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Perfect Genetics Challenge


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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz Thanks for answering my questions. Good luck making your next video. 😊
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge, Generation 2, Episode 10 is now finally available for you to watch on YouTube.

    In this episode the Walker household continues with their lives. The children continue to work on their skills. Denise makes her imaginary friend real, Max and Paul have birthdays, and there is an unexpected new arrival in the household.

    I hope you enjoy the video.

    Happy Simming
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz I watched your Perfect Genetics Challenge 2, Episode 10. Another great video. ...Strange about the wandering IFs in sim form. Good thing you rescued them. 😊 ...Cute little white dog. Bindi? ...I liked your collection of decorator eggs displayed on the wall shelves. ...LOL at the scampering red toilet thought bubble above an invisible creature. ...Fun seeing the alien spaceship parked by the school bus. ...Oh dear! The flirty couple who've been caught flirting with other sims. And she's pregnant? Wonder how that will turn out? ...Crazy aging-up pigtails! ...Loved the cat begging for cake. Again, the spaceship showing up--at the diner this time. πŸ˜„ ...Interesting about Don staying home with the babies while Olivia births them and then goes back to work immediately. ...Wow, that is a huge household: 20 sims! Awesome family tree too. ...Thanks for sharing your sims' stories, especially after the surgeries. Hugs! πŸ€—
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @lanlyn I'm glad you enjoyed the video.

    I've occasionally seen Imaginary Friends run around town. The first time I remember seeing them doing that was way back when Sims 3 was still being added to by EA. I was playing a household with Gobias Koffi in it and he had about 5 or 6 teens with him in the household. One night I saw a few Imaginary Friends return home to the house. They were teens with the little light over their heads. One of them vanished from his owner's inventory. This was before I ever tried to make one real. The owner, Percy Koffi, was a young adult and hadn't seen any evidence of his IF for ages. He was married to an elder sim from Dragon Valley. Something alerted me to his IF running loose in the world. It might have been message. I can't remember what made me aware of it. Anyway, Percy's elderly wife, Lorna, was over the age when she was due to die of old age. So I decided to get a chemistry table so he could make a young again potion. Somehow I managed to get the IF into the household and he and Percy made friends. Percy worked at that chemistry table while I worried Lorna was going to die before he got the potion made. He managed to make the potion in time and also got the potion to turn his IF real. It took ages for their friendship to get high enough but the IF eventually drank the potion. He was Bob and he later married Percy's sister Haley and Haley gave birth to the first Imaginary Friend I'd got from pregnancy. At first I didn't realise he was an IF. And he had his own IF doll. I got more interested in Imaginary Friends after that.

    I thought I'd include little Bindi playing with the ball. He was cute. I added him to the household after I had to give my son's dogs back to him. They were little white fluff balls just like Bindi. I had the dogs with me for 4 years so we got to know each other really well. I was sad to see them go. My son had originally asked me to look after them for 3 months. Then he went overseas for work, twice, and it was 4 years before he was ready to get them back.

    As for that flirty couple, Don even had a wish to move out of the house. They've been busy with the baby since the birth. Olivia was back at work immediately. This is the first couple I've had who do this. I was very surprised when I first noticed she was going to work and he was staying home with the babies. I'm wondering if it is trait related as he is Family Oriented and she Dislikes Children.

    That spaceship seems to be around town a lot. I thought I'd add it to the video for a bit of interest. I think the owner is related to two of Don's alien sons as they share a last name.

    I like to include all the unexpected or interesting things I see in the game, if I can get them recorded. I think that makes the videos more fun.

    I've got one more surgery to go. In about 2 weeks from now. It's only day surgery and should be good to get it over with.

    I better get to work on the next video. I'm finding it a bit hard to focus on them for long at the moment. I have recorded more for the next Perfect Genetics video but will need to play some more before getting enough for another video. In the meantime I'm working on some birds.

    Thanks for the comment.

    Happy Simming

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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited July 2023
    @Karritz That's an interesting history about the IFs. They're certainly unique life forms. Some aspects of them annoy me though. They stalk their human friends, making it difficult for the child to do anything else except play with the IF. I like the idea of IFs, but I try to make them "real" as soon as I can. I usually give them a make-over too. I have a couple who became romantic interests when they grew up. She was his IF.

    I love Bindi's looks. I like that breed of dog or something similar. I bet it was difficult for you to return your son's dogs. :'(

    I think you're right about the flirty couple. Their desired roles must be related to those traits. Makes sense.

    Best wishes for your upcoming surgery. Take care.
    Post edited by lanlyn on
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge, Generation 2, Episode 11 is now available for you to watch on YouTube.

    I hope you enjoy it.

    There are some birthdays, the children and teens go fishing in the river across from their house, the usual townies invade their yard to sleep by the pool or play with the Group Science Project and progress is made with opportunities, potion discovery and reading of skill and recipe books. At the end of the video we get a peek at the family trees of the alien members of the household.

    Happy Simming
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    edited July 2023
    @Karritz I watched your Perfect Genetics Challenge 2, Episode 11. Glad little Debbie was able to finish all her potions. Congrats to her. πŸ˜‰ ...Do you let your sims choose most of their own activities? I don't think I could keep up with all of them! I guess you concentrate on the important skill-building and then rely on free will. ...Fun seeing the kids fishing in the river. ...Nice birthday turnouts--as usual--even with less sims. ...Aging up always seems to require makeovers. But Barbara, Mary, and the boys didn't look too bad--hairstyles and clothes were ok. ...I forgot that the IF dolls came through the mail. From a relative? ...How many generations are you aiming for in this challenge? Ten, right? ...Enjoyed the alien family trees. ...Thanks for sharing your sims' lives. 😊
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @lanlyn thank you. I do tend to let the sims do their own thing mostly. That way I see things happening that are fun, and I would never have thought of getting them to do them. Years ago, when I got frustrated with family trees breaking and before I had any mods, I used to make groups of 8 unrelated YA sims and focus on skilling them. I'd give them a huge house full of things for them to do and watch what happened. They rarely left the house, so I didn't become familiar with the townies of the various worlds. But I got a lot of skilled sims to use in my videos as my own townies I place into empty worlds made by other people.

    I think there will be a variety of 'interesting' happenings in the next episode of Perfect Genetics Challenge as a few unexpected things have occurred in game play since the end of this most recently posted episode.

    The thing about having teens instead of children is there is so much more scope for mayhem and unexpected happenings. And there are a few skills the teens can do that children can't. And learning some of those skills can get them into unexpected trouble at times.

    I'm glad you've been enjoying the videos. Happy Simming

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge Generation 2 Episode 12 is now available for you to watch on YouTube.

    A few surprising things happen in this episode. There will be consequences in future episodes. I got a surprise when these things happened but decided to go with it as the story will be even more fun.

    In the end, Don takes Mary and Barbara to live in Vice City and Mary throws a house party and invites the entire population of the world. Everyone turns up, including a sim the game seems to have added as I've never seen him before. The entire population of the world is currently, Mary, her brother Martin, their imaginary friends made real Barbara and Bart, Caroline Price who I added to the world when I set it up to be part of this game, plus the one extra sim who unexpectedly arrived at the party.

    I hope you enjoy watching the video.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz I watched your Perfect Genetics, Gen 2, Ep 12 video. Quite a lot going on! Ghost stories, potion making, teaching toddlers, alchemy, music ... It was fun to see all these activities again. And :D at the toad disaster. An alien toad! Poor Carl. I'll be waiting to see how he solves his dilemma! ...Congrats to your graduates. ...Cute romance scene with Don. ...I like Mary's new home. Good starter upgrades. Nice house party. Everyone seemed to be getting on well. ...Thanks for sharing your sims' lives. I enjoyed the video. 😊

    BTW, I like your idea of skilling up sims to use later as townies. I recently made my own butlers and then set them up to be hired by my played sims. I like having more say in who actually shows up to work in my households even if I don't control them directly. Often, I need mods to tune gameplay for this to happen.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I must admit a few things happened during this episode that surprised me, but I thought it would be fun to go with them. I've now recorded video of Carl being cured. The hint I can give without giving too much away is that it involved sims from The Isla Paradiso Bunch. So expect to see some of them in the next episode.

    Mods definitely help to customise game play.

    Years ago, long before I added mods to my game, I stopped playing with families as the family trees used to break and toddlers regularly became strangers to their parents. So I used to make households of eight unrelated young adults - four male and four female. There was no romance between them. I used to build a huge house and fill it with stuff and decide what skills they'd learn and direct them to learn those skills specifically plus whatever else I thought of doing while playing their household. Mostly I would just watch what they'd get up to. After a while they would get to level 10 in several skills and I'd want to make another set of 8 young adults. As a result, I ended up with a lot of highly skilled young adults and when I added mods and started playing bigger games and actually having my sims go out and explore worlds I found a use for those highly skilled young adults. I do give them makeovers since I have custom skins and hair now, but mostly I just plonk them down into houses and give them free will and my sims come across them occasionally and they are often found to be doing some interesting things. I enjoy seeing old familiar sims around town instead of game generated townies.

    That graduation was a bit of a mess. I came across Mary wearing her graduation robes at home. Then I discovered Barbara was at City Hall graduating. I probably should have shut down and tried again but I let it progress. In the end both of them ended up with diplomas but Mary didn't get any awards to hang on the wall. Barbara got everything they usually get. I'll have to check if Martin and Bart have their diplomas. I'll probably have to play in that world for a few sim days before it will offer them the opportunity to graduate. Currently I'm focusing on trying to get the main household to start Generation 3. And I don't want the game to add too many extra sims to that world. I'm not sure how many furnished houses are in it. The world was not completed and most of the buildings are just shells with nothing at all inside - they still have grass floors. So I'm hoping not too many extra sims will be able to move into the empty houses.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    I've had some problems with getting this video onto YouTube. First attempt failed to process so I had to load it again. It is now on YT and available for you to watch. I hope you enjoy it.

    It's now available for you to watch if you'd like to have a bit of fun. There is lots of magic going on in this episode. And an oversupply of insect spawners.

    Judy Butler, from the Isla Paradiso Bunch series, and her family now live together in Sunlit Tides. The rest of the Isla Paradiso Bunch are living in Dragon Valley.

    If you watched the previous episode of The Perfect Genetics Challenge, you will remember that Carl was toadified. He's been trying to solve his problem using Alchemy. But it was alchemy that got him into this mess in the first place and so far he's been completely unsuccessful in finding a cure that actually works on him.

    Carl's father, Bill, does some research on the internet and decides Carl's best chance of a cure would be to travel to Sunlit Tides and track down Judy. Judy happens to be a very powerful witch. Bill's research has revealed it might be possible for a powerful witch to cure Carl. Furthermore, no witches living in Moonlit Falls are sufficiently powerful, so Carl is going to have to travel and throw himself on the mercy of a strange witch who he's never met before.

    We will get to meet all members of Judy's large household. They include Judy, Joe Hart (a new potential love interest for Judy - nothing happening there yet though), Charlie Lake (Charlie The Plant Sim), Anne Butler (clone of Judy), Bertie and Benjie Butler (twin plant sims - picked at the same time but from two separate forbidden fruit seeds), Terry King (clone of Triton King), Donna Dutiel (clone of Lea Dutiel from France). Plus their imaginary friends who have been made real Peter Lake, Ruth Butler, Pippa Butler, Carl Butler, and Harry King. Only Donna has her doll still in her inventory.

    A bit of background. Judy was the first witch I ever made, and she was made soon after Supernatural was released. I wanted her to make a plant sim but she kept failing. She eventually made a forbidden fruit seed and planted it and tended it carefully but was not available to pick it when it was ready to be picked, so one of Judy's housemates Dora Lake picked the baby. To my surprise this meant Dora was the mother. But I soon decided he was Judy's child. So she had a plant sim named Charlie. Judy kept on having major failures with the Science experiments and in frustration I got her to take a DNA sample of herself and told her to clone from the sample. To my surprise a baby girl emerged from the machine, and Judy named her Anne. Charlie and Anne were toddlers together and aged up to Child before I moved on to other things in the Sims. They languished in an old game for years. Then I made a witches' village in Dragon Valley, and I searched for all of my witches I'd ever made, plus another 20 I'd made recently, and put them all into the village I'd made on top of the plateau in Dragon Valley. Then I was trying to get Judy to get the badge for making 300 elixirs. She failed. I decided maybe her failure was because she was in a multi sim household. So I sent her to Isla Paradiso and put her, alone, into a house there. She made over 300 elixirs and still no sign of a badge. I then added a few extra sims and they were all crazily making elixirs. Then I decided to try posting videos to YouTube and that was my current game, and the Isla Paradiso Bunch videos began.

    Once the second series of Isla Paradiso Bunch was completed that save was totally unplayable. I packed everyone up and placed them into a new game in Dragon Valley. I played with them for a while, but after making most of the imaginary friends real it was obvious that the game would soon be unplayable. Meanwhile I had grabbed Charlie and Anne from the old Dragon Valley game and added them to Judy's family.

    In order to save them all I sent Judy and her family to live in Sunlit Tides. They still can visit the rest of the household who are living in Dragon Valley.

    Now, in this episode of The Perfect Genetics Challenge, Carl will stay with Judy for a while in the hope she might be able to cure him. This will allow anyone who would like to catch up with some of the sims from The Isla Paradiso Bunch to see them. At the end of the Isla Paradiso Bunch series Judy's children were all toddlers or children. Now they've all aged up one level so they are now all children and teens.

    Judy Butler (a powerful witch)


    Joe Hart (a new sim I added to the household just before I stopped playing their household - I thought he might be a love interest for Judy but she seems to like cloning her babies)

    Charlie Lake (Charlie The Plant Sim)

    Peter Lake (Charlie's IF made real)

    Anne Butler
    She's mostly seen in her bikini as this household has a serious problem with sprinklers.

    Ruth Butler (Anne's IF made real)

    Benjie Butler (plant sim)

    Pippa Butler (plant sim's IF made real)

    Bertie Butler (plant sim)

    Carl Butler (Plant sim's IF made Real)

    Terry King (mermaid and clone of Triton King)

    Harry King (Terry King's IF made real)

    Donna Dutiel (clone of Lea Dutiel from France)

    Anne and Terry

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    This is a little update on what I did with Judy after the end of the episode in which we see Judy cast the Sunlight Charm on Carl to cure him of his toadification. I thought I'd post this information here now, even though it is not going to be part of any video. It is just some housekeeping and I thought some of you might have a little nostalgia for the rest of the Isla Paraidos Bunch sims. They live in Dragon Valley now and Judy visited them so I could fix a few things.

    When it was time for Craig and his father, Bill, to return home to Moonlight Falls, they travelled there reasonably quickly, but I wasn't able to save. While they were travelling, I thought I should have turned off aging for sims living in other worlds while Judy's household was active. I didn't want a repetition of having some sim turning up in a different world after many days or weeks of game play to find all of the toddlers were now children without having learned any toddler skills, and other sims had similarly aged. I had that happen to me in the Big Game with Oscar's story.

    So, since I'd saved when Craig and Bill left Sunlit Tides for home, they were still standing in the street outside Judy's house when I reloaded the game. Instead of sending them straight home I got to work on Judy's computer and used NRAAS Traveller mod to turn off aging for sims in all other worlds currently installed in this game.

    Then I decided to use Judy to fix a few issues back in Dragon Valley. I'd moved Judy out in a hurry when the game became unstable. I'd just had birthday cakes for the twins Geri and Wendy. But wasn't able to age up their imaginary friends. Another thing I wanted to fix was the mermaids. They were living as townies in Dragon Valley and hadn't done enough swimming to retain their occult state and had lost their scales. I brought the mermaids with the Isla Paradiso Bunch household because Salty is the father of Geri and Wendy, and Terry King is the clone of Triton King, and Mia Azul died, and she is in an urn in the main household. She died at Haley's engagement party when she first became engaged to Salty.

    So I sent Judy to Dragon Valley. The game asked her which house to rent so I chose one and made the Isla Paradiso Bunch household the active household. I also added a Base Camp to that world to make it easier for sims to visit the world. I recall the time I tried to send sims to a world in the Big Game, only to find there were no empty houses so nowhere for them to rent on arrival. I had a bit of a panic for a few moments then decided to try to get them to stay in a vacant lot and fortunately that worked. I'd been using the same house over and over for them to stay in but had never turned it into a base camp and on this trip that house had somehow got an occupant. They world was very over full of sims so I added another world to that game and started moving sims out.

    Anyway, back to Judy's trip to Dragon Valley.

    I thought some of you might like to see some screenshots of members of the main household. I didn't record any video as it was really just a quick maintenance visit for Judy.

    Their house is bigger than Judy's house but has the same big central courtyard. I stayed in the main part of the house and firstly used a computer to stop aging for sims in all other worlds installed in the game. You have to do this for each world. So I'll try to remember to do it for Moonlight Falls and the other worlds I've moved sims to from Moonlight Falls.

    I used NRAAS Master Controller to Trigger Age Transition to the two Imaginary Friends made real who should have been teens but were still children. Then I checked on the two alien mothers of the alien children in the household. I found each of them was living in a different house and they were still there and townies. I didn't activate their households. I also noticed Penny Ryan is still living in her house but didn't activate her. Then I activated the mermaid household. There are four of them and they had lost their scales and occult states. So I used Master Controller to make them mermaids again, and then gave each of them an extra 5,000 Lifetime Happiness points so they could get the Permanent Mermaid lifetime reward. That way I won't have to keep turning them back into mermaids and fixing their scales. I gave the extra mermaid in their household a small makeover and gave him green scales, just so he'd be a different colour from each of the others.

    Then I sent Judy home after saving.

    Here are screenshots I got of the current occupants of the household.

    Diana Martin is a human sim and is quite advanced in the magician career. I found her in her magician outfit.


    Meryl Manson is an evil human and she was there too.


    During the series of The Isla Paradiso Bunch, Part 2, Craig had an alien daughter and named her Penny. Here's Penny Exipeth. She's a child now. Craig also had an alien son and he's still a toddler, we will see him below.

    This is Sam Lewis and he had an alien son while in China. We'll see his son soon too.

    The two mothers of the alien children are living in houses in Dragon Valley. I packed them up when I moved everyone to the new game as I wanted to preserve the family trees.

    Wendy Armstrong is the daughter of Haley Armstrong and Salty Seaworth. She was a child when we last saw her and here she is aged up to teen.

    Diana and Josephine are both genies. I think Josephine is evil. She's hot headed and a coward and tends to faint from fear when Mia Azul's ghost appears at various times around the house.

    Geri Armstrong is Wendy's twin sister.

    Pat Armstrong is Geri's Imaginary Friend made real.

    Paul Exipeth is Craig's alien son. He's finished reading that book so I gave him another book to read while I was there.

    This is a group of them having a chat in the courtyard.

    Here is Craig, he is the father of the alien children Penny and Paul.

    And Haley is the mother of Wendy and Geri. Haley is another Genie.

    Jeanie Jones is another genie

    Craig was standing staring at the gold sarcofigas. Then Haley emerged. She'd been asleep inside it.

    Steve Ayohod is the toddler alien son of Sam Lewis.

    Betty is the imaginary friend made real of Wendy.

    Here are Geri, Muriel and others.

    Kitty Kat - the pets came with the household when everyone moved to Dragon Valley via NRAAS Porter mod.

    Stella Dog enjoying her dog bed.

    The Stray Cat that they grabbed while living in Isla Paradiso, still hasn't been given a name so it's still known as Stray Cat.

    Here are Betty and Wendy.

    And Geri and Pat

    I was struggling to get a reasonable shot of Pat.




    I aged Pat and Betty up using a mod as I was in a hurry and not really playing. Mostly just making sure they weren't all dead from old age next time someone visited this world.

    Here is an old screen shot of Wendy and Gerri as children.

    Happy Simming all
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz I watched your Perfect Genetics Challenge video, Gen 2 Ep 13
    Carl and Bill's story in Sunlit Tides is great--trying to find a cure for Carl. I had some sims who were toadified when I was playing TS3. They kept infecting each other with kisses. So funny.


    I like your base camp build. Roomy and pretty. I've always liked Sunlit Tides. Beautiful scenery. Your choice of music was perfect. Judy is an awesome witch. Love her cauldron work, spellcasting, and fortune telling. Hurray for Carl. Cured at last, back to his alien-self. πŸ˜„ at the alien-witch selfie.

    Fun seeing all the sims playing in the sprinklers. Great shots of Judy assembling the sarcophagi. Lots of unique activities in this video. Wow, so many butterflies and moths in the yard! Magical. Love the sunset over the water. ...That was cool to see Judy collecting Carl's DNA sample and creating a clone. Nice name for the baby too: Nile. Thanks for sharing your sims' stories. 😊

    And great screenshots of your sims in the posts above. And it sounds like Judy had an exciting, but productive adventure in Dragon Valley.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @lanlyn thank you. I had a similar experience a few years ago with trying to get a sim to kiss a toadified sim to cure him. They were both toads and it stayed that way as they were the only sims in the game. I don't think I even have a copy of them saved anywhere. They did have the philosophers stone but nothing worked to fix them being toads and that wasn't the story I had in mind for them so I abandoned the game.

    When Carl got toadified I decided it would be fun to include Judy's household as I had a vague recollection of her toadifying an alien visitor in the Isla Paradiso Bunch and then she used a charm of some sort to cure the alien. I've had a few people ask after the Isla Paraidso Bunch sims so I thought this could be the perfect opportunity to show them again. I might try to include some of them again.

    I built a few base camps at around the same time so I have 2 or 3 of them and whenever I need one I go looking for a base camp I should have backed up somewhere and if I come across one I use it. They seem to be full of action whenever I have them in a game. I'm glad you like this one. I think it's different from the one I have in Mountain Lake. And in Vice City I just turned an apartment building into a base camp. There are not many empty lots in Vice City, but most of the buildings in it seem to be empty. Just a shell without even floors or walls inside. I like to try to leave the exterior of builds in various worlds alone so will probably keep most of these buildings and only make them over inside as required. This is why I ended up using basements so often. They allow me to expand the living space of my sims without messing up the look of the lot from street level.

    I ended up moving the sarcophagi to Judy's new magic room. I will keep the door to that room locked and use it only when needed for a story.

    I was surprised to see so many different butterflies. No one was catching them and they just kept on spawning. I wanted the sims to be able to catch whatever they need without having to spend many frustrating weeks searching, waiting to something to spawn.

    As for Judy's visit to Dragon Valley. When she arrived, she had to find a house to rent. I then placed her in it and left her alone. I added a base camp as that was on my mind at the time. Then I activated the Isla Paradiso household and did what I needed to do there. I thought I'd get the screen shots to show people but that wasn't the main reason for being there. I wanted to check on them. I used their computer to stop aging for sims in all worlds I have installed. That way if I send sims to a new world and leave them there, I might forget to make the necessary change to the Traveller mod. Also, the change has to be made to each world, so it means a sim has to visit each world to add the extras to the list of worlds where sim aging needs to be turned off. At first, I was just going to adjust the aging for the currently populated worlds and then changed my mind and did it to all 30 of them. Once I'd completed my tasks at that household I moved on to the mermaids household where all four of them had lost their mermaid status. I fixed them and gave each of them the lifetime reward of permanent mermaid. Hopefully they will remain mermaids now. I just want them in the world and I can't leave them alone to be townies without making them permanent mermaids if I don't want to play them.

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    I've been trying to record video for the next episode of this story - but there have been problems. I've lost several real time days because of not being able to save progress. When I have managed to save successfully, it was after less than one sim day's play and then I'd have to shut down and reload and then probably get Error 12 next time I tried to save. In the end I decided to take some drastic action. I wasn't sure if the game could be saved but decided to give it a go.

    I evicted the household to the clipboard, then placed them into an empty house. I could have left them on the clipboard but didn't.

    Next I saved their house to the library and bulldozed their home. I bulldozed several community lots I'd placed around the world too. By this time I noticed the game was running much better. I could have probably had success if I just placed their house from the clipboard onto their now empty lot and then moved them back into it. But I had already decided to move them to Appaloosa Plains. I have rarely looked at that world and am not familiar with it so decided to send them there to live. I'll miss the townies from Moonlit Falls.

    So now I had their house safely in the library I got Don to dial up a trip to Appaloosa Plains. Everyone joined him, including the pets.

    On arrival in Appaloosa Plains I placed their house onto a 60x60 lot and then placed a few community lots, including the Festival Ground which is across the street from their new lot.

    I can now play and save as often as I want and can play for as long as I want without any problems saving.

    I just investigated the possibility of them consigning their excess potions in the Elixir Consignment Store (which I placed in an empty lot). While looking around inside the store I spotted Pip Goodfellow dancing inside. So it looks like we will still see some of the Moonlight Falls townies as tourists. I placed the Base Camp next to their new lot too.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge, Generation 2, Episode 14 is now up on YouTube for you to watch.

    In this episode three sims age up and the entire household, including the house, move to Appaloosa Plains from Moonlight Falls.

    Lots more is happening as the sims start behaving slightly differently in the new world. It's as if they just got a new pool, some of them have become obsessed with swimming and diving.

    The locals of Appaloosa Plains are not coming into the yard to obsessively play with the Group Science Project. That's probably because it no longer has its Green Flame. I've been wondering if I should make it have the green flame again or not. So far, I've decided to leave it as it is. Of course, the house got reset when I saved it to the library and then placed it into a fresh lot in Appaloosa Plains. This means I'm currently not getting Error 12 when I need to save. The main reason for the move was to try to stop the constant Error 12 and loss of so much game play that just didn't save.

    The entire household has been busily getting to know the new set of locals whether or not they meet them at school or at work. Locals are around. The Base Camp has been placed next door to the main house so we can keep an eye on who is visiting. So far we've seen Pip Goodfellow from Moonlight Falls visiting Appaloosa Plains. You will see him there is you watch this video.

    The main thing I was working on this time was to get sims sufficiently skilled to allow me to age them up. You won't see much of the skilling and reading but every so often you will briefly glimpse them all focusing on some task I have set them to either improve skills, or satisfy a wish that will allow me to give them some lifetime rewards before they move out to live on their own in another world.

    I hope you enjoy the video.

    Happy Simming
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz Perfect Genetics Challenge Gen 2 Ep 14 Enjoyable video. ...I'd forgotten about collecting those suns from the dancing sunflower. Lucrative. ...Fun scenes with the water balloon fights. ...You said the one toddler aging up was born late in life. Do your sims try for babies autonomously? ...Appaloosa Plains is a nice world. I liked it. ...What happens to the kids if they break curfew? I forget. ...I didn't use the LLAMA travel booth very often. The Tragic Clown aspect was annoying to me too. ...I also noticed my sims sometimes acted differently when I moved them to new worlds. ...I had one of my sims 3 kids write comic books. Something different for them to do. ... πŸ˜„ at limiting the alien abductions. I don't blame you. ...Cute scene with pampering the cat on the couch. ...How many sims live in this household? ...Thanks for sharing your game play. πŸ™‚
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    @lanlyn thanks for the comment. Olivia and Don were doing so much autonomous flirting I thought they may as well try for baby and it worked. My sims are not allowed to do that autonomously.

    The kids get picked up by police if they are caught out late at night. They usually manage to get home safely though. I did have one sim who got seen by the police but managed to get home without being placed into the police car. As I was celebrating the success of their escape they suddenly raced back to where the police car was waiting for them so the police could drive them home.

    That scene with Cindy and the cat was autonomous. I was pleased I managed to record it.

    The number of sims in the household varies. At them moment I think there are 17 plus the small dog and cat.

    Thank you for watching the video and commenting.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz Thanks for answering my questions!

    I know that some gamers use mods that allow autonomous Try for Baby options or "risky" woohoo. I wouldn't want that myself, but some players enjoy surprises. 😁

    I remember a couple of my Sims 3 kids/teens got caught out too late. They were picked up by the police. But I couldn't remember whether parents scold or ground them automatically or if the player has to direct them to.

    The interaction with the cat was really sweet, especially with the two sims sitting on the couch together. Very cozy! 😊

    Sims 4 is coming out with a new expansion featuring apartments and supposedly more sims will be allowed to live on the same lot together. Right now, a household can only have 8 sims including pets, and only 20 sims can be on any lot at a given time. I'm wondering how this new expansion is going to affect gameplay if those numbers are increased the way some players are hoping. There are pros and cons, I guess. I enjoy watching all the activities in your larger households. It's fun, but it does seem to stress game engines, not to mention the player controlling them! πŸ€ͺ
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    edited November 2023
    @lanlyn I had that mod for a short while but decided to remove it when I started making videos for YouTube.

    I have a mod that asks if I want to scold or not and I usually say No. And my little sims don't usually stay out late, unless I forget about them and haven't told them go home. I don't recall being asked if they need to be scolded or not. I would just click No if asked.

    There are a lot of limitations to Sims 4. I think they were trying to avoid some of the pitfalls that come with all the different things that can be done with Sims 3. I remember when I first got Sims 3. After getting the idea of how to play I was immediately frustrated by the limitation of 8 sims per household. I'd had the original Sims but didn't get Sims 2. I was about to get Sims 2 when I discovered Sims 3 was about to be released and decided I'd pre-order Sims 3 instead. I am happy a series of mods allows me to have overstuffed households. Sometimes unexpected things can happen - such as never-ending alien pregnancies. But most things can be overcome with a bit of research. I do have to watch the memory usage.

    I seem to have fixed that issue with this game for the moment. I think all I needed to do was to evict them and move their house to the library and bulldoze it before returning the library version to the lot and putting the sims back into it. But I'd already decided I wanted to send them to a different world. I'm thinking a later generation might have a horse for a while now that they are in Appaloosa Plains. I'd like to have them go riding around some of those trails in the world. I don't usually play with horses but have had them a few times.

    I don't usually have much of a problem with controlling all of the sims in the household. I make sure they have full autonomy. This keeps them relatively happy most of the time and allows me to discover some new and surprising things sims get up to occasionally. When I want to prepare them to move out, I start queuing recipes and fishing bait books and keeping most of them busy with that while I focus on one or two others, so it isn't much different from having a smaller household. I usually find small households get a bit boring after a while - depends on the sim - and start adding extra household members.
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Hello All

    Episode 15 of Generation 2 of the Perfect Genetics Challenge is available for you to watch on YouTube.

    In this episode the sims continue learning skills and reading books.

    There is a total of five birthday parties in this episode.

    In the first half of the video the twins, Daryl and Denise, plus their imaginary friends made real, Riley and Byron, age up from child to teen.

    Once those birthday parties are complete the four newly aged up sims get a makeover.

    Then Don, their grandfather, plus Max and Paul all travel to Mountain Lake. Max and Paul are preparing to age up to Young Adult and will continue finishing their preparation in Mountain Lake.

    In this episode, the traveling party stays with Gary and Donna Flower-Walker and their twins, Elsie and Charlie.

    Elsie and Charlie Flower-Walker were born at the same time as Daryl and Denise. I thought they ought to age up to teen now as well. But they'll have to learn some skills first.

    At the start of this episode, we see Mabel Flower, a plant sim from Mountain Lake, stuck outside the Base Camp. I reset her. Mabel lives in Mountain Lake so we will see her again later in this episode.

    As for Gary's wife, Donna. You may be familiar with her as there are a few chapters of the Generation 1 videos devoted to her and her household. Mabel is originally from that household. She has since moved out and now lives in another house close to Gary and Donna's house. Unfortunately for Mable she has an incident with the Scraptronic Workbench. As a result of this unfortunate occurrence there is a bit of extra excitement there.

    At the start of the video we see a plant sim dressed in very pale pink. She is chatting with Flora. We don't see Flora again this episode. The plant sim is Petunia Flower-Walker. She is Donna's daughter. Petunia has completed numerous skills. At the end of the video, Petunia ages up from teen to Young Adult. Petunia's imaginary friend made real is Patricia and Patricia is still working on skills, so she doesn't age up with Petunia. We also see Patricia at the start of the video as she is playing catch with Sophy Rodgers. Sophy is one of many townies who came with Moonlight Falls and have been since moved to Mountain Lake.

    You will see the townies from Moonlight Falls wandering around town occasionally.

    Two other sims who have previously aged up to young adult and moved to Mountain Lake are Cosmo and Percy Walker. Cosmo is the imaginary friend made real of Olivia's plant sim daughter, Petal. Percy is the son of Don and Olivia. He was their youngest child until little Oliva was born. We see Cosmo and Percy at the Stones Throw Greenhouse when Don goes there to collect some seeds.

    I hope you enjoy the video. I expect the next few episodes will be set in Mountain Lake and the traveling party will move between houses so we will eventually get to know most of the population of this world, particularly those who have children who need to age up to teen.

    The world, Mountain Lake, was made by Rflong7.
    Appaloosa Plains world shipped with the Sims 3 Pets Expansion Pack.

    Happy Simming

    Here is the link to the video.
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    lanlynlanlyn Posts: 5,037 Member
    @Karritz I watched your Perfect Genetics Gen 2, Episode 15. Another fun video. Nice catch with the cat hunting. Quite dramatic! ...Sim kids have a busy schedule with school, activities, skill building, and achievements. ...The alien (Carl?) was doing great at basketball. ...Cute white dog: being cuddled on the couch and playing ball. ...I'm assuming you put fish spawners in the pool--or is it a mod? ...You have such beautiful gardens. I try to keep my gardens small. Gardening is so time consuming for just the few sims in my usual households. But I enjoy nectar making, and almost all of my sims keep a garden of some sort for their own general cooking needs too. ...I liked seeing the different households. ...LOL at the refrigerator standing there by the sarcophagi! ...It was awesome to see the ghost give Death the death flower! I've only seen that a time or two. But I still always give my sims a death flower just in case. ...I forgot about the glowing seeds in Sims 3. Those are special seeds, right? Or are they just unknown? ...Thanks for sharing your sims' lives!
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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    Thank you for your comment @lanly.

    I'm glad you enjoyed the video.

    The children fishing from a swimming pool came with the base game. I used to get my children to do that a lot back then but decided to try to let them go to fishing holes as I prefer that look. Then I wanted to get these children aged up and I wanted them to learn to fish fast and decided to get them to use the pool again. I'd been thinking about doing that for a while. I was surprised to see them pull actual fish out of the pool, but they used to do that years ago when the game first came out so I knew they could do it. It was just a bit surprising to see it happen.

    I think that was Max with the basket ball. He's getting ready to age up to Young Adult. He just has a few extra things to do, and his Imaginary Friend, Paul, has even more to do but they are both making progress.

    I tend to forget about gardening recently, That's why the gardens are a bit bare at the moment. But they are necessary for sims to gain skill and opportunities and harvestables.

    I've been forgetting to give sims death flowers recently. I think I'd better do more of that now. I've had a sim die without a death flower. She is now in her urn waiting for a family member to revive her one day. Her household is in Oscar's Teen Years series.

    That floor with the refrigerator next to the sarcophagi is a bit of a shambles. I just put things out in random spots as I needed them and have so far failed to move them around into more suitable positions. That's why the chemistry tables are gradually making their way down the length of the wall at the side of their basement garden.

    I think special seeds are supposed to glow red, but they don't always do it. The seeds shining like bright stars were doing that because Don has a collection helper in his pocket and I'd set it to find seeds.

    I decided to sent a few select sims to Mountain Lake to update them to try to keep them all in line with each other in various worlds. I will age up a few of the teens in Mountain Lake and send them to Vice City with Max and Paul when the time comes. Otherwise Vice City will just be populated with Sims raised in the main household. The sims I've taken to this world are sims I want to focus on with their skilling and book reading. I'm waiting for them to all get to Grade A at school after their move. Then Max and Paul should be ready to age up to YA. I'll be moving the sims needing training to a different household soon. There are at least 3 households in Mountain Lake with sims I need to work on. I'll probably do most of it without adding it all to the videos as that will make this generation too many episodes long.

    I've not been playing much over the past couple of weeks. We've been having heatwaves and terrible storms. And they keep on coming. One of my huge trees got blown over on the night before Christmas Eve and landed on a neighbour's car shed. It is only a roof on posts but the front of it is squashed. Most of the tree has now been removed but the part on top of the shed is still there. Then it's been too hot for me to do much of anything after about 10 or 11 am most days since then. But I'll get back to it soon. I've launched the game a few times and it's been too hot to play. I am hoping to get air conditioning installed in this room but there are a few things I need to do to the room first before I can get it installed. So far today it's much cooler, but the heat arrives suddenly. And there was no storm near my house yesterday but people in the general area got hit badly. Houses are being destroyed, and thousands of people are without power for days or longer. So far all that's happened to me is the heat the tree falling over. We were getting cyclonic winds the night the tree came down.

    Happy Simming

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    KarritzKarritz Posts: 21,935 Member
    The Perfect Genetics Challenge, Generation 2, Episode 16 is now ready for you to watch on YouTube.

    Mountain Lake is a world made by Rflong7.

    Important sims who do not appear in this episode
    Olivia Walker - the founder of this challenge. She does not appear in this episode.
    Cindy Walker-Williamson - Olivia's heir
    James Cooper-Walker Olivia and Don's son. James lives next door to Gary.

    In episode 15 a group of sims from the main household travelled to Mountain Lake and moved into the household of Gary Flower-Walker and his wife Donna.

    In this episode the travelers and members of the Flower-Walker household focus on gaining skills and reading recipes and fishing bait books. As they progress through their skill gains they age up, so there are several birthday parties in this episode.

    It is a busy episode and we see the sims working on gaining skills such as inventing, discovering potions, researching alchemy, sculpting, gardening, making elixirs and potions, going to school, playing on their computer and dancing.

    Sims n the household are...

    Sims who live permanently in this house:

    Gary Flower-Walker - a young Adult. Gary is the eldest son of Don and Olivia
    Donna Flower Walker - Gary's wife who is a fairy - a Young Adult
    Petunia Flower-Walker - Donna's plant sim daughter - a Young Adult
    Patricia Flower-Walker - Petunia's imaginary friend made real - a Teen who ages up to a Young Adult
    Elsie Flower-Walker - Gary and Donna's daughter - a child who ages up to Teen. Elsie is a fairy.
    Pamela Flower-Walker - Elsie's imaginary friend made real - a child who ages up to Teen
    Charlie Flower-Walker - Elsie's twin brother. He is a child who ages up to Teen and is a fairy.
    Flora Flower-Walker - Charlie's imaginary friend made real who ages up to child
    Stray Cat - the family cat who wanders around the house and likes to watch the butterflies in the Bug Lovers Display Case.

    The visitors who are temporarily in Mountain Lake and staying with Gary and Donna in this episode
    Don Walker - the husband of Olivia (the founder). Don is and adult.
    Max Ayohod - Don's alien son. Max is a teen who ages up to young adult.
    Paul Ayohod - Max's imaginary friend made real. Paul is a teen who ages up to young adult.
    Denise Walker-Williamson - Don's grand-daughter - a teen
    Riley Walker-Williamson - Denise's imaginary friend made real - a teen
    Daryl Walker-Williamson - Denise's twin brother - a teen
    Byron Walker-Williamson - Daryl's imaginary friend made real - a teen

    Permanent residents of Mountain Lake who temporally move into the active household. They will return home to their parents in due course.
    Their parents are Chas and Prue Walker. Chas is Gary's imaginary friend made real and is a young adult. Prue is James's imaginary Friend made real and is a young adult. James is Gary's brother and next door neighbour.
    Aurora Walker - imaginary friend born in game to Chas and Prue Walker. She is a child and will age up to teen in the next episode
    Somer Walker - imaginary friend born in game to Chas and Prue Walker. She is a child and will age up to teen in the next episode
    Bethany Walker - imaginary friend born in game to Chas and Prue Walker. She is a child and will not age up yet.

    As you can see there is a lot of potential for fun and games in this episode. Different sims come and go. They get up to autonomous antics, but focus mostly on the tasks I have set for them. Sometimes unexpected things happen.

    Hopefully you will enjoy this episode. I'm working on the next episode now.

    Happy Simming

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