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MC Command Center Local Help/Chat Thread


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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    Bichon2057 wrote: »
    hi egwarhammer, can you help me? How can I send a translation for current version?

    Several ways. Tumblr, you could PM Deaderpool there.

    Discord, also has PMs available. :) If chat isn't your thing, no worries, you can still get to PMs/DMs.

    If you'd rather I give it to him, I will. But I'd rather YOU come see us on Discord. It's FUN!

    Last resort, upload it and give me the link. I'll toss it to him. :)
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    @Bichon2057 if you come to Discord, you can actually drop the file right into a message, and it gets posted to the chat stream or DM. We got the German translation that way. :)
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,942 Member
    Thank you!
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    rosemowrosemow Posts: 163,707 Member
    edited March 2017
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    EIisabettaEIisabetta Posts: 5,708 Member
    EIisabetta wrote: »
    EIisabetta wrote: »
    I haven't made it over to Discord yet and I have NO idea if this is something DP has tried to do or if anybody has asked, so forgive me if this has already been discussed/in the works/decided can't be done. It would be really awesome if we could flag sims to never be put in random careers. Like I put a sim in a job and I want them to stay in that job (even if I never have a sim in that career) and not be pulled out of one career to become a bartender or a waiter or something equally as inane.

    If you mark them PLAYED, and change this setting in Careers, they will keep their jobs. I may only be playing 3 households, but MOST of my mapped sims end up marked Played, once I have their careers set. (Vivian Lewis, level 10 Astronaut. Saw it happen. Not cool, and never again. LOL!)

    Setting Description UI Menu Path Default Value

    Career_FillCareerInactiveOnly When assigning careers to Sims, if this is true then any household marked “Played” will be bypassed by the Sims 4 career-assignment process. MCCC > MC Career > Fill Career Inactive Only false

    BTW, *all* the modules now have Clickable Links like that one. Look around. :) The new Tumblr Docs pages are Wonderful! ;)

    I'm setting up a new 'hood now, actually, first 2017 re-roll. I have Willow Creek fairly well done, for a first "still-growing town" breeze-through. That's where I started (always. WC=favorite). :p This will take a while. Still 8a First Sunday. 72 sims. LOL!

    Help Thread:
    Chat Support (web or app):

    I don't like the played option, though, because I don't want them to be bypassed for other things like pregnancies and the like. Which I DO control heavily for my played households. I can flag individual sims to never get pregnant or never couple without having to play them. I was just hoping this is something that could be done because I have sims I want to put into careers (like Bob Pancakes should NEVER ever be the host at a restaurant but he just showed up as one instead of as a chef even though he has mad cooking skills) and I want them to not leave their careers and I want them to otherwise live their lives by having kids or not, or getting married or not, and all the other things the mod does without having to mark them as played and then kind of force them to have kids and whatnot (because, again, I like to control my played households pretty heavily and if they're marked played, then I'm rotating to them to play).

    I really DO appreciate the suggestion, though! And it may be helpful for someone. I don't want to sound ungrateful, it's just not the option I need, sadly.

    My Played Sims are included in what I want them to be. Here's everything with "bypass" in it from my settings file. I'm afraid I can't help with "I don't want them marked played if I don't play them." I suggest moving THOSE to Newcrest and leaving them alone, if it bothers you so much to see a house with a green plumbob that isn't one of "yours."

    I use NC for my UNPLAYED NPCs when MC houses them. Out of sight, less chance to open the house, and mess up their NPC job. You could try something like that with the Playeds you only have marked that way for your settings to better Do What You Want.

    "CAS_BypassBlueBabies": true,
    "Cleaner_BypassFamilyGhosts": true,
    "Club_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,
    "Marriage_BypassActiveRomanticInterest": true,
    "Marriage_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,
    "Population_BypassCulling": true,
    "Population_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,
    "Pregnancy_BypassActiveRomanticInterest": true,
    "Pregnancy_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,

    Some things take workarounds and imagination. If you try any of this, let me know what you think.

    If not, come to Discord and ask Deaderpool your questions. :)

    Chat Support (web or app):

    Wow, that was really kind of testy ... But thanks anyway, as I said. It's not the solution I need but it may help someone. I think I'll just keep away from this thread for awhile.
    moxiegraphix on Origin
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    IngeJonesIngeJones Posts: 3,247 Member
    EIisabetta wrote: »
    Wow, that was really kind of testy ... But thanks anyway, as I said. It's not the solution I need but it may help someone. I think I'll just keep away from this thread for awhile.

    I didn't spot anything that could be seen as testy? Are you sure your frustration at not being able to make the mod do what you want isn't coloring your views of the post?

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    itsugitsug Posts: 1,613 Member
    EIisabetta wrote: »
    EIisabetta wrote: »
    EIisabetta wrote: »
    I haven't made it over to Discord yet and I have NO idea if this is something DP has tried to do or if anybody has asked, so forgive me if this has already been discussed/in the works/decided can't be done. It would be really awesome if we could flag sims to never be put in random careers. Like I put a sim in a job and I want them to stay in that job (even if I never have a sim in that career) and not be pulled out of one career to become a bartender or a waiter or something equally as inane.

    If you mark them PLAYED, and change this setting in Careers, they will keep their jobs. I may only be playing 3 households, but MOST of my mapped sims end up marked Played, once I have their careers set. (Vivian Lewis, level 10 Astronaut. Saw it happen. Not cool, and never again. LOL!)

    Setting Description UI Menu Path Default Value

    Career_FillCareerInactiveOnly When assigning careers to Sims, if this is true then any household marked “Played” will be bypassed by the Sims 4 career-assignment process. MCCC > MC Career > Fill Career Inactive Only false

    BTW, *all* the modules now have Clickable Links like that one. Look around. :) The new Tumblr Docs pages are Wonderful! ;)

    I'm setting up a new 'hood now, actually, first 2017 re-roll. I have Willow Creek fairly well done, for a first "still-growing town" breeze-through. That's where I started (always. WC=favorite). :p This will take a while. Still 8a First Sunday. 72 sims. LOL!

    Help Thread:
    Chat Support (web or app):

    I don't like the played option, though, because I don't want them to be bypassed for other things like pregnancies and the like. Which I DO control heavily for my played households. I can flag individual sims to never get pregnant or never couple without having to play them. I was just hoping this is something that could be done because I have sims I want to put into careers (like Bob Pancakes should NEVER ever be the host at a restaurant but he just showed up as one instead of as a chef even though he has mad cooking skills) and I want them to not leave their careers and I want them to otherwise live their lives by having kids or not, or getting married or not, and all the other things the mod does without having to mark them as played and then kind of force them to have kids and whatnot (because, again, I like to control my played households pretty heavily and if they're marked played, then I'm rotating to them to play).

    I really DO appreciate the suggestion, though! And it may be helpful for someone. I don't want to sound ungrateful, it's just not the option I need, sadly.

    My Played Sims are included in what I want them to be. Here's everything with "bypass" in it from my settings file. I'm afraid I can't help with "I don't want them marked played if I don't play them." I suggest moving THOSE to Newcrest and leaving them alone, if it bothers you so much to see a house with a green plumbob that isn't one of "yours."

    I use NC for my UNPLAYED NPCs when MC houses them. Out of sight, less chance to open the house, and mess up their NPC job. You could try something like that with the Playeds you only have marked that way for your settings to better Do What You Want.

    "CAS_BypassBlueBabies": true,
    "Cleaner_BypassFamilyGhosts": true,
    "Club_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,
    "Marriage_BypassActiveRomanticInterest": true,
    "Marriage_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,
    "Population_BypassCulling": true,
    "Population_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,
    "Pregnancy_BypassActiveRomanticInterest": true,
    "Pregnancy_BypassPlayedHouseholds": false,

    Some things take workarounds and imagination. If you try any of this, let me know what you think.

    If not, come to Discord and ask Deaderpool your questions. :)

    Chat Support (web or app):

    Wow, that was really kind of testy ... But thanks anyway, as I said. It's not the solution I need but it may help someone. I think I'll just keep away from this thread for awhile.

    I really have NO PLUMMING idea how you could find EGs answer "testy"
    I am really sorry that MC CmD isnt living up to your expectations, but there really is no need to bash on EG for that.

    EG made this thread to help people with MC CmD-questions, and she did so only to be helpful.
    Nobody forced it upon her, and you know what? her answer was VERY informative.

    I have only once ever see her angry in some kind, and that was because somone was being a ninchkapoop towards another helper.

    As EG said though, feel free to drop by on Discord with any suggestions you have to make MC CmD better.
    We have a suggestions channel over there.
    Admin and on Support team of MC CmD @ Discord -
    MC CmD is available at
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member

    You know, I've been doing this MC Help thing here for almost 2 years now. Never once in the original thread, did anyone ever make me uncomfortable enough to not even want to come around here. Never once, did I say I'd close that thread down.

    February 27 I started THIS thread, and by March 4 I had already made that comment here.

    Things haven't gotten better, that I can see. I've been dissed here by several players, over things I really don't control.

    I can't help that some of you are mad/upset/offended/whatever about Deaderpool starting a Patreon page.

    If you don't approve of him deciding to offer a "support" option, don't go. (That isn't a reason to stop using MCCC, IMO. But, nobody's forcing any player to use his mod, or not, either.)

    Think what you like. But I am a FIRM believer in his right to do this, and I Am Not Alone.

    He has almost 300 subscribers. And nobody has twisted any of their arms to sign up. (for non-believers... look for yourself. Or don't. <shrug> Doesn't matter to me, either way.)

    If you can't respect my right to have my own opinion, please have the decency to keep yours to yourself IN MY THREAD. My mind is not going to change on this particular subject.

    Anti-Patreon points of view are not even remotely relevant to anything regarding playing your game with the public releases of MCCC.

    You'll still be able to play with MCCC, just like you always have. Only the address has changed.

    Those public versions of MCCC are on Tumblr, here:

    Just to make it Really Easy for everybody, here's the direct link to the MCCC 3.3.0 (released Mar 14, 2017) download page. Documentation is also available at this link:

    The same documentation, overall, that was available at MTS is now available on tumblr. Some of it has been rearranged/modified, but it is ALL there. Clickable links to each module, too. If you have problems, going forward, the Tumblr pages would be a good place to start.

    If you read the docs and still have an issue, it's MUCH EASIER for those of us using chat on Discord to offer more immediate help than we could via posts back and forth, on any forum we've used. Sometimes, no waiting.

    You're welcome to come check that out, here:

    There's a general channel, it isn't JUST for MCCC issues (two support channels for that). Come say hi. You can get there through a browser or by using the app. (Browser runs better for me, personally.) It's worth looking into. I can honestly say I've had a very positive experience there.

    Those of you who are unhappy with how MCCC does some things, or doesn't do some things... as @Itsug said, there's a suggestions channel at Discord also. Bring those ideas or comments to Deaderpool. If he isn't online when you're there, tag him. He'll respond.

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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,942 Member
    edited March 2017
    EG, I'm so sorry you're getting bashed from all sides on this. I guess nobody here has heard the old axion: "Don't shoot the messenger!" You've very kind to bring us this news and the link for the update and to answer questions about the mod. I'm just sorry the general mood today, is one of total disgruntlement. For the record, I'm seeing it just about everywhere, not just here. Unrest is in the air. People are teeming for a fight, verbal or otherwise. Please hang in there. Some of us are grateful to you for starting this thread. I know I am.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    PancakesandwichPancakesandwich Posts: 2,038 Member
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^
  • Options
    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,942 Member
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^

    Others are far more knowledgeable than me on this, but I recall reading on the new site, that certain files can be left, instead of deleted, prior to installing the latest and greatest. This should keep your settings. You're further ahead than me. I don't have any settings. LOL Not yet. Still figuring this thing out.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    itsugitsug Posts: 1,613 Member
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^

    Just make sure to keep the cfg-files, since those have been created by your game, and will not be overwritten. :)
    Admin and on Support team of MC CmD @ Discord -
    MC CmD is available at
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    mariepeek28mariepeek28 Posts: 172 Member
    I for one am very happy this is here and think people will try to fight with a wall if they could!
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    edited March 2017
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^

    :smiley: Love it. Sense of humor=Win. ;)

    Check this picture. Remove ALL the .package and .ts4scripts. Keep everything else, all the stuff at the top is fine to leave in there. That'll keep your settings between version updates.

    In the event a new setting is added, the config file will fix itself when you first load the game after updating. ;)


    Edit: if you have trouble, try here:

    And in the same Help menu, there's also a Troubleshooting link. :)
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    Sha2520032003Sha2520032003 Posts: 2,258 Member
    @egwarhammer Thank you for creating this thread!! I love Discord, still not sure I've got it all figured out just yet but I love that the interaction is real time & I'm so appreciative of Deaderpool's, yours, & everyone's time/assistance in answering questions. Even reading through the posts at others questions is so helpful, as I'm seeing I'm learning some new things that I didn't know :).

    I have a question about MC Occult. I'm trying to find the sweet spot on alien abductions. I had the frequency set to alien invasion and like 3-4 spaceships were showing up every night, with multiple Sims getting abducted. Fun to watch...but a bit too high. So I changed the setting to high, and in that save file, abductions were happening at least 1-2x per week, which I was happy with. I'm in a different save file/game now with a different family & have played 7 Sim days with zero abductions thus far. Do the abductions still follow EA's guidelines of increasing abductions by having a Sim in the scientist career, having satellite on lot, metals/crystals etc. in inventory? When I had the frequency set on alien invasion my Sim had none of the things I mentioned above (satellite, scientist career, etc). Spaceships just showed up. On the high setting in other save file, same thing, my Sim had nothing to increase abductions they just happened. In my current save file, I do have the settings enabled for NPC's to get abducted, & I've heard the music when in an open space, so I think it's happening to NPC's but not to my active household. make a very long story I need to set the frequency on high + do other things to increase the chance of alien abduction?

    Any help you can provide would be great! I'm like pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong :).

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    joleacojoleaco Posts: 2,250 Member
    I for one am very happy this is here and think people will try to fight with a wall if they could!

    Exactly! People love to complain - not all people, but still a lot of them do. Take a look at the website "Not Always Right", people literally will complain, beach and moan about anything. If there is nothing to complain about, they will try and find something, even if it doesn't affect them in any way (like the Patreon page for example). :s
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    MoooncatMoooncat Posts: 2 New Member
    Sending love and (HUGS) to EG from New Zealand. There will always be haters but the vast majority of us think you/DP/Patreon etc. etc. are AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    edited March 2017
    @egwarhammer Thank you for creating this thread!! I love Discord, still not sure I've got it all figured out just yet but I love that the interaction is real time & I'm so appreciative of Deaderpool's, yours, & everyone's time/assistance in answering questions. Even reading through the posts at others questions is so helpful, as I'm seeing I'm learning some new things that I didn't know :).

    I have a question about MC Occult. I'm trying to find the sweet spot on alien abductions. I had the frequency set to alien invasion and like 3-4 spaceships were showing up every night, with multiple Sims getting abducted. Fun to watch...but a bit too high. So I changed the setting to high, and in that save file, abductions were happening at least 1-2x per week, which I was happy with. I'm in a different save file/game now with a different family & have played 7 Sim days with zero abductions thus far. Do the abductions still follow EA's guidelines of increasing abductions by having a Sim in the scientist career, having satellite on lot, metals/crystals etc. in inventory? When I had the frequency set on alien invasion my Sim had none of the things I mentioned above (satellite, scientist career, etc). Spaceships just showed up. On the high setting in other save file, same thing, my Sim had nothing to increase abductions they just happened. In my current save file, I do have the settings enabled for NPC's to get abducted, & I've heard the music when in an open space, so I think it's happening to NPC's but not to my active household. make a very long story I need to set the frequency on high + do other things to increase the chance of alien abduction?

    Any help you can provide would be great! I'm like pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong :).

    Edited :p

    What's your Discord nickname? I posted the middle block above to mccc_support there. I'll bring back whatever he says. ;)

    From Deaderpool:
    Exactly true. The things mentioned do still increase the chances. They just increase it more than usual with "High" abduction rates. That's specifically what that setting does is increase the chance to get abducted more than normal does when those conditions exist.

    If you aren't seeing any error messages in your MC log, or any LastException.txt files in /Sims4, try going back through the occult pages at tumblr, here:

    Is there a baby or another pregnancy in the house? (Just curious... that wouldn't stop abductions, but nobody should come back pregnant, if either is true.)

    I'm wondering if maybe there's a rule the one house is breaking.

    Browse that, and ask me something else. We'll try again. :)
    Post edited by egwarhammer on
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    PancakesandwichPancakesandwich Posts: 2,038 Member
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^

    :smiley: Love it. Sense of humor=Win. ;)

    Check this picture. Remove ALL the .package and .ts4scripts. Keep everything else, all the stuff at the top is fine to leave in there. That'll keep your settings between version updates.

    In the event a new setting is added, the config file will fix itself when you first load the game after updating. ;)


    Edit: if you have trouble, try here:

    And in the same Help menu, there's also a Troubleshooting link. :)

    Thank you for the help :)
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    MorpharMorphar Posts: 140 Member
    edited March 2017
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^

    If you are following the development of the mod and read the release notes every time you can do a "cheat" install:
    I have the mod in a folder I call MC in the Mods folder.
    I put both of the downloaded .zip files in that folder.
    Then I select both files and use 7zip to "Extract Here".
    7zip will ask if I like to overwrite files.
    I select "Yes to all".

    -What!! then I have to do all the settings again?
    -No, the .cfg files is not included in the mod so yours will not be ovewritten.

    Only once have this failed and that was when DP changed name on a file. Then I got both the new and the old file installed.
    I checked the file list that EG published and discovered I had one extra file.
    It can happen again so check release notes.

    Edit: Remenber to remove the two .zip files after installation.
    Post edited by Morphar on
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    itsugitsug Posts: 1,613 Member
    Morphar wrote: »
    (it seems like whenever the atmosphere is getting tense, I can come around with a totally unrelated question. I'm not even trying :D )

    So, now that the MC 3.3.0 is out... how do I install such an update? Just replacing all the files would reset all my settings, how can I prevent that? I haven't played with this mod long enough to ever need an update before ^^

    If you are following the development of the mod and read the release notes every time you can do a "cheat" install:
    I have the mod in a folder I call MC in the Mods folder.
    I put both of the downloaded .zip files in that folder.
    Then I select both files and use 7zip to "Extract Here".
    7zip will ask if I like to overwrite files.
    I select "Yes to all".

    -What!! then I have to do all the settings again?
    -No, the .cfg files is not included in the mod so yours will not be ovewritten.

    Only once have this failed and that was when DP changed name on a file. Then I got both the new and the old file installed.
    I checked the file list that EG published and discovered I had one extra file.

    As long as you remember removing the two zipped files afterwards, that works as well yeah. :)
    Admin and on Support team of MC CmD @ Discord -
    MC CmD is available at
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    GalacticGalGalacticGal Posts: 28,942 Member
    Has anyone created any kind of 'guide book' on how to use this mod to its fullest? For instance, what settings to set to accomplish a certain goal? I'm so very lost on most of it. I took copious notes with NRaas, Ind. Master Controller. I'm not seeing anything of this nature, so far. And the first thread on MCCC help got so huge so fast I haven't even begun to read it through it. I only just learned about the 'dresser' portion, for instance. I had no clue I could change the outfits of the inactive Sims I came across. :open_mouth: I also just by accident learned only yesterday I could age the inactive Sims up. Wow. I'm such a Noob when it comes to this mod.
    You can download (free) all three volumes of my Night Whispers Star Trek Fanfiction here: You'll need to have a pdf reader. New websites:
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    SimLibbySimLibby Posts: 668 Member
    edited March 2017
    There is some documentation on the tumblr. page:
    Maybe that will help you. Also the mod itself has (after unpacking) some .pdf files. - not true anymore as of version 3.3.0 see Egwarhammers message below.

    If you have more specific questions, I think EG is your girl ;) or at least one of them.
    Post edited by SimLibby on
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    CyclelegsCyclelegs Posts: 375 Member
    Has anyone created any kind of 'guide book' on how to use this mod to its fullest? For instance, what settings to set to accomplish a certain goal? I'm so very lost on most of it. I took copious notes with NRaas, Ind. Master Controller. I'm not seeing anything of this nature, so far. And the first thread on MCCC help got so huge so fast I haven't even begun to read it through it. I only just learned about the 'dresser' portion, for instance. I had no clue I could change the outfits of the inactive Sims I came across. :open_mouth: I also just by accident learned only yesterday I could age the inactive Sims up. Wow. I'm such a Noob when it comes to this mod.

    Haha. This is so needed. I keep meaning to write something but RL seems to get in the way. And, frankly, I don't know where to start. I have been using MC for a while but I hardly touch the surface with most of it. EG had a very good 'How I use MC' help document but it morphed into the more Technical help doc that now is very good for installation and 'not working' problems. The FAQ section on tumblr is a good place to go but intentionally a bit restricted.

    So, when you have finished writing your copious notes maybe you could publish them and a 'guide book' will be born.
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    egwarhammeregwarhammer Posts: 5,752 Member
    SimLibby wrote: »
    There is some documentation on the tumblr. page:
    Maybe that will help you. Also the mod itself has (after unpacking) some .pdf files.

    If you have more specific questions, I think EG is your girl ;) or at least one of them.

    First things first... Not True as of 3.3.0's public release. No more Troubleshooter PDF. (I'm off the hook!) :p

    All the mod-related stuff has been rolled into the tumblr pages now. The WH stuff I'd included is no longer necessary (who can't get to Tumblr?), and I don't have to do those link PMs now.

    The game menu pictures are well documented all over Simsland. (Game Options, script mods boxes, etc.)

    Another post incoming, I just wanted to mention this first. The Troubleshooter is no longer needed. :) Having clickable module links is AWESOME!

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