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Do you think 2020 could be TS4's last year?



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    PeralPeral Posts: 873 Member
    Yes I begin to suspect that this may be the final year of Sims 4. The total silence towards their customers, indicates some mayor change also it looks like they have some sort of fire sale of their Sims 4 packs.
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    SinaMegapolisSinaMegapolis Posts: 244 Member
    Peral wrote: »
    Yes I begin to suspect that this may be the final year of Sims 4. The total silence towards their customers, indicates some mayor change also it looks like they have some sort of fire sale of their Sims 4 packs.

    1-The total silence is simply the usual silence period extended because of employees having to adjust to working from home.
    2-Sims 4 sales always happen regularly, especially in sale seasons. EA simply put the packs on sale to take advantage of the quarantine situation.
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    SimburianSimburian Posts: 6,916 Member
    At the moment I don't want anything to die, especially Sims 4. It's giving me something to keep my mind occupied and sane during this crisis.

    Introducing a probably expensive new edition to the genre, when nobody is sure whether they will be employed and be getting paid in the coming months to a year would be a stupid move.
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    MasonGamerMasonGamer Posts: 8,851 Member
    I still want Werewolves and Farm Life before this ends.
    Realm of Magic:

    My Mood:

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    DijktafoneDijktafone Posts: 775 Member
    Dijktafone wrote: »
    My my... you're never wrong are you?
    Look, to be clear, you're totally getting off-topic. I'm saying I understand Sims 4 fans, explain why TS3 failed to appeal to me, and say that despite not being a TS4 fan, I understand them plainly nontheless. Simple. I didn't call the game you like a bad game.

    When people can't address the things I write about, then they make personal attacks. :)

    Yeah I read what you wrote - I'm just addressing your assumptions about TS3 which were clearly wrong.

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    1-Rest are game facts. Bianca Rubble to the art gallery, any explanation? Followed by Kat Missonni, how about that? Well that's called player stalking. Pescado knows the game better than both of us. If he identifies this behaviour and mods it, that's cause it exists. Your Harley/Rei reference... really didn't make a strong case for you. Also, no matter how many I send home, others come, relentlessly, up until 10PM in regular neighbourhoods. Cause they're all in relation with Rei? How about Florita Hernandez? Oh Yes! Because the man she flirts with is married with a bookworm :/

    Pescado and his fanboys are full of themselves. No they DON'T know the game better than anyone else. Twallan did a much better job with his mods on TS3 and he was NEVER full of himself.

    You appear to be too fussy and paranoid being easily annoyed that sims (that you think have no right to be there) appear on a lot and think they're "stalking" your sims. In my own game play, I've NEVER seen the same exact group of sims go to EVERY lot my sims go to - it's always a different mix. So when you complain that it always happens to you - I DON'T believe you.

    And what is wrong with different sims going to lots that you don't expect them to go to? Don't real humans go to places they don't normally do? You know they do. Why not in a sims game???

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    2-No, not at all. Sometimes Loners isolate, sometimes not. They do what they feel regardless of their environement. Even if there is a stranger in the living-room, if Lola Belle wants to play the piano, she will, even if Kai and Moxie are outside. TS2 shy sims tend to use items close to sims they like (maybe to an extreme). Again that's a preference due to experience. Nothing more. I find them cute, period.

    *Shrug*??? I don't care what you think is cute.

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    3-I do. Brigid steele serving in her singer outfit. Why did they put her in that career, nobody knows. And guess what, she defaults to that instead of the club regular outfit.

    I've never seen that happen, myself. It's just fussing over nothing. Because it's just one sim and you can fix it by editing her work outfit. *Shrug* Done.

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    4-Quote the line when I say I'm the only person in the world. You praise zombies. I don't like them. That's all I'm saying. I never involved anybody else. I'm just shocked we can't turn them down with a single click. Instead, just no full moon. A shame, I like the light of the full moon.

    Or you can just use a mod to keep zombies out of your game. Good grief, does everything have to be spelled out for you? No wonder you can't play TS3.

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    5-If you prefer that's on you. I say that it's more appealing to me when two sims don't NECESSARELY feel the same towards one another. In TS3, if a sim likes another for 85 points, the other also does. Cassandra LTR towards Darren Dreamer is 69. Darren's is 85. I prefer it that way. I don't say it's the ultimate. Also for TS3 I hoped for a LTR meter, it never came, a shame for me.

    In TS3, meters take away from the natural flow of the gameplay. It's not an RPG and I think that's why the devs didn't transfer that over from TS2. You can still look at a couple's relationship, think that they're ready to get married and the other sim can still surprise you by saying no. So even if their relationship score looks the same, surprise drama can still happen. And that's better than just looking at meters and scores.

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    Those are amongst the things that made TS3 less enjoyeable than TS2 for me. As such, again, all that is to say, if one love TS4 getting to a new game in TS5 may make them lose more than they gain. You love TS3, that's fine, I never said it was a bad game, nor did I try to convince you it sucks. Just taking an example on how it failed to keep my interest, just as TS5 could do for TS4 afficionados. This is called empathy.

    TS5 hasn't come out yet so TS4 folks can't really predict that they won't like it. When TS4 was announced, I just kept an open mind about it. When I found out though that they took out a lot of the things that I loved about TS3, I decided to wait for feedback from other people who bought it. And I'm glad I waited - TS4 turned out to be extremely disappointing to me. So I never bought it - I got the basegame free just last year.

    Dijktafone wrote: »
    Anyways I'm done here. This post asks a good question which divides the community, that's the topic and so it should stay. If you have questions on TS3 that you don't really seem to know so well, ask me in private. I'd be more than eager to enlighten you, rookie.

    Oh please, your arrogance is misplaced. You CLEARLY don't know much about TS3. If I really need any enlightenment, I'll just ask the true die-hard TS3 simmers on this forum.

    All I read in your posts is that I'm wrong disliking this or that feature. There's no such thing as being wrong disliking something. I just gave my opinion on some game mechanics/design choices in TS3 that didn't made me enjoy the game as much as I would've liked, me coming out of TS2 and that's it.
    THEREFORE, and even though I'm ready to move on to TS5 myself, I can only sympathise with those who love TS4, especially if that's the first entry they ever played, and want it to continue. It's a game they like, the design/mechanics suit them. I red some fearing TS5 may not answer their expectations... I sympathise with these feelings, for the mentioned reasons.

    You on the other hand tell me 'this or that stuff is done better/not important in TS3'. All I mentioned, obviously, isn't suiting me, and that's all there is to it. If you're fine with the game mechanics/design I mentioned, that's ok, I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong loving it, so act accordingly and realise we are not all bound to like the same things.

    You didn't enjoy TS4, well, not gonna blame you on that. Fun fact, you mention 'things you like being taken away ', well that's part of why I didn't enjoy TS3 myself as much as I could've, like I previously said.

    And to finish, oh yes I DO know TS3 very well. I don't buy something and say 'hey I don't like it as much as the previous one' for no reason. Do I know everything? No! But through modders such as Pescado AND Twallan, also through reading, observation and experience, I know that, as a player, and with a finished product in mind, The sequel TS3 wasn't my cup of tea as much as TS2 was. And if I read you well, TS4 wasn't yours as much as TS3 was. I have no clue how I could jump on your post and tell you you're wrong because this and that is done better in TS4, that the things taken away from what you enjoyed in TS3 weren't important. They mattered for you, which makes your opinion on losing them valid, just as much as mine when I didn't find things I enjoyed/were important for my playstyle in TS2 returning in TS3.
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    ClarionOfJoyClarionOfJoy Posts: 1,945 Member
    Dijktafone wrote: »
    All I read in your posts is that I'm wrong disliking this or that feature. There's no such thing as being wrong disliking something. I just gave my opinion on some game mechanics/design choices in TS3 that didn't made me enjoy the game as much as I would've liked, me coming out of TS2 and that's it.
    THEREFORE, and even though I'm ready to move on to TS5 myself, I can only sympathise with those who love TS4, especially if that's the first entry they ever played, and want it to continue. It's a game they like, the design/mechanics suit them. I red some fearing TS5 may not answer their expectations... I sympathise with these feelings, for the mentioned reasons.

    You on the other hand tell me 'this or that stuff is done better/not important in TS3'. All I mentioned, obviously, isn't suiting me, and that's all there is to it. If you're fine with the game mechanics/design I mentioned, that's ok, I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong loving it, so act accordingly and realise we are not all bound to like the same things.

    You didn't enjoy TS4, well, not gonna blame you on that. Fun fact, you mention 'things you like being taken away ', well that's part of why I didn't enjoy TS3 myself as much as I could've, like I previously said.

    And to finish, oh yes I DO know TS3 very well. I don't buy something and say 'hey I don't like it as much as the previous one' for no reason. Do I know everything? No! But through modders such as Pescado AND Twallan, also through reading, observation and experience, I know that, as a player, and with a finished product in mind, The sequel TS3 wasn't my cup of tea as much as TS2 was. And if I read you well, TS4 wasn't yours as much as TS3 was. I have no clue how I could jump on your post and tell you you're wrong because this and that is done better in TS4, that the things taken away from what you enjoyed in TS3 weren't important. They mattered for you, which makes your opinion on losing them valid, just as much as mine when I didn't find things I enjoyed/were important for my playstyle in TS2 returning in TS3.

    I didn't say what you disliked is wrong - I said that you disliked it based on wrong assumptions about TS3. I don't care at all about what neither of us like or dislike. That's not my main focus in most anything I write about in this forum. It is all about TS3 and perceptions about it. Ever since TS4 came out, there has been a constant trying to put it in the worst light possible by people hoping to promote TS4, so they say a lot of things about TS3 that aren't true. As a result, some people believe all that and won't even consider buying it. It's a shame to have such people miss out on it because it really is a much better game than TS4 (and in some ways better than TS2, but TS2 is also good in it's own right - it's the better closed world than TS4). If TS2 was still being sold - that game would have been attacked too since it is the better closed world, but instead, it is no longer released, no codes given away for it.

    My main reason for posting as I do is to explain how TS3 works and what it is capable of doing so that people can have a better understanding of it and be encouraged to play the game instead of believing the false information about it. It truly is a flexible game and makes you think outside of the box - a very cerebral game. If you aren't creative with it, then of course you're not going to get much out of it.

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    cheescaekscheescaeks Posts: 902 Member
    simgurugrant just doubled done on more years of support for sims 4, so definitely not the last year.
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    AquaGamer1212AquaGamer1212 Posts: 5,417 Member
    Extorium wrote: »
    I think there is still too much missing for there to being a sims 5

    There’s always going to be things missing, there’s always gonna be something that someone wants. But the truth of the matter is, the Sims 4 isn’t gonna last forever, they need to move on eventually. Start from scratch and do better.

    People using the excuse, “but I bought all the packs, it’s so expensive” must not have bought any of the previous 3 iterations because it’s no different from now...

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    PlayerSinger2010PlayerSinger2010 Posts: 3,267 Member
    Given what's going on in the world, I sincerely doubt it's going to be the last year if things are going to be pushed back.
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    CheekybitsCheekybits Posts: 1,030 Member
    They already said this year that there will still be years of content for sims 4
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    mock68mock68 Posts: 696 Member
    I hope it is and that Sims 5 is much better than Sims 4.
    Sims 3 was brilliant but Sims 4 is too much for younger teens and I think maybe I am too old for it.
    To be honest, I've not had any urge or will to play the game for about a month now and I don't miss it.
    I started getting really bored with the new packs being a disappointment and not bringing much to the game.
    I hope they make Sims 5 more for older players as Sims 4 is far to nicey nicey for me.
    Sims 4 has none of the fun that Sims 3 had at all.
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