm going now." I told him shortly. I was letting to much emotion show through, I couldn't feel anything for this man, I just couldn't. "See you at two?" I questioned him without smiling.

    "See you at two Lemon." He smiled at me before I turned my back and strolled out of the gallery keeping my head held high. Right as I made it to the the glass doors I heard him call out to me, "I'm looking forward to it!" I looked back at him over my shoulder and scoffed at him. How dare he!

    I slammed the glass door behind me wishing it would shatter making my frustration evident, but to my disappointment they did not. I got in my car and sped home, surely driving way over the speed limit. Thank the Berries above there were no Berries on Patrol.
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited July 2013
    good start and is it me or is her ex clueless that he hurt her and she doesn't want to be friends with him or does he know and is just being a complete jerk.
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited July 2013
    good start and is it me or is her ex clueless that he hurt her and she doesn't want to be friends with him or does he know and is just being a complete jerk.

    He kind of is, which I will explain in the later chapters she will be having flash backs to when he left, but I will tell you that she didn't show emotion, she didn't want him to know how hurt she was. though how he wouldnt know is beyond me. So we will see what happens!
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited July 2013
    Men are clueless. :roll:

    By the way, the <em> prompt doesn't work on the forums. You have to change it to italics here. :D
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited July 2013
    ArielleA wrote:
    Men are clueless. :roll:

    By the way, the <em> prompt doesn't work on the forums. You have to change it to italics here. :D

    thanks, I knew that and forgot to change them. all fixed! :D
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited August 2013
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    I stumbled through my front door headed for my yellow Hybrid, I wasn't entirely sure why I was so nervous about this meeting with Amaranth, I have after all, known him since we were 14 years old. I dropped my keys along the way making sure I picked them up so I could start my car, as I closed the door to the car I slowly started to calm down. This meeting meant nothing to him, so why should it bother me? I started questioning myself, thinking maybe I still had feelings for him. I knew I couldn't have feelings for him, because he didn't care about me anymore and I was seeing someone else. I have been involved with Saff for quite some time now, so this should be easy... right?

    As I was driving to the coffeehouse I was trying to figure out what to say to Amaranth, do I tell him to buy another home so that he isn't living near me? I couldn't do that since the house isn't cheap. Do I ask him to never speak to me again? That might be hard since we are now neighbors. Do I tell him to change his work hours so he is gone when I am at home? I was at a total loss, because even though he owned his own business he couldn't work nights all the time.

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    I climbed out of my car and walked over to an open table waiting for Amaranth to arrive, he was always early when I knew him before so I was surprised when he wasn't here already. I sat down with my legs cross over one another silently praying he didn't show up today. Minutes pasted and the red man I have been waiting for never arrived, finally growing impatient I decided I would just go home and get ready for work and never to think of him again. Just as I was about to get up and leave the table the door leading from the shop to the patio swung open and out walked Amaranth in all his wonderful glory. He was carrying two coffees in his hands, I assumed one was for me.

    I settled myself back into my chair and smiled at him as he approached, "Hello Amaranth." I smiled up at his face as he took his seat across from mine. "I thought you would have been earlier?" I questioned him taking a sip of the coffee he brought for me.

    "Well, I would have been but I needed to make a quick stop at the Gallery, then the line in there was insane!" Amaranth told me. "Whats with the full name? No more nick names?" All seriousness was back in his tone and I wasn't really sure how to answer him.

    "You lost the privilege of nick names with me when you left me standing in my doorway." I told him shortly. He never knew how I felt back then, so why not tell him now? He knew I loved him and that I wanted him to succeed but at what cost? I should have gone with him, I knew that, but I just got into nursing school. I couldn't leave Berrington just to get on another waiting list!

    "What are you talking about, Lemon?" A frown formed on his face. "I wanted you to come with me! You said you couldn't leave and that you wanted me to be happy! The move broke my heart just as much as yours!" I scoffed at him, how dare he act like it was my fault. He was the one that chose that colorless, vanilla berry over me!

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    "You left me for her. I know you were seeing her when you left town. It didn't take you long to move on from our five year relationship, did it?"

    "I didn't come back here to fight with you, Lemon, or to place blame. I came back here to fix things." Amaranth sighed and put his face in his hand. "Things with Isabelline were strictly professional when I left town. You were still the only person I cared about. I never started seeing her seriously until eight months after I left. I thought you knew that."

    I starred at him, longingly, of course I didn't know that, maybe then I would have fought harder. "No, I didn't know that. I thought you started dating her right away." the man across from me shook his head at my response telling me I was wrong. Of course I was. "Well that doesn't matter now, I am with Saff now. You broke my heart when you left. You didn't call me or anything for three years. We were together since we were seventeen Amar. I thought you cared more than that. I was wrong."

    With that I gathered my things, leaving my coffee half full, and left the table. I didn't let him get a word in edge wise, because I didn't think he deserved it. I was broken for almost two years when Saffron became my friend. I knew him in high school through Amaranth but we never really spoke. I didn't mean to tell him I was now involved with his rival from high school. It just kind of slipped out and seeing all the looks that crossed my face when he first showed up at my house, made me feel ten times better. Knowing I hurt and surprised him as much as he did me, made me feel superior like I won. I hope this feeling lasts awhile.

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    -Later that Night-
    Work today was long and stressful, I hoped today would be better than the one before after the eventful morning I had, but it wasn't. Patient after patient arrived with really stupid illnesses. Nothing serious of course, but it was silly things they could have treated at home but apparently today everyone wanted to pay to get treatment. The patients were not very pleasant either, and even if you are sick you can at least be understanding that the hospital get busy, right?

    I sat on my couch watching a silly romance movie as I awaited my boyfriend, Saffron, to arrive. We had planned to go out to the club tonight but we both had a long day at work that we decided to stay in. Soon enough a knock sounded at my front door and I just knew it was him. I ran to the door, swinging it open and before even looking at who was at the door I threw my arms around the person outside. Strong arms enveloped me in a tight hug, as if they hadn't hugged me in years. Suddenly I recognized the smell on the person and it wasn't my current boyfriends. It was my ex boyfriends.

    I pushed him off of me screaming, "What are you doing here! Why did you hug me! Whats wrong with you, Amar?" I huffed at him not even giving him a chance to respond because just then, Saffrons yellow ford pulled into my driveway. I smiled running to his car, "Thank god you are here, come inside!" I told him grabbing his wrist ever so gently pulling him down the path to my front door leaving Amaranth standing there dumbfounded. I tried to ignore the thoughts running through my mind, it was just a hug, one measly hug, it doesn't matter and he doesn't care about me anymore.

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    "Was that Amaranth?" I couldn't help but notice the scowl that crossed his face. After all these years he still despised the man he once called his friend. Even so, I nodded my head answering his question, "Why is he here?" Did I even know the answer to this question? If I did, did I want to answer him? No, I didn't know the answer and even if I did I wouldn't answer it.

    I flicked the television back on, "I dunno, he bought the red house next door, he told me he bought the gallery down the street with the means to get it back up and running then sell it. I'm sure he will be back in Silver Port once it sells." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek. Saffron shrugged his shoulder accepting my response, I knew he would, he trusted me.

    "Well just let me know if he keeps bothering you. I can't have old history coming back to ruin history in the making." I giggled at Saff's statement, knowing he was completely serious. His arm snaked around my shoulder, tugging me closer into his side. "I love you, Lemon. Please don't leave me."

    I turned to him and kiss him on the mouth, "I will never leave you, Saff. I love you right back!" We stayed like that for awhile before getting up and heading to the kitchen to have dinner. "Do you want Fish and Chips or Stew Surprise?" I asked him.

    He pushed me up against the counter with an arm on each side of my waist, "fish and chips, but first lets make desert!" So we did, We went over to the new Ice Cream maker I had found at the thrift store and made some Strawberry Ice Cream and stuck it in the freezer until after Dinner!
    Post edited by Unknown User on
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    winterbaby20winterbaby20 Posts: 2,413 Member
    edited August 2013
    all right maybe he wasn't as clueless as i thought he was but he should know girls never want to be friends with boys who hurt them. that's like pouring salt on an open wound.
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    ArielleAArielleA Posts: 3,068 Member
    edited August 2013
    all right maybe he wasn't as clueless as i thought he was but he should know girls never want to be friends with boys who hurt them. that's like pouring salt on an open wound.
    That's not necessarily true. Relationships are friendships, so sometimes the person means enough to you to get over the hurt. But you have to be in a position to forgive and let it go and I don't know if Lemon is there. Although finding out that Amaranth didn't immediately hook up with the other girl might make it easier for her to forgive.

    Saffron gives me weird a bad way. O.o
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited August 2013
    ArielleA wrote:
    all right maybe he wasn't as clueless as i thought he was but he should know girls never want to be friends with boys who hurt them. that's like pouring salt on an open wound.
    That's not necessarily true. Relationships are friendships, so sometimes the person means enough to you to get over the hurt. But you have to be in a position to forgive and let it go and I don't know if Lemon is there. Although finding out that Amaranth didn't immediately hook up with the other girl might make it easier for her to forgive.

    Saffron gives me weird a bad way. O.o

    I agree, Lemon is not in a place yet to forgive Amaranth for leaving her. I think she feels he should have tried harder maybe when he left. He always had more money then her so for her to be able to call him would have been harder since she didn't have a phone. She didn't have his address to write but he had hers. In her mind, he abandoned her.

    And yes Saffron is a strange guy! I don't like him much, but Lemon does!

    Edit: I realize now that last line sounds bad, but they made ice cream after!!
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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