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Off the Chain -- Do not read if under age.

Ok, finally I will be starting the story thread here. I'm not 100% on the title so if you guys have some suggestions? :) I will add pictures to the story so you guys get a visual. --I'm not so good at story telling but oh well :P enjoy!

More about the story here --- NO I do not agree with dog fighting, this is meant to be educational

Off The Chain

Imagine waking up thinking you are in a sauna every morning, no AC, no fan, you're forced to live with what you got. Imagine waking up every hour and reaching for your gun, having the same dream of angry and suffering dogs haunt you every night. Your memories constantly remind you to turn around and take a better path, yet, getting a steady job isn't easy when society judges you for what you look like. This leaves you with no more drive to keep pushing for a better life, when others are only pushing against you. This leaves you with having to get some income illegally..Yeah, selling drugs can keep me put for a month or so..but what really makes good money around here is making mans best friend turn on each other.. .

"Woah, my head is killin' me" he slowly rises and leans against the bed rubbing his forehead and checks the time. "What!!, its 2pm? He's gonna kill me!" he quickly grabs his gun from the table and tucks it in his belt and runs off to get freshened up. He steps outside, the sun slightly blinding him, the scorching heat entering the house and hitting on his skin, sweat is already starting to soak up his shirt.


Making his way towards the kennels he notices the dogs are happy to see him but are extremely thirsty and hot, the heat today completely left their bowls dry. "AHH!, be quiet dogs! I don't even have time for you right now, you'll have to wait for your refills" he then quickly made his way to one of the kennels to get his best fighting dogs ready for today. Opening the chained up gate, the dog was overcome with happiness, his tail completely whipping at his sides. "You exited boy!?, lets go!" the dog lunged towards the gate in excitement. He knew, every time that he sees his master it meant to get out of this small and hot square that he spends hours of his life in. He knew this only meant that he will either be fighting today or training. Thats all he knows in his life. No play,no fun walks at the park, the only interaction with his own species would be to kill and to breed. Yet, he seemed to learn to love this life he was living. "Settle down Kee-Lo!" he quickly put the chain around his neck and walked him into an indoor temporary cell. This is where they put dogs in a waiting cell for hours just with a bowl of water until the current dogs are done fighting in the pit.

He goes back and makes a phone call to the potential buyer, he will be coming today to check out a dog that he has been waiting for to buy and fight it tonight to test it's fighting drive. "Hey man, sorry I didn't call you earlier I got wasted last night. When will you be headin' over?" he pauses for a moment "Javier? you there?" he couldn't hear so well with all the dogs barking and jumping against the fences. "I'm on my way now" Javier hangs up.


"🐸🐸🐸🐸! I gotta hurry up now!" he runs back to the last kennel and gets the buyers desired dog out. Unlike the other dog he took out, this one was as a scared as a cat, tucking his tail between his legs and lowering its head, avoiding any eye contact. Some dogs were ready and some just weren't. "Toughen up boy!, we don't want to disappoint the buyer, I need the money!" he firmly tapped at the dogs sides as if to try and get him out of that fearful state but only made him worse, he 🐸🐸🐸🐸 on the ground and walked slowly towards the gate exit. "Come on! once you get in that pit you're gonna find what you truly love doing!" he put the heavy chain around its neck and had to drag him towards the holding cells.

Once put in the cell, the dog immediately posted itself in the corner. It was very loud in there. Other dogs barked and jumped against the cell fences, the echoes were seriously making him more afraid. He sensed the dog next to his cell making fierce eye contact, scanning his every move but still avoided any type of eye lock. He started panting rapidly, he was nervous, the smell inside smelled of blood and urine from other dogs that were not ready for the pit just like him. He noticed garbage bags full of dogs that had lost fights. He just wanted to die at this point, there was no way to get out of this nightmare.


"Trey!" the dogs ears perked up slightly as he heard an unfamiliar voice call out to his master. He looked to the side watching his master go outside to greet the first out of many that will be expected for tonights dog fight.

"Javier, finally!" he looked down and pointed to Javiers dog "Control your beast for once, he's not comin' in my house" he laughed "Come with me lets put him in the holding cells for now and let me show you the dog" Trey led Javier into the cells and put his dog in for holding. "Man, Big Red keeps getting' stronger day by day! I can barely walk him anymore" he laughed, then Trey pointed towards the cell where Javiers interest dog was. "Alright Javi, I'm gonna let you know from now, since the last time you seen him from when he was a pup, I been trying to get Jip interested in fighting but he's one of those slow learners." he lowered his body to the dogs level. "Come on Trey! of course he's not learning! he's too fat first of all! second I told you to crop his ears!" Javier raised his voice. "You're gonna tell me how to raise a fighting dog!? I wonder why i'm one of the most popular fighting dog breeders right now?, all i'm sayin' is that he happens to be slower than any dog i've bred before but he does have fighting genes from my kennel and different champion kennels so it will come to him! just relax" he shook his head and looked back at the dog sitting in the corner. "Alright fine, just take him out and lets test fight him with an easy dog" said Javier. "I'll bring out Casper, he's only been in 3 fights so far" Trey walked over to Caspers cell and got into the pit with Javier and Jip.


"Jip, ain't gonna fight..I'm draggin' him towards the really hope it comes to him" Javier said impatiently. "Don't worry, he'll be forced to defend himself once Casper gets a hold of him" Trey held Casper tightly, his ears were erect and drool dripped down his muzzle, the sight of another dog got him angry.

"Ok, ready set, release!" they both let go of their dogs. Casper was so quick that immediately ran over Jip's fearful body, not even giving him time to move away from Javiers side. Jip only growled but didn't dare to bite back. Casper violently grabbed hold of Jips neck and dragged him away from Javiers side only leaving the two in the centre of the pit. "Ok! thats enough for now!" Trey and Javier pulled the two dogs apart, Trey quickly put Casper back in the cell. He was left without a scratch, on the other hand, Jip was clearly injured. The fight was short but in that short minute a lot of damage was done.

"The dog didn't even move!" Javiers voice sounded so disappointed. "i'm not even sure I wanna spend my money on him, how much will you sell me Casper?" Trey observed Jips injuries and looked up at Javier "Like I said, give him more time, and Casper ain't for sale man, I told you!" Trey quickly got irritated. "Casper is fighting' tonight and so is Blade..We got over 50 people common' to watch and fight their own dogs to earn titles you know?" Trey picked up Jip and carried his injured body back to his kennel.

"I got a female that will be in heat soon so I'd like Big Red to be the sire, the combination would be crazy! Red's fighting lines with mine, 🐸🐸🐸🐸!" Trey looked at Javier waiting for a response. "Yeah I'm liken' that idea, we would make good money of those pups!" Javier smiled and noticed people entering the lot "People are here".

To be continued.. .


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    HmenzHmenz Posts: 394 Member
    edited February 2013
    I honestly hate hate HATE dog fighting. But your editing skills and your writing skills balance out the fact that this is a dog fighting story. Its really good! Cant wait for more!
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited February 2013
    This does not seem appropriate to me.
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    LakrossLakross Posts: 1,577 New Member
    edited February 2013
    Have this bookmarked :)
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    MamiiGoodMamiiGood Posts: 947 New Member
    edited February 2013
    New page added.

    @Tiffany_Babii: I don't agree with dog fighting in any way. Like I stated on the top of the page, It is a story & is meant for educational purposes of what is going on in real life. I own a Rottweiler in real life and have friends who own Pit bulls and they are in reality sweet hearts! It just depends how you raise them.
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    HmenzHmenz Posts: 394 Member
    edited February 2013
    This story has me drooling for more!
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    inspector_javertinspector_javert Posts: 60
    edited February 2013
    This may be a good story I don't know, but I don't think it appropriate either, no offense your editing skills are indeed very good.
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    ElijahsBabyGurl9ElijahsBabyGurl9 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited February 2013
    Pleases dont flame me for saying this. This is PURELY my own opinion but educational or not this story is highly offensive to me. I am a pitt bull owner and cannot stand the way the breed is portrayed or treated. Now don't get me wrong you are a very skilled editor and the storyline is very creative and well thought up I just don't think that I will read anymore of it. I dont like it at all. :( Just my own thought. BUT other than that good work on the creativeness of your story. :lol:
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    Fireclaw1234Fireclaw1234 Posts: 36 Member
    edited February 2013
    ok, people it's not a big deal. it's not like she's saying 'GO AND FITE UR GOGGYS"
    it's just a story, and they're avatar dogs, not real at all.

    that being said, and also being said and being said that I own two rescued ex-fighting dogs, one was an actual fighter and one was a bait dog, I've had both both over 6 years and yes they do get along, it took over 5 years of careful and had work to get the ex-fighter to NOT want to rip the other dog to shreds, but the ex-bait dog has only ever wanted to make friends, even so they both still have an aversion to hispanic people, men in particular (no racism intended)
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited February 2013
    Let me be more clear. I understand she isn't saying to go and fight your pit-bulls. But seriously? This forum is for 13 year olds. Maybe their parents don't want them reading this crap and knowing that people fight and murder dogs if they don't live up to expectations? I do NOT and will NOT ever think this is appropriate for 13 year olds to read. I know when my daughter is that age I wouldn't want her reading this. I would prefer her to ask me about it not read about some imaginary people fighting and killing dogs. Let alone learn about it at the age of 13. It could put thoughts into ANYONES head. Doesn't seem right to me. It is NOT appropriate for The Sims 3 forum. It is talking about Violence and harming animals and it may not be advocating it but in a way it is. It shouldn't be on the Forum. Everyone is entitled to their opinion; and that is mine.

    Btw, I have met many pitbulls thanks to my sister. I love them dearly. My opinion is not because I don't like the breed. It's because I LOVE the breed.
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    Tiffany_BabiiTiffany_Babii Posts: 427 Member
    edited February 2013
    ok, people it's not a big deal. it's not like she's saying 'GO AND FITE UR GOGGYS"
    it's just a story, and they're avatar dogs, not real at all.

    that being said, and also being said and being said that I own two rescued ex-fighting dogs, one was an actual fighter and one was a bait dog, I've had both both over 6 years and yes they do get along, it took over 5 years of careful and had work to get the ex-fighter to NOT want to rip the other dog to shreds, but the ex-bait dog has only ever wanted to make friends, even so they both still have an aversion to hispanic people, men in particular (no racism intended)

    1. Spell Check.
    2. Since when to rescue shelters allow EX-fighting dogs to be in a home with another dog? Let alone a bait dog? Pretty sure that is not allowed. Also Places WILL NOT adopt out an Ex-Fighting dog if it has any chance of being around another dog because IT WILL attack. Also Bait dogs do not usually ever want to be around another dog after being used as bait. They are VERY skititish when it comes to certain people and animals. The dogs are traumatized.
    OriginID: SummerRed7
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    jazeara11jazeara11 Posts: 60 New Member
    edited February 2013
    its a very good story, tells the truth, and honestly you do feel for the dogs, and the guy who dont want to let his dogs fight anymore, but its a hard thing to get out of, not to mention, i learned about dog fighting from animal planet, i was 10, its out there, no body can stop it, all people have to do is try and change peoples minds, my sister has a pit, its the most hyper and loving dog ive ever met, she got it as a puppy, and one of my friends had a boxer, it was a good dog till the cops mistook it for a pit and shocked it, now that dog is scared of any person in uniform, its all on the way you raise any dog as to how it will act, i own a german shepard, she is 10yrs old and acts like a puppy still, i was tokd that i had to watch her after she turned 7yrs old, cause they were knowen to turn and attack their own owners, i have a 4yr old and a 2yr old, they play with her all the time, and she just lays there and lets them crawl all over her, or pull her tail or ears, they even pull her hair, she just whines a little and i have to tell them to stop, but she is them best dog ive ever had besides my wolf cross that passed away 2 yrs ago, anyway, i say let the story continue, everyone needs to know the truth, and if they are 13 im sure they already know about dog fighting, mainly because everyone makes such a big deal out of it in the real world that they learn from a young age not to trust pits, or for that matter even be around them, let them learn the truth as to what happens, they will learn sooner or later
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    xtine1012xtine1012 Posts: 840 New Member
    edited February 2013
    Let me be more clear. I understand she isn't saying to go and fight your pit-bulls. But seriously? This forum is for 13 year olds. Maybe their parents don't want them reading this crap and knowing that people fight and murder dogs if they don't live up to expectations? I do NOT and will NOT ever think this is appropriate for 13 year olds to read. I know when my daughter is that age I wouldn't want her reading this. I would prefer her to ask me about it not read about some imaginary people fighting and killing dogs. Let alone learn about it at the age of 13. It could put thoughts into ANYONES head. Doesn't seem right to me. It is NOT appropriate for The Sims 3 forum. It is talking about Violence and harming animals and it may not be advocating it but in a way it is. It shouldn't be on the Forum. Everyone is entitled to their opinion; and that is mine.

    Btw, I have met many pitbulls thanks to my sister. I love them dearly. My opinion is not because I don't like the breed. It's because I LOVE the breed.

    LMAO! YEAH! Like this is the worst thing A 13 year old is reading now A days! How about all the gore movies and video games and **** every 13 year old is looking at? This is made for educational purposes and it is very creative. If you don't like it don't read it! Some people need to realize the world is not what it used to be and 13 year olds are no longer innocent. If parents don't want them reading this then thats their job to pay attention to what they are reading it is not our job to sensor the internets for them.
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    edited February 2013
    You might want to move your story to an outside blog.

    I'm not getting into the discussion about what you are writing I'm just letting you know that since dog fighting is illegal in the US and most other countries you may be causing yourself some grief by posting it here. You don't want to be banned over a story.

    -Illegal Activities:

    - The discussion of illegal activities is not permitted.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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    jazeara11jazeara11 Posts: 60 New Member
    edited February 2013
    ok, i can understand that one,PHOEBESMOM601, but just so everyone knows, dog fighting is not illegal in all countrys, i just know it is in the USA, granted they still do it, anyway, good luck with the story, ill be watching, and even though its just a sim dog, i still feel bad for the one that got hurt, poor thing
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    PHOEBESMOM601PHOEBESMOM601 Posts: 14,595 Member
    edited February 2013
    jazeara11 wrote:
    ok, i can understand that one,PHOEBESMOM601, but just so everyone knows, dog fighting is not illegal in all countrys, i just know it is in the USA, granted they still do it, anyway, good luck with the story, ill be watching, and even though its just a sim dog, i still feel bad for the one that got hurt, poor thing

    Dog fighting is illegal in the US, UK,Australia,India,and quite a few countries in South America. I think you'll find that this forum reaches most, if not all, of those places. In most of these places it's illegal to even attend a dog fight.
    "People really love to explore 'failure states. In fact, the failure states are really much more interesting than the success states." ~ Will Wright
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