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The Goth Family in Moonlight Falls

BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
Hello, everyone, and welcome to my new thread for the Goth Family. For those of you new to this story, you can check out the previous stories at these links. (Will add links very soon.) If you don't want to go back to those threads, here is a little history of the family, without pictures.

In late 2019, or early 2020, (can't remember which it was) I was having issues with my old laptop. I could only activate so many EP's and SP's without too much lag, so I decided to create a Sim using a base from the Sim Bin. I did not share the family here, because I also had to let go of the internet due to some personal issues I will not get into here. I did not put much effort into this Sim, and just gave her a generic name: Emily Jones. Emily was a party animal witch who lived in the Shotgun Style home in Sunset Valley. She ended up with Christopher Steel, and had a son with him named Eric. Soon after, a daughter would be born named Jessica. Eric married the child of Claire Ursine and Jared Frio, while Jessica married a son of Ethan Bunch named Tommy.

Eric was chosen as the heir, and his wife Fawn joined the household. They only had one child, a daughter named Melanie. I initially had Melanie end up with a guy named Garry Sekemoto. However, by early 2020, I got bored of the family, and deleted the save. Eventually, I was able to recover the family, but had to partially start over with Melanie now back as a toddler. This time, she dated a few different men before finally getting married to Dwight Langerak, a son of Kaylynn Langerak and VJ Alvi. Melanie was a werewolf, and she turned Dwight into one. When Melanie got pregnant, she ended up having triplet werewolves named Abigail, Ariana, and Evan. As teenagers, the triplets participated in a contest I made for them, which Ariana won. This made her become the heir. A fourth child was later born to Dwight and Melanie, named Michael. He would go on to marry a random Sim named Irene.

Abigail and Evan married Sims named Andrea and Rain. Rain was a fairy that I created sometime randomly and she was intially with an adult Sam Sekemoto. My heir, Ariana, married Quinton Sekemoto. @CravenLestat had made a Sim that he gifted me named Cori Lucas. Cori, Quinton, and Ariana went to University together, and Cori created a Forbidden Fruit which she gave to Ariana. Ariana planted the seed, and harvested a girl named Daisy. Quinton was made her father using NRAAS mods. Later on, Quinton and Ariana would have a biological child named John, who married Cori's daughter, Carly Lucas. Daisy met an elder named Harlan Goth, yet she couldn't help falling in love with him. Harlan was made young again and married Daisy.

Harlan and Daisy harvested 4 babies from seeds created during woohoo. They were all named after plants: Lily, Rose, Holly, and Ivy. Lily was already the heir by the time her 3 sisters were born. All of them found husbands, Lily's is named Brandon. Brandon took her last name, and is a fairy descended from Rain Langerak. Lily and Brandon are both adults currently, and they had a son named Jacob. Jacob ended up marrying a Sim named Christa and they had a son named Oliver. Oliver met a girl named Melonie Sorenson, and they became a couple. By this time, the save file had reached 350 days. Due to a poll I held here, Moonlight Falls was chosen as the new town to move the family to.

The first update will be posted soon, and will be considered as Day 351 overall, and Day 1 in Moonlight Falls.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Day 1 (Day 351 overall)

    The Goth's were successfully transferred to Moonlight Falls. I chose the most expensive house there, even though it's a modern style home and not one of the Victorian inspired ones. A few family ties needed to be reestablished, as I also moved a few other family members to the town. Elizabeth was added, one of Lily's sisters, Melonie's parents and brother, and Christa's sister Belinda (and her husband, daughter) as well. I also brought all the deceased relatives I wanted to bring, although a big majority of deceased Sims stayed in Sunset Valley.

    The current heir of the family is Lily Goth, and she is part of the 6th generation. As you can see, she is a PlantSim, and is one of the two PlantSims in town that are still living. Currently, she is trying to max out all four instruments, as well as reach the top of the band career.

    Brandon Goth, Lily's husband, is a fairy descended from an original Sim I created named Rain Forest. Brandon's currently in the culinary career, but is still a few recipes from learning them all.

    Their son, Jacob, is also a fairy, although he is technically also 1/4 PlantSim. The game doesn't recognize him as a PlantSim, for obvious reasons, but he did inherit his skin and hair color from Lily. He is currently unemployed, but the family has over $2 million so he doesn't have to have one. He is part of generation 7.

    Jacob's wife, Christa, was turned into a fairy through an elixir. She is currently employed in the music career (Symphonic Branch or whatever it is called).

    Their son is named Oliver. I have a hard time coming up with names, but since he had blonde hair, I named him Oliver after DC Comics character Green Arrow/Oliver Queen. He is currently attempting to max the inventing, painting, and sculpting skills as his Lifetime Wish and is also in the Sculpting profession. He is the generation 8 heir.

    And lastly, we have Oliver's girlfriend, Melonie Sorenson. She was supposed to age up in Sunset Valley, but I kept having issues there so she will become a young adult in the next part of this update.

    ***The actual beginning of the update will be posted sometime tomorrow. This was more an introduction of the actual family as they stand currently.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Day 1 (Day 351 overall)

    One of the first things that happened was that Brandon flirted with Lily.

    I've actually done Melonie's birthday a few times now in Sunset Valley, but the first one was when my game crashed, and I accidentally deleted my update I was going to post way back in December. This is the first birthday in Moonlight Falls though, and it went successfully.

    I wasn't sure how I wanted to do Melonie's makeover so I just chose an outfit and went with the hair I felt fit her. Behind her, Chaim Sorenson, her father, is cheering. I made sure to add a few family members to the save.

    I sat some picnic tables up outside so the guests could eat together. There was only enough cake for eight people so not everyone got a piece.

    After Melonie's age up, she and Oliver can now be romantic again. I had them do several romantic interactions so I could do what I wanted to do next.

    Oliver asked Melonie if she'd be his wife, and she accepted.

    I don't use this interaction often, but I felt like after the proposal, this would be a good reaction.

    Melonie then chatted with her dad, and they discussed the engagement. I was going to have her talk to her mother too, but she had to leave.

    Lily chatted with Oliver about the upcoming wedding. This house comes with a pool, so the family already has been using it.

    The house also has a gym, so I decided to grant a lot more athletic skill wishes.

    Brandon decided to continue learning recipes from when he was in Sunset Valley. He has a few more to read, then I'll let him learn Ambrosia. I don't know if he'll make any, but he can at least learn it.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls Day 2 (Day 352)

    When everyone woke up, I had them eat leftovers that the guests had brought the previous day.

    Brandon decided to get to know Melonie better. Probably in a few days, Oliver and Melonie will be married.

    Then it was time for Melonie's high school graduation. In Sunset Valley, it seemed graduations stopped some time during the weeks.

    Like they always do, Melonie threw her diploma in the air. We got to see our first look at a Moonlight Falls townie, as Pappy Wolff was at the courthouse too.

    When graduation was over, all three couples kissed in the front yard then headed to their bedrooms to woohoo. I can't remember why I had them all do that, but I think it was because fun meters were low.

    After all that was over, the family ate lunch together.

    Oliver had just started to learn sculpting at the end of their time in Sunset Valley. I decided to continue with that here in Moonlight Falls, as his LTW is to max painting, sculpting, and inventing.

    Several of the family members had a wish for a chess table. Lily is a level 9 in logic, so she decided to help teach Melonie the skill. In the process, Lily maxed logic and can now tutor Sims in any skill.

    And lastly, for this update, Jacob ran on the treadmill. He had a wish to get exhausted or whatever it's called in the game.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Day 3 (Day 353 overall)

    Melonie woke up Tuesday morning before anyone else did. She is the only Sim who has to leave for work in the morning, but she must've just been the one who needed the least sleep. It always seems to be random on which Sim wakes up first.

    Oliver enjoyed eating leftover peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don't always have them eat leftovers, but they have some things from Melonie's birthday party that needs used up before I have Brandon make any more food.

    Melonie has been learning to play guitar. She ended up getting one for Christmas in Sunset Valley, although for her, guitar playing is more a hobby than part of her job.

    In the previous update, I mentioned that Oliver was now able to make ice sculptures. He has not made enough yet to where they don't melt, but it is a start. Since I changed my normal lifespan to almost all maxed sliders, and due to being a fairy, I have a feeling that he'll get there with no issues.

    My only issue is, if all my fairies live a normal fairy lifespan, that means I will only have one or two generations born in Moonlight Falls. This is because fairies have a long lifespan, and I don't want to allow more than eight Sims. I have enough problem playing more than 4 as it is. I have decided that Lily will not eat any more life fruits, and I most likely won't let Melonie eat any either. She and Oliver will probably have a child soon, which will bring the household to 8. I only plan on 500 days in Moonlight Falls at tops, and Oliver has like 200 days before he even becomes an adult, then he'd have around the same until he becomes an elder. If I need the room, though, I could always age the fairies up early. None of this is really important for those reading these updates, but I know some people like reading these kinds of things. Anyway, I got off track here, so let's continue with the update.

    Once Oliver had finished and sold his sculpture, I had him go to the inventing table. The family is extremely rich, so I had him buy a bit over 1000 pieces of scrap so he'll have some for a while. He has only invented a few small things, but I want the digger thing and time machine at some point to check those off my mental list of things to do in the save.

    Christa and a few others have been making great use of the gym. However, I later got rid of the stereo there because they kept driving me nuts turning it on when I didn't want it on.

    All the previous things that happened in this update were before 8 AM, which is a bit surprising, as it seems the family had already done a lot in the previous hours before this pic. Melonie had her first day of work, and she ended up selecting her formal wear as her career outfit. She is currently a Snitch in Law Enforcement, although she is going the forensics route since I tend to chose the International Super Spy instead.

    Jacob had slacked off on his martial arts skill, so I decided to have Brandon spar with him. Afterwards, they ended up meditating since Brandon had a wish to do so.

    Lily decided to make good use of the pool. In this first week, there has been a lot I needed to have the family get done, but next time summer rolls around, I plan on throwing a pool party.

    One of the nearest neighbors to the Goth's is the Van Gould's. I do remember them from previous times I've played in Moonlight Falls, but they aren't as familiar to me as some of the others. I believe the actual Goth's of Moonlight Falls live close too, although the family hasn't met them yet. Technically, my Goth's and those Goth's are related, as Samuel is Victor Goth's brother. Victor, Gunther, and Mortimer are grandfathers of Harlan Goth, who is Lily's grandfather.

    To close Day 3, Oliver decided to sculpt his grandmother Lily. He didn't keep the statue as it would melt, but he might make another one later on when he learns how to make them not melt.

    ***I initially planned on only playing Day's 3 and 4, but ended up also playing Day's 5 and 6 as well last night. Tonight, I plan on playing at least Day 7 and 8 so that I'll have the family in fall. On Day 3, I got a message that Flora Goodfellow died already, even though the save just started. The family has gotten to know Pip and Dhalia already, but never got to meet Flora.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family in Moonlight Falls, Day's 4-6 (Days 354 - 356), part 1

    ***I could not remember what days each picture took place, so I'm going it this way.

    Again, Melonie was the first one up. I had her continue learning the logic skill so she'll be ready after her promotion.

    Most of the leftovers were gone by now, so Brandon made something for everyone to eat.

    Christa decided to take a morning dip in the pool. The temperatures have really been nice this summer, so the family tries to use the pool when they can.

    Lily went to the park to get outside for a bit, and also so she could try to get some tips. Pip Goodfellow stopped her to get her autograph.

    I happened to catch a glimpse of Melonie's brother, Sherman. He had a few things changed by me earlier, but nothing much.

    When Lily started to play her bass, a small crowd gathered around. Pip Goodfellow was the only Sim to give her any tips, and he ended up giving her a total of $106. She still needs over $3,000 in tips to get a promotion.

    I believe this was the start of Day 5 now. Christa took another dip in the pool this morning, but then she got out to play guitar.

    Oliver used some of the early hours to do some more sculpting.

    Then it was time for the wedding of Oliver and Melonie. I invited her parents, Ivy McNally (Lily's sister), and Elizabeth Langerak. Elizabeth got a makeover from me at the beginning of the save, as she had been in her old outfit and hair since the day I made her over when she was known as Beth Gaffney. Elizabeth is an immortal vampire, and at some point, one of my male heirs is going to marry her. She is a carryover from Sunset Valley but it mostly a background character that is friends with the family.

    I missed the exchange of rings, but did remember to take a picture of the kiss.

    For some reason, cutting the cake was not triggered so I had to send Oliver over to do it.

    Then there was a mad rush to get cake. I know at least 8 people got cake, but some of the family had to be directed to try again.

    However, Belinda chose the wrong time to go into labor. This caused many of the guests to drop their plates, run over to Belinda, then start freaking out. I had almost forgotten she was pregnant until she showed up at the party.

    Being the awesome sister she is, I had Christa take Belinda to the hospital. Nate, Belinda's husband, did not go with them, but did turn up before the birth.

    Belinda gave birth to Marcus Goth. She and Nate are already parents to a toddler daughter named Sabrina.

    ***Part two coming up next, and that will end the updates for today.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family in Moonlight Falls, Day's 4-6 (Days 354 - 356), part 2

    Lily got invited to a party. It was a small house, and did not have hardly any room. This meant there weren't many guests there, although Lily had a great chat with her sister Ivy.

    Lily still needs to continue learning how to play bass to max the skill and gain another LTW. Brandon decided to join her this time.

    Lily, Jacob, and Christa decided to sweat it out in the gym.

    Oliver and Melonie aren't quite ready for a child yet, but they have been woohooing. I snapped this photo and decided to use it as my profile picture, but the thumbnail looks weird.

    Lily went around town looking for seeds and she found a life fruit plant. I don't plan on having her eat them, but instead will keep them so Brandon can make Ambrosia at least once after he learns it. I might resurrect a random ghost with it.

    Oliver sculpted while Melonie painted. I think Melonie will need it being in the forensics career.

    Lily got invited to another party. This time, she talked to one of the Crumplebottom sisters.

    Elizabeth Langerak also happened to be there. I did not change her swimsuit, but you can tell I changed her hair. It's a different style, and she also dyed it a darker color. I also gave her a little bit darker skin as she was very pale.

    Bianca Crumplebottom was there too, and all she did was play with toys.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family in Moonlight Falls, Day 7 (357 overall)

    Usually, I always had Lily and other Sims use the treadmill, but it's probably about time someone used the other machine.

    Oliver and Melonie actually sat side by side for once to eat breakfast. Having multiple seating areas for the kitchen sometimes makes that a little harder.

    Brandon has still been reading the recipe books to try and learn them all. He won't get the WA ones though because I'm not sending Sims to the future, WA worlds, or University in Moonlight Falls.

    Jacob using his computer. For some reason, he popped up hearts for Frida Goth. As a lot of us know, she is technically Gunther Goth's sister, which would make her an ancestor of Jacob. However, there is no connection since it is two separate worlds.

    Oliver has made it to stone now, and is doing very well in the career also.

    Melonie has been starting to paint some more, but hasn't really made anything that great yet.

    I had forgotten that I had asked Elizabeth over the previous day, but Christa had found her and was chatting with her.

    Lily has been taking care of the one Life Fruit plant. No one is going to eat any fruit from it right now, unless I decide to.

    Afterwards, she had a jam session out in the backyard.

    Brandon neglected his cooking duties, so Oliver had to make his own food. Melonie was about to get sick, and it wasn't from Oliver's food or that she is pregnant but rather the Floor Hygienator.

    Lily went around town to chat with a few different people. I cannot remember this Sims name but I believe she is married to the guy that likes normal things and hates the Supernatural.

    I finally had put everyone to sleep when a burglar showed up. Lucky for me, Jacob jumped right in and took care of her.

    Christa rewarded him with a kiss for his efforts.

    ***More to come soon. They will be multiple day posts as I forgot when each picture takes place.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family in Moonlight Falls, Days 8-12 (Days 358 - 362) Part 1

    OIiver sculpted this cool statue out of stone. I almost was going to keep it but I didn't as I needed it for the promotion.

    I forgot that Lily has the ability to produce spores that cause faster skill gains so I had her do that, and she finally maxed all 4 instruments.

    Lily used some of her points to get a genie lamp. Lily's first wish was for a longer life. I only did this so she'll live a bit longer, but that was it. Now everyone is just going to age normally until some of the family dies off.

    Melonie asked her boss to come over, but he wouldn't come so Lily summoned him from the ground. Melonie then asked him for a promotion, but he denied her.

    The shower broke so Christa got stuck having to clean up the mess.

    To read the Ambrosia book, Brandon took it to the library. I was a bit mad, because his job asked him to read it and they gave it to him for free, after I'd already spent $12,000 to buy it.

    Oliver is close to finishing the sculpting skill, but still has a bit before he'll master inventing.

    Melonie wanted to work on her athletic skill so I had Lily train her.

    I had forgotten that one of my Sims had 9 pumpkins in their inventory so I decided to have Lily carve one.

    Things didn't go as planned and she messed it up so I had her stomp on it in anger.

    Here is a random picture of Christa either on the way to work or heading home.

    Oliver and Melonie had a little alone time together.

    Brandon and Lily were also in a romantic mood.

    Lily played guitar at the library in an attempt to make more tips.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family in Moonlight Falls, Days 8-12 (Days 358 - 362) Part 2

    The paparazzi still bug the family, seeing that a couple of them are 5 star celebrities. Lily was nice and chatted with this one, but then she sicked some bees on him.

    I had Lily throw a protest, but I decided to try a different one than protesting unskilled Sims. This time, I threw a rowdy protest against low wages. It is supposed to give everyone a raise, but it didn't do anything for my family so I don't know that it worked.

    Two Sims decided to fight behind Lily. I don't know if it's just that they don't like each other, or if throwing a rowdy protest causes a few of the protesters to fight.

    I sent Oliver over to the consignment store just to see what was for sale. There wasn't anything good so he just bought a Lean and Mean elixir. I had him use it on himself, but it made him real skinny. Oh well, I can have him eat a bunch then exercise if I want.

    Things were a bit hectic at this point of the save, so I sent the 4 younger Sims to the Bistro to eat. Brandon has the Hardly Hungry reward, and Lily doesn't need to eat so they didn't go.

    They stayed home and watched the stars together. Some of the things everyone has been doing are wish-related, and this was one of them.

    Brandon and Lily are both maxed on their athletic skills and their martial arts skill, so I decided to have them spar. I love watching the high level Sims spar because they really know what they are doing.

    I'm going to try to host at least one party per Sim week so that we get to see some other Sims. It was the first Spooky Day in Moonlight Falls so I had the family throw a party. Here they are in their various costumes.

    Some of the partygoers would not come in and just stood around out front. Melonie went out to chat with a few of them, and she gave this hotdog an autograph. I believe it is Ivy McNally, Lily's sister.

    Lily decided that she was going to try to earn some tips from the guests, but she didn't make a lot.

    And lastly for this set of updates, Oliver and Melonie decided to have some alone time together...
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 13 (363)

    Elizabeth was at the Goth house, I think maybe from the party I had in one of the last updates. Anyway, she decided to skinny dip in their pool.

    When Brandon went downstairs to cook some food, he had to stop and complain about the dirty dishes, although he didn't do anything about it. Of course, that may have been because I didn't let him.

    Jacob got up and saw the food Brandon had made, so he was one of the first to grab a plate.

    Daisy went out and took care of the Life Fruit plant.

    Brandon has been watching a lot of the cooking channel in the hopes that he could learn the recipes from the foreign countries. I really don't want to have to go buy them there because I'm trying to not bloat the save with those towns.

    Both Christa and Brandon had to go to work. They are both around level 6 or 7 in their respective careers.

    Oliver made this cute little panda topiary, but I had to sell it to help his career.

    Lily finally got to the mausoleum to free the genie, Aracelli Chapa. I didn't want her for the family, I just wanted a genie running around Moonlight Falls.

    Oliver has been the handyman of the house and has been busy fixing all the broken showers. This is because the inventing skill also helps with handiness.

    Melonie got her notice just after going to bed. She already had the baby, but it will still be a few more updates before I post that.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 14 and 15 (364-365)

    Lily is not going to become an author, but I didn't know what to have her do so she wrote one book.

    A long time ago, one of the family members made one bottle of nectar. I just now had someone open it to drink it.

    Lily had a gem to cut that she'd gotten at some point.

    She bought a skill boost elixr as well, but I have no idea what skill it boosted. I'm assuming it is a skill she doesn't have any points in yet, but not sure which one it is.

    Oliver made this sculpture. I didn't even remember they could make metal sculptures until I saw it in the skill journal.

    At one of the local businesses, Lily played guitar for tips. I do not believe that she made much, if anything.

    Melonie had a wish to read a pregnancy book so I made someone go out and buy one.

    The family had a little jam session in the kitchen while waiting for the party to start.

    As the guests arrived, Melonie revealed to Oliver that she is pregnant.

    Afterwards, Melonie got to know Ivy a bit better.

    She even revealed her pregnancy to Ivy.

    Everyone tried to eat together, but they all got stuck waiting on each other and some people didn't get any food.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth Family in Moonlight Falls, Days 16-19 (366-369)

    The whole family had no more than went to bed when Melonie decided to go into labor.

    A few hours later, she gave birth to a son she named Xander. He is the 9th generation of this family.

    Brandon and Lily watched TV together. They seemed to enjoy it.

    Christa still has a bit to go to max athletics. She has been using the home gym more than most of the family.

    Brandon and Lily decided to make a snowman together, although Brandon did most of the building.

    Melonie happened to be at the library and she showed a video to her father.

    Melonie also officially met Bianca Crumplebottom. I don't think she got married or anything, so I think she's still a Crumplebottom anyway.

    I had kept Oliver a bit too busy so he didn't really have a relationship with Xander yet so I had to have them spend time together.

    Lily had a wish to train Ivy so I invited her over and started to train her.

    Oliver and Melonie spent a little romantic time together.

    I had Melonie turn herself into a witch so that the whole family are now occults.

    Another party had to be started because it was now time for Xander to age up.

    Xander is a fairy since he was born before Melonie became a witch. Otherwise, he could have been a witch or fairy.

    The party guests did not really do any better at getting food this time either.

    Christa chatted with her sister Belinda, while Oliver also got to know her.

    Lastly, Oliver and Melonie woohooed before going to bed.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 20 - 25 (Days 370 - 375) Part 1

    ***I did not take many pictures for this update as not a lot happened that wasn't repetitive.

    Lily wanted to watch TV so I had her watch the cooking channel, per her wish.

    Oliver finally finised teaching Xander how to walk, but he didn't have room for that wish so didn't get any points for it. He and Melanie also have wishes to have another child so I may go ahead and do that, but I'm not sure yet.

    Brandon is around two promotions away from finishing the culinary career. I'm wanting him to get the refrigerator because I lost the old one at some point.

    You can't see Xander in this picture, but Oliver took him to visit the Sorenson's, Xander's maternal grandparents. Unfortunately, by the time they had arrived, everyone had left.

    Throughout this update, Oliver had to fix the dishwasher at least twice. He either has now finished the upgrade to make it unbreakable, or is halfway through it. I can't remember.

    Melonie spent a little bit of time with Xander but he is hard to see because his wings block his body from view.

    Jacob is at the point in his career where he needs police reports to help his chances of promotion. He decided to go to someone he already knew to make it easier. However, Elizabeth wasn't home so Jacob had to talk to Cary, her husband. Unfortunately, they weren't even friends so I had to have them increase their relationship enough so he wouldn't reject the questioning.

    Oliver has been dabbling a bit with inventing besides his sculpting, but I have several more things I want to accomplish with sculpting before he really gets into it. He is still a young adult and has at least 100 days before he'll even become an adult.

    At one point, Oliver was working on teaching Xander to talk. Besides them, Melonie was practicing her magic.

    Melonie had a day off, so she took Xander to her parents. She chatted with Ginger first and I thought maybe Chaim would pick up Xander to start bonding with him. However, he did not and just kept wanting to watch TV. To mess with him, I shut the TV off every time he turned it on. It was hilarious, lol

    Eventually, Melonie and Chaim sat down at the table and chatted with each other about the TV.

    Before she left, she made sure to give him a hug. He is getting older and I don't remember how much time he has left.

    To end part one, Ginger finally picked Xander up and got to know him a bit.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    @Sims4MagicalTales Thanks! I’m hoping to return to the forums tomorrow.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 20 - 25 (Days 370 - 375) Part 2

    ***This is an old update that I just never posted. I literally haven't played this family since early February.

    The Goth family went out to eat at the Bistro.

    These two townies were having an argument outside.

    Oliver teaching Xander to use the potty.

    Lily and Christa played chess together.

    A random picture of Christa going to work.

    Lily randomly yelling at a townie to wake up.

    The dishwasher broke so Oliver fixed it.

    Jacob and Christa kissing in their swimwear.

    Somehow, I accidentally killed Lily. My original plan was to just keep her dead but whenever I do return to this family, I'll decide what I want to do then.

    Brandon happened to make it there just in time to cry over his wife's death.

    At the alchemy store, Brandon made a clone of himself. The original is on the left while the clone is on the right.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 26 and 27 (376-377)

    Christa and Oliver were the first ones up to eat breakfast. There was leftover french toast and something else in the fridge that everyone ate.

    Brandon had a wish to run 8 hours straight so I granted that one. However, once he completed that, then he wanted to run for 10 hours. I denied that wish.

    Oliver has been continuing with his sculpting. He has already reached level 10, but he still has two promotions until he reaches the top of the career, plus I've been working on the skill challenges for it. He'll do a lot more with inventing before long too, that'll also be his next career after this one.

    Jacob wanted to paint so I let him do so. Somebody else already had a partial painting on the easel but I scrapped it.

    Melonie went to visit with her mother and father. I forgot to get many pictures of the visit, but here is one anyway. I haven't played in so long, I have forgotten what her mother's name is but I do remember her father is Chaim Sorenson.

    There wasn't much left in the fridge to eat now, so Brandon made some hamburgers for supper.

    Brandon got invited to a party so he went on his own. He at least introduced himself to everyone there, then he went back home.

    Back at home, Brandon decided to mess around with the Philosopher's Stone. He ended up bringing his deceased wife back as a ghost. Lily died in the last update by accident and I was trying to decide if I wanted to bring her back. Of course, over two months of not playing made me decide to bring her back.

    Reunited and it feels so good, that's what Brandon and Lily are thinking.

    I cheated Ambrosia and had Lily eat it. Usually, I don't cheat when it comes to Ambrosia, but I didn't want to go through the hassle, lol

    Lastly, Christa was promoted to the last level of the music career. She will just stay in that career and continue to get raises and make a fortune
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 28 through 32 (378 to 382)

    Brandon and Lily watched TV together. Lily wants to learn cooking but I mostly let Brandon do it since he's maxed the skill out.

    Lily helped Xander finish his potty training. Now he will be ready to become a child soon.

    Oliver cleaned up all the dishes since Brandon made the meals.

    Jacob and Christa hadn't really been getting any romance time lately so I decided to make a bit of time for them.

    Oliver has still been working on making sculptures and is getting a bit closer to his next promotion.

    Melonie wanted some love so she went out and gave Oliver a big old smooch by their Chevy Camaro.

    Brandon held Xander for a bit and tried to build up more of a relationship with him.

    Melonie started to paint another picture because painting will be needed as a skill for her job soon.

    I was busy with some of the other Sims in the family and when I went to see what Daisy was up to, I found her and Christa exercising. Wonder if they were watching Richard Simmons. :lol:

    I got Melonie a crystal ball because it is supposed to help build up the witch skill faster, but I didn't really notice too much of a change.

    One of the skill challenges says that Sims who make 5 scultpures of each material get a special benefit, I think maybe free materials? Anyway, I have been having Oliver work on that.

    I threw a party for Xander's birthday and invited some of the family over. Chaim and Ginger, his grandparents on Melonie's side, were being a bit romantic since Lily was taking forever to bring Xander outside. Meanwhile, Elizabeth waves at Melonie.

    A (bad) picture of all the guests celebrating Xander's birthday.

    Xander becoming a child.

    ***More to come a bit later***
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 28 through 32 (378 to 382), Part 2

    The family got up the next day and I made some slight adjustments to Lily. I'm eventually probably going to change her clothes, but for now, I just changed the color of them. I was also tired of seeing her green hair all the time so I dyed it a different (maybe temporary) color.

    No one ever cleaned up the dishes from the party the previous day, so Melonie ended up cleaning those. However, she didn't change out of her sleepwear.

    Brandon had a wish to water the plant so I let him do it today. I didn't grow a garden in this town yet, but I may get one started at some point in the very near future.

    Later on in the day, Brandon spent some time breaking space rocks. He got several different gems from it, including Tiberium.

    Oliver started working on upgrading things to be unbreakable. So many things had started to break so I picked one of the downstairs bathrooms for him to start with.

    Brandon eventually took his gems to be cut. I put the cut Tiberium and its dust in the roof area so it could grow.

    Lily got invited to a party that Belinda Goth was at so they had a nice chat.

    I sent Christa over to the party so she could chat with Belinda.

    Melonie practiced her magic skills, but she doesn't really gain a whole lot of experience at a time.

    Jacob was supposed to read a book for work and I was trying to have him finish before it was time to go. Unfortunately, he didn't quite make it but did later.

    Melonie had to work as well so I snapped a picture of her in her uniform.

    After doing some exercising, Christa chatted on the phone with some family.

    Things didn't go so well with Christa's early relationship with Xander. They actually disliked each other so I worked to remedy that.

    And to end the update, all three couples spent some romantic time together.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 33 to 43 (383 to 393) Part 1

    With the mod I have, Lily (PlantSim) can release spores on herself or others to learn skills a bit faster. She wanted to max out cooking so I have been having her watch the Cooking Channel. Brandon is at the top of the culinary career and has been making perfect food, so I haven't really been having anyone else cook.

    Brandon has still been breaking space rocks but he hasn't found anymore Tiberium yet.

    Christa Goth already reached the top of the music career (symphony branch) but she still is behind on her logic skill. When she can, I have been trying to have her play chess.

    Xander made his Imaginary Friend come out to play, her name is Penny Goth.

    Oliver has been doing well with his sculpting and he already reached the top of that self employed job a few updates ago.

    Melonie has made some use of the crystal ball, but I later got rid of it because the other family members were using it and causing issues like decreasing relationships and things.

    She had a wish to do some gardening so I had her harvest the only plant the family had at the time.

    She also wanted to cast a fire spell, so I had her do it on the empty lot across the street. You can see the Goth's maid's car in the background.

    In the backyard, I had Melonie work on her spellcasting.

    It was a nice summer day so I let the family enjoy the pool together. I had someone throw a party, but it hadn't quite started yet here. The guests arrived shortly after.

    Brandon did some dancing to the beach music I had playing for them.

    As the guests arrived, members of the Goth household found people to talk to. Here, Lily chats with her sister Ivy, who is still alive for some reason. Holly and Rose have been long gone now. Also in the picture is Melonie's mother, whose name I often forget.

    Cary Langerak, Elizabeth's (Daisy's friend originally, but being immortal, she's now friends with Daisy's daughter Lily and the rest of the family) newest husband, asked Brandon for his autograph. Brandon was happy to oblige. By the way, Cary is a distant cousin to the family, although I can't recall the specifics, even though I could look it up on my Family Echo family tree.

    To end this party, Elizabeth was seen telling Lily a secret.

    ***More to come due to the fact I played 10 Sims days in the past couple days, taking roughly 60 pictures. However, a few of those pictures are getting trimmed out.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 33 to 43 (383 to 393) Part 2

    Brandon wasn't up yet and the family were getting hungry. I let Daisy do the cooking this time since she is also a decently skilled cook.

    Oliver finished making 5 of each type of statue so now I had him working on making 25 ice sculptures so he can make non melting ones soon. I'm thinking when he does, he'll make statues of everyone in the household and I'll keep them somewhere.

    I had him go to the consignment store and put up some of his sculptures for sale. I know he eventually got to level 9 of the career at some point during these few play sessions. While he was there, he had a friendly chat with his mother-in-law, Ginger Sorenson. Hers is the name I keep forgetting so I bolded it, lol

    Later on, Ginger came over to the Goth household to chat with her daughter. They are pretty close, but I do need to get Chaim to come over and make his relationship with Melonie better.

    Brandon and Lily did a spar session as one of them had a wish to do so. I haven't really had many of the family do much with Martial Arts lately, and some of the family has never even learned it yet. Brandon ended up winning, by the way.

    Xander also chatted with his grandmother. He met her when he was a baby, but it wasn't enough to give them a meaningful relationship.

    Brandon caught a werewolf digging through their garbage so he beat them with the newspaper and told them to leave.

    Lily planted a huge garden so that I could get perfect plants. Some of the plants are already perfect due to previous generations growing harvestables and saving them for the current generations.

    Melonie got to a point where she could do magical upgrades. I had her do one, then completely forgot about her being able to do it next time i booted the game up.

    Lily wanted to gain some fishing skills to try and catch some for fertilizer. However, she seemed to not catch anything.

    Brandon invited his clone over. Brandon is in the swim trunks. I renamed the clone to Brady so that he'd have a different name.

    Brady decided to go into his robot form. I had Brandon throw a few good elixirs at him. One was to make him a human.

    Brandon and Lily woohooed that night and then went to bed.

    Lily wanted to break some boards so I had her start with some balsa wood. By the time she ended, she had moved to Oak boards.
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 33 to 43 (383 to 393) Part 3

    After giving Lily a small makeover, Jacob was the next one. I didn't really change his clothes much but gave him facial hair and a different hairstyle.

    A little secret from the last part of the update is that Brandon and Lily tried for a baby. They were successful and Lily harvested a little girl she named Rosalia.

    Melonie got tired of a random Sim hanging around the house. She turned him into a toad, then set bees on him.

    It was just about time for Xander to become a teenager so Brandon gave him a gift, a set of drums, more specifically Brandon's drum set.

    I had some guests come to the party, mostly people related to Xander in some form. Obviously, Jacob is the one playing on his computer but we also have Chaim Sorenson, Elizabeth Langerak, and I believe that the next one is Brady, not Brandon. I'm thinking I'll give him a makeover soon so I can tell the difference.

    I also got a picture before the age up. It looks a bit weird since I had to zoom out a bit, plus the way the ceiling of the house is.

    Everyone celebrated his age up to a teenager. Xander rolled evil as his newest trait so I have plans on how to play out his life.

    Then the family sat down to eat cake, but like usual, some people didn't get any.

    Lily got up earlier than some of the rest of the family so she autonomously read a book.

    Brandon hadn't really took the time to bond with Rosalia, so I had him get some father-daughter time before her upcoming birthday.

    At one point in the game, I was going to have Melonie play piano but it went invisible. I couldn't find it, but at a later point, we get this picture of Melonie. She and Oliver had a date night, and when she came home, this is what she did.

    Recently, Jacob was asked if he wanted to switch from law enforcement to the sports career. I said yes and he started out at level 6. A day later, he even won his very first game with the team.

    I didn't know that the Sims could make a nectar rack, if he'd already had his benefit of non-melting sculptures, I would have kept it for the family's use.

    Oliver got an opportunity to make 6 floor hygienators. He started work on them but he didn't get any made at this point.

    Lastly, Xander found a rainbow gem. He delivered it to the science center who made an elixir that would make Penny real. However, it'll have to wait until someone in the household dies, I don't have enough room.
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    texanskytexansky Posts: 1,347 Member
    Great updates!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    @texansky Thank you!
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    BrandontaylorBrandontaylor Posts: 4,802 Member
    Goth's in Moonlight Falls, Days 44 to 47 (394 to 397) Part 1

    Oliver is slowly transitioning from scultping to inventing. He still has to make a few more ice sculptures to get the non melting ones though.

    Jacob and Christa spent some romantic time together while neither was busy. They sometimes don't get to spend as much time together as they'd like.

    Just a random picture of Oliver.

    Lily had an opportunity to write a book worth $100. She spent a lot of time writing it, but it wasn't high enough. Go figure.

    Jacob and Melonie had a pillow fight randomly. I let them continue, it's nice they have a great father-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship.

    Brandon's clone, Brandon Goth, got a makeover and a name change. He is now Brady Goth, to differentiate him from the original Brandon.

    Rosalia aged up to a toddler. She was going to have green hair but I gave her Brandon's coloring so she'd at least have one part of him to carry on.

    Picture 1 from the party. 4 of my household members were trying to get cake, while Belinda was trying to get other food. Her outfit was changed by the game but I hadn't bothered to change it yet.

    Picture two has a lot of random Sims in it, and I can't remember who they are.

    Picture 3 was just after Elizabeth Langerak and Nate Gordon/Goth stopped talking.

    Lily found Elizabeth and they had a nice chat.

    A random headshot of Elizabeth.

    And here is one of Ivy Langerak, still alive.

    Oliver went to chat with his aunt Belinda. He complimented her on her intelligence as they spoke about their lives.

    Brandon did some meditation early in the morning, just to find some peace.
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