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Stray Pet Challenge (Not what you think. Come look)

So last night I found something interesting... I'm making something called "Stray Pet Challenge" For short, we'll call it SPC. SPC is where you have a sim, and ONE pet. (Dog or cat, but I prefer dog) You let your sim take care of it's self while mostly you're taking care of the pet. (Only sometimes switch over to your sim) Teleport your pet anywhere that is not on it's lot. Like outside the grocery store. Welcome to stray life. Your pet must live as a stray. Whatever you do, DON'T GO HOME. Your pet lives off of stray life. Find out what it is like to be a stray. :)


1. Your pet can never go back home. If it tries, cancel the action.
2. Don't let your pet die off..
3. Live off of stray life! Knock over trash cans, pee on fire hydrants, dig through trash, swim in fountains and pools, etc.
4. You can NOT do cheats to raise any of your pet's needs up.

Preferred traits to have:



Your pet can befriend sims (Not yours, though!) Wild animals, strays, etc. Your pet can and will get taken by the social worker if you fail to keep your pet a "stray"

I am still editing this for more ideas, I accept ideas. Please feel free to give ideas!


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    Kisky2002Kisky2002 Posts: 114 Member
    edited March 2013
    Also, where can your pet eat other than at home? Like what can your pet eat just out of the house? Not pet food, but stuff that you find out in the wild.. Like what do the real strays eat? xD
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited March 2013
    Sounds Interesting, I thought when I opened it though it would be like adopting a bunch of strays lol, I think maybe they can eat from trash cans they knock over. I dunno there should be a way. I know if you have a pet store that they have food bowls outside or you can edit it to have food bowls outside for pets to eat.
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    SundaymoonSundaymoon Posts: 1,045 Member
    edited March 2013
    I like your idea, I think I will try this out this evening :D

    Yeah I think they can eat from trash cans and can beg sims for food.
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